National Headquarters
Level 12
80 The Terrace
PO Box 2133
Wel ington
New Zealand
Phone +64 4 496 3600
24 February 2022
Harwood Wilson
By email: [FYI request #18372 email]
Tēnā koe Harwood
Information Request - Appliance plan
I refer to your official information request dated 29 January 2022 asking for the following
“Recently FENZ removed the aging 1984 Isuzu Tanker (OXFO7911 / LX 6520) and the 1993
Mitsubishi Second Pump (OXFO792 / SI7982) from Oxford Volunteer Fire Brigade.
In place of these trucks, I believe a new Isuzu 4x4 Pumper/Tanker is now responding as
OXFO792, reducing the brigade from 3 trucks to 2 trucks.
Can you confirm the fol owing:
1. What is the reason for the present reduction in appliances?
2. Are there any plans to add a higher capacity tanker or further appliances to Oxford?
3. Wil a tanker call sign stil respond to the Oxford area on initial turnout?
4. Is FENZ confident is has sufficient fire tanker water supply readily available to rural fires in
the non reticulated areas of oxford?”
In accordance with the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, please find below the
information you requested.
1. What is the reason for the present reduction in appliances?
Fire and Emergency has a Fleet Capital Programme which provides new appliances to help meet the
changing demands on our services and ensure that we’re wel equipped to respond to incidents.
Previously Oxford had two 2000 litre Type 1s and a forestry company owned 4WD appliance usual y
stationed at Oxford but could be taken away by the forestry company for when they needed it for
their own purposes. The 4WD appliance had a tanker cal sign despite it having a water tank of about
3300 litres which is not normal y considered a water tanker.
Oxford has received a new 2020 Isuzu appliance which is more fit-for-purpose. The new 2000 litre
Type 1 truck has dual capability to respond to incidents in both the built and natural environments. It
is suited to handling the off-road conditions and weather conditions, such as snow, that can be
encountered in Oxford. The Isuzu appliance is fitted with a fire pump which is suitable for urban and
rural incidents, as well as a 3000 litre water tank, breathing apparatus equipment, and equipment
for use of firefighting foams.
The two appliances that the Oxford Volunteer Fire Brigade now have provide sufficient response
capability and are well suited for the risks and environment in which the Oxford Volunteer Fire
Brigade operate.
It is standard practice that at all times Fire and Emergency takes a network approach and can cal
upon other resources to assist at incidents when needed.
2. Are there any plans to add a higher capacity tanker or further appliances to Oxford?
There are no current plans for a third vehicle to be stationed at Oxford. The local risk factors and
environment in Oxford are such that Fire and Emergency’s view is that two fire appliances are
needed at Oxford. The optimal appliances are currently at Oxford; both owned by Fire and
Emergency and are modern vehicles ful y within our control and therefore on station 24/7.
Should additional tanker resources be required as noted above, Fire and Emergency maintains a
number of tankers across Canterbury that will be cal ed upon to assist. A 2020 Hino tanker is
stationed at Cust which is approximately 15km from Oxford.
3. Wil a tanker call sign stil respond to the Oxford area on initial turnout?
The Officer in Charge of any incident can request additional resources to be dispatched, including a
tanker if required. Our dispatchers wil then dispatch the nearest available tanker to the incident.
Work is ongoing to confirm pre-determined attendances for incidents and a decision has not been
made, because of this we are unable to provide you with a response to this question at this time.
Therefore, this aspect of your request is declined under section 18(e) of the Official Information Act
as this information does not exist.
4. Is FENZ confident is has sufficient fire tanker water supply readily available to rural fires in the non-
reticulated areas of oxford?
Yes. With the new appliance (Type 1), there is sufficient fire tanker water supply readily available to
rural fires in the non-reticulated areas of Oxford. As with all community risk, the local Brigade
should continue to assess any risk and work with the District on future needs or perceived risk.
These will be aligned to any national resource allocation models and funding allocation.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available
at or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Raewyn Bleakley
Deputy Chief Executive, Office of the Chief Executive