ACC Code of conduct
The Code of Conduct applies to all
ACC employees and contractors
1. Code Statement
ACC is charged with the implementation of the Accident Compensation
Act 2001. In fulfilling this duty, ACC’s vision is to create a unique
partnership with every New Zealander, improving their quality of life
by minimising the incidence and impact of injury.
As a Crown entity, ACC is part of the State Sector and contributes
to building the trust and confidence of citizens in the institutions
of government.
All State Sector organisations are expected to work with a spirit of
service to the community, to make our services accessible and effective
to those who need them, and to strive to make a positive difference to
the wellbeing of New Zealanders.
Everyone who works for ACC has an important role to play in making
sure we achieve our vision, and in ensuring we maintain our reputation
and standing in the perception of the public. Our actions and behaviours
must be consistent with these expectations at all times.
2. Objective
This Code governs the behaviours of all employees of ACC, to enable
us to meet the expectations placed upon us as a Crown Entity. These
standards are based on the standards that apply to all State Servants,
detailed in the
State Services Standard of Integrity and Conduct.
The Code of Conduct:
• can be used to provide coaching on appropriate conduct
• enables recognition of those who model the desired standard
of conduct
• reflects and reinforces the ACC values and behaviour required
• outlines inappropriate behaviour and its consequences.
3. Scope
All ACC employees and contractors are expected to maintain the highest
standards of integrity, discretion and ethical conduct when performing
duties or representing ACC in any way.
All employees of ACC must read, understand and follow our Code of
4. Code standards
You are expected to exercise good judgement to determine what action
to take in a given situation.
Your actions need to be able to withstand scrutiny from internal and
external parties. Our behaviour and actions must be seen to be fair,
impartial, responsible and trustworthy at all times.
In order to achieve the high standards of behaviour expected of us,
as an employee or contractor you must:
4.1 Be honest and act with integrity
• In all aspects of your employment (e.g. in your work with
clients and levy payers, with regard to work attendance,
requests for financial reimbursement, use of sick leave etc).
4.2 Respect the rights of others
• Treat others fairly, courteously, equally, and without
discrimination or harassment
Uphold the rights of clients, as specified in the Code of ACC
Claimant’s rights
• Respect and respond to all cultures, values and beliefs,
particularly Māori and minority groups
• Promote the principles of
Equal employment opportunity.
4.3 Perform your duties to the best of
your ability
• Prioritise your primary role as an ACC employee over any
secondary interests, commitments, values or beliefs you
hold personally, and declare any potential Conflict of interest
• Show commitment to a high quality of work
• Adhere to the ACC
Health and safety policies in all areas
of work
• Comply with all ACC policies, processes and standards
• Model and demonstrate
ACC values and behaviours, which
underpin decisions about what we do, and how we operate
and behave
• Comply with the code of any professional body that you are
registered or affiliated with, where this impacts upon your
work with ACC
• Show initiative and creativity when resolving problems,
seek to maximise productivity, and identify opportunities
for improvement
• Make decisions appropriate to your role and be responsible
for those decisions and the actions that result from them
• Be supportive of changes made by ACC, as change is
necessary for the organisation’s success
• Be supportive of your colleagues and accept your
responsibilities as a team member
• Manage your personal and workplace relationships
appropriately so they do not adversely affect your work.
4.4 Uphold the reputation and standing
of ACC
• Act with integrity in any personal dealings you may have with
ACC as a client
• Obtain your manager’s approval before commencing any
activity, business interest or employment that has the
potential to conflict with ACC business (e.g. acting as an
advocate for a client, undertaking secondary employment)
Ensure your behaviour in relation to gifts and gratuities,
managing contracts and purchasing, and other sensitive
expenditure does not compromise (or appear to compromise)
your personal integrity or ACC’s
• Maintain appropriate professional behaviour when travelling
on ACC business
• Maintain appropriate professional behaviour in any situation
where you may be perceived as representing ACC
• Have a professional standard of dress
• Engage with the Media team about any media enquiries
you receive
• Ensure that your behaviour will not bring ACC into disrepute
• Advise your manager of any convictions or charges laid
against you whilst employed by ACC
• Maintain appropriate boundaries and relationships with clients
and any other people you may work with.
4.5 Act in a politically neutral manner
• Ensure that your behaviour maintains Ministerial and public
confidence in the impartiality of advice given and actions taken
• Ensure that your comments do not bring ACC or the Minister
into disrepute, or compromise the perception of ACC as
politically neutral (e.g. stating or implying your personal view
on an issue as ACC’s view)
• Ensure that your personal participation in political matters
does not conflict with (or appear to conflict with) your duty to
act in a politically neutral manner.
4.6 Use ACC information and property
• Be responsible for the security and confidentiality of all
information that you deal with during your employment
with ACC
• Use financial and non-financial information gathered by ACC
and your knowledge of ACC’s systems and processes only to
perform ACC”s business
• Treat all ACC assets and property with care and respect
• Take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy of our clients,
customers, employees and other stakeholders
• Report any actual or potential privacy breaches to your
manager immediately.
4.7 Act within the law
• In particular, the Accident Compensation Act 2001, Official
Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 1993, Health Information
Privacy Code 1994, Human Rights Act 1993, Employment
Relations Act 2000 and any other relevant legislation.
5. Accountabilities
The Chief Talent Officer is responsible for ensuring organisational
controls are in place in support of this policy.
6. Responsibilities
(including monitoring and oversight)
• Read, understand and follow this Code of Conduct
• Undertake training or confirm your understanding of the
Code of Conduct when requested by ACC
• Remain up to date with the current Code of Conduct
• Discuss any concerns about what may be considered
unacceptable behaviour with your manager
• Discuss with your manager before you take any course
of action that you are not entirely sure falls within the
bounds of acceptable behaviour
• If you believe someone in ACC is acting unethically, or
has been involved in serious wrongdoing, you should
report this confidentially through OKtoSay and receive
protection under the Protected Disclosure Act.
• Maintain the highest standards of integrity, discretion and
ethical conduct when performing duties or representing
ACC in any way.
Continued …
• Managers are representatives of ACC both when dealing
with external customers or stakeholders, and when
dealing with internal employees and contractors
• Managers have a lead role in establishing and promoting
our expected standards of behaviour and integrity
• Managers are expected to conduct their behaviour,
actions and decisions consistently with their duty to be
fair, impartial, trustworthy and responsible at all times
• As a manager you are expected to:
– Establish and promote ACC’s expected standards of
behaviour and integrity
– Consider your behaviour, actions and decisions in terms
of the expectation to be fair, impartial, trustworthy and
responsible at all times
– Manage employees in accordance with the Code
of Conduct, and any other ACC policies, processes,
standards and systems in place to support you as a
manager (e.g. development programme, performance
management processes)
– Lead, model and promote the expected standards of
behaviour and integrity within the Code of Conduct and
other internal policies and processes
– Provide employees with education and coaching on
expected standards of behaviour and integrity where
– Represent ACC positively when interacting with
staff, and deliver our policies, changes, initiatives or
decisions in a manner consistent with ACC’s intentions
– Take ultimate responsibility for work quality, actions
and decisions of employees in your team
– Manage within your capabilities and take ownership of
your own development, and that of your team
– Manage within the delegated authorities framework as
specified in the Delegations Manual.
Chief Talent Officer
• Monitor the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct
• Ensure organisational controls are in place in support of
this policy.
• Model the highest standard of behaviours according to
this Code of Conduct
• Ensure Code of Conduct behaviours are integrated into all
aspects of ACC business.
• Approve the Code of Conduct and ensure it is consistent
with ACC’s strategic direction.
7. Breaches of Policy
Behaviour or actions that are investigated and found to be in breach of
the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. Where breaches
are found, ACC’s Discipline and dismissal procedures will be followed
and the employee will have an opportunity to provide an explanation for
their actions or behaviours and have the right to representation.
