This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Result of employment investigation for drunk crash cop Andrew Rush'.

9 August 2021 
Mr Chris Doms 
[FYI request #15688 email] 
Dear Mr Doms 
Request for information – IR-01-21-20465 
Thank  you  for  your  request  dated  1  July  2021  requesting  the  following 
1.  Is Constable Andrew Rush currently employed by the NZ Police? 
Your  request  has  been  considered  in  accordance  with  the  Official 
Information  Act  1982  and  I  advise  that  Constable  Rush  is  no  longer 
employed by New Zealand Police. 
If you have any questions, you may contact me by return email. 
Yours sincerely 
J Street 
Central District IR Team 
Central District Headquarters 
404 Church Street, Private Bag 11040, Palmerston North  
Telephone:  06 351 3600 Fax:  06 350 3865