This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Extract of data from OIA Tracking System'.
OIA Data 1/12/19 - 22/7/20
Date Received
Date Closed
OIA-The evidence the Ministry of Health relied on to substantiate its draft guidance to minimise food related choking risks in early learning services as published 
on the Educa ion Conversations website.
OIA- * I request any correspondence (including emails, reports or briefings) sent to or received by any official, medical officer, member of parliament, or Health 
Ministry official from Samoa which relates to Samoa's measles outbreak / epidemic. This should include but not be limited to any emails or correspondence to 
or from Prime Minister Tuilaepa or his staff at  he Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Samoa, and or, to or from Dr Take Naseri or any of his staff from 
the Ministry of Health in Samoa. The period I am making this request is from August 1 2019 until today's date, 20/12/2019.
OIA-Please release of the following IHC/IDEA Services Documenta ion    1.A comprehensive list of all IHC/IDEA Services staff policies and procedures  2. All 
staff procedure manuals (as referred to in section 4, page 8, IDEA Services Operations Manual)  3.Health and Safety Policy Statement  4.Allocation of Housing - 
Policy and procedures  5.Electronic Communication Policy  6.Personal Computer Usr Handbook  7.Information Security Policy  8.EPiC Performance Appraisal 
Policy  9.Fraud Policy  10.Regional Area Manger job description  11.All HR policies from HRP-1 though to HRP-50  12.The ‘House Rules’ (as referred to in 
section 5, page 9, Human Resources Policy)  13.IHC’s Human Resources Manual (as referred to section 5, page 9, Human Resources)
OIA- Documentation, clinical trial documents, studies etc that the MOH used to support their recommendation to add the hepatitis B vaccine to the NZ schedule. 
Please include any relevant documents for all of the hepatitis B containing vaccines, not just the monovalent vaccine.
OIA- I wish to kindly request for information on the annual estimated cost of caesarean section for the year 2017 and 2018 for the following:  1. New Zealand 
(national es imate) 2. Canterbury (regional estimate)
OIA- Please could you provide details of any New Zealand program related to this US link 1. 
public health countermeasures, and what policies and processes are in place, against any health threat as suggested in the document in the link 2. what 
Information  1-Jan-20
situation would need to exist for these policies to be enforced 3. whether we have a similar compensation program outside of ACC which would deal with 
injuries resul ing from such a measure? 4. If not would ACC also cover these potential injuries.
Mylan New Zealand Limited would like to request the following under the Official Information Act 1982.  For each month of 2019, please provide a breakdown of 
all products reported to Medsafe as being supplied under Section 29, where the tradename of the product includes "Mylan" or  "Alphapharm" or the report 
confirms a Mylan product was supplied. Please exclude any  reports made directly from Mylan NZ in the list, we are seeking information on other  wholesalers 
who are importing Mylan products direc ly.  Please include the following details
:   1.Tradename of product, strength, dose form and pack siz
e 2.Number of 
units supplied 3.Supplier name and address
OIA-Information about Air Ambulance Helicopter response times to the Coromandel from 1 December 2018 to 30 November 2019, and how many patients were 
transported to and from Thames Hospital during this time.
OIA- am requesting the following information under the Official Information Ac
t: 1.The number of people currently employed by the Ministry/agency who are 
being monitored and/or tested for drug use - including testing of hair
, saliva, blood and urine.  2.The number of employees who have undergone drug tes ing or 
monitoring under the Ministry's instruction in the calendar years 
of 2019, 2018 and 2017.  3.What policies or protocols does the agency have in place if an 
employee is found to be using drugs, or is known to have a drug problem/addiction? What supports are available to these employees?
OIA- I request your information on the four following linked topics: The first three are essentially synonyms for the condition and the fourth is a drug which is 
effective in slowing progression. I can send you references from the medical literature if that would help.  amyloid/amyloidosis/ATTRwt/tafamidis
OIA- This is an Official Information Act request seeking information about the records management of phone calls (including notes of phone calls) and text 
messages (SMS) sent/received on staff work phon13 Febuaryes and how calls and text messages are stored and archived on a central document management 
system.  Please provide the policy and procedure around the records management of calls and text messages sent/received on staff work phones. Please also 
provide any operational documents about how the Ministry ensures all calls and text messages sent/received on staff phones are captured on a document 
management system – for example, instructions given to staff on record management obligations regarding calls and text messages. Please also provide 
information on how long these records are held.
OIA- Dear Sir/Madam  I am requesting under the Official Informa ion Act all information held on our group Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). The 
group was formed in 1976 and has made numerous submissions to Health and other authorities concerning alleged psychiatric violations of human rights, the 
first of these concerning the psychiatric institutions of Lake Alice, Tokonui and Porirua.   We are seeking this information on our group for non-commercial 
reason and therefore request that no fee be applied to  he recovery of this information.

OIA- Studies of health outcomes for vaccinated vs never vaccinated children in NZ Inform
ation requested: 1. Could you please provide details/copies of all 
prospective cohort or retrospective studies comparing health outcomes in New
 Zealand children based on: • Overall vaccination status, that is - fully vaccinated, 
partially vaccinated and never vaccinated groups using the entire NZ childhood vaccination schedule at the time to define those
 groups; or • Vaccina ion status 
(i.e. vaccinated and never vaccinated groups) for individual vaccines on the current NZ childhood vaccination schedule  2.  Could you please provide 
details/copies of any other NZ-based studies that look at the different rates of illness, medical conditions and other health outcomes between vaccinated 
(preferably but not limited to both fully and partially) and never vaccinated children.
OIA- This is an official information act request for data about sexual harassment complaints recieved by your institution, and also for information about the result 
of those complaints.   The information will be used by the New Zealand Herald as part of a story about the way sexual harassment complaints are dealt with by 
government agencies and public institutions.   Can you please provide the below information, ideally in table format, for each of the past five years 2015-2019:  -
the number of sexual harassment allegations recieved  -the number of sexual harassment allegations which were laid as formal complaints  -the number of 
internal investiga ions into sexual harassment allegations  -the number of external investigations into sexual harassment allegations (in some cases, a single 
allegation will have both internal and external inves iga ion - it might be helpful to note somewhere if  his was the case to avoid double counting)  -the number of 
sexual harassment allegations which were upheld / substantiated / proved / found likely to be true  - he number of mediated settlements resulting from sexual 
harassment allegations   - he number of other types of settlements or resolutions resulting from sexual harassment allegations  -the amount of financial 
compensation included in those settlements  -whe her those settlements included a confidentiality agreement or non disclosure agreement (note: the standard 
MBIE mediation under section 149 of the Employment Relations Act includes a confidentiality clause, please state if the settlement was the MBIE set lement)
OIA-This request, made under the Official Information Act, is in response to MoH stating in a reply to a separate OIA request that information was stored across 
over 80 “filing cabinets” and that information "cannot be made available without substantial collation or research".   This raises concerns that MoH does not 
have the systems or processes to enable it to comply with the Public records Act or the OIA. It is also my hope  hat information obtained through this request 
will assist in drafting more fruitful and less burdensome requests for information in the future.  I ask that you please provide records for: 1. Policies, procedures, 
manuals, guides, other process documents and training materials for servicing OIA requests (with working links and applicable attachments); 2. Any Audits 
(internal or external) that relate to OIA compliance; 3. The repor ing (e g. KPIs or Dashboard) that describes OIA compliance from 2006 through present; 4. 
Policies, procedures, manuals, other process documents, and training materials regarding record keeping practices and complying with the Public Records Act; 
5. Any audits (internal or external) that relate to Public Records Act compliance from 2006  hrough present;  6. Any reporting or KPIs that detail what Retention 
and Disposal activities have occurred since 2008; and  7. Record/ document search and retention capabilities (for emails, calls, briefing notes, meeting notes, 
text messages, diary entries, etc.).  

OIA-  Please can you provide me with copies of the Bio-accumulation tests, relevant to inducing neurological damage and o herwise, for Statin drugs by 
prescrip ion? Please can you provide me with copes of all relevant scientific studies which were used to rely on, in order to approve the prescription of Statin 
drugs? Please can you confirm at what level of blood pressure are Statin drugs suggested for prescrip ion as a level directed by the Ministry of health? Please 
can you confirm why this level is a normal blood pressure level that does not require medication but ra her a health diet and exercise?  Please can you confirm 
the correla ion between Statin drug users for 1 or 2 years and Dementia?  Is the correlation between Statin drug use for blood pressure or otherwise, preceding 
Dementia, occurs 100% of the time and almost a certain consequence of administering this drug? Would there be any reason why the New Zealand Heal h 
System is interested in prescribing biological agents which destruct the neurological function of the elderly? Is this a budget goal to reduce pension expenditure 
or manage the hospital capacity, by falsely imprisoning elderly people, due to the chemically induced scrubbing of their brains with weapons grade behavioral 
modification drugs? Can you please confirm, what percentage of elderly people are currently prescribed Statin drugs in New Zealand? Can you please confirm 
what budget investment is made into Statin drugs and if we have a high stock level readied of these pills, with incentivised prescription through doctors? Can 
you please provide your internal correspondence with the MOH and Ardern on Statin drugs, prescriptions, just kidding, i know you won't, but all the other 
questions apply, The combination of symptoms expected by Statin drugs sounds similiar to  hat of 1080 neurological poison, do the pills and the poison, share 
any raw ingredients? The most common statin side effects include: Headache Difficulty sleeping Flushing of  he skin Muscle aches, tenderness, or weakness 
(myalgia) Drowsiness Dizziness Nausea or vomi ing Abdominal cramping or pain Bloating or gas Diarrhea Constipation Rash Statins also carry warnings that 
memory loss, mental confusion, neuropathy, high blood sugar, and type 2 diabetes are possible side effects. It's important to remember that statins may also 
interact with other medications you take. Given this range of side effects, makes it farily clear that you are crashing the immune system and neurological 
function of the elderly upon prescrip ion, do you not think it would be simpler, to simply stop 1080 poisoning, so that the risk of heart attacks and strokes, 
arguably largely induced by poisoned food and water, vastly subsides? Unless of course you are managing the New Zealand health system to induce death 
rather than keep people alive and heal hy. Please do not transfer my request, i am very much looking forward to your response,  - I left some of the other Sta in 
symptoms off the original request in error, which is relevant to my request as to weather they include the same or similar raw material's to 1080 poison's raw 
ingredients, as certainly the symptoms are similar to bioaccumulation of destruction induced by low dose daily 1080 poison tablets, Myositis, inflammation of  he 
muscles. The risk of muscle injury increases when certain other medications are taken with statins. For example, if you take a combination of a statin and a 
fibrate -- another cholesterol-reducing drug -- the risk of muscle damage increases greatly compared to someone who takes a statin alone. Elevated levels of 
CPK, or creatine kinase, a muscle enzyme that when elevated, can cause muscle pain, mild inflammation, and muscle weakness. This condition, though 
uncommon, can take a long time to resolve. Rhabdomyolysis , extreme muscle inflammation and damage. With  his condition, muscles all over the body 
become painful and weak. The severely damaged muscles release proteins into  he blood  hat collect in the kidneys. The kidneys can become damaged trying 
to eliminate a large amount of muscle breakdown caused by statin use.    Statins carry warnings that memory loss, mental confusion, neuropathy, high blood 
sugar, and type 2 diabetes are possible side effects, along with   Headache Difficulty sleeping Flushing of the skin Muscle aches, tenderness, or weakness 
(myalgia) Drowsiness Dizziness Nausea or vomi ing Abdominal cramping or pain Bloating or gas Diarrhea Constipation Rash
OIA- When Dr Bloomfield was appointed DG, was a briefing paper prepared for him. I recall seeing a reference to such a document, named the briefing for the 
incoming chief executive or something similar, in other MoH material. If it does exist, can a copy please be sent to me; or if it has already been made public, can 
you please direct me to where I might find it. My request is made under the Official Information Act.
 1.The average general practice copayment  (a) Nationally by age band for all practices (b) Nationally by age band for all practices excluding VLCA 
practices (c) by age band for all practices in Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Northland and Canterbury DHBs and 
(d) by age band for all practices excluding VLCA practices in Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Northland and 
Canterbury DHBs (e) Minimum and Maximum copayments by age band for practices in Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Capital and Coast, Hutt 
Valley, Northland and Canterbury DHB
s  2.National Funding paid under the PHO Services Agreement, by funding category (First Contact, u14, CSC, Care 
Plus, HP, SIA, Management Fees etc) for the period 2009/10-2019/20 (forecast spend for current FY 
is fine)  3.Total general practice reported utilisation, and 
nurse and general practitioner reported utilisation, for the period 2009/10-2019/20 (forecast numbers for current FY is fine) 4  .Total general prac ice reported 
utilisation, and nurse and general practi ioner reported utilisation, for the period 2009/10-2019/20 (forecast numbers for current FY is fine) or practices in 
Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Northland and Canterbury DHB
s 5.The Total funding paid under the CPSA and 
IPSCA contracts for the period 2014/15 to 2019/20 (again forecast for final year) by major funding category
  6.The dispensings the CPSA and IPSCA contracts 
for the period 2014/15 to 2019/20 (again forecast for final year) by
 initial dispensings and repeat dispensings 7.The Total funding paid under the CPSA and 
IPSCA contracts for the period 2014/15 to 2019/20 (again forecast for final year) for Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, 
Northland and Canterbury DHB
s  8.The dispensings the CPSA and IPSCA contracts for the period 2014/15 to 2019/20 (again forecast for final year) by initial 
dispensings and repeat dispensings, for Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Northland and Canterbury DHBs