The action taken will depend on the severity of the breach:
• Breaches of the Code of Conduct that are deemed ‘misconduct’ may
lead to disciplinary action up to and including a final warning
• Breaches of the Code of Conduct that are deemed ‘serious
misconduct’ may lead to disciplinary action up to and including
summary dismissal. Summary dismissal is termination of
employment without notice or prior warnings.
If any breaches normally considered to be misconduct are very serious
or repeated, these may be deemed serious misconduct.
Misconduct occurs when an employee does something wrong (namely,
breaches this Code of Conduct or other ACC policy) either by doing
something, omitting to do something, or through their behaviour.
The lists below of actions considered to be misconduct or serious
misconduct are intended as a guide for employees, and are examples
only. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of breaches of the Code
of Conduct.
Examples of misconduct include:
• Any act of negligence harming ACC
• Disobeying a lawful and reasonable instruction from a manager
• Failure to meet the standards of performance and behaviour
expected of ACC employees
• Inappropriate behaviour or relationships
• Any action which may in any way damage the relationship of trust
and confidence between ACC and government, other agencies or
the community
• Allowing unauthorised access to, or disclosure of, any matter or
information in relation to ACC business
• Misuse of ACC internet and/or email systems
• Inappropriate use of purchasing card or expenses
• Absence from duty or place of work without proper reason or
• Repeated lateness for work, or repeated absenteeism without
just cause
• Failure to comply with any ACC policy or procedure
• Any behaviour of a similar type.
Serious misconduct
Serious misconduct occurs when the misconduct could have the effect
of destroying or undermining the relationship of trust and confidence
between an employee and employer.
Examples of serious misconduct include:
• Dishonesty
• Theft
• Fraud
• Handling a claim relating to oneself, a relative, acquaintance or
friend without the express approval of the manager, or taking a role
as an advocate for a client without approval
• Corruption – accepting a bribe, inducement, reward or gift, or
complying with a request or threat to use your position to provide a
benefit to any person or third party, which has the effect of allowing
inappropriate activity or compromising the impartial performance of
your duties
• Failure to declare any activity, business interest or employment that
has the potential to conflict with ACC business
• Accessing ACC information relating to family, friends, acquaintances
or clients without legitimate cause
• Criminal conviction leading to imprisonment or adversely affecting
your ability to carry out your work. Offences generally considered
unacceptable are outlined in the
Screening for Criminal Convictions
policy but will be determined according to the nature of the
employee’s role
• Misuse or unauthorised possession or sharing of ACC property
and/or information (e.g. misuse of financial information or client
• Harassment of anyone you work with (e.g. client, employee,
• Abusive or discriminatory statements or practices
• Assaulting or abusing another person
• Allowing work performance to be affected by drug, alcohol or
substance abuse (including abuse during work hours)
• Dangerous or unsafe work practices, including non-compliance with
Health and safety policies, and Health and Safety legislation
• Any act that has the potential to bring ACC into disrepute
• Significant failure to comply with any ACC policy or procedural
• Any behaviour of a similar type.
8. Contacts
HR Help regarding this policy.
9. References
State Services
Standards of integrity and conduct
Bullying and harassment
Information security
Conflict of interest
Internet and email
Protected disclosure
Dress code
Equal employment
Social media
Sensitive expenditure
Taking leave policy
Health and safety
Delegations Manual
10. Policy review dates
Last review:
February 2018
Next review:
February 2020
ACC480 May 2019
Service delivery expectations Policy v2.0
ACC strives to provide a high standard of customer service at all times, as required by our legislation. We must meet clients’ reason-
able expectations and deliver the highest practicable standards of service and fairness. The Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights was
established so clients understand what they can expect from ACC. Our customer service commitment includes providing a timely re-
sponse to telephone calls and correspondence.
Section 9(2)(a)
Section 9(2)(a)
1.0 Rules
a The following guidelines state the agreed maximum timeframes for case and claims management staff responding to tele-
phone calls and written correspondence:
• You must return all telephone calls within 24 hours or the equivalent of 1 working day
• You must reply to all written correspondence within 7 days
• You must reply to all emails within 48 hours (2 working days) of receiving them. This includes sending an interim acknowl-
edgement if a formal written response is required. An interim response must include the timeframe in which the final response
will be sent.
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Conduct Welcome Conversation v40.0
To help ACC understand what is important to our clients, and ensure they understand our role in their recovery so that our clients will
feel listened to, involved, supported, and empowered.
By the close of the call, the client should understand:
• The purpose of the call
• ACC’s role in their recovery
• How ACC will use their information
• What entitlements and supports are available to them.
The Welcome Conversation is the first interaction we have with clients in the Assisted, Supported and Partnered teams following their
injury event. After a claim is registered and has been matched to a team and allocated, we conduct a Welcome Conversation as part
of the client on-boarding process.
A Welcome Conversation can also be conducted when we re-open a previously closed (Actioned) claim due to a new request for sup-
port. In these cases, due to the passing of time, the information in the original Welcome Conversation doesn't reflect the client’s cur-
rent situation.
Section 9(2)(a)
Section 9(2)
1.0 Complete pre-call review
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Check for other open claims.
New claims received for clients with other open claims are grouped with other claims and automatically assigned to the team
that provides the highest level of management.
For additional information refer to the Client Welcome Conversation - Pre-call Review guidelines and the Having Recovery
Team Transition Conversations guidelines.
NG GUIDELINES Client Welcome Conversation - Pre-call Review
NG SUPPORTING INFORMATION Having Recovery Team Transition Conversations
b Before conducting the Welcome Conversation, consider if the client is being supported by the right team.
NOTE What if you are unsure why a client may be considered to be in the wrong team?
Go to Transition Claim.
PROCESS Transition Claim
NOTE What if the claim is for a Complex Mental Injury?
Go to Conduct CMI Welcome Conversation.
PROCESS Conduct CMI Welcome Conversation
c Check if there is a delayed request for weekly compensation.
NOTE What if there is a delayed request for weekly compensation?
• A delayed request for weekly compensation (DRWC) is
DOFI = A request for weekly compensation received 28 days + ECO max (days) or more, after the date of the accident
DOSI = A request for weekly compensation received 28 days, or more, after the end date of the last period of inca-
Go to Assess Delayed Request for Weekly Compensation.
PROCESS Assess Delayed Request for Weekly Compensation (DRWC)
d Check is there is a backdated weekly compensation request.
NOTE What if the request is backdated?
Go to Preparing and confirming a backdated weekly compensation request.
Preparing and confirming a backdated weekly compensation request.
e Check if the client is receiving Weekly Compensation on an existing open claim.
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NOTE What if the client is receiving Weekly Compensation on an existing open claim?
Determine whether the covered injury on this claim is resolved, as weekly compensation will need to be transferred if it
has resolved. If it's not clear confirm with a Clinical Advisor which claim the weekly compensation should be asso-
ciated with. Go to the Seek Internal Guidance process, Activity 3.1 Request Written Guidance. Based on the guidance
provided you may need to transfer the weekly compensation to a different claim.
PROCESS Seek Internal Guidance
f Check if the claim was previously managed.
NOTE What if the claim was previously managed in Launchpad?
Consider if it is relevant to have a Welcome Conversation or Recovery Check-in depending on how long the claim has
been closed.
From NGCM roll out - all claims previously managed in the Launchpad will have a read only LPRP sub-case in Eos.
Review the LPRP to understand the client and claim information.
The claim must now be managed from the Recovery Plan in Salesforce. Go to Create or Update Recovery Plan
PROCESS Create or Update Recovery Plan
NOTE What if the claim was previously managed in Business as Usual?
