File ref: IRO-11005
29 January 2021
Seann Paurini
[FYI request #14270 email]
Kia Ora Mr Paurini
Keith Spry Pool - Bans
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings
Act 1987 (the Act), received on 10 December 2020. You requested the fol owing information:
• How many swimmers or spectators (customers, pool goers, visitors, people supervising
children) have been banned from the Keith Spry Pool and what were they banned for?
• How many swimmers or spectators (customers, pool goers, visitors, people supervising
children) have been complained about at the Keith Spry Pool and what were the complaints
about? Which complaints lead to the person complained about being banned and which
complaints didn't lead to the person complained about being banned and why was she or he
not banned?
• The pool manager, Amy Carter has confirmed with me that every complaint is documented so
do not generalise. Provide detail for each event that lead to the swimmer or spectator being
banned or complained about for the following years:
• 2020
• 2019
• 2018
• 2017
Wel ington City Council has reviewed your request. On 24 June 2020 the Council had send you a list
of complaints from 2017 – 2020 and outlined which complaint led to a ban and the reason. The
Council will not be providing any further details to protect the privacy of any individual, this part of
your request has been refused under section 7(2)(a) to protect the privacy of natural persons. The
Council has updated the 2020 complaint information to reflect the full year.
Ban from pool Reason for Ban
Swim coach interaction with pupils.
Public asking visitors for personal details.
2017 Two members of the public taking up a lane for swimming
lessons disrupting other patrons.
Special requirements school student bit Swimwell Trainer,
lessons ceased with this student permanently as this was not
the first time.
Ban from pool Reason for ban
A child told their parent on returning home that a man
was asking inappropriate questions at the pool.
A patron approached staff and said they were concerned
Continued over the interaction of Swim Coach and their pupil,
Lifeguard approached the Instructor and dealt with it.
Total of six complaints registered with Keith Spry Pool in
Zero bans.
Ban from pool Reason for ban
Disruptive behaviour and failing to fol ow Lifeguard
Watching objectionable material in public.
Patron (banned for previous incidents in 2016 until they
attend a meeting to discuss his behaviour) posted an
offensive FB post.
Group of youths asked to leave for disruptive behaviour and
failing to fol ow Lifeguard instructions.
The same group of youths as above asked to leave for
disruptive behaviour and failing to fol ow Lifeguard
The same group of youths as above asked to leave for
2018 disruptive behaviour and failing to fol ow Lifeguard
instructions, on this event they were banned for the
remainder of the holidays by TL.
parent pushing child to continue swimming despite being in
the pool for two hours continuously and failing to fol ow the
Lifeguards instructions that this was not safe, and they had to
have a break.
Special requirements child who was aggressive and removed
from the pool by staff and her teacher wilfully urinated once
out of the pool banned for the remainder of the school term.
Special requirements child struck lifeguard, noted as the
school was cal ed and told that the child would not be
allowed back in as this had occurred previously.
Total of nine complaints registered with Keith Spry Pool.
Three resulted
in bans.
Ban from pool Reason for ban
Public advised pool staff that a parent was coaching his child
to exhaustion.
2019 Patron verbal y abusing staff about a faecal incident in the
pool and how they were dealing with it.
Lifeguard heard yelling, screaming and the sounds of a strike
from a changing room. Pool Manager advised and engaged
with the parent.
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Ban from pool Reason for ban
Patron swearing at staff about the cleanliness of the pools
as well as using racial slurs and offensive language about
other pool users.
Inappropriate comments made to a female member of
Patron upset over faecal issues was demanding that all
children should be banned.
Patron stormed in, cut the que at reception was
aggressive and disruptive. Patron would not calm down
and cal ing the Police was considered by the staff.
Patron was upset at how busy the pools were and upset
over food on the floor in the birthday party area. Started
recording the party attendees, Pool Manager spoke with
them and then he started taking photos of the staff.
Patron demanded that staff had to move one of the swim
groups, staff declined and he then insulted them.
Patron was upset that the dive board was stil open, even
though it was supposed to be. Then advised the clocks
were wrong and he would be staying until the pools
Patron was verbal y abused by an ex-partner, Pool
Continued Manager diffused situation.
Patron got aggressive towards staff about the disabled
changing rooms not being free and would not use the
family ones as the floors were too wet.
Patron started yelling at children playing as they believed
it was not appropriate, Pool Manager spoke to them.
Patron made inappropriate remarks towards a female
staff member and was asked to leave by Pool Manager
and banned for 2 weeks.
A Swimwell instructor was grabbed by the face from her
A Patron was asked to leave the dive pool with their child
and became aggressive and abusive but left.
A patron was locked out when they used the fire exit to
get out of the Pool and the Lifeguard secured it behind
them. Became aggressive and abusive and was asked to
leave for the day.
A Swim team tutor was aggressive towards their student,
pushing their head under the water while moving their
arms in the freestyle motion. All staff advised and this
group was watched for the remainder of the visit and the
next session a week later.
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Ban from pool Reason for ban
A parent was aggressive towards their child, pushing their
hands firmly while moving their arms in the breaststroke
motion. Pool Manager was called as the child was upset
and crying, behaviour addresses.
A person was asked to not use the diving board for
pullups in the pool, responded aggressively and left the
pool on their own. Apologised on the way out for their
Continued behaviour.
A patron complained that another pool user has made
homophobic comments at their son. Pool Manager
addressed the issue with the person in question.
A patron made inappropriate comments towards another
patron of the opposite sex, Pool Manager dealt with the
Total of 22 complaints registered at Keith Spry Pool in
One ban.
Ban from pool Reason for Ban
A youth patron struck another youth patron, warnings given.
A patron verbally abused another patron, after interaction
from the staff. Apologies were forthcoming and accepted.
A group of youths were advised to cease bombing and
jumping into the main pool, became aggressive and abusive
until they were advised that they would be required to leave
the site if the behaviour continued.
A patron was asked to leave for unsocial behaviour after
multiple interactions with Lifeguards trying to amend
Patron made a complaint that they had not had a fol ow up
on a previous complaint, did not fol ow up again on the way
2020 out - Pool Manger advised.
Patron was following another patron making them feel
uncomfortable. On interaction patron advised that he had
mental health issues, warned about possible trespass.
Patron was asked to stop staring at people using the pool as
it was making them uncomfortable.
Patron was requested to leave after not fol owing Lifeguard
instructions about how to use the pool correctly.
Patron was observed to be watching other pool users, after
20 minutes he was approached and advised that he needed
to use the facilities or leave, he chose to leave.
Patron walked into reception and made an offensive gesture
and engaged with the staff making them uncomfortable.
Once a line formed up behind the patron they left.
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Ban from pool Reason for Ban
Same as above patron abused and derided staff as he
believed they were not doing their job correctly. Made the
staff so uncomfortable they left the conversation and
escalated to the Manager.
Continued Customer was harassed in spa by another patron. Manager
spoke with customer as they were leaving the facility and
advised that their actions were inappropriate and advised the
expectations when visiting the facility. Informed that next
actions would result in a ban. Customer apologetic.
Total of 12 complaints registered at Keith Spry Pool in 2020
One ban.
Right of review
If you are not satisfied with the Council’s response, you may request the Office of the Ombudsman
to investigate the Council’s decision. Further information is available on the Ombudsman website,
Thank you again for your request, if you have any question please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards
Asha Harry
Assurance Advisor
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