OIA- A copy of all communication between the Ministry and Gumboot Friday representatives since October 1 2019 and now.    A copy of all communication 
between the Ministry and the Health Minister and his office regarding Gumboot Friday since October 1, 2019 and now.    A copy of all emails or reports or other 
correspondence between Ministry officials regarding Gumboot Friday since October 1, 2019 and now.
OIA- All advice, briefings, reports, memos, and emails the Ministry of Health has received regarding Philip Morris - including its Community Activation events -
 between 1 May 2019 and 1 January 2020.   I understand that a decision on a request for information under the OIA should be made wi hin 20 working days of 
receiving that request. 
OIA- For each of the Ministerial committees (including DHB boards) administered by the Ministry of Health, please provide information on:  - how many 
members are Māori? - how many members are non-Māori? - how many members are disabled Māori? - how many members are disabled non-Māori?   This 
request is a repeat of a OIA request you responded to on 8 February 2019. A link to that response is available here:  
https://www   Please also provide all advice (in any form) provided to Ministers or the 
director-general of heal h on the recent DHB board appointments, including advice on:  - Māori membership of Boards,  - conflicts of interest,  - mana whenua 
representation,  - Māori with lived experience of disability  - equity expertise of members.
OIA- I am a Masters student at Unitec in Mt Albert. As part of the Master of Osteopathy Program offered there, I am interested in collecting the following reports 
for NZ and then just Auckland over the past 3 year
s: 1. Number / % of Pacific Islanders utilizing health serv
ices 2.Number / % of Pacific Islanders wi h 
musculoskeletal C
onditions 3.Greatest health issues facing Pacific Islanders Are there any services that the Ministry of Heal h provides for the Pacific region 
and what are they?  If there is any more information that you feel would help me shine some light on the factors influencing the promo ion and uptake of 
Osteopathic services by Pacific people in Auckland, i would appreciate it.  Kind Regardss 9(2)(a)  
OIA- It might be easier if you just start by sending me all papers provided to ministers Hodgson and Clark on cannabis and I’ll go through them from scratch. 
Fortunately I’m a fast reader. Seeing as we are doing this, can you please add all papers supplied to helen clark to that list.  From memory, the Hodgson one in 
particular, was suggesting that there were no financial implications to the issue of cannabis entering the market. As a massively competitive product in the 
pharmaceutical market this is incorrect. My apologies for replying with another request instead of a concise answer.
OIA- Part A. For all current Medsafe approved funded thyroid medications please provide:  1. The citation lists (clinical research studies, other clinical papers 
and publications including randomised control trials and guidelines) that support all currently Medsafe approved funded thyroid medications. Citations are to 
include those on safety, benefits, efficacy and risk, and risk management; and  2. The citation list of all NZ or international pa ient survey data that supports 
these treatments.  Part B. Please provide   1. The cita ion lists (clinical research studies, other clinical papers and publica ions including randomised control 
trials and guidelines) that say that Desiccated Thyroid Extract or other forms of combina ion T3/T4 treatment for hypothyroidism and Liothyronine are NOT safe, 
beneficial, effective and risks cannot be managed safely. Citations are to include those on safety, benefits, efficacy and risk, and risk management.  2. The 
citation lists of all NZ or international pa ient survey data that show they are NOT safe, beneficial or effective.   Please note that for Part A and B, copies of the 
actual studies themselves are not required, just the citation (also known as an APA reference e.g.   Elizabeth A. McAninch and Antonio C. Bianco (July, 2019). 
The Swinging Pendulum in Treatment for Hypothyroidism: From (and Toward?) Combination Therapy. Frontiers in Endocrinology. published: 09 July 2019. doi: 
OIA- Please may I have a copy of all informa ion provided to the Samoan government and/or Samoan heal h authorities in 2019 alerting that country to the 
presence of a measles epidemic in New Zealand.  I am not exactly sure of the dates NZ was considered to have had its own epidemic but am assuming it would 
be captured within the 2019 calendar year.
OIA- 1. I request the number times Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been used and on how many people in the last five years broken down by year and 
region/DHB. e.g. 50 times on 50 people in Auckland, 60  imes or 45 people in Wellington  2. I request the reasons for ECT being used.  3. I request the cost of 
ECT.  4. I request the number of complaints received rela ing to ECT treatment.
OIA- All plans, procedures and protocols for dealing with any eruption at Whakaari / White Island which were current and in use BEFORE the 9 December 2019 
OIA- Official Information Request: Expert advice received in relation to the laboratory diagnosis of pertussis I would be most grateful if you could provide me 
with copies of expert advice provided to the Ministry and its Public Health Directorate in relation to the laboratory diagnosis of pertussis, over the period 2015 to 
2019 The request is made under the terms of the Official Information Act 1982. I am specifically interested in advice provided by Clinical Microbiologists, either 
in their personal capaci ies or through the New Zealand Microbiology Network relating to the sensitivity and specificity of PCR, culture and serology for 
Bordetella pertussis. I am concerned that some of this advice may have overstated the utility of PCR and understated that of culture and serology, and that it 
may merit further examination of the evidence on which it is based
OIA-Can you tell me of the the 31 audits that are either completed or in  he process, How many of those are independent audiology practices, Hospital 
Audiology services or corporate audiology practices (Bay, Triton, Hearing life, audika, Bloom, Dilworth) Can you also tell me if the funds recovered were from an 
independent, Hospital service, or corporate practice? Of the 5 practices where the audit is not going ahead, would they be Independent, hospital or corporate?

OIA- 1. Service specifications in contracts with CAARL and NHRL   2. NASO correspondence with CAARL and NHRL   In addition, in  he last two years any:   3. 
Community needs assessment (or similar analysis) report for ambulance services in Coromandel   4. Service effectiveness evaluation, including assessment of 
outcomes for patients receiving the service.  Could you also please provide contact details for  he appropriate contact person at NASO?  
OIA- In this country abortion is fully funded, I want to know  he total amount of money that was spent on abortion in 2019, feel free to ask me to clarify as I want 
an answer, not a decline.
OIA- Your rapid response was much appreciat
ed, but raises questions.   1.Have these products already been assessed and thus be available for prescribing 
from 1/4/20: CBD products currently available (Tilray, Medleaf, Theraleaf, Endoca etc), Tilray THC/CBD 10/10, Sativex?
 2.Or will those products not be 
available until re-assessed? 3.When is that likely
 to be?  4.Is the MEDICINAL CANNABIS Agency currently assessing medicinal cannabis products, or not 
starting until 1/4/20? 5.Can Tilray and other companies submit products with over 2% THC for assessment now
? 6.If you have changed  he submission 
process, how do companies apply for assessm
ent?  7.Is there anything else I should know about 1/4/20 changes? 
OIA- 1. Annual budget for the last three years, that is 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, (separated per year) of the Ministry of Health spend on ‘population promotion 
of healthy eating and heal hy food environments for the prevention of obesity and major diet-related NCDs’. This excludes all one-one-one promo ion (primary 
care, B4 school checks, Well Child, PlunketLine, Heal hLine, antenatal services, maternal and child nursing services, dietetic one-one-one nutrition services 
etc.), food safety, micronutrient deficiencies (e.g. folate fortification), breastfeeding promotion and under nutrition. We appreciate  hat some work will be 
combined nutrition and physical activity. We expect that policy development related to nutrition; development, promotion and publication of Eating and Ac ivity 
Guidelines; Healthy Families; Fruit in Schools, Kick Start, Healthy Active Learning, nutrition initiatives of  he childhood obesity plan, the healthy eating 
component of Healthy Active Living and contracts with the Heart Foundation and other non-government organisations may be included.    2. The budget under 1 
as a percentage of the total budget of Vote Health.   The total budget of Vote Health would exclude capital funding (for example, funding for building hospitals, 
IT systems) and operational funding for district health boards.   As a guide, I have attached the information provided from the Ministry of Health in 2017 as an 
OIA- I would like to request, pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982, all documents and communications, provided to, and created by, the Ministry of 
Health relating to all information regarding a merger of Lifeline and Youthline to the National Telehealth Service between January 1st 2019 and today.  This 
should include, but is not limited to: Correspondence regarding the budget of the proposal, including emails and text messages Meetings held to discuss and 
plan the proposed merger If planning had been halted at any time
OIA- I'm a reporter for the Waikato Times/Stuff. This is an Official Information Act request about imported medications referred to Medsafe.  I would like to 
know: The number of intercepted packages referred to Medsafe in the following years: 2009, 2010, and 2017, 2018, 2019 and so far in 2020 The number of 
packages kept for further investigation in the following years: 2009, 2010, and 2017, 2018, 2019 and so far in 2020  A breakdown by the type of medication (eg 
erectile dysfunction, insomnia, pain....) for 2009 and 2019  A breakdown by which region in New Zealand the medication was destined for, for 2009 and 2019 
How many referred packages were destroyed and for how many was there a valid prescription? The most common countries of origin for imported medica ion in 
2018 and 2019. The most common reasons people give for importing medications. Any emerging trends/concerns noted by Pharmac.
OIA- I wish to request the following informa ion regarding Microgynon 30 ED tablet (File reference: TT50-2342/1):    Please provide a copy of the most recent 
primary and secondary labelling (approved in a CMN or notified in a SACN).
OIA- What was the total investment in  he New Zealand public health sector in the past decade?  What was the total investment in the Taranaki public health 
sector in the past decade?
OIA- Would you kindly supply me with a copy of  he briefing paper supplied to Minister Clark on Grey Base Hospital on 12 November 2019?   This is number 22 
on your list of published papers for that period.   I am also seeking a comment from the Ministry re the latest comments from Fletchers about  he delay in 
completing Te Nikau, the new hospital.   Briefly, the company has again blamed the Ministry for the two-year delay in opening the facility . It says management 
of the project lies with the MoH.   The DHB chair and others have blamed Fletchers - prompting a query from one frustrated Greymouth Star reader as to where 
the buck actually stops .   I would greatly appreciate a response to the latest story in this saga, which you can read on the RNZ News website, in the Local 
Democracy Reporting section.
OIA- I am looking for the planning documents that provided the foundation for construction of Southland Hospital in Invercargill, which opened in November 
2004. These would include but not be limited to popula ion projections, proposed capacity of hospital services such as Medicine, ED, Surgery, etc... Where 
might I find  hem?
OIA- I would like to request that you release me a copy of the Martin woodbridge report 'cannabis therapeutics' under the Official Information Act.

