New Zealand Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Manatū Aorere
15 June 2021
195 Lambton Quay
Private Bag 18−901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand
John Luke
T +64 4 439 8000
[FYI request #15471 email]
F +64 4 472 9596
OIA 27479
Tēnā koe John Luke
I refer to your email of 17 May 2021 in which you request the following under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA):
“I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only, e.g. board
member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination period has been closed but
still under consideration by the Ministry or relevant Minister.
In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been advertised, what
method you have used to publicly advertise the position and when the vacancy been
closed as well.
Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2021. e.g. the position
that will call for nomination in the year of 2021.
Generally speaking, how you publicly call for nomination and what platform you are
using to ensure the public awareness of your state sector board vacancy.”
This letter advises that, due to the necessity for further consultation and review, we will need
to extend the time limit for responding to you by 15 working days, to 6 July 2021. If this
process is completed and we are able to respond before 6 July 2021, the response will be sent
to you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at:
[email address]. You also
have the right under section 28(3) of the OIA to seek a review of this response by the
Nāku noa, nā
Julie-Anne Lee
for Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade
e [MFAT request email]