25 May 2021
Robert McKenzie
[email address]
Dear Mr McKenzie
Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA),
received on 30 April 2021. You requested the following:
With the current COVID19 border situation and the global economic carnage that has
happened since are the IRD and current Labour Govt still actively pursuing the
ridiculous arrest at border for overseas student loan debts?
Most borrowers adhere to their student loan contract and terms, and Inland Revenue
provides support to assist customers to meet their obligations. Numerous steps are taken
before legal action is considered. If a borrower still chooses to remain non-compliant then
Inland Revenue may pursue legal action against that borrower, including seeking a warrant
for arrest.
Applying for an arrest warrant under Section 162A and 162B of the Student Loan Scheme
Act 2011 is a last resort for Inland Revenue, when a borrower knowingly fails or refuses
to make reasonable efforts to pay an amount in default or arrange payment.
Inland Revenue cannot apply for an arrest warrant for someone who is not in New Zealand.
When the person returns, we will make every effort to contact them and work through a
repayment arrangement.
However, if the person is about to leave New Zealand without resolving their student loan
affairs, Inland Revenue may seek an arrest warrant.
Thank you for your request.
Yours sincerely
Hannah Crawshaw
Segment Management Lead
Customer and Compliance Services – Individuals
Ref: 21OIA1619