”)  1.We write to you on behalf of several clients we 
represent who are participating in Stage two of the Health Inquiry which is currently being heard by the Waitangi Tr
ibunal. 2.This correspondence is a request 
for documents under the Official Information Act 1982 (“the Act”). In this correspondence the definition of “official information” contained in Section 2(1) of the 
t is adopted. 3.Therefore, by way of this letter, we request the following informa io
n. 4.What are the criteria of high or very high related needs of disability? 
5.What are the criteria for a whānau carer’s exception to the limit of allocated hours/or carer provided hours
? 6.Can a carer still be eligible for employment 
under FFC if they are receiving WINZ Supported Living Paym
ents? 7.How many families have received family funded care funding from
: a.1 April 2016 to 31 
arch 2017 b.1 April 2017 to 31 M
arch 2018 c.1 April 2018 to 31 Ma
rch 2019 d.1 Ap
ril 2019 to current. 8.Please provide the ethnic background of those 
families who received FFC for  he above peri
ods. 9.Please provide the age of the person with disabilities, whose family accessed FFC for the above periods. 
10.Please provide a breakdown of the locations of those who accessed FFC for the above periods. 11  .Please identify the type of disabilities that were 
covered by FFC
 for the above periods. 12.Is a disabled person able to have individualised funding or supported living in conjunction with FFC funding? 
13.Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss this request.  Copy of full request in correspondence tab
SERVICES 4. What are the criteria to access disability support services for people over the age of 65? 5. How do persons over the age of 65, if they fulfil the 
criteria for accessing disability support services go about accessing this support? 6. Can you provide the current Needs Assessment service providers for the 
following regions: a. Nor hland; b. Bay of Plenty; c. Waikato; d. Hawkes Bay; e. Lakes; f. Mid-central; g. Auckland; and h. Waitemata. 7. Please provide  he total 
number of persons who have accessed disability support services during the following periods: a) 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 b) 1 April 2017 to 31 March 
2018 c) 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 d) 1 April 2019 to current. 8. How many of total number of persons who have accessed disability support services during 
the following periods were Maori: a) 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 b) 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 c) 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 d) 1 April 2019 to current. 
9. Can you provide a breakdown of regions and rates of use of disability support services provided by the Ministry of Health: a) 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 b) 
1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 c) 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 d) 1 April 2019 to current. 10. How many of the users of disability support services were Maori 
by region? 11. How many unsuccessful applications were made during: a) 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 b) 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 c) 1 April 2018 to 31 
March 2019 d) 1 April 2019 to current. 12. What are the main reasons for refusal of disability support services? DISABILITY EQUIPMENT 13. How often would 
physically disabled people have appointments to check on their prosthetic limbs? 14. What is the prioritisation process to decide who gets funding for 
equipment or modifications? DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES 15. What mental, psychological, spiritual and cultural support do you provide to Maori with lived 
experience with disability? 16. What mental, psychological, spiritual and cultural support do you provide to the whanau of Maori with lived experience wi h 
disability? TRAVEL POLICY 17. Does National Travel Assistance fund the travel of a caregiver or carer and the disabled persons? 18. Do disabled persons 
living in rural areas have access to Supported Living? .
OIA: 1. The number of people diagnosed with an eating disorder in the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019  2. This figure broken down by age and gender 
OIA: 1: How many people were vaccinated for measles since the outbreak? 2: What group saw lowest vaccina ion(age, race, gender, location 3: What group 
saw highest vaccinations(age, race, gender, location) 4: What control methods were used and how were different areas treated from one another? 5: What was 
the most effective tool or reason for the heavy reduction in measles cases? 6: Why did measles cases drop so drastically, so quickly? 
OIA: I am formally requesting a release of all communications both internally and externally, digital or otherwise, that the Ministry of Health has had in relation to 
The Key to Life Charitable Trust’s 1000 Letters project. This includes but is not limited to copies of the 127+ formal complaints the Ministry received and 
discussions with  hose complainants and media agencies. This OIA request also seeks to obtain the information from MOH-run organisations namely the Health 
and Disabili ies Ethics Committee.  
OIA: I am requesting any and all communication, internal and external between the Ministry of Health and government telehealth provider Homecare Medical 
rela ing to Lifeline and/or Youthline between 1 January 2019 and 24 January 2020.
OIA-  I'm not really sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but is there any accessible count data for population by gender, age and ethnicity (Maori vs 
non-Maori) for the Midland DHBs (Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Tairawhiti, Taranaki) that MoH can provide?  11 February 2020: Essentially, ungrouped 
breakdown.  For example, Age 1 year old in Waikato DHB area - 50 Non-Maori male, 50 Non-Maori female, 40 Maori male, 60 Maori female.
OIA - Can you please also confirm whether you have received any complaints regarding LiLash or RevitaLash products? Can Medsafe please confirm whether 
they are satisfied from their correspondence with LiLash,  hat this product is below the medicines strength limits? As the strength of prostaglandin used in Lilash 
is not available, we would appreciate it if you can confirm this.  Can you please confirm this by the end of today?  (Full Medsafe/Media email trail in 
correspondence tab) 
OIA - unconfirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in NZ I am writing to request the number of people under observation and not confirmed to have the Coronavirus (2019-
nCoV) at the  ime of writing. As well as the locations of these suspected cases.

  7)How many NZ hospitals currently
 have coal boilers? i.Of these hospitals, by the end of the intended timeframe of the recently announced boiler 
replacement scheme, how many will still have coal boilers
 ? ii.If the answer to (i) is greater
 than none: a.What is the estimated amount of coal each will burn 
in an average year and in their lifetim
e? b.What further plans does the Government have to ensure that these remaining boilers will be replaced in light of  he 
policy set out on page one?  **partial transfer to MO Finance**
OIA: Any advice, including but not limited to emails, reports and/ or memos, provided to your employees about the use of the application 'TikTok' on their work 
mobile phone between September 2019 and January 27 h, 2020.
OIA 14. What testing has Med Safe done on the Logem drug?  15. What basis did MedSafe use to determine that Logem was bioequivalent to Lamictal? -
OIA- Any information on baseline reviews or reviews of expenditure since Budget 2019.   I’m specifically wanting any information on any requests from Treasury 
or Ministers to review baseline expenditure or savings in Votes.
OIA- Please can you provide and confirm by requirement under an OIA request, without transfer to the MOH,   1. A copy of the instruction pamphlet in  he MMR 
vaccination packaging,   2. Please can you explain, why you have not informed injectee's that these vaccinations instruction sheets, clearly declare that  hey are 
not tested for the risk of inducing infertility, inflic ing carcinogenic cancers, or for triggering mutagenic cancers as a consequence of geo-engineering the DNA 
with a combination of assault virus's, toxins, dead cells of animals, old fetus cells, some aged since in the 1960's, and in some cases the inclusive of heavy 
metals, and otherwise?   3. Please provide the ingredients list fo the New Zealand and Pacific version of the MMR vacina ion?   4. Have  he vacinations been 
independently tested for undeclared biological agents, cancer inducing virus's, sterility triggering chemicals, and AI nano tech or biological nano tech, prior to 
injecting into children across New Zealand?   5. Can you evidence that no content of these injec ions provide AI nano tech relevance or connection to 
surviellence technology, acquired under the Israeli Innovation Agreement or similiar AI quantum surviellence technology operating through  he GCSB, CIS or 
otherwise in New Zealand, with capability to influence the bodily and brain func ion of those injected?   6, Please provide  he copies of any independent tests 
conducted, to evidence the raw materials and contents of the injec ions, other than what is delcared on the labels or undeclared assoicated information 
provided to the government, detailing extra contents?   7. Please provide the copies of  he science which you have relied upon to promote to the public that 
these cocktails of poisons and virus's combined, are safe?   8 Can you evidence that there is no neurological regression or dysfunction induced by this cocktail 
for injection into the blood stream?   8. It is not clear to you that under the Precautionary Principle, where a vacination declares that it has not been tested for 
inflicting cancer and infertility/sterility, that given the content of highly toxic materials which you are leading the public and children - who unwittingly trust in the 
government health system - to inject directly in their blood stream, while New Zealanders already have a 1 in 4 blood cancer rate,  hat these injec ions by open 
declaration, are likely to inflict sterility and cancer, especially by muta ion of DNA, which programs poison information to cut the DNA like a knife, in order to 
render future organ, cell and function failure?   9. Do you agree, that if our Police Force was genuinely upholding the Crimes Act and the Health Act, that 
yourself, the associate health minister Genter, and Superior to the Crime Ardern, would be charged for financing, approving and promoting these 'Injurious to 
Health' injections, as a biological weaponised agent, which you have approved for use without informed consent by non disclosure of the cancer and sterility 
risks?    Relevant to committing the crimes of:   a. An act of Bio-Terrorism under Section 5.3, of the Terrorism Suppression Act - inflicting:  (b) a serious risk to 
the heal h or safety of a population:   b. The conduct amongst to Crimes against the person, relevant to their Duties tending to  he preserva ion of life under Part 
8 of  he Crimes Act, including: - A violation of the Standard of care applicable to persons under legal duties or performing unlawful acts, relevant by Sec ion 
150A of the Crimes Act. - A failure of the named respondents Duty to provide necessaries and protect from injury, under Section 151 of the Crime Act,   - 
Poisoning wi h Intent, under Section 200 of the Crimes Act    - and which is relevant to the current International Criminal Court review under case OTP-CR-
330/18 for the Crimes of Biological agents used to inflict the Genocidal Extermination of the Population?   10. Please provide me with the documentation which 
you relied upon to finance, approve, encourage and assure the saftey of a biological weapon, for heavily propaganda forced use on children?   11. Please 
provide me with internal emails between yourself and Ardern, relevant to the vacinations, prior to your approval, finance, purchase and promo ion of them as 
safe?   12. On what grounds do you defend this conduct, when these injec ions are filled with contaminants that no scientific evidence exists to prove it will 
strengthen the immune system, while it is clearly disclosed on the manufacturing information that it may induce cancer and sterility, with  hat being quite likely 
given the Horror Manure cocktail of ingredients combined as a potent poison to the human body, which by any logical deduction, as is supported by the 
absence of science and the warnings to that effect, will bring about  he phsyical desturction of human health.   13. Please confirm how many children or adults 
have died, or suffered ill health, severe bodily dysfunction or illness as a consequence, following  hese vacinations. Anecdotally i am aware of many, thus i'm 
sure your statis ic's evidence a genuine genocidal extermation of one or more persons, as a consequence of  he bodily collapse induced, including sterilty and 
cancer, by the persausively forced injection culture of your Government's health system? 
OIA- Under the OIA please advise the total legal costs for the 2018/19 financial year for; 1. the West Coast DHB 2. the Canterbury DHB.  To answer your 
question I request both figures. i e. the legal costs incurred by the Ministry relating to the two DHBs
OIA-Please would you provide me with  he following information:  1. The annual number of breast cancer diagnoses by ethnicity (in particular Maori) and by 
DHB from the years 2010 to 2018.  I would like it to be the same presentation format as my previous request for publicly funded hospital discharges for breast 
cancer reconstruc ions by DHB and ethnicity.

