Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 22:35:23 +0000
Subject: Your Official Information Act request OIA2021-0499 (corrected)
From: OIA <
[email address]>
To: 'k' <
[FYI request #14862 email]>
Tēnā koe K,
Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs (included with this email). The Department of Internal Affairs does not have any function triaging, overseeing or regulating Official Information Act requests across all of government, and has no authority over the way that other agencies respond to their requests. When making OIA requests please try to directly contact the agency, entity or Minister that you believe holds the information you are looking for.
As the information you have requested in parts 1 - 8 and 10 is not held by the Department of Internal Affairs, but is believed to be held by, and more closely related to the functions of Health, we consulted with the Ministry of Health on transfer. We have been advised that your questions are more appropriately directed to District Health Boards for response. I am therefore notifying that these parts of your request are being transferred to all District Health Boards, in accordance with section 14(b) of the Official Information Act 1982.
You can expect to hear from District Health Boards shortly in regard to your request.
If you would like to contact them directly, you are able to email them at the following addresses: (Note that some District Health Boards do not appear to have OIA contact email addresses, or in fact any email addresses on their websites. I have done my best to source contact information for these).
•Auckland District Health Board
[email address]
•Bay of Plenty District Health Board
[email address]
•Capital & Coast District Health Board
[email address]
•Counties Manukau District Health Board
[email address]
•Hawkes Bay District Health Board
[email address]
•Hutt Valley District Health Board
[email address]
•Lakes District Health Board
[email address]
•Mid Central District Health Board
[email address]
•Northland District Health Board
[email address]
•Tairāwhiti District Health Board
[email address]
•Taranaki District Health Board
[email address]
•Waikato District Health Board
[email address]
•Wairarapa District Health Board
[email address]
•Waitematā District Health Board
[email address]
•Whanganui District Health Board
[email address]
•Canterbury District Health Board
[email address]
•Nelson-Marlborough District Health Board
[email address]
•South Canterbury District Health Board
[email address]
•Southern District Health Board
[email address]
•West Coast District Health Board
[email address]
As the information you have requested in part 9 is not held by the Department of Internal Affairs, but is believed to be held by, and more closely related to the functions of ACC, this part of your request being transferred to ACC, in accordance with section 14(b) of the Official Information Act 1982.
You can expect to hear from ACC shortly in regard to your request.
If you would like to contact them directly, you are able to email them at the following addresses:
[email address]
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision to transfer. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or Freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi,
Michelle Reed (she/her)
Lead Advisor – Official Correspondence | Governance, Risk & Assurance Te Urungi Organisational Strategy and Performance | Facebook
-----Original Message-----
From: k <
[FYI request #14862 email]>
Sent: Friday, 5 March 2021 8:40 PM
To: OIA <
[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Vulnerable persons register observing familys trauma without contact pre or post suicide for data
Dear Department of Internal Affairs,
I request all information on what services were put in place to risk assess the Vulnerable Persons List. This template is on the CASA website.
Vulnerable people are what the Waikato dhb, and some members of community boards the police feel that suicide is imminent due to a family member having committed suicide recently or a close friend, or a cluster of suicides in a contained area.
The suggestion that varied services observe these elected 'Vulnerable Persons'. Without contact and without knowledge of such a list.
Casa also goes on to pinpoint specific data that is maintained for some 10years and is to be shared with relevant authorities.
I have already request privately all the information regarding myself and my family members who were told by a slightly honest representative for the crown that my eldest son and myself have been on this list since 2019. To no avail. Nothing has been forthcoming at all.
Casa states that certain managers of each DHB hold the list as well as themselves, and the relevant services have access to this database.
1. What the cost of maintaining this list is for each dhb.
2. What are the observers having to observe and where is the critical point that would be addressed by making contact with a listee in order to assist
3. I would like to know how many people are on this list. either
A: with knowledge and consent or
B: completely unaware
4 How and who collates the data collected.
6. I would like to know who is the administrator and who is responsible for the inadequate and inhumane structure of observing without any contact to the persons being observed, even after a family member may commit suicide.
7. Under what human and legal rights as well as privacy laws does this 'Observing and collating data' use or fail to use
8.What funding is allocated for this VPL and for the varied govt services that are coerced to perform this.
9. Whether ACC is prepared to cover the cost of traumatic loss of life whilst being observed on the list. to cover government subsidised breach of ethics, laws, finacial accountability, morality and humanity.
10. Have you heard of the cartwright enquiry?
In good faith and displaying a lot more regard than the orchestrators of this list, k,
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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[FYI request #14862 email]
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