If the claim has been transitioned from BAU you need to Create a Recovery Plan sub-case in Eos:
• From the ACC45 Claim, select the Activity tab
• Select Transfer to NGCM
• Select the Recovery Team your claim is in
• Select OK.
For more information regarding claims migration from BAU to NGCM refer to link below:
Claims Transition (Sharepoint)
g Check if there's a note in the Description field of the task advising the Welcome Conversation was paused.
To view information captured during a paused Welcome Conversation;
• go to the Close Out section of the Welcome Conversation
• Recovery Status Life Areas, or
• the Paused Welcome Conversation Transcript in Eos.
h Review Claim On A Page.
NOTE What do you need to consider if you're a Recovery Assistant?
Consider these key factors:
• Approved injuries
• There is no delayed request for weekly compensation
• Check the accident description and injury
• Check medical certificates injuries match approved diagnoses.
NOTE What if you are in the Partnered team?
Review the Customer Engagement for Partnered Recovery guidelines and consider:
• whether if it is possible to speak with the client in the first instance. Identify the most appropriate person to contact
from the client's party record. It may be family/whanau or a safe contact.
• if your client is in hospital and you're unsure who to contact, speak with a clinical staff member in the first instance.
Confirm the most appropriate contact person for the client.
• the best approach to the client conversation. The client's the situation and impact of the injury on the contact person.
• if it is appropriate to arrange weekly compensation without speaking to the client.
Customer Engagement for Partnered Recovery
NOTE What if a face to face Welcome Conversation has been requested?
Assess the suitability of having a face to face meeting. Go to the process below, and refer to Client Face to Face
Meetings guidelines to determine if a meeting is required.
PROCESS Arrange Face to Face Client Meeting
i In the Claim Summary panel in Salesforce, check if the client has registered with MyACC.
NOTE What if the client has registered with MyACC?
Check if the client has requested Weekly Compensation and/or any supports post registration.
NOTE What if the client hasn't registered with MyACC?
When you contact the client, ask if they would like to register and manually resend an invite.
PROCESS MyACC for Client
j Review Claim on a Page or the Recovery Plan consent tab to confirm the client has provided consent to collect medical and
other records.
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NOTE What if the client hasn't provided consent?
Refer to the NG GUIDELINES Obtain Verbal or Written Authority to determine the type of consent required. Request
this when you contact the client.
NG GUIDELINES Obtain Verbal or Written Authority
k Confirm who you need to contact. There may be an Authority to Act (ATA) who is acting on the client's behalf.
l Check if the client has any existing language or cultural needs.
NOTE What if the client does have language or cultural needs?
To find resources to support a client with language and cultural needs, refer to the following documents.
NG GUIDELINES Supporting the Diverse Needs of our Clients
When to use an interpreter Policy
Working with an interpreter process (CHIPS)
ezispeak - phone interpreting service for ACC (CHIPS)
m Open the Welcome Conversation in Salesforce and select the relevant conversation.
n To prepare for the conversation, read the Client Welcome Conversation - During a call guidelines prior to contacting the client.
Client Welcome Conversation - During a call
2.0 Initiate the Welcome Conversation
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Contact the client or ATA by their preferred method of communication.
NOTE What if you are unable to contact the client, ATA or alternative contact person?
Refer to the Welcome Conversation Call Attempts information sheet.
Welcome Conversation Call Attempts
b From Claim on a Page, confirm you are speaking with the right person by asking ACC's identity check questions. Record that
you have performed the identity check as a contact on the claim.
Identity Check Policy
c Verify and update the client's contact details.
NOTE What if you are provided updated or new information?
Update the client's Party Record
PROCESS Update Client's Party Records
e Confirm with the client or ATA it is a suitable time to complete the conversation.
NOTE What if client or ATA advises they are unable to have the conversation now or during the conversation they
are unable to continue?
• Agree with the client or ATA a preferred date to call back.
• Select Pause.
• In the Schedule Callback popup window, enter the preferred Callback Date, the reason for the callback and infor-
mation requirements for the next call.
• Select Save.
• Complete To Do List actions that can be done now.
A new Welcome Conversation task will be created for the callback, a 'Paused Welcome Conversation' transcript docu-
ment will be generated on the ACC45 and a contact will be created on the Recovery Plan.
NOTE What if the client requests to continue the conversation face to face?
Assess and determine the suitability of a face to face meeting. G to Arrange Face to Face Client Meeting.
PROCESS Arrange Face to Face Client Meeting
f Start with the 'Intro' tab of the Welcome Conversation to progress the client led conversation.
NOTE What if a client mentions self-harm or suicide?
Refer to NG GUIDELINES Managing Threat of Self-harm Calls for guidance.
NG GUIDELINES Managing Threat of Self-harm Calls
g Determine and obtain verbal authority to collect medical records about the client if needed.
NOTE How do you determine if you need to obtain authority to collect medical and other records?
In Salesforce, the Introduction section of the Welcome Conversation will display the Consent section. This indicates
that you need to obtain consent.
You can obtain consent verbally, for more inforamtion regarding consent refer to the process below:
PROCESS Obtain Client Authority to Collect Information
h Discuss Client's Rights and Responsibilities if needed.
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NOTE How do you determine if you need to discuss sending the ACC165 Client Rights and Responsibilities?
In Salesforce, the Introduction section of the Welcome Conversation will display the Clients Rights and Responsi-
bilities section if the client does not have an active Client's Rights and Responsibilities Indicator.
Advise the client that you need to share with them information about their rights and responsibilities and confirm they
understand these. Check how the client would like to receive this information (eg, email, post) and note this in the
Rights and Responsibilities section of the Welcome Conversation.
To-Do List items will be automatically created for the following:
• Post or email the ACC165
• Follow up reminder set for 10 working days to follow up with the client if not received
ACC165 Declaration of rights and responsibilites
NOTE What if the client doesn't return the ACC165?
It's important the client acknowledges their rights and responsibilities, so it's important you record this as a contact on
the clients claim, and it's been recorded the form has been sent to the client.
NOTE What if the client or ATA advises that they do not require any supports from ACC?
• Record a contact on the Recovery Plan
• Cancel the Welcome Conversation task
• Follow the Close Claim process
PROCESS Close claim
3.0 Capture information during conversation
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Capture information collected at each stage as you work through the Welcome Conversation. You must only add in information
that is discussed with the client.
b Add actions to be completed after the conversation has ended to the To do List:
• Select New on the To Do List
• Complete the Subject field or select an option from the Standard Subjects field
• Record information which will enable you to complete the post call action
c Capture the client's employment and income status.
NOTE What if the client is self-employed?
There are rules and criteria required to confirm your client's employment status and eligibility for weekly compen-
sation. For more information refer to the policy below:
Confirm Self-Employed Person is an Earner Policy
NOTE What if your client is unable to provide all their payment information during the call?
• Let your client know that we won’t be able to proceed with setting up payments until we have all the information. Ask
that they either call/email in the missing information or submit it via MyACC.
• Continue the Welcome Conversation and override the warning message during the close out to complete the Wel-
come Conversation.
• Complete all appropriate actions on your To-Do list and create the Recovery Plan.
• Set a Reminder task (linked to the ‘Other’ life area) for a week later explaining that the Weekly Compensation Setup
Task needs to be sent to Payments once missing information is received (task should also clearly state which infor-
mation is needed).
d Check if the Employer is an AEP participant to determine if the claim needs to be managed by a TPA or employer. Refer to the
following lists:
• Accredited Employer list for work related claims
• Participating Accredited Employers for non-work related claims
Participating Accredited Employers for non-work related claims
Accredited Employer list for work related claims
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NOTE What if the employer is a registered AEP participant and the client's injury is related to work?