OIA - Under  he Official Information Act, 1982, I would like to request from the Ministry of Health the following please:  Daily briefing documents from Counties 
Manukau, Waikato and Bay of Plenty DHBs to the Ministry of Health between December 9-December 16 in relation to the White Island tragedy Advice sent to 
Coun ies Manukau, Waikato and Bay of Plenty DHBs between December 9-December 16 over well-being of staff, recourcing and support services available to 
staff dealing with the injured.  Responses from the respective DHBs to the above communications
OIA - DHB funding for the last 10 years Please detail what funding, categorised by purpose if possible, each DHB has received from the Ministry of Health, for 
the past 10 financial years?
OIA - Occupation Health Assessments  Please see below email reply to my OIA request to ANZSOM (NZ).  Can you please provide any policy, or legislation 
regards occupational medical specialists providing / conducting specialist occupational medicine services, Work Fitness Assessments, Medico-Legal 
Assessments, Impairment Assessments. I would also like copies of any legislation/policy or guidelines regards conducting health assessment for work  Legal 
background - The law places duties on the employer to assess risks posed to  heir workers and, where necessary, to take action to safeguard health and safety, 
including health surveillance if appropriate.  Can you please provide any organizational policy, legislation or statement regards subject of workplace health 
surveillance.  (email in correspondence tab)
OIA - In reference to H201910518  Thanks for the response, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of select committee. At  he same  ime, the 
response is very obviously incomplete and should have included further information. Notably:  * Your response letter provides a ra ionale for  he secrecy clause. 
This is not present anywhere else in the information provided, so it obviously came from somewhere else: an email chain or document (drafting instructions? 
Advice on initial drafts?). I'd like a copy of that please. * It is clear from the two documents from the Ombudsman's Office that at least two drafts of the 
legisla ion were exchanged for comment, along wi h supplementary notes and a draft Cabinet paper. I think anyone would consider these to be information 
relating to the development of the clause, and so falling within the amended scope of my request.  I would appreciate a rapid release of these documents, 
thanks. I'm trying to get to the bottom of where  hese clauses are coming from (because they're suddenly popping up a lot; every agency which gets powers to 
demand information from other government agencies gets slapped with a secrecy clause too), and you've provided the best documentary trail so far. And 
ul imately I'd like to find out how this entered the draft bill in  he first place, given that its not mentioned in the public Cabinet paper. Did Ministry of Health ask for 
it, did SSC or MoJ suggest it, or did PCO just add it in the initial draft?
OIA - Under  he Official Information Act, please may I have all internal correspondence relating to the building New Zealand package announced on 29 January.  
Under the Official Information Act, please may I have all internal correspondence rela ing to the New Zealand Upgrade Programme announced on 29 January.  
Under the Official Information Act, please can I have correspondence between the Ministry and Starship Children’s Hospital relating to the New Zealand 
Upgrade Programme?  Refinement received 31 January 2020:  Under the Official Information Act, please may I have all internal correspondence relating to the 
New Zealand Upgrade Programme announced on 29 January.
OIA- I see there is a report that Healthscope has put its New Zealand pathology business up for sale. The unit appears to have a very large share of the NZ 
pathology market and I would like to know exac ly how big it is. I understand the Ministry is responsible for paying for all public sector pathology testing, so can 
you tell me how big that annual cost is and how much of it goes to Healthscope? The companies in the group are: Northland Pathology Laboratory Labtests 
Labtests Auckland Southern Community Laboratories SCL Hawkes Bay Medlab South SCL Otago Southland Canterbury SCL Wellington SCL There are also 
three management services companies - New Zealand Diagnostics Group, SCL Otago Southland Services and SCL Otago Southland Code Services.
OIA- I'm a freelance journalist and writer, researching for a book about my son and daughter-in-law's surrogacy.  The surrogate was my daughter-in-law's sister 
and it had a very successful outcome. The baby will turn one in March.  The book will be a positive story about their journey through surrogacy.  Can you advise:  
1. how many surrogacy applications are considered - and approved - each year  2.The increase in an annual numbers or applications and approvals over the 
past decade?  3. The principle reasons why applications are denied  4.The stated reasons why surrogates cannot paid in New Zealand as they are in some 
other countries?
OIA transferred from HPA - 3. Provide a list of members of the ‘Na ional Tobacco Network’.
OIA- Please could you urgently provide whatever information you have about: 1) the criteria the Minister is using to decide when he will approve individuals to 
hold licences if the don't satisfy reg 29 (c) and 2) what parts of a cannabis related operation must be done by a licenced person cf employees/ contractors etc.  
Any guidance you can urgently provide would be hugely appreciated as I have many clients who need to under how  his will be implemented.
OIA - I request your informa ion on the four following linked topics: tafamidis, diflunisal, patisiran, inotersen  Refinement received 3 Feb 2020: These four drugs 
are used or in development for treatment of amyloidosis, a rare condition with no current cure other than transplantation. These latter procedures are not readily 
available. I seek information that these drugs are known to the MoH and being actively monitored (or not). Further I request information on any discussions on 
the funding of drugs for rare conditions.
OIA- “In reference to the article of 19 January 2020 ‘The ancient Maori healing system that is making waves’, are there any targets for this spending? 
If not, why? If so, what are they?” 

OIA- Dr McElnay (MoH) has confirmed to me that no vaccine efficacy or safety testing or ingredient analysis are performed for the people of New Zealand by or 
for their Government. You state  hat you are "confident in the safety and efficacy of vaccines used in New Zealand." The confidence that you express can only 
be based on reviews of safety, efficacy and ingredients that are supplied by the vaccine manufacturers. MedSafe has reported that 142 vaccine recipients were 
reported as suffering serious adverse reactions to a vaccination in the three years 2016, 2017 and 2018. A serious adverse reaction is defined, according to 
internationally agreed criteria, as any reactions  hat result in death or is life- hreatening, causes or prolongs hospitalisa ion, results in persistent or significant 
disability/incapacity or is a congenital abnormality. Were you aware of the 142 serious adverse reactions when you stated your confidence in the safety and 
efficacy of the vaccines used in New Zealand?   You state the following: "patients have the right to be fully informed about medical procedure including 
vaccination.  For a vaccine recipient to be fully informed  he advice offered during the pre-vaccination consultation would need to include but is not limited to:   
1.Advice on how to access the "Report a side effect to a product form" ( and advice on how to fill in the form.  
2.Advice on which vaccines contain human DNA so that people with religious objections to abortion and taking human DNA into their bodies are informed.  
3.Advice that because the vaccines have not been independently tested and because adverse reaction reports are solicited from recipients all vaccine 
recipients are participating in a vaccine safety trial. All recipients consent to proceed with the vaccinations are required so that there is compliance with the Bill 
of Rights section 10; Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.    I formally request within the provisions provided in the Official 
Information Act 1982 (1982 No 156) the following documents and inform
ation:  1.For the purpose of ensuring that patients are fully informed about medical 
procedure including vaccination please confirm that  he Ministry of Health has mandated that an advisory checklist or similar method has been created, either 
by the Ministry of Health or an Agency delegated the authority to do this task and to disseminate  hat checklist to all health professionals that administer 
vaccines .  2.A copy of the Ministry of Health's diseminated advisory checklist (see OIA request 1) that has been formatted to ensure that all vaccine recipients 
are fully informed about vaccinations to the associate Minister of Health's standard of being fully informed.
OIA- I'd like to request any documents and information relating to the contract mentioned in  he attached press release, which refers to a drug treatmEmt 
service with the Salvation Army in Wellington for $800,000 announced in 2016 by John Key. Included in this request are any proposals  hat were presented to 
the PM's office by MoH regarding this contract and any correspondence relating to those proposals, including correspondence relating to approval for the 
proposal and the contract itself  I'd also request any subsequent correspondence relating to this contract, particularly any correspondence from Salva ion Army, 
CART, members or staff of CART, or other entities and individuals regarding this contract. ...
OIA_ want to take up the issue of MoH funding for Hep C Action with my MP, Dr Clark. I will need some information to take with me.   I would like to have a 
breakdown of:   1. What money was allocated, broken down by region, for Hepatitis C education and awareness, each year 2016- current?  2. What, by region, 
remained unspent or returned, if any? 3. If none was returned, is there reporting showing the full amounts spent according to criteria?  4. what hepatitis C 
funding has been paid to New Zealand Hepa itis Foundation since 2016, and for what?
OIA- 1. How many GP/Medical prac ices there are in New Zealand? 2. The total number of people enrolled in the NZ Health service? 3. The average number of 
patients that an individual GP is responsible for? 4. The average number of patients that a GP sees daily.
OIA- 1.How many companies in New Zealand are approved distributors of m
edical devices? 2.How many companies in New Zealand are approved 
distribu ions of pharm
aceuticals? 3.Do you know the value of these markets? 
OIA- Can we expect answers to our specific questions? For example, is it the position of Crown Law and Ministry of Health that allegations of Electrocution of 
Children on their genitals, if true, constitute criminal assault?  Also Ministry of Justice have transferred my questions about the Government's submissions to 
UNCAT to the Ministry of Health. Can the Ministry of Health advise if it will answer why those points listed in bullet points in my last email were not contained in 
the submissions?  Finally - and I am happy for this to go down  he OIA route - contained in the 1977 Medical Council complaint documents I sent through is a 
letter from s 9(2)  He writes The Electonus Circuit is sometimes used for inducing sleep in the sleep therapies and for stimulating respiration after ECT"  I 
have a letter sent to a Lake Alice Patient from the Manawatu-Wanganui Health Board dated 10 June 1991 advising a Lake Alice Patient:   You asked whether 
deep sleep/narcosis therapy was used at Lake Alice Hospital. You are no doubt aware that an inquiry was conducted by the Department of Health last year 
regarding the treatment prac ice throughout all psychiatric hospitals in New Zealand. You can be assured  hat this type of treatment was not practiced at Lake 
Alice Hospital.   This patient had complained about his time under s 9(2)  As well complaining of being given electric shocks as punishment the patient said 
he was told by a nurse he had once been asleep for 8 days.   In light of s 9(2) ' reference to sleep therapies in his letter can the Ministry of Health please 
advise:  What type of 'Sleep therapies' were carried out bys 9(2)  or any other clinicians at Lake Alice?  Was deep sleep/narcosis therapy used at Lake Alice 
by any clinician? If so please provide details of number of patients treated, purpose of therapy and period  his therapy was carried out.  Provide any reference to 
these type of therapies at Lake Alice contained in documents making up the Department of Health's 1990/1991 inquiry into deep sleep therapy at Cherry Farm.

