Taranaki District Health Board
Private Bag 2016
New Plymouth 4620
New Zealand
Telephone 06 753 6139
Fax: 06 753 7770
: [Taranaki District Health Board request email]
Taranaki Base Hospital
Private Bag 2016
New Plymouth 4620
New Zealand
Phone: 06 753 6139
Fax: 06 753 7710
Hāwera Hospital
4 November 2020
Post Office Box 98
New Zealand
Phone: 06 278-9929
Fax: 06 278 9910
Stratford Health Centre Phone: 06 765 7189
Opunake Medical Centre
Via Email:
[FYI request #14020 email]
Phone: 06 761 7324
Pātea Health Centre
Phone: 06 273 8088
Waitara Health Centre
Phone: 06 754 7150
Dear Hayley
Mōkau Health Centre
Phone: 06 752 9723
Official Information Act
I am responding on behalf of Taranaki District Health Board (DHB) to your OIA request of 22 October 2020.
You have requested the following information:
Could you please provide me with the eligibility criteria for public funded jaw surgery for Temporomandibular
joint disorder for a woman in her 20s.
Taranaki DHB can perform up to four of these surgeries per year under special hospital approval and patient
I trust the above information answers your OIA request.
Yours sincerely
Gillian Campbell
Chief Operating Officer