Check if the client has a MyACC account. If yes, this will need to be deactivated. Go to 'MyACC for Client' Activity 5.0
(c) for instructions on how to do this.
Advise the client their claim will be managed by their employer's Third Party Administrator and someone will be in
touch with them soon. If required, let the client know their MyACC account will be deactivated due to their account
being managed by their employer.
Follow the process link to 'Transition Claim to an Accredited Employer'.
NB: Clients are not able to opt out of AEP for work related claims, only for non-work related claims.
This process ends.
PROCESS Transfer Claim to Accredited Employer (AE) or Third-Party Administrator (TPA) Service
NOTE What if the employer is a registered AEP participant and the client's injury is non-work related?
Check the following criteria is met:
• If the client has had a non-work injury (Fund code: Earners, Motor Vehicle, Treatment Injury and Residual - if client
was an earner at DOI)
• Cover has been accepted
• The client has more than 7 days incapacity
• The client was an Earner at DOI
• The client is currently employed by a Participating Accredited Employer
If the criteria is met then go to Transfer Claim to Accredited Employer (AE) or Third-Party Administrator (TPA) Service.
This process ends.
If the criteria is not met then continue with the Welcome Conversation.
PROCESS Transfer Claim to Accredited Employer (AE) or Third-Party Administrator (TPA) Service
Transfer a claim
e Check if the client is eligible for Weekly Compensation. Refer to:
• Eligibility criteria for weekly compensation policy, and
• Client Welcome Conversation Weekly Compensation and Employment guidelines.
Eligibility Criteria for Weekly Compensation Policy
NG GUIDELINES Client Welcome Conversation - Weekly Compensation and Employment
NOTE What if the client is not entitled to Weekly Compensation?
Advise the client, and send the SPD999 Decline Entitlement letter with the ACC255 Working Together factsheet.
Record the decision as a contact in Salesforce. Go to the Recovery Plan and update the vocational life area with a
note of the decision and the rationale.
NOTE What payment information will be visible in the Welcome Conversation?
If the client already has an IRD number and bank account number, this will display in the financial details section. You
can override the IRD or bank account number if these have changed.
On completion of the Welcome Conversation, the IRD number, bank account number, and tax code will be automat-
ically updated in Eos.
NOTE What if the client has requested Weekly Compensation via MyACC?
Check the ‘MyACC Weekly Compensation Request’ task to confirm that you have the correct contact details for their
Direct Manager and Payroll contact.
If not, then collect this information as part of the Work and Work Planning section. You can also add a
To-Do List item to update the employer contact details following the call.
NOTE What if you receive a request for a Lump sum payment or Independence Allowance (LSIA)?
• Advise the client they are eligible to apply, and an application pack will be sent to them.
• Create a ‘Send LSIA application pack task’. This will automatically route to the Treatment & Support team to gen-
erate and send to the client.
For further information refer to the link below.
Independence allowance & lump sum
f Advise the client that it's likely we will contact their employer so we can all work together to prepare their recovery plan, to
return them to work at the right time in the right way. Confirm that the client is OK with this and that they are comfortable with
us discussing their claim with their employer.
Once you have informed the client about ACC contacting their employer advise them that the employer does not need to see a
copy of their Recovery Plan. Also, the employer does not have the right to review the Recovery Plan.
Check all auto-populated fields and remove data as necessary.
Individual Rehabilitation Plan Policy
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AC Act 2001, Schedule 1, Clause 7 - Preparation of individual rehabilitation plan
NOTE What if the client is uncomfortable to include the employer in the development of their Recovery Plan?
You will need to discuss further with the client to explore their hesitance and negotiate a solution.
Take a common sense approach for dealing with this situation considering the client’s right for privacy (section(7)1 of
the Privacy Act).
g Advise client that we want to ensure we have the right health professionals involved in the preparation of their recovery plan.
Therefore, we need from the client the contact details (if known) of their Lead Health Practitioner and any other Health Practi-
tioner they want us to invite to participate in the preparation of their Recovery Plan.
Advise the client the health professionals do not need to see a copy of their Recovery Plan and they also do not have the right
to review.
Individual Rehabilitation Plan Policy
AC Act 2001, Schedule 1, Clause 7 - Preparation of individual rehabilitation plan
3.1 Set client goal(s)
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Set a recovery goal and agreed target date with the client.
NOTE What target date should you set?
Target dates should be agreed with the client during your conversation with the client and based on the Expected
Claim Outcome (ECO) or the treatment providers recommendation eg a medical certificate, surgery notes, General
Practitioner (GP) notes or an intervention completion report (ie housing modifications, transport for independence).
The client should be reassured that this is an estimated date based on the information we have about their injury.
NOTE What do you do if you are a Recovery Partner?
It may not be suitable to set a recovery goal with your client at this time. When the time is right, refer to Create or
Update Recovery Plan.
PROCESS Create or Update Recovery Plan
4.0 Close out the call
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Complete the How are you Coping Gauge (HCG) questions unless your client is:
• unable to speak with you
• under 16 years of age
• a partnered client.
b Introduce the HCG tool to the client and complete and record the results. Use the How are you Coping Gauge guidelines to
help you discuss this with the client and assess the results.
NG GUIDELINES How are you Coping Gauge (HCG)
NOTE What if the client scores low on the HCG?
The HCG relies firstly on asking the questions and getting the client to rate themselves, and secondly exploring a
client’s responses when they score low so that we can get the right assistance in place. For more information about
what to say and do if a client scores low, go to the HCG guide.
c Determine the next key milestone and stage in the client's recovery journey. Then schedule the first Recovery Check-in
NOTE What is a Milestone?
Milestones are significant changes and achievements in the client's recovery pathway.
When considering an appropriate milestone, consider the wider context of the client's recovery eg their work type – a
sedentary worker's Recovery Check-in may be at a different stage when compared with that of someone in a heavy
work-type occupation.
• When is the next significant change in the client's recovery likely to occur (eg increased independence, noticeable
strengthening, a phased return to work duties).
• When is it likely that the client's needs will change significantly?
NOTE What should you consider?
When considering an appropriate milestone think about the wider context of the client's recovery, eg regarding work
type - a sedentary worker's Recovery Check-in may be at a different stage when compared with someone in a very
heavy work type. An example could be going from non-weight bearing to weight bearing.
PROCESS Conduct Recovery Check-in Conversation
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Milestone Timing Examples.PNG
NOTE What is a stage?
Injury recovery can proceed through four key stages, acute, rehab, adaption and stable. Healing can progress back-
ward or forward depending on internal and external factors.
• Rehab – The period of treatment that is needed to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life after an
injury. This tends to be the longest of the stages and includes a client's gradual return to work — a critical component
of rehabilitation and recovery.
• Adaptation – We support our clients to adapt to changes that will help them with their recovery. For some clients, we
might be enhancing existing skills and knowledge to adapt to a new vocation after an injury, and supporting them to-
wards Vocational Independence.
• Stable – We continue to support our client when their injury is stable, and we expect little further change in their
recovery status. We consider if they need ongoing management or if we should close their claim.
d Make sure you have gathered all the information you need in the Welcome Conversation.
e Ask the client if they would like a copy of the printed Recovery Plan before they agree to the actions discussed.
Check the client has verbally agreed to the recovery plan goals and actions that you've put in place. Note their agreement to
the actions in the close out text box.
NOTE What if the client doesn't provide verbal agreement to an intervention or the plan we have identified as being
reasonably required?
Confirm with the client:
• how they want to receive a copy of their Recovery Plan so they can review it
• a suitable timeframe for them to review their Recovery Plan
• a date to finalise the Recovery Plan.