OIA- This is a request for information under the Official Information Act.   We request the following inform
ation:  1.Previously, the Ministry of Health tabled 
performance targets for distribution. This table included data on ‘improved access to elec ive surgery’. We request this data for quarter one of 2019/2020, in 
relation to the last reported target (Q4 of 2016/2017) of “an increase to the volume of elective surgeries by an average of 4,000 discharges per year
.” 2.I also 
request as to why the Ministry of Health has stopped tallying this informa ion publicly (as in newspapers and their own website) while still supplying the data for 
the o her me
trics.  3.Why has the Ministry of Health stopped printing their. “How Is My DHB performing” series of infographics in newspaper publications and on 
their websites? What specific direction did the government give to  he Ministry that led to the cessation of this publication?  We do not wish to cause 
unnecessary expense or burden on your agency. If clarification of any of our requests is needed, please call or email. Likewise, if a request proves 
unnecessarily burdensome in form and we are likely to be able to adjust it to be more specific or better suited to your information systems without losing the 
benefit of what is sought, please also get in touch. If there is likely to be a delay in being able to assemble or provide some of the information requested, please 
provide  he rest of the information as it becomes available.    To avoid unnecessary printing and postage costs, we ask that you send a confirmation of receipt, 
the response and any other correspondence related to this request to s 9(2)(a)
 with the reference “ASB Classic” in the subject line.
OIA-1. Previously, the Ministry of Health tabled performance targets for distribution. This table included data on ‘improved access to elective surgery’. We 
request this data your specific District for Quarter One 2019/2020. For the avoidance of doubt, please provide the same information that was given to The 
Ministry Of Health in relation to elective surgeries up until March 2019.
OIA - I am therefore requesting all policy or guidance documents held by the Ministry that describe how Ministerial questions and OIA requests are to be 
responded to by Ministry staff.
OIA- *Since March 5 1999 is the Ministry aware of any cases where babies have been given to the wrong parents? *If so, what were the dates, locations and 
details for each case including when the switch was recognised and what action was taken? *How much compensation has been paid to parents in these 
cases, if possible broken down by year/case? *Can you provide copies of all reviews undertaken into these incidents?
OIA- For an article on cancer rates in Marlborough, I request the following information under the terms of the Official Information Act 1982.  - Registrations of 
cancer (of any type) in the Marlborough region in the years 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015.  - Registrations of cancer (of any type) in New Zealand in 
the years 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015.   Could you please also provide the registrations in number figures.   The information sought in this request 
is to be used as part of a story for the Marlborough Express.  
OIA- I would like to request, pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982, all documents and communications, provided to, and created by, the Ministry of 
Health relating to all information regarding the alignment of Lifeline and Youthline under the National Telehealth Service between January 1st 2019 and today.    
This should include, but is not limited to: Correspondence regarding anything under ‘Project LYN’ Mee ings held to discuss and plan ‘Project LYN’ If planning 
regarding ‘Project LYN’ had been halted at any time All communications, including but not limited to: emails, text messages, memos, weekly summaries to 
various Minister’s offices, and WhatsApp queries relating to ‘Project LYN’ or the ‘merging’ of Youthline and Lifeline and any other mental health helplines 
between January 2019 and now.    Partially transferred this part to MO on 14/2: All communications received and sent by the Minister of Health and Associate 
Ministers relating to queries about the merger of the mental health helplines since December 2019.
OIA-Do you have any actual information concerning the dea h rate from Clozapine in New Zealand?
OIA- Those of us who have done even a small amount of research into the so called 'health' standards  hat place limits on the maximum frequencies that 5G 
and other purposely created broadcasting technologies can transmit, know  hat those standards are completely unsuitable.  The touted NZS 2772.1:1999 
standard of maximum exposure of 300 GHz is based on the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP is based on 
the maximum exposure to avoid burns to the skin, and has nothing to-do wi h other safety of being bombarded by 5G 'on demand'.  For 'avid users' (i.e. 
indoctrinated addicts) of cell-phones and other digital devices, exposure will be frequent and often constant, especially wi h the negative agenda of connecting 
many household appliances, wearable fit-bits, and much more to  he 'internet of  hings'.  Questions:  1. How do you logically and objectively reconcile that the 
standard about avoiding burns is appropriate to apply to general heal h standards of long-term and frequent exposure, when considering factors such as fertility, 
skin damage, etc?  2. Can you categorically say that "5G is definitely safe" and on what evidence? Please don't provide fluffy wording around this - either say 
"5G is definitely safe" or say that you are unable to answer this ques ion.
OIA- Tobacco Returns Information requested: I am requesting  he Tobacco Returns 2019 (the annual tobacco returns filed by manufacturers and importers 
pursuant to section 35 of the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990).

OIA- At  his point, this is exploratory. I have a suspicion (as a clinical researcher), that the concept of informed consent for data re-use and future unspecified 
research has become very broad. I would like to explore the language used in NZ-HDEC approved PICS to get a baseline understanding, in  he research 
context, what is an acceptable standard for informed consent in this area.    To answer your questions:    1. Over what time period are you wanting documents 
from? At this stage, I would like to review research approvals in 2019 as a starting point.  2. Would you want all PIS/CF documents? I would like to review the 
main PIS/CFs and also any separate FUR PIS/CFs which may have been approved as sub-studies.  3. Would you be wanting to see PIS/CF documents from all 
applications (between 600-800 per annum): At this stage, I would like to review a total of about 100 PIS/CFs (samples from across all of the 4 HDECs please)  
4. Any other parameters that you have? I am interested in the following categories of research:  a. commercially sponsored research and non-commercially 
sponsored research – about 50:50 spread please; and  b. oncology, psychiatry and cardiology studies.   All of these are open for discussion. It is more important 
for me to get some information around these,  han this specific information.
OIA- I would like to make application for any healthcert and ministry of health audits concerning The Turning Point, Nz, situated at s 9(2)(a)
, and s 9(2)(a)
.  I would like all the information from September 2018 right to the present day.   I would 
also like to make application for all correspondence between s 9(2)(a)  of The Turning Point and the healthcert team at The Ministry of Health, for the 
period September 2018 right to the present day.   I would also like to make application for any correspondence between any other relevant agencies and the 
health cert team at Ministry of Health regarding The Turning Point Nz for the period September 2018 right to the present day.
OIA: For the months of November, December 2019 and January 2020, how many patients had active approvals for medical cannabis products from the MOH 
for both Pharmaceutical grade consented medicines Pharmacuetical grade unconsented medicines; and Non pharmaceutical grade unconsented medicines, 
and if Possible, a breakdown of the products approved for each of these categories.  Secondly I would like to know the number of packs of cannabidiol products 
supplied in November, December 2019 and January 2020, and if possible, a breakdown of which products were supplied.
OIA-On 1 February 2020 at 4:00pm, Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield addressed media on 2019-nCoV. He mentioned, "at this stage do not 
recommend more stringent border controls but are actively reconsidering". May I please have a copy of any information that  he Ministry of Health sent to or 
presented to the Prime Minister and/or Cabinet on 1 February 2020 in relation to 2019-nCoV and border controls?
OIA- Can you please advise me whether Medsafe classes Trifluoromethyl Dechloro Ethylprostenolamide as a prostaglandin?
OIA- Less  han 6 months  Between 6 months and 2 years  Between 2 and 5 years  Between 5 and 10 years; and  10 years as of 2019  Specifically information 
on the length of time people are prescribed antidepressants i.e., at a certain time point x amount of peoples had been prescribed antidepressant for x amount
OIA- The percentage of people vaccinated with the MMR vaccina ion per district health board throughout New Zealand prior to the most recent 2019 measles 
outbreak.  How many samples of measles where tested at the the National Measles Laboratory in Christchurch or any other tes ing facilities? Out of these 
samples tested how many where identified as having the vaccine strain of measles? and from what district health board area did  hey come from?  What 
defines an outbreak/epidemic of measles? Is it a certain number of new cases of measles per week?  Is the 2019 outbreak/epidemic over?  Can you please 
provide a report showing the cases that where hospitalised, what were the complications of having measles that required them to be hospitalised.  Can you 
please confirm  hat the only deaths from this outbreak in NZ were the two unborn babies that where in their 2nd trimester. And did their mothers have measles? 
OIA- This is a request for the National Asset Management Plan, detailing DHB/health infrastructure, which was meant to be delivered last December.  Please 
provide:  1) A copy of the plan.  2) Any register produced as part of the plan showing the condition of hospital assets.

OIA - Hemp Licences:  Request #1: AOTEAROA  Could you please provide  he following re the NZ approved Industrial Hemp cultivar Aotearoa1(2006) 1. Since 
its approval Aotearoa 1, 31 July 2006 has this cultivar ever had a ESR thc test over the regulated 0.35%? 2. Has Aotearoa 1, 31 July 2006 ever had an order re 
crop destruction because of a high thc test?  I actually know the answers its zero and zero but I require an official document sta ing  his pleases.  Request #2: 
ALL APPROVED NZ IHEMP CULTIVARS Could you please provide the following re all approved Industrial Hemp cultivars since regulations came into effect in 
2006  1. Re the number of NZ approved cultivars as per the Misuse of Drugs (Industrial Hemp ) 2006 regulations that has ever had an ESR thc test over the 
regulated 0.35%? since  he regulations came into force. 2. The number of “approved cultivars” and incidences if any that have ever had an order re crop 
destruction because of a high thc test?  3. If there are any if possible the cultivars name please.  Request #3: RESPONSIBLE PERSON (S) Misuse of Drugs 
(Industrial Hemp) 2006 regulations OIA REQUEST RESPONSIBLE PERSON (S) the Misuse of Drugs (Industrial Hemp ) 2006 regulations? Could you please 
provide  he following re responsible person(s) ie why have Medicines Control & or the IHLA apparently decided that there will only be one responsible person on 
a General or RB licence in contravention of the Misuse of Drugs (Industrial Hemp ) 2006 regula ions? Why does their Advisory still state Person(s) as per the 
Misuse of Drugs (Industrial Hemp ) 2006 regulations? Under what regulation was this change made? Why are their primary advisors stating “wee had a meeting 
and decided only 1 responsible person.“? Why does the current licence application have space for only one responsible person? Why is there not to 
accommodate these anomalies at least a primary and secondary responsible person allocated; possibly more?  Request #4: LICENSES ISSUED OIA 
REQUEST General ihemp licences issued and THC test requirements (S) the Misuse of Drugs (Industrial Hemp ) 2006 regulations? 1. Could you please advise 
how many General  hemp Licences were issued for  he “perceived”: growing seasons 2018 2019 2020 by year please. (perceived because my growing season 
is 365/24/7)  2. By year/season could you please advise how many of the licences issued required by Director Generals written instruction an ESR thc test.
OIA- All advice, correspondence, emails, briefings, reports, texts and aides memoir provided by the Ministry of Health to the Minister of Health to inform the 
Cabinet Paper: Stabilisa ion funding for Emergency Road Ambulance Services – Outcome of Independent Review of St John 
OIA- I am in  he process of compiling a report on behalf of the University of Otago which seeks to analyse different approaches to policy advocacy wi hin  he 
District and City Council gambling policy review process. I am aware that the Ministry of Health runs/ran a public health programme on gambling policy 
development and implementation and that this policy was implemented around 2010 as part of the then Problem Gambling Prevention and Minimisation 
Strategic Plan. I am also aware that as part of the service specifications for the programme, implementing organizations were required to produce progress 
reports half-yearly for the MoH. A paper was published in the ‘Harm Reduction Journal’ evaluating some or all of these progress reports (see attached). 
According to the paper the policy development and implementation programme had 3 focus areas  1. Workplace/organisational gambling policies; 2. Non-
gambling fund-raising policies; and  3. Council policies on EGM machines.   It would be of great benefit to my report if I could access the progress reports in 
focus area 3, highlighted above.  
OIA- I request any documentation or correspondence between staff at the Ministry of Health, and between Ministry of Health staff and other public sector entities 
that includes my name and reference to erionite.
OIA- Would you please supply a copy of the NZPC 6 monthly monitoring reports for the period January 2017 to January 2020 that were supplied to the Ministry 
of Health. These reports follow on from the earlier reports you kindly supplied in response to my OIA request dated 27th March 2017.  
OIA-May I please request the cbd paper and associated emails relating to its creation and distribution to the EACD Gazette no ice to implement 
recommendations made at the 63rd meeting  (9) Agenda items for the next meeting The following items will be added to the agenda of the next meeting: 
a.explore opportunities to optimise access to vaccines (as discussed in agenda item
 6.1) b.alkyl nitrites (as discussed in agenda item
 8.2.1.a.) c. an information 
paper to update the Committee on CBD products and the medicinal cannabis scheme the 
OIA-We would like to know how many NZREX applicants who have originally registered and paid for each NZREX exam over the past three years have then 
proceeded to cancel their examination request.
OIA - ‘Copies of the MOH’s briefing for Hon Jenny Salesa relating to her recent meeting wi h Emeritus Professor Robert Beaglehole about vaping’. 
OIA - Hemp Roots: where online did you purchase  he roots you got tested?
OIA- Could you tell me why flights from China (e.g. China Southern, etc.) are still landing at Auckland Airport on a daily basis? I assume these travellers are 
mostly tourists. So they wouldn't be inclined to self-isolate for 14 days, would they? What is the logic behind this apart from economic reasons? New Zealanders 
are being led astray by thinking that our Government is protecting us from the virus spreading. Why doesn't our Government close our borders for people from 
China and Hong Kong? Utterly disappointed in the NZ Government that pretends to be doing such a magnificent job, but in the meantime is put ing the NZ 
people and tourists from other countries currently visiting in danger and ac ively contributing to the virus spreading from NZ to o her countries as well.

