This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Does the Gisborne District Council open its meetings with a prayer?'.

17 April 2012     
Alex Harris 
C/- email 
[email address] 
Dear Mr Harris,  
Request for information:  11 April 2012  
I refer to your request for information contained in your email of 11 April 2012, in which you 
1.  Does the council open its meetings with a prayer? 
2.    If yes you’d like a copy of that prayer or examples? 
3.  When the practice was first established? 
4.  Whether the council has considered abolishing in the wake of the Whanganui decision? 
5.   Any advice the council may hold on the prayer’s compatibility with both the Human 
Rights Act 1993 and Bil  of rights Act 1990? 
Your request for information under Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 
1987 (LGOIMA) has been considered and the responses are listed below: 
1. Yes 
2.  The prayers are not retained or recorded.  Councillors select/create their prayer to read 
on the day. 
3.  The practice was first established 20 November 1989. 
4.  Council has not considered the Whanganui decision or abolishing this practice. 
5.  There is no information on this item 
If you disagree with Council’s response you can pursuant to section 27(3) of the LGOIMA, 
make a complaint to the Ombudsman who will upon receipt of the complaint investigate 
and review Council’s decisions.  Information on how to make a complaint can be found at 
Yours sincerely 
Eileen Cronin 
Democracy & Support Services Manager  
15 Fitzherbert Street, Gisborne •   PO Box 747 Gisborne 4040 New Zealand 
PHONE  +64 6 867 2049  •  FAX +64 6 867 8076  •  EMAIL  service @  •