We must give the client a reasonable timeframe to review and agree to a Recovery Plan. It's expected that a client is
given 10 working days but a longer timeframe may be appropriate in some cases. They can also seek support from
their Lead Health Practitioner, other Health Practitioner, other support person(s), or employer to participate in the
development of their Recovery Plan
Once the client has received the Recovery Plan, they can:
• phone us to discuss their Recovery Plan and/or provide verbal agreement
• send their Recovery Plan back via email or post with feedback and/or agreement.
If you haven't heard from the client, phone them to finalise the plan. If you don't reach agreement during this conver-
sation, advise the client that you will send them a decision finalising the plan.
f End the call with the client.
g Once all responses in the Welcome Conversation have been captured, click Save from the Close Out tab.
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NOTE What happens automatically in Eos when you've completed the Welcome Conversation?
A Welcome Conversation transcript is created and a contact is added to the Recovery Plan.
If applicable, the following is updated in the relevant Eos fields:
- Bank account, IRD number and Tax code
- responses to HCG questions
- verbal consent.
5.0 Complete post call actions
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Work through the actions in the To Do List. Complete the actions that must be done at that time.
In Salesforce, click Launch Eos Claim on the Welcome Conversation task to open the Eos claim. Check you have the correct
claim number.
NOTE What if you can't complete an action in the To Do List now?
To Do List actions that remain open will be automatically transferred to the Recovery Plan as an 'Action to be followed
up' on the specified Target Date. Salesforce will create the relevant task in Eos.
NOTE What if you need clinical information to help complete the client's recovery plan?
Go to Request Clinical Records.
PROCESS Request Clinical Records
NOTE What if you need to set up weekly compensation for the client?
Go to the process below.
PROCESS Request Set Up of Weekly Compensation Payments
NOTE What if you need to set up supports for the client?
If you need to set up:
• social supports for the client, go to Manage Social Interventions / Supports web link.
• vocational supports for the client, go to Manage Vocational Interventions / Supports web link.
Manage Social Interventions / Supports
Manage Vocational Interventions / Supports
NOTE What if you need to Assess and Fund treatment?
Go to the Manage Treatment Interventions web link.
Manage Treatment Interventions
NOTE What if you need internal advice to determine next steps of the client's recovery?
Go to Seek Internal Guidance process.
PROCESS Seek Internal Guidance
b Email the client their ACC165 Declaration of rights and responsibilities form.
Use the Client Legislative Rights and Responsibilities guidelines for templates.
ACC165 Declaration of rights and responsibilites
NG GUIDELINES Client Legislative Rights and Responsibilities
NOTE What if the client wants the form to be posted?
Arrange for a Recovery Administrator to post the form to the client.
• Make sure the client has a valid postal address.
• Send a 'Send Letter' task to the Recovery Administration department queue.
c In Eos Recovery Plan subcase, send the Contact Details Notification to the client.
Create a Notification - System Steps
NOTE What if there is no Recovery Plan subcase in Eos?
If there is no Recovery Plan subcase in Eos, you need to create one.
• From the ACC45 Claim, select the Activity tab
• Select Transfer to NGCM
• Select the Recovery Team your claim is in
• Select OK.
Also note that , you need to update the consent information in Eos.
Refer to document below:
d In Eos, add consent if you have obtained verbal consent during the welcome conversation.
NOTE How do you add add consent in Eos?
Refer to system steps below.
Add Client Consent
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6.0 Create Recovery Plan
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Click Create Recovery Plan.
Result: The Recovery Plan will be automatically populated with the following, if applicable:
• any open To Do List actions
• recovery goal
• Recovery Check-in action
• How are you Coping Gauge (HCG) responses in the relevant life area box.
NOTE What if you receive an error message when attempting to create the Recovery Plan?
Any existing open actions on the Recovery Plan need to be closed for the Recovery Plan to be created successfully.
b From Claim on a Page, navigate to the Recovery Plan. You may need to add some actions manually, eg agreed interventions.
NOTE What if you are unsure how to manually add actions?
Go to Create or Update Recovery Plan.
PROCESS Create or Update Recovery Plan
c In Salesforce, enter information into the appropriate life area.
NOTE What information is important to capture in the Recovery Status Life Areas?
Refer to the Recovery Status Life Areas section of the Recovery Management Guideline.
NG GUIDELINES Recovery Management
NOTE What if you add notes relating to another client by mistake?
Email your Recovery Leader:
• ask them to remove the incorrect information from the Life Area notes in Salesforce
• identify what information needs to be removed
• refer to the claim number.
d Create a reminder task in the Recovery Plan for 10 working days from today to check that the client has completed the
ACC165, and to send an ad-hoc notification if they have not returned the completed form.
NOTE What if the client doesn't return the ACC165?
It's important the client acknowledges their rights and responsibilities, so it's important you record this as a contact on
the clients claim, and it's been recorded the form has been sent to the client.
e Invite the client's Lead Practitioner and/or other Health Practitioner identified by the client to participate in the planning of the
client's Recovery Plan.
NOTE How do you contact the Lead Practitioner and/or other Health Practitioners?
You can contact them by phone, email or by generating the RPL02 Invitation to participate in rehab plan - Vendor letter
in Eos and send to the practitioner(s).
f In Salesforce, review the initial employer conversation tool located on the Recovery Plan before making contact with the em-
ployer. Once you are ready and the client has agreed that you can speak with their employer, conduct an initial conversation
with the client’s employer. Ensure you do not discuss any sensitive client information to the employer.
NG Guidelines Employer Conversation
NOTE What if you're unable to contact the employer?
If you are unable to reach the employer on your first attempt, leave voicemail message if appropriate. Extend the Em-
ployer Conversation task out for 3 additional days (unless urgent). Note in the task description that this is the first at-
tempt to contact the employer.
2nd attempt in 3 days: Confirm Employer contact details are correct with the client or by checking the Employer Party
Record and attempting other work contacts where possible. If there is a mobile number, send the following text
‘Please contact us about your employee [ACC45 No]’. DO NOT disclose other client information in the text. In the task
description note you have attempted to contact the employer on [mobile number] and sent an etxt. Push out the task
for another 5 days.
3rd attempt in 5 days: leave voicemail message and close the Employer Contact Action with an outcome to note the
unsuccessful attempts. Contact the client to advise you have not been able to make contact with their employer and
ask them to liaise with them.
NOTE How do you open the Employer Guided Conversation?
- Double click the existing Initial Employer Guided Conversation on the recovery plan time-line, or
- From the vocational life area add a contact action, selecting Employer Initial. You will also need to enter todays date,
a brief description and then click Save. Then navigate back to the Recovery Plan time-line and double click on the
action you created.
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NOTE What do you need to consider as you complete the Employer Guided Conversation?
• Capture information collected and agreed as you work through the conversation.
• It is important that you summarise the entire conversation in the bold box contained in the Close Out section. This
information is what will be transferred back to Eos as contact.
• Save the conversation once all required information is recorded.
• Add To Do List items to capture post call actions, then complete these actions following the call.
• Any To Do List actions that remain open will be automatically transferred to the Recovery Plan when you click Trans-
fer To Do List Items.
g Arrange to send your client a copy of their Recovery Plan if required.
NOTE How do you generate a copy of the Recovery Plan for the client?
Click Send PDF to Eos on the Salesforce Recovery Plan.
Result: This will generate ACC7979 form.
NOTE What if the client wants the Recovery Plan sent to them by email?
Follow the Emailing from Eos – System Steps.
NGCM - FINAL Emailing from Eos - System Steps
NOTE What if the client wants the Recovery Plan sent to them by mail?
Refer to the NG GUIDELINES Sending Letters in NGCM.
NG GUIDELINES Sending Letters in NGCM
h Close the NGCM Client Welcome Conversation task.
Create or Update Recovery Plan
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
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Conduct Recovery Check-in Conversation v49.0
To identify when key recovery milestones have been achieved, and to gather information to ensure the client has the right level of
support from us to reach the next milestone toward their recovery goal during the Recovery Check-in conversation.