OIA- I would like to know the waiting times, quantity conducted, average age of patients and any other socio/demographic details available (ethnicity, gender 
ect) for surgeries conducted under the following specialties by all NZ DHB's:  - Or hopedics - Urology - Gynecology - Dermatology - Otolaryngology - 
Ophthalmology - General Surgery - Cardiology - Cardio-thoracic Specific Surgeries (or similar) of interest are as follows: Orthopedics: - Knee Joint Replacement 
- Hip Joint Replacement - Carpal Tunnel - Lumbar Decrompression - Shoulder Joint Replacement - Lumbar Fusion - Rotator Cuff Decompression - 
Meniscectomy Urology: - Radical Prostatectomy - Transurethral Resection of the Prostate - Transperineal Prostate Biopsy - Ureteroscopy - Cystoscopy - 
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy Gynecology: - Hysterectomy - Endometriosis - Colporrhaphy - Cystectomy Dermatology : - Skin Lesions Removal - Mohs 
Excision - Cryotherapy of a Skin Lesion - Skin Biopsy Otolaryngology: - Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - Septoplasty - Tonsillectomy - Turbinoplasty - 
Adenoidectomy - Nasendoscopy General Surgery: - Colonoscopy Polypectomy - Colonoscopy - Gastroscopy - Inguinal Hernia - Gastric Banding/Bypass - 
Cholecystectomy - Vnus Closure - Breast Reduction - Mastectomy - Varicose Vein Surgery - Gastric Sleeve Procedure - Thyroid Lobectomy - 
Haemorrhoidectomy - Thyroidectomy Cardiology: - Coronary Angiogram - Pulmonary Vein Isolation - Transcatheter Aortic valve implantation Cardio-thoracic : - 
Aortic Valve Replacement - Coronary Artery Bypass - Valvuloplasty - Mitral Valve Replacement - Bentall Procedure Time frame for the data would be  he last 3 
calendar years and can the data be grouped by month and calendar year.  For example: 25 patients had a Knee Joint Replacement at ADHB in May2019. - Avg 
age 65 - Avg waiting time 6 weeks 100 patients had a Knee Joint Replacement at ADHB in 2019. - Avg age 72 - Avg waiting time 9 weeks 
OIA- Thank you for that. OK then, on 11 May 20017, File ref: PP 05-08-06 a health report was provided to Min Hodgson re:  he pe ition to urgently consider 
changing the law re: cannabis for medical use.  It is a sad fact that this report is ei her uninformed or fundamentally anticompetitive in its framing.   By stating 
that "there are no apparent financial implications" the report is at odds with its own conclusions that evidence supports the use of cannabis for chronic pain, 
nausea and vomiting, cachexia, cancer pain, degenerative disease pain, arthritic pain, neuropathic pain, neurological disorders, glaucoma, anorexia, migraines, 
asthma, and anxiety. -Cumulatively  hese are all pharmaceutical market sectors that are worth billions of dollars domestically, and hundreds of billions of dollars 
internationally. there are clearly financial implications to a generic vegetable competitor product.  It is also noteworthy that the report considers cannabis use 
would reduce inequalities among patients, by providing treatment for those patients who "do not respond to current pharmaceutical treatments".   The NDPU 
Health Report also states that "the outcome of cannabis intake is euphoria and relaxation, perceptual alterations,  ime distortion, reduced nausea and 
stimulation of appetite, along with significant and beneficial physiological responses...Many of the long term adverse effects of cannabis use are minor in 
comparison to those of current drug regimens prescribed for chronic disease states: for instance  he long term use of benzodiazepines, opiates and other 
curren ly prescribed drugs....The health costs to individuals as a result of these drug regimens appear to far outweigh the associated health costs contributed by 
cannabis when smoked (My note: let alone eaten or taken as an oil!!) This is considerably less than as a pharmaceutical. ...The evidence suggests that long 
term heavy use of cannabis does not produce severe impairment of cognitive function that is observed in heavy alcohol users."  The report also accurately 
notes that the whole plants constituents are func ionally similar to our endogenous compounds, which regulate a wide range of physiological functions; and that 
plant cannabinoids "represent some significant overall effect"  So: given all that,  1. what cost benefit analysis has ever been performed by the ministry, or other 
govt departments, as to  he potential savings on pharmaceu icals that could be brought about by the introduction of this health giving herb to citizens and 
medical professionals?  2. If none, why not.  3. Who has ever suggested that a Cost benefit analysis should be done? If not, whose responsibility is it to ensure 
that one was/is done? 4. Why does  his report, and MoH/MedSafe, maintain that there are "no financial implications" to a generic vegetable that can 
economically and pharmacologically outcompete the pharmaceutical industry in key categories. 5. MedSafe is funded by levies on that pharmaceutical industry. 
Is MedSafes/MoHs position of 'no financial implications' a result of a conflict of interest? It appears so, which would be unacceptable.
OIA- With respect I request the following information under the terms of the Official Information Act 1982:  1) Correspondence (including emails, letters and 
application) sent or received by Ministry officials between Mike King or the Key to Life Charitable Trust over the Gumboot Fund send or received from 1 January 
2019 to the present. 2) Reports (including but not limited to briefings, memos and aide memoire) prepared by Ministry officials over decisions made over 
funding applications made for the Gumboot Fund from January 1, 2019 to  he present.  The information sought in  his request is to be used as part of a report 
by the NZ Herald into a high profile charity and the funding of mental health services. As the information will be used to inform  he public about an important 
issue of obvious public interest, given the solicitation of funds from the public and current debate about mental health service provision, I ask that any fee be 
waived.  It is understood elements of the requested information might not be considered public information. If  his is the case, I would ask each element is 
considered separately, described as best it can be and reasons for any information being declined being set against the information sought.  I would like to 
register my desire to have the information provided electronically.  I anticipate receiving  he information under the terms of the act, which stipulates a maximum 
period of 20 business days. It must be noted this is the maximum period for the response under the legislation and you are obliged to provide the information 
sought as soon as it reasonably practicable.  Can I also request a timely response to  his request given the heightened public interest approaching of  he This is 
Life's fundraising drive scheduled to begin in March. I would appreciate this request being completed prior in order to allow better-informed public discussion 
around these issues. 

1.A copy of y
our delegation 2.A copy of your decision as dele
gate 3.The documents relating to your statement that “further clarification was sought from the 
committee member post-meeting and it was verified that the Committee’s recommendation related to the extract rather than the pl
ant”. 4.Any other documents 
that relate to the MCC’s decision and your decision as delegate that have not otherwise been disclosed
OIA-Tēnā koe Dr David Clark, I am requesting information with urgency regarding 1) a review that is underway of sexual and reproductive health organisations 
funded by the Ministry of Health, and 2) DHB implementation and progress toward equitable access for low income women to LARC in primary care settings. 
The specifics of the request are set out in the letter attached,
OIA-  This is a request for official information under the Official Information Act 1982 relating to all payments in the last 3 years to Mike King (and associated 
entities), who we understand was paid by the Government in relation to his mental health work.      We request the following inform
ation: 1.All GST invoices 
since 1 January 2017 from Mike King, and any of his associated charities or organisations including but not limited to I Am Hope, The Key to Life, or Gumboot 
Fund. 2.Please include any associated reimbursement items/reciepts for entertainment, travel, catering, speaking fees and similar expenses.     We do not 
wish to cause unnecessary expense or burden on your agency. If clarification of any of our requests is needed, please call or email. Likewise, if a request 
proves unnecessarily burdensome in form and we are likely to be able to adjust it to be more specific or better suited to your information systems without losing 
the benefit of what is sought, please also get in touch. If  here is likely to be a delay in being able to assemble or provide some of the information requested, 
please provide  he rest of the information as it becomes available.
OIA- Any correspondence entered into within the last five years with the provider of Health Integrity Line detailing the number and nature of health sector-related 
complaints the Health Integrity Line has received. The information sought in this request is to be used as part of an ar icle giving our readers an understanding 
of the extent of reported fraud and other illegal or unethical behaviour in the health sector. Because of this public interest, I ask that any fee is waived.  Further 
to this OIA, How many active investigations has the Ministry got underway into reported fraud and other illegal or unethical behaviour in the health sector. A 
breakdown of what avenues the Ministry received these complaints through (eg, via  he Health Integrity Line).
OIA- Every worker in New Zealand has the right to a safe work environment. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, or its jurisdictional equivalent, 
everyone at or associated with  he workplace has accountability for their own health and safety and also of those around  hem.  Many basic elements of 
occupational health and safety legislation such as the rights and responsibilities of workers, responsibilities of employers, supervisors, etc. are similar across 
jurisdic ions in New Zealand. However, the details of the legislation and how the laws are enforced can vary from one jurisdiction/business to another.  Please 
detail the number of employment termina ions on either Medical Incapacity or Medical Retirement of NZDF personnel (uniformed and civilian) between 2011 
and 2018 (separately by year and Mil/Civ employees).  Please provide details in regard to an occupational work/workplace evaluation, and what they would 
consist of regards patients with cardiac disease.  Please provide copy of employer’s guide to engaging an occupational health physician.  Please provide copy 
of New Zealand’s Occupa ional Health Specialists health and safety Legislation, Occupational Health Specialists Rights and Responsibilities.  I would also like 
copies of NZ Occupational Therapy Accreditation-Standards with Process Guidelines. 
OIA- I am writing to request under the Official Information Act all reports, briefings, emails, meeting minutes, documents, communications and plans regarding 
the eruption of Whakaari/White Island on 9 December 2019 and the subsequent recovery opera ion.
  1.A list of the defects identified in the new Greymouth Hosp
ital. 2.The estimated time to fix those defects.
 3.The estimated cost of fixing the defects 
 listed if possible please). 4.Who is responsible for causing the defects (the architect, the ministry, Fletcher B
uilding/sub-contractors?) 5.Who is 
responsible for fixing  hem
? 6.Can the hospital be fully occupied before the defects are fix
ed? 7.If not, who is responsible for the cost of the delay in 
occupying the hospital? 
OIA-  Which of the following services in the country are free or the government is leaning to in the future soon?  Home care for elderly/senior citizens  Are there 
any government-provided work-out center for decreasing Cardiovascular system disease  Are there any government-provided program for older adult 
preventing early aging 

