Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142, NZ
T: +64 9 921 9999
KH Ross
[FYI request #14203 email]
26 January 2021
Dear KH Ross
Regarding your OIA request asking for the following information:
-The number of enrolled undergraduate students (part- and full-time) from the Peoples
Republic of China from 2010-2020.
-The total fees paid by undergraduate students from the Peoples Republic of China from
-The number of enrolled postgraduate students (part- and full-time) from the Peoples
Republic of China from 2010-2020.
-The total fees paid by postgraduate students from the Peoples Republic of China from 2010-
-The total amount of research funding received from institutions/entities who are
headquartered or based in the Peoples Republic of China from 2010-2020.
The table attached provides information on the first four points.
Our research system, which records centralised information on research contracts dating
back to2014, indicates $30,000 in research funding received from institutions/entitites who
are headquartered or based in the Peoples Republic of China.
Yours sincerely
Alison Sykora
Head of Communications, AUT