The Recovery Check-in conversation framework has been created to support our new ways of working, ensuring we have quality
conversations and are contacting our clients at the right time, for the right reasons, and in the right way – every time.
During Recovery Check-in conversations, we identify any outcomes to current goals and actions since the previous Recovery Check-
in, and add new goals and actions. We then update the Recovery Plan and check the client is still being supported by the best team
for their needs, and finally set up the next Recovery Check-in (unless the client has reached their final Recovery Check-in point).
It also helps us identify when a client's recovery is not tracking as planned and to proactively remind clients of agreed key target
dates within their recovery plan.
Recovery Check-ins provide a conversational framework to ensure our clients' needs are met and that they have a consistent expe-
rience with ACC. When successfully conducted and accurately recorded, ACC will have additional information for a particular client
• how they are feeling about progress towards their recovery and their level of confidence towards reaching their goals
• at what point they see themselves on their recovery path in terms of next steps, rehabilitation, treatment and progress towards their
• what support the client needs from ACC.
Section 9(2)(a)
Section 9(2)(a)
Create or Update Recovery Plan
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
Track Recovery
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
1.0 Prepare for a Recovery Check-in conversation
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a In Salesforce, check the timing of the Recovery Check-in conversation.
NOTE When should a Recovery Check-in conversation be scheduled?
• The timing of any Recovery Check-in conversation should align to a key milestone in the client's recovery.
This is primarily based on whether we think we can add value to the client's recovery – we'll contact them when they
reach a recovery milestone to determine what level of support they need to reach their next milestone.
• If it's not the right time to have a Recovery Check-in task:
— For claims in Assisted team, change the target date for the Recovery Check-in task and transfer the task back into
the Assisted Recovery Department queue.
— For claims in the Supported or Partnered team, change the target date for the Recovery Check-in task.
NOTE What factors can determine the number and frequency of Recovery Check-in conversations?
The timing for each Recovery Check-in is unique for each client, based on an assessment of all currently available key
information, which means that some clients may need more or less Recovery Check-in conversations than others.
For example, if a client's recovery is steadily on track, and there is no evidence of any obstacle to their recovery and
they seem to be progressing well – then only a minimal number of Recovery Check-in conversations may be needed.
Conversely, a client who has multiple or more complex injuries will likely require more Recovery Check-in conver-
NOTE What if the client initiates contact before a scheduled Recovery Check-in?
If it is appropriate to have the Recovery Check-in now, go to 2.0 Perform Check-in conversation.
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b Determine the purpose of the conversation.
When planning a Recovery Check-in conversation, be very clear on which milestone you plan to discuss and the stage of the
client's recovery.
NOTE What if the claim has been re-opened and requires an assessment that is not related to Weekly Compen-
You need to acknowledge to the client that we are assessing their request, including but not limited to entitlement and/
or cover.
Go to Activity 2.0 Perform Check In conversation.
NOTE What if you need to discuss a recent medical certificate relating to subsequent incapacity?
Perform a subsequent Welcome Conversation.
If the client requires Weekly Compensation and they are eligible, complete the Weekly Compensation section of the
subsequent Welcome Conversation in Salesforce. You will only need to complete the Weekly Compensation section,
and override the other mandatory questions once you have selected "Save" in the close-out section. The Welcome
Conversation transcript will be automatically sent to Eos.
If there is no Recovery Check-in task on the claim, then create one manually in Salesforce by selecting 'actions', 'new',
and select recovery check in.
Once you have all the information for weekly compensation, Go to 'Request Set Up of Weekly Compensation Pay-
For more information about subsequent incapacity, refer to the policy below.
PROCESS Request Set Up of Weekly Compensation Payments
Subsequent Inability to Work (Subsequent Incapacity)
NOTE What other key factors should you consider before conducting a Recovery Check-in conversation?
• Does any new information (reports, action updates, or other conversations), mean that the timing is no longer appro-
priate for this Recovery Check-in?
• Is the client's recovery still underway as planned?
• Is there anything you can do at this point to improve the client's journey?
NOTE What if the client has been transitioned from Enabled?
1) In Salesforce create Recovery Check in task. You will need to assign this to yourself in Eos so it is not pushed to
another user. Complete conversation with client.
2) You will need to discuss and agree with the client an overall Recovery Goal, actions and set up their Recovery Plan.
Go to Create or Update Recovery Plan process.
PROCESS Create or Update Recovery Plan
NOTE What if you need to prepare for a CMI Recovery Check-in conversation?
Refer to the CMI Recovery Check-in Conversation guidelines to help you have a Recovery Check-in conversation with
a provider and/or an Assisted Complex Mental Injury (CMI) client.
CMI Recovery Check-in Conversation guideline
NOTE What if you need to prepare for a CPI or a Long term stable Recovery Check-in conversation?
Refer to the CPI and Long term stable Recovery Check-in Conversation guidelines.
These guidelines are for Complex Physical Injury (CPI) clients who are in:
• the Partnered Recovery team, or
• those clients who have transitioned from Partnered Recovery to the Assisted Recovery team.
Review the claim so you have the knowledge of the client's circumstances before making the call. The language we
use when talking with clients who have sustained a lifelong injury should reflect that.
For example, it is not appropriate to ask someone with a permanent disability how their recovery is progressing. If in
doubt or unsure, talk to the Team Leader or Practice Mentor.
NG GUIDELINES: CPI Recovery and Long Term stable Check-in Conversation
c Determine the correct (or best) person to have the conversation with.
NOTE How do you determine the correct or best person?
When planning a Recovery Check-in conversation, it is important to first identify the most appropriate person to con-
duct the conversation with (and check if there is a safe contact and their relationship they have to the client) and also
to be very clear on which milestone you plan to discuss.
Recovery team members need to determine who should be involved and which conversation guide to use.
The preferred option may be a case conference with the provider and the client.
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NOTE What factors should you consider when planning your approach on the type of conversation to pursue in the
Recovery Check-in conversation?
• Complex Physical Injury claims – many conversation variations are available for these injury types, including situa-
tions where the client has returned to work on a part-time basis, (which is a significant achievement and milestone
• Sensitive claims – which may require manual set up along with pre and post cover workaround options.
• The early planning of stages linking to ISSC engagement or the most recent documentation. Review cover status (ie
is there an assessment pending)
• If you’re in Partnered, consider the following aspects of their lives – where they live, the support needed to live
independently, their confidence in living an every day life, support in their community and the support people around
them, and if anything has changed.
NOTE What if the client is only able to communicate via email?
It is always best practice to conduct a recovery check in via phone so that we are able to gather as much information
as possible to confirm the recovery is on track or to consider what additional services we may need to discuss. How-
ever, in exceptional circumstances, there will be some clients who are only able to communicate via email. This could
be due to a range of factors such as:
• A client who lives overseas
• A client who has a hearing impairment
• An already established management plan which means they are unable to call ACC, or
• Because this has been identified as the only appropriate method to communicate with the client.
If you are considering recovery check ins via email for a client and they do not match this exceptional criteria, consult
your team leader in conjunction with a practice mentor prior to using this method. Once confirmed, record the rationale
in the Engagement life area.
d Based on the following criteria determine if you need to ask the 'How are you Coping Gauge' (HCG) questions:
• you're speaking with the client
• they're over 16 years of age
• the claim is with the Assisted or Supported Team - HCG isn't appropriate for Partnered clients.
NOTE What are the guidelines for completing the HCG?
The HCG is a set of health screening questions that we ask clients within the first week of injury. These questions
allow us to assess if a client has any psychosocial factors that may impact their recovery so that we can provide the
right supports, at the right time. For guidance on what the HCG questions are, how to introduce them, and responding
to client questions, please refer to the link below.