OIA- 1. Has your agency done detailed expert modelling to model the amount of resources (healthcare workers, machines, ICU beds etc) necessary to respond 
to certain levels of case numbers? If yes, please supply the documents. 2. What is the total number of ICU beds opera ional in New Zealand? 3. What is the 
total number of ICU beds, capable of caring for infectious patients without undue risk to healthcare workers and other patients, currently operational in New 
Zealand? 4. On average, at any given  ime, how many of these ICU beds are available to receive new patients? 5. How many machines capable of high-flow 
oxygen therapy does New Zealand have? 6. How many machines capable of non-invasive ventilation does New Zealand have? 7. How many machines capable 
of invasive ventilation does New Zealand have? 8. How many machines capable of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) does New Zealand have?  
Considering  he following list materials, medicines and items: 1. P2/N95 Masks. 2. PPE Goggles. 3. PPE Face Shields. 4. PPE Gowns. 5. PPE Hazmat/coverall 
suits. 6. Machines and related supplies for High-flow oxygen therapy. 7. Machines and related supplies for Non-invasive ventilation. 8. Machines and related 
supplies for Invasive ventilation. 9. Machines and related supplies for Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). 10. Other materials, machines and 
medicines that medical experts have advised you will help to respond to a COVID-19 epidemic. The National Reserve Supply does not appear to contain many 
of those items and primarily contains medication for the treatment of and vaccination against influenza, which is not effective with COVID-19. I request the 
following informa ion: 1. How many of each of those 10 items does New Zealand currently have suitable for use in a COVID-19 ou break? 2. Has your agency 
undertaken any consultation with medical experts since January 15, 2020, regarding what numbers and types of medical equipment will be necessary to 
respond to a COVID-19 epidemic, reducing healthcare worker infec ions and lowering the Case Fatality Rate? And have these consultations taken into account 
the latest papers being released regarding COVID-19? 3. Are any emergency procurements related to the above list of 10 materials, medicines and items, 
already underway, or currently being planned since January 1, 2020? a. If yes, please provide documents related to these procurements or proposals since 
January 1, 2020. b. If average prices or vendor names cannot be released under section 9 of the Official Information Act, please remove vendor names or 
prices and provide only the number of units of each item being procured or proposed to be procured and the estimated delivery time. c. The existence of 
procurements, related activities and the number of units of each item being procured cannot reasonably be withheld under sec ion 9.  1. Please provide any 
documents relating to the meaning of “community care” and what medical care from qualified medical workers and medical equipment and medicines will be 
provided to COVID-19 patients in “community care”? 2. Given that recent papers and official Singapore MOH statistics show that approximately -20% of patients 
require oxygen treatment/ventilation , has your agency done any modelling 10 on the number of COVID-19 patients who will likely not receive needed hospital 
treatment, depending on the variable of COVID-19 case numbers for various ranges of case numbers? If yes, please supply documents. 3. If it is justified that 
the treatment of COVID-19 patients, who would normally be cared for in ICU/hospital, is instead done by volunteer groups without medical training or advanced 
equipment, has your agency considered undertaking: a. Emergency procurements of relevant medical devices and equipment listed in question 2, to at least 
provide  hese volunteer groups with medical equipment such as oxygen ventilators and; b. Emergency training of these unqualified volunteers in the basic care 
of COVID-19 patients and the use of these medical devices and equipment, in order to increase the survival rates of those refused care in medical facilities? c. 
If yes, please provide documents relating to theseemergency plans. 4. What is the number of unqualified volunteers/workers available from CDEM and 
voluntary groups available to care for patients when hospitals and other medical facilities cannot provide care? How recent is this information? Please provide 
documents. 5. What is the list of facilities (hotels, motels, schools etc) that have been identified as candidates for requisition under section 71(1) of the Health 
Act 1956 to house COVID-19 patients? How many beds can each of  hese facilities accommodate?  1. Does your agency have emergency plans to replace 
healthcare workers as they become infected? If yes, please supply documents you have relating to such plans. 2. Does your agency have any detailed plans or 
proposed plans to rapidly train o her government employees (including but not limited to military and police personnel and volunteers) to undertake basic 
medical care of infected patients. If yes, please provide documents relating to those detailed plans.  1. What is the number of SARS-CoV-2 tests that can be 
performed in New Zealand in a 24 hour period? 2. On average, how quickly can a test be performed from sample to result? 3. Do plans exist to expand this 
capacity? If yes, please provide related documents.  1. What are the current guidelines for New Zealand medical professionals to request a SARS-CoV-2 
diagnostic test? 2. Do the surveillance guidelines require recent travel to China to trigger a SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test? 3. Outside of normal disease 
surveillance, what additional reporting requirements have been put in place?  1. Please provide any documents you hold related to emergency planning to 
increase the number of calls that Healthline can take per day 2 Please provide any documents you hold related to emergency public health information
OIA refined 21/2 "1. Documents that relate to the (purported) classification of artemisia annua since 1 July 2017    2. All external correspondence (emails/letters 
etc) since July 2017 between the Ministry and CARM/NZ Pharmacovigilance Centre, and between the Ministry and the TGA in Australia, that contains all or any 
of the words Promisa, Artemisia annua, and Arthrem"
OIA: If it is necessary for this request to be treated as an Official Information Act request then please do so and inform me.   1> I am looking for the full MoH 
reports to the 7th and 6th annual meetings (2018 and 2017). I have found summaries in the meeting reports (7th summary: p. 11 6th summary: , pp.11-12).   2> Infectious Disease Research Centre of Massey 
University measles risk assessment modelling and benefit-cost analysis report On p, 43 of the 2019 MoH report (attached), mention is made of a report run by 
the Infectious Disease Research Centre at Massey University I would like to see:   4.2.1 Measles The current immunity and coverage information, as well as  he 
population profile of the outbreaks and the results of  he work previously carried out by the Infec ious Disease Research Centre of Massey University for the 
Ministry on measles risk assessment modelling and benefit-cost analysis shown in a previous report, highlight targets for immunisation coverage improvements, 
and support the need for MMR catch up / supplementary immunisation activities. 
OIA-Can we please get a copy of Medsafes decision to reclassify Hand sanitizer as a medicine with >20% alcohol? 

OIA- I am the official person in charge for IPCA Pharmaceuticals in New Zealand. As per requested by IPCA, in order to file the NMA for Pantoprazole DR 
Tablets 20mg and 40mg by abbreviated evalua ion for Medsafe to evaluate, may we
 request – 1.Da
tasheet 2.CMI  
 3.Label of reference product Somac Tablets 
20mg and 40mg.
OIA- the PK data ie bioequivalence study from the manufacturer for Methylphenidate Extended Release (Teva) versus Concerta.
OIA-Please answer all ques ions as follows: 1. Have your government department/agency seeked expert advice on Complete Concepts proposal sent on the 
18/6/19 (refer email below), other Complete Concept emails, or other matters wi h focussing (the use of each side of the brain)? 2. State details of the person/s 
in question 1 assessing all focussing matters, on their experience and qualifications? 3. Does your government department/agency understand how focussing 
plays a part in everyones’ every day life? 4. Supply a list of informed people/government departments/agencies who have knowledge about focussing and/or 
you seek their advice? 5. Does your government department/agency regard that Complete Concepts has knowledge about focussing and to what extent do you 
regard Complete Concepts knowledge? 6. How does your government department/agency rate 10 years of focussing people, as appreciable knowledge in 
focussing? 7. What are your government departments’/ agencys’ policies/action on "prevention is better than cure" statement? Focusing plays a large part in all 
aspects how people act including the one being in the news in  he last couple of days, child violence.
OIA- In the Government's 2019 Budget, Specilised Addictions services received $10.5M nationally for the next 4 years. Under OIA: Could I please see a break 
down on what has been funded with that money? Which if any DHBs have received this funding? Who if any have received  hat funding? Are  here any 
outcomes or targeting criteria that is associated with this funding? Has their been any increase in AOD service provision with this funding, if so what was the 
service(s) that was increase?
OIA- This is an OIA, requesting all papers and communications about the quality of, and in particular the criticisms contained in the TDB report, on  he gambling 
harm study referred to be low.   Is this a case of officials not realising how bad the report is, or is it wilful blindness? Has the research been paid for? Please also 
provide  he terms of engagement and scope of work. We want to assess whether what was commissioned, was performed, and if not, why it was paid for. 
OIA- # Since January 1 2017, copies of any survey, reports, documents, or emails, both internal and external, that describe, list or estimate how many schools 
have a water-only policy (sometimes called a water and milk-only policy), and/or a version of a no sugary-drinks policy.  # Since January 1 2017, copies of any 
survey, reports, documents, or emails, both internal and external, that describe, list or estimate how many schools sell sugary drinks.
OIA- 1) All correspondence between CDHB and Ministry staff between August 2019 and February 18, 2020 regarding the provision of car parking at 
Christchurch Hospital.  2) All correspondence between CDHB staff and  he Minister of Health/his office between August 2019 and February 18, 2020 regarding 
the provision of car parking at Christchurch Hospital. 
OIA- Under the Official Information Act, please can I have any correspondence in the last year between the Ministry of Health and the Laura Fergusson Trust 
OIA- We request all information regarding this review and the relationship between your organisation and  he one subject to our complaints, s 9(2)(a)
OIA-  *How much has the Ministry of Health spent a year since 2018 on taxpayer funded trips for all staff? This includes flights and accommodation. *What is 
the budget for the Ministry of Health in terms of funding trips and holidays? *What were the reasons behind the trips for each staff member at the Ministry of 
Health in the last two years? *what did staff members do during these trips? *How long each staff member was away for? *The amount of trips including flights 
and accommodation cancelled over the last 2 years. *How much each trip that was cancelled cost, including flights and accommodation over the last 2 years.
OIA- Under the Official Information Act, please may I have a copy of any transcript, audio recording or notes taken at  he webinars with GPs  hat were referred 
to in the Covid-19 coronavirus livestream on February 18 2020?
OIA- What was the total cost to the Ministry of Health of quarantining the evacuees from Wuhan at the NZDF's Tamaki Leadership Centre at Whangaparaoa?   
Please supply a breakdown of the related costs, such as how much was spent on food, medical supplies, camper vans, other supplies, etc.    As the lead 
agency behind the quarantine scheme obviously  he ministry has calculated, or at least estimated, what the total cost of the containment programme has been.  
Has the ministry leased the site from the NZDF? If so, how much did that cost the ministry? 
OIA-How many current licence holders are there for a licence to cultivate a prohibited plant for medical and research purposes - specifically for cannabis? Are 
the names, details or any information about these licence holders publically available? If so, could you please kindly guide me to this informa ion.
OIA-  1) What is the annual total spend by the Canterbury District Health Board on lunches provided for Multi-disciplinary team lunchtime meetings for medical 
and other staff? I am aware that one person organises over 15 meetings a week, and have been told these lunches cost $500 each. I would like to know if this 
information is true, and if it is, how much to DHB spends on  his over the whole organisation.  2)Was cutting that budget considered before cutting the funding 
for youth sexual health consultations in primary care, in order to cut costs at the DHB?

