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Brad Annals
Connie RoweJames Minton; Jason Malcolm; s 9(2)(a)
Neil Fisher; Carrie Cross; Zane Davidson; Andy Auer
AHB Model - 30 May Rally
Monday, 24 May 2021 3:43:18 pm
Hi all, (@Connie Rowe this may be useful for your comms plan)
As part of the Network Integrity Workstream, Zane requested Andy Hooper to undertake scenario modelling of
impacts should lanes 1 and 2 of the AHB be closed. This model paints a picture as to the breadth of the impact in
taking out the northbound clip-on on Sunday 30th May.
ASM modelled 4 main scenarios relating to the configuration of the Median Lane Barrier (MLB). These scenarios
are outlined in the attached Memo and summarised below. Please note that the current plan is to respond
reactively to the need to close the two Northbound lanes, as this ensures we maintain southbound resiliency
during the rally and only change that should we need to close the northbound lanes.
Scenario 1: MLB remains in standard Sunday configuration with a forced closure of two Northbound lanes from
12pm to 2pm with no MLB change;
Scenario 2: MLB pre-positioned before protest leaving 3 northbound 3 southbound lanes available;
Scenario 3: MLB moved reactively at 12pm with a forced closure of two northbound lanes (this scenario
includes the different lane configurations as the team respond to change the MLB configuration);
Scenario 4: MLB remains in standard Sunday configuration with an earlier forced closure (and earlier opening
time) of two Northbound lanes from 10am to 12pm.

Brad Annals
Planning Specialist – Planned Events
s 9(2)(a)
E [email address] / w
Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC)
Level 1, Q4 Building, Smales Farm, 68/76 Taharoto Road,
Takapuna, Auckland 0622, New Zealand
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Brad Annals
James Minton; Jason Malcolm; Zane Davidson; Kate King; Kaity Alexander; s 9(2)(a)
 s 9(2)(a)
 Jessica Gallop; s 9(2)(a)
 THORNLEY, John; s 9(2)(a)
 Alex Ingram; Richard Bush; Andy Auer
Connie Rowe; s 9(2)(a)
 Andrea WilliamsonCarrie Cross; Claire Howard; Neil Fisher; Kirsty Davies; s 9(2)(a)
Aqil Imam; s 9(2)(a)
Minutes from Auckland Harbour Bridge - ATOC Operations Planning
Wednesday, 12 May 2021 12:10:56 pm
2021 05 12 Auckland Harbour Bridge Rally Planning - Minutes.pdf
2021 05 12 - Auckland Harbour Bridge Event - Planning Meeting 3.pdf
Hi all,
Thanks very much for attending this mornings weekly planning meeting. Please find attached the ppt
agenda and minutes.
Key points are:
Police have met with Bike Auckland, s 9(2)(a)
 has reiterated there is no intention to take the
rally onto the AHB. Police have requested Bike Auckland make this clear in their public
An article posted by EVs & Beyond on the 11th May notes “bikers can join a “rally ride” on May 30
across the Auckland Harbour Bridge”, Police have been made aware of this;
Police have confirmed the rally location as Pt Erin Park, south of Curran St. Police are looking to
facilitate a controlled egress from the park, past Curran St onramp;
Waka Kotahi have drafted a comms plan for distribution;
ASM have assessed physical boundaries to the bridge in good order. Currently working through
CCTV maintenance.
In addition to the attached, James Minton and I met following this mornings meeting and put in place a
draft IMT structure for the 30th, banded roles are confirmed while vacancies are marked as TBC. Feel
free to touch base with me directly if you have any comments.

Figure 1-Draft IMT Structure 30th May
Brad Annals
Planning Specialist – Planned Events

E [email address] / w
Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC)
Level 1, Q4 Building, Smales Farm, 68/76 Taharoto Road,
Takapuna, Auckland 0622, New Zealand
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s 9(2)(a)
Brad Annals; Zane Davidson; Alex Ingram
s 9(2)(a)
RE: [EXTERNAL] Point Erin Park considerations
Tuesday, 11 May 2021 1:37:32 pm
Please see my comments below, we are trying not to get too involved in any traffic management
movement and putting these concerns on the organisers – having said that we (police) want
control if they do decide to ride off as a group- although numbers on the day will decide how
best to mitigate the risk.
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Auckland Harbour Bridge Complex, 28 Sulphur Beach Road, Northcote Point, Private Bag 92-002, Auckland,
A New Zealand where no one is killed or seriously injured in road crashes.
From: Brad Annals <[email address]> 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 May 2021 1:24 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
 Zane Davidson
<[email address]>; [email address]
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Point Erin Park considerations
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Hi s 9(2)(a) Zane and Alex,
I am encouraged with the progress following the update from s   this morning. I just wanted to
touch base with some queries that will help with additional planning considerations, particularly
for impacts on the local road network. These are assumptions which I am sure will be validated
or otherwise in the days to come.
A ride from Point Erin Park along Westhaven to “disperse to ferries” may not be as high
profile as say 300-400 cyclists riding through the City Centre. Where would cyclists
potentially meet prior to the Rally to travel as a group? Is this something that has been
discussed/ruled out with Bike Auckland?    At this stage the riders who choose to leave in
this group will be from the rally location within Pt Erin Park – and most likely as a
controlled release to get them all safely via Sarsfield Street and pass the motorway on

ramp at Curran onto Curran proper – Shelley beach is a no go zone as was discussed due
to speed at which cars exit the motorway there, some will probably go up Curran Street,
Bike AKl are aware of this “actual numbers are not know and a lot of this depends on who
actually turns up on the day -
Crossing Shelly Beach road has been identified as a potential pinch point to be managed
by Police. Does closing Shelly Beach Rd increase risk to SH1 SB?  No intention of closing
Shelly Beach SB as both police and Bike AKL agree it’s too unsafe. Individuals may use it to
head back up to Jervois Road, and there will be a police presence there in the planning.
The rally marshalls will stationed here we believe to help keep people/kids away from the
Facilitating the exit from Point Erin Park to Curran/Westhaven presents an access
opportunity to SH1 NB, how would we mitigate this? ATOC can support with crowd
control barriers/security if it is appropriate.- See above – we will mostly likely close the
gate and have the police beat section there as a control measure- at the gore of Curran
and SH1 NB will be TMP assets as a second layer.
Could I ask you please reply with your thoughts ahead of tomorrow’s planning meeting? I feel
that tomorrows session will be quite tactical now that we have confirmed information from Bike
Auckland via Police.
Brad Annals
Planning Specialist – Planned Events
s 9(2)(a)
E [email address] / w
Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC)
Level 1, Q4 Building, Smales Farm, 68/76 Taharoto Road,
Takapuna, Auckland 0622, New Zealand
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