HCG questions are optional at the Recovery Check-in, and the accompanying guidance will support you when consi-
dering whether it is appropriate to ask HCG questions again.
• Recovery Progress – If a client's recovery is not progressing as expected, or they have shared concerns about how
their recovery is going, it may be appropriate to ask the HCG questions and consider what support we can provide.
• Previous HCG ratings – If a client identified they were experiencing difficulty with their recovery at the Welcome
Conversation, then it may be appropriate to reassess how they are coping. This will also help you to identify if the sup-
ports that were put in place have effectively addressed the client's needs.
• Concerns from third parties – If the client's family/whanau, employer or providers raise any concerns about how the
client's recovery is progressing, or how they are coping, then reassessing the HCG might be appropriate.
NG GUIDELINES How are you Coping Gauge (HCG)
Record HCG Results
NOTE What if your client has a Complex Physical Injury?
Complete these questions, if it is appropriate to do so:
• How do you feel about where you live and do you need support to live more independently?
• How confident are you to do what you do to live an everyday life?
• How supported are you to learn about your community and choose where you go?
• How supported are you to decide about the people you want to be with?
2.0 Perform Check-in conversation
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a Open the relevant guidelines to refer to during the Recovery Check-in conversation.
NOTE What are the guidelines for a CMI Recovery Check-in Conversation?
Refer to NG GUIDELINES CMI Recovery Check In Conversation guidelines to help you have a Recovery Check-in
Conversation with:
• a provider, and/or
• an Assisted Complex Mental Injury (CMI) client.
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NOTE What if the purpose of the conversation is due to an assessment on a re-opened claim?
Tailor the Recovery Check In conversation to the clients current circumstances.
The purpose of this conversation is not to agree Recovery Goals or agree further Recovery Check Ins. These are not
required while the request is being assessed. Advise the client what the next steps are and agree a date for your next
In Salesforce, create a Reminder or Contact action on the claim, ensure the target date is the date agreed with the
client. Go to Activity 4.0 Determine next steps.
CMI Recovery Check-in Conversation guideline
b In Salesforce, establish contact with the client or relevant stakeholder, the provider or the participant and confirm you are
speaking with the right person by asking ACC's identity check questions.
Identity Check Policy
NOTE What if you can't establish contact?
1) Attempt a maximum of two contacts over two full working days before leaving a voicemail or sending a notification
to request client contact.
2) If you are unable to reach the client, extend the task for an additional two working days and note in the task descrip-
tion that this is the second attempt to contact the client.
3) On the task due date and if there has been no response from the client to the voicemail or notification, send the
CM04 - Advise client that you were unable to reach them by phone letter.
The CM04 letter will be populated with client injury details, however you need to update the letter as follows:
'We recently tried to contact you about your injury that happened on [date of accident auto].
I tried calling you to talk about how we may be able to help you recover from your injury/injuries, but haven’t managed
to get in touch.
It would be good to hear from you on how you are progressing or discuss what other support we could offer, please
give me a call or email me to arrange a convenient time for me to call you back.'
4) Extend the task date as appropriate to take into account postal delivery and note in the task description this is the
third attempt to contact the client and the CM04 letter has been sent.
5) On the task due date and if there has been no contact from the client and they are continuing to receive support,
seek internal guidance to determine next steps.
6) If you're in Partnered and no contact is made with the client after 3 attempts, you must contact the provider, GP or
other verified contact on the claim.
PROCESS Seek Internal Guidance
NOTE What if you're unable to contact a CPI client?
Follow the instructions as detailed in the [What if you can't establish contact?] note above. In the CM04 letter, update
with the following:
We recently tried to contact you to see how you are managing your injury and if you need any additional assistance
from ACC. If you would like to discuss your ongoing needs to assist your recovery, please call us on the number
What to say in a voicemail message
Decline Entitlement When Client is Non-compliant Policy
CM04 Advise claimant that you were unable to reach them by phone
NOTE How can you confirm client contact details?
Consider the following:
• details on the ACC45
• latest ACC18
• contact the client's treating provider
• contact the client's employer.
NOTE What if they are reluctant or not comfortable to directly participate in a Recovery Check-in conversation?
In some cases, providers such as Social Workers can be nominated as a representative in situations where the client
doesn't want to talk to ACC directly - for example, a complex physical injury case.
NOTE What if the client advises they are unable to have the conversation now or during the conversation they are
unable to continue?
1) If possible, agree the next actions with the client and an alternative time to call back that suits them.
2) Update the target date in the task with this date.
3) Add a note in the description field of the task advising the conversation was paused, noting the components that
weren't completed.
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NOTE What do you need to consider before arranging a face-to-face conversation?
Go to Arrange Face to Face Client Meeting process.
PROCESS Arrange Face to Face Client Meeting
NOTE What if the description in the task advises the recovery check in is to be conducted over email?
Confirm the following before creating the email:
• Check that the clients situation has been identified as being suitable to recovery check ins via email (see Activity 1.0c
and the Engagement life area).
• Check that the clients email address has been verified.
• Consider what the milestone is and whether the timing is still correct. Review Claim on a Page, the Recovery Plan
actions and life area notes along with recent contacts and documents before proceeding.
The description field should indicate if there are specific questions that need to be asked during this recovery check in.
If not, consider the questions that are in the salesforces guided conversation (by double clicking the action) and tailor
these to the clients current circumstances. Ie:
• Do we need to review progress towards the recovery goal? (With Partnered Physical Injury clients or Long Term Ser-
vice Clients this may not be appropriate)
• Do we need to review progress of treatment?
• Do we need to review progress of social supports?
• Do we need to review progress of vocational supports?
•Are there any agreed interventions that have now been completed and have they achieved the intended outcome?
• Is there anything else we can do to help progress the recovery path for this client?
Once the email has been sent, edit the recovery check in action in Salesforce and note in the change reason that an
email has been sent then move the due date out a week to allow the client to reply before we follow up.
c From the Recovery Plan, open and complete the Recovery Check-in Conversation. Use the To Do List to record post call ac-
NOTE What if the recovery check in was conducted via email?
Consider whether we need further information/agreement from the client prior to completing the recovery check in
action in Salesforce. If we need more information, request this from the client by replying to their email and then edit
the recovery check in action in Salesforce and note in the change reason that a reply email has been sent then move
the due date out a further week to allow the client to reply before we follow up.
If all actions have been completed/agreed to and we have advised the client of their next recovery check in date, com-
plete the next steps
1) Ensure all emails are filed away and the properties have been updated accordingly.
2) In salesforce, click the Recovery Check in action once to open the edit item window.
3) In the Outcome Summary field briefly summarise the outcome of the recovery check in and reference that detail
can be found in the email contact(s) (specify the date it’s sitting in Eos).
4) Manually create the next Recovery Check in action in salesforce.
5) Set up/edit any supports or requests that were requested/agreed to.
6) Update the recovery plan in salesforce with key information from this interaction.
NOTE What if you receive a request for a Lump sum payment or Independence Allowance (LSIA)?
1) Advise the client they are eligible to apply, and an application pack will be sent to them.
2) Create a ‘Send LSIA application pack task’. This will automatically route to the Treatment & Support team to gen-
erate and send to the client.
For further information refer to the link below.
Independence allowance & lump sum (IALS)
d Discuss Client's Rights and Responsibilities if needed.
NOTE How do you determine if you need to discuss sending the ACC165 Client Rights and Responsibilities?
In Salesforce, the Recovery Check-in Conversation will display the Clients Rights and Responsibilities section if the
client does not have an active Client's Rights and Responsibilities Indicator.
Advise the client that you need to share with them information about their rights and responsibilities and confirm they
understand these. Check how the client would like to receive this information (eg, email, post) and note this in the
Rights and Responsibilities section of the Welcome Conversation.
To-Do List items will be automatically created for the following:
• Post or email the ACC165
• Follow up reminder set for 10 working days to follow up with the client if not received
e Schedule the next Recovery Check-in conversation and enter the milestone or stage.
NOTE Where can you find more information about Recovery Check-in?
Refer to the Recovery Check-ins section of the Recovery Management Guide.
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Claims > On-Board Client and Manage Recovery > Conduct Recovery Check-in Conversation
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NOTE Where can you find more information about scheduling a Recovery Check-in?
Go to Create or Update Recovery Plan process, then refer to Activity 2.3 Add or update a Recovery Check-in.
PROCESS Create or Update Recovery Plan
NG GUIDELINES Recovery Management
NOTE What if this is the final Recovery Check-in?
Refer to Close Claim process.
PROCESS Close claim
f In Salesforce, Complete the call outcome summary
NOTE How do you complete the call out summary?
For guidelines about how to write the call outcome summary refer to the Note taking section of the Recovery Manage-
ment guide document.
NG GUIDELINES Recovery Management
g Finish the call with the client, ensuring you've gathered all the information you need and the client verbally agrees to the up-
dated information for their Recovery Plan.
NOTE What if the client doesn't provide verbal agreement to an intervention or the plan we have identified as being
reasonably required?
Confirm with the client:
• how they want to receive a copy of their Recovery Plan so they can review it
• a suitable time for them to review their Recovery Plan. We must give them a reasonable time to review and agree to
a Recovery Plan. It's expected that a client is given 10 working days but a longer timeframe may be appropriate in
some cases. They can also seek support from their Lead Health Practitioner, other Health Practitioner, other support
person(s), or employer to participate in the development of their Recovery Plan
• a date to finalise the Recovery Plan
• they can seek advice from their Lead Health Practitioner, other Health Practitioner, other support person(s), or em-
ployer to help with the preparation of their Recovery Plan
• they can phone us to discuss their Recovery Plan and/or provide verbal agreement of their Recovery Plan
• they can send their Recovery Plan back via email or post with feedback and/or agreement
• we'll follow up with them before the finalisation date agreed if we've not heard from them
• if we don't reach an agreement at the finalisation date, we'll send them copy of the Recovery Plan again with a deci-
sion advising the client the Recovery Plan has been finalised as 'agreed'.
h In Salesforce, work through the actions in the To Do List. Complete the actions that must be done at that time.
i If you are unable to complete an action, click the 'Transfer To Do Items' button. This will automatically transfer the open item to
the Recovery Plan as an 'Action to be followed up' on the specified Target Date.
j Close the current Recovery Check-in conversation.
NOTE What happens automatically in Eos when you've completed the Recovery Check-in Conversation?
A Recovery Check-in Conversation transcript is created and a contact is added to the Recovery Plan.
3.0 Print Recovery Plan
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a If the client has requested a copy of their Recovery Plan, confirm how they want to receive this.
Ensure that the client has agreed to each specific intervention in the Recovery Plan. Agreement to interventions must be evi-
denced in contact notes either following discussions with the client/ATA or email. This means that the client’s signature is not
required on the printed Plan.
An employer must be given an opportunity to participate in the preparation of the Recovery Plan, however it does not mean
they need to see a copy of the plan. Ensure you do not show any sensitive client information to the employer. Check all auto-
populated fields and remove data as necessary. Where there is a sensitive claim we must follow directions by the client and
not involve the employer.
b Generate a copy of the Recovery Plan for the client.
NOTE How do you generate a copy of the Recovery Plan?
Click Send PDF to Eos on the Salesforce Recovery Plan.
Result: This will generate ACC7979 form.
c Arrange to send the client a copy of their Recovery Plan.
NOTE What if the client wants the Recovery Plan sent to them by email?
Follow the Emailing from Eos – System Steps.
NGCM - FINAL Emailing from Eos - System Steps
NOTE What if the client wants the Recovery Plan sent to them by mail?
Refer to the NG GUIDELINES Sending Letters.
NG GUIDELINES Sending Letters in NGCM
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Claims > On-Board Client and Manage Recovery > Conduct Recovery Check-in Conversation
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4.0 Determine next steps
Recovery Assistant, Recovery Coordinator, Recovery Partner
a In Salesforce, create or update the plan with the new information or outcome of the conversation.
NOTE How do you create or update the Recovery Plan?
Go to Create or Update Recovery Plan process.
PROCESS Create or Update Recovery Plan
b Assess the information in the Recovery Plan and determine if the next step is clear and obvious.
NOTE What if you need internal advice to determine next steps of the client's recovery?
Go to Seek Internal Guidance process.
PROCESS Seek Internal Guidance
NOTE What if you need clinical information to help complete the client's recovery plan?
Go to Request Clinical Records process.
PROCESS Request Clinical Records
c Consider if your client needs to be transitioned to another team as your client is either tracking ahead or behind their Recovery
NOTE What if your client needs to be Transitioned to another team?
Remember to align the due date for Recovery Check-in conversations with key milestones.
Go to Transition Claim process.
PROCESS Transition Claim
d Arrange an assessment to gather more information about the client's injury or recovery needs.
NOTE How do you arrange the assessment?
Go to the relevant web link below, then select the assessment process.
Manage Social Interventions / Supports
Manage Vocational Interventions / Supports
Manage Treatment Interventions / Supports
Manage Ancillary Services
e Determine the type of support required to help your client to achieve their recovery goal(s) and confirm their eligibility. Consider
our Decision-making principles in the Recovery Management Guide.
To find details about how to create tasks for other types of financial supports, search for the support type in Promapp (eg lump
sum, independence allowance, HCSS payments).
NG GUIDELINES Recovery Management
NOTE What if you need to set up supports for the client?
If you need to:
• set up social supports for the client, go to Manage Social Interventions / Supports web link.
• set up vocational supports for the client, go to Manage Vocational Interventions / Supports web link.
• respond to a treatment request, go to Manage Treatment Interventions / Supports web link.
Manage Social Interventions / Supports
Manage Vocational Interventions / Supports
Manage Treatment Interventions / Supports
NOTE What if you need to set up Weekly Compensation?
Go to the process below.
PROCESS Request Set Up of Weekly Compensation Payments
NOTE What if you need to reinstate Weekly Compensation?
In Eos, at ACC45 level, complete the reinstatement information in the Non Standard WC Setup Eform (documents tab,
stand alone eform category). Then create a Setup weekly comp Entitlement task (the eform is linked automatically).
The task auto routes to the Centralised Weekly Compensation queue.
Add a Non standard WC set up Eform
f Depending on where your client is at, consider the following.
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Claims > On-Board Client and Manage Recovery > Conduct Recovery Check-in Conversation
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NOTE What if your client is unlikely to be able to return to their pre-injury occupation due to their injury?
Go to Arrange Vocational Assessment web link, and then select these processes:
• Arrange Initial Occupational Assessment process, and
• Arrange Initial Medical Assessment process.
NOTE What if your client is undertaking IOA/IMA, VIOA/VIMA (Voc independence pathway)?
If your client is undertaking Initial Occupational Assessment/Initial Medical Assessment (IOA/IMA), Vocational
Independence Occupational Assessment/Vocational Independence Medical Assessment (VIOA/VIMA), then arrange
to send your client a copy of their Recovery Plan, requesting their signature to confirm the agreed interventions. Go to
Activity 3.0 Print Recovery Plan.
g Determine if your client no longer needs support.
NOTE What if the client has confirmed they don’t require any supports?
Go to Stop Supports.
PROCESS Stop Supports
ACC > Claims Management > Manage Claims > On-Board Client and Manage Recovery > Conduct Recovery Check-in Conversation
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