 (i)Any documents touching upon or including a request by the Board to the Ministry of Health for funding and/or other assistance;   (  
ii)Any responses 
from the Ministry of Health to those requests;   (iii) Board minutes and financial information rela ing to the required funding;
   (iv)Details of any arrangements 
that are to be made for the current residents of the centres and any correspondence with the Crown on  hat issue;  (v  
)Any documents relating to the fate of the 
land owned by the Trust and how the proceeds are to be applied.
OIA, All reports, memos, emails, letters, notes, draft documents and any other communications rela ing to the product Te Kiri Gold and / or Dr Mitchell Dean 
Feller, including with the Heal h Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal and its Professional Conduct Committee.    The informa ion sought in this request is to be 
used as part of a report by RNZ into Te Kiri Gold and Dr Dean Feller’s trial of the product on his patients. As the information will be used to ensure a greater 
understanding of the issue, I ask  hat any fee is waived.   It is understood elements of the requested information might not be considered public information. If 
this is  he case, I would ask each element is considered separately, described as best it can be and reasons for any information being declined being set 
against the information sought.    I would like to register my desire to have the information provided electronically.
OIA, Please forward me the information requested below, as soon as reasonably practicable, in relation to all documents, recommendations, considerations and 
assessments, bo h written and oral in any way related to this request –   1 Has the Ministry generally, the Maori Health Directorate and the Director-General 
decided that this Pilot Proposal is agreed to and if not, what are the detailed, specific and particular reasons why not?   2 How much of the $45 million recently 
announced “funding boost” for mental health services in  he Bay of Plenty is intended to be dedicated to specifically Maori mental health and wellbeing services, 
provided by Maori, for Maori and if the answer if a nominal or no proportion of this funding, please provide detailed and exhaustive reasons for any and all 
reasons for the decision.   3 How much of the $15 million dedicated to mental health services in Whakatane will be dedicated to implemen ing the Pilot 
Proposal referred to? If the answer is none, please provide detailed and exhaustive reasons for  his decision.   4 Is there any plan or intention to fund  his Pilot 
Proposal from any alterna ive MOH funding and if so when will such funds be disbursed?   5 Is it accepted by the Ministry that  he Maori definition of mental 
disorder is distinctively different from that used in mainstream, western taxonomies determining European mental disorder?   6 If  he answer to 5 above is yes, 
then why is the Ministry continuing to assess and treat Maori tangata Whaiora in mainstream/European based mental health services that manifestly do not 
work for Maori? Please provide specific and exhaustive reasons why the MOH is doing this.   7 What is the total MOH funding of Marae/Whanau based Maori 
Mental Health and Wellbeing Services, by Maori and for Maori over the period 1/01/2017 and 1/01/2020? 
OIA - Section 3a (b) of MoDA states that "drugs that pose a high risk of harm are classified as class B drugs"  As you know, cannabis oils are class b drugs; and 
medically prescribable products for ANY condition from April 1. This is due to their uniquely therapeutic properties and stellar safety profile.   Therefore>  1. 
What evidence was/has been submitted to justify (& continue) the inclusion of cannabis oils as class B drugs? &  2. what evidence does moH and MoJ rely on 
to jus ify its continued scheduling at this level given what has been learned since 1975 about GPCRs & the endocannabinoid system? 3. If none, why not? 4. 
Has the Minister considered, in the interests of social justice and health equity, "recommending to the governor general" (in accordance with S.4(1) p.10 of the 
misuse of drugs act) that she "remove the name and description" of cannabis from moda? 5. if not, why not.
OIA:  Copy of contract between Ministry of Health and Home & Community Support Providers/Agencies for the provision of in-home supports to Older People
 - 1.The NASC manuel for older persons heal
h 2.The interRAI Assement tool, including accompanying guidelines/docum
ents  1.The funding bands for 
Older Person's Health and the percentage of clients expected to be in each band (please itemise if variable between regions). 2  .The number of over 65's 
recieving long term HCSS in each region (please record personal care and household management seperately)
 a.1-10 hours b.11-20 
hours c.21-30 hours 
d.31-40 hours e.40+ hours
OIA - As a past member of the Tairawhiti District Heal h Board and a member of the Finance committee I would like to request from Dr Ashley Bloomfield a copy 
of the final Protected Disclosure Report which was emailed to him on 2 December 2019 by the appointed Lawyer Andrew Scott- Howman.
OIA, # Since March 1 2019, copies of any reports, documents, memoranda produced by the Ministry of Health or related advisory or expert groups/committees 
regarding eye service and/or ophthalmology services and/or demand on  hose services.   # Since March 1 2019, copies of any reports, documents, memoranda 
and correspondence produced or received by the Ministry of Health regarding differences by DHB in access to cataract surgery.   # Since January 1 2019, 
copies of any reports, documents, memoranda or correspondence by the Ministry of Health or received by the Ministry of Health about patient harm incidents 
(such as pa ients suffering loss of vision) because of delays/problems with public eye services.
OIA, All cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries by DHB of delivery of treatment and by domicile DHB and by ethnicity and age over the last 10 years. 
OIA, Please would you provide the number of breast reconstruction surgeries performed by DHB of delivery of service over  he years since 2010. This request is 
similar to the request Ref: H201910353 except the data is to be classified by the DHB that does the procedure rather  han of the domicile DHB for the patient. 
As an example, a pa ient domiciled in the ADHB area may have the reconstruction at CMDHB. Hence the procedure would be counted to CMDHB.

OIA: I am trying to understand how disabled people in New Zealand needing housing are having their needs met and what challenges they face. When I refer to 
disabled people, I mean the primary client of MSD or someone who is disabled in their household and I am asking for the information provided to reflect that.   
1.The number of modifications made to housing to make them appropriate for disabilities in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. 
OIA - Regarding sting operations to catch sunbed operators who provide services to underaged persons, 1 any manual/instructions/guidelines on how the sting 
operation is to be run, and 2.any instruction/briefing/notes provided to the underaged person who work in such operations 3.for each of the last three years, how 
many sting operations were carried out, how many operators were caught, how many were prosecuted, and what was the outcome of each prosecution
OIA:  In this update - nz/news-media/news-items/laura-fergusson-trust-update  It says  hat "In late October the Laura Fergusson Trust 
notified the Ministry of Health and other funders that it intended to exit its $4.1m contract in August this year." May I please request  his correspondence 
exchange between  he Ministry and the Trust?  Also, the update says "Since November the Ministry has met with the Acting Chair, CEO and Board to discuss 
options and has also offered specialist financial assistance." May I please request what specialist financial assistance was offered? Also any meeting notes and 
recollections for or from  hose meetings? And any briefings prepared for  hose meetings?  Can I please also request the correspondence where the Director-
General of Health offered to sit down with  he Trust and any replies to that?  
OIA:  Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982, I request copies of the following informa ion as part of the Ministry’s DHB Performance Programme:   
ꞏ For each DHB,  he Performance Report, the Balanced Scorecard and  he Heat Map for Quarter One as at 31 December 2019
OIA: 1. What preparations has the DHB made to prepare for the epidemic in the miid central catchment?   2. Seeing that the covid 19 first wave is likely to 
coincide with our winter 'flu season, how many patients could the hospital cater for. Please give a number estimate.  3. Estimates by experts suggest that 20% 
of infected people will require hospitalization. This may be several thousand in the manawatu. How will MCDHB attempt to cope? What will hsppen to people 
who require treatment for pneumonia, who are turned away?  4. Does the DHB have sufficient protective gear for your staff?  5. What oxygen genera ing 
capacity does the DHB have. ( l/day)
OIA: I am seeking all advice to the government regarding coronavirus including but not limited to advice on the travel ban and containment and advice specific 
to an outbreak in NZ , NZ’s preparedness & availability of medical supplies and also any advice around maintaining essential services and or wide scale 
shutdowns in case of infection.
OIA: *Transferred from ADHB* 1. What does DNR in my NHI number stand for? 2. What are the letters in front of the numbers for and why?? 3. What are the 
numbers for, why  hose numbers? 
OIA: copies of all [20] documents relating to the investigation into Dr Barklie and the 'EMC Ambulance' service. (Prev request: H201904813)
OIA: *transferred from DIA* I am writing to request information about the "cost per call" for Heal hline, Plunke line, and the 111 service. Any information about 
how much each funding each service receives from  he government annually and the number of users for that time period. Specifically following:   -The 2019 
Healthline contracted service fee -Total calls to Healthline in 2019   If this type of information is available for Plunketline and the 111 service, that would be very 
useful too.  
OIA: How long does it take on average to get an ini ial appointment with a specialist to assess whether a child is on  he autism spectrum? How does this 
compare to the previous year? How long is it on average between the first appointment to diagnose a child with autism and the second appointment? After a 
diagnosis of autism, how many appointments for treatment does a child receive? How does this compare to the previous year? What is the percentage of 
children who are diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, compared to those who are not, out of the ones who are suspected to have autism? What is the 
funding allocated to diagnosing and treating conditions on the autism spectrum for the current year, compared to the previous year? What is  he increase or 
decrease in staff numbers who diagnose or treat autism compared to the previous year? How many staff vacancies are there for nurses or doctors who work in 
the area of autism? What is the budget in the current financial year for autism training, compared to the previous period? Is there any other relevant information 
you'd like to tell me?
OIA: How many FTEs there are and where they are - like how many in New Plymouth, Inglewood, Stratford, Hāwera, Opunake, Pātea, Waitara, or anywhere 
else.  Also, information about any complaints GPs have made specifically in Stratford and Hāwera. 
OIA: I am writing under the Official Information Act to request any documents that include the advice of the World Heal h Organisation regarding the COVID-19 
travel ban on people travelling from China, and any considera ion of that advice.
OIA: Under the Official Information Act 1982 I am wondering if you have had Clarke Gayford MC any events for your organisation, or an organisation which 
comes under your umbrella since 26th October 2017?   If
 so:  1.How was he contracted?? (eg, directly or through a talent management agency?
) 2.How 
much money paid for the event? And who w
as it paid to? 3.Who was involved in the decision making for contracting his services?   
4.If he, or the service 
provider he was contracted through, was paid for the event, how was the paym
ent funded? 5.If he was used, please provide all communications pursuant to 
his appointment.
OIA- GMANZ would like to know the scope for the research project below and its cost. Noting the timeline below I assume this has now been delivered to MOH. 
Can you please also provide a copy.

OIA- I am writing to you in the context of your recent appearance on Checkpoint regarding the Laura Ferguson Trust in Auckland, Waikato, and Whanganui, and 
the Notice forwarded by the Waitemata DHB below.  Respectfully, your appearance on Checkpoint gave no reassurance to  he many affected by the closure of 
LFT, on the contrary. I am aware the LFT Board does not personally directly benefit from the closure of LFT. I am less confident that the Board is not indirectly 
benefiting. Nonetheless, this govt and your Ministry's silence on the substantive and broader issues have been, curious. As too has the silence of the bodies of 
people funded by Govt to provide advice to it, namely, the DPO and the Office of Disability Issues.  The letter below is now starting to make  hings a little 
clearer. This is my guestimate: while the MOH/DSS/govt was not advised about the pending closure of  he LFT until after the decision was made, you were 
nonetheless persuaded to go along with it because the Board offered the (presumed) outcome of the sale of its assets to WDHB. Giving you/DHB money to 
like(ish) causes being some hing they are compelled to do under  heir various rules/constitutions/deeds.  In turn, the MOH/WDHB earmarked  he money coming 
out of the LFT into various areas of perceived need. Few of which, I don't doubt, would have been disability-related or in any way intended to replace LFT in 
Auckland much less anywhere else. The ruckus of the last month has become uncomfortable for the governing mutes, otherwise known as the coali ion of 
governing parties. This has forced their/your hand to revisit how the money is going to be discharged. Voila, Wilson Home is now going to be building some new 
villas.   Yet, it seems like only yesterday that the WDHB was trying to close Wilson HOme down because of the value of their land.   Sending out the notice 
below on a Friday afternoon and with barely 2 weeks notice to parties that info sessions are going to be held is suggestive, respectfully, of a rushed and random 
response recommended by your PR advisors.   If it was intended to shut the naysayers down, please be advised it ain't worked. This example of  he LFT Board 
and  he MOH working closely together will be recognised as the sham self-serving collaboration that it is.  I could be wrong, and my cynicism could be entirely 
misplaced. To determine if I am or not, could you please provide me with  he following under OI
A. 1. All records of any written / verbal communication 
between the LFT Board/employees and the MOH and any of its agents (NASCs /Hosts) in  he affected areas, since you were first notified of LFT 
oard's decision to close LFT? 2. All records of any written / verbal communication between the MOH/MSD with the WDHB about anything to do with 
LFT going back 2 y
ears. 3. All records of any written / verbal communication between your Ministry and the Wilson HOme about any proposal to expand the 
number of villas or any proposed building set on the Wilson Homesite? Finally, can you please tell me what your Ministry is going to do for the hundreds of 
people who benefit from the LFT current suite of services, some of whom are still only just finding out that it is closing, and the majority of who will be unable to 
access Wilson Home's potential upgrade.
OIA transferred from all DHBs - Total number of pa ients referred to and seen by Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology specialties within specified time. 
Please provide the data from July 2019 to present by month (Attachment 1). - Number of patients who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer and waiting  ime. 
Please provide the data from July 2019 to present by month (Attachment 2).  Please consider that we will be making MONTHLY official information act requests 
regarding this information.  (see correspondence tab for attachments)
OIA: *Transferred from MO* Could you please supply me the following information since 2010 (or earlier if possible):     1) Vote Health – operating and capital 
expenditure since 2010 or earlier broken down by component. Eg By district health board; and health and disability services for example  2) Vote Health – 
expenditure adjusted for population change and inflation. Also by component if possible.  3) Employment levels by profession eg nurses, clerical, allied 
workforce etc.  4) Health outcomes. Any relevant information on the health outcomes that the spending has achieved.
OIA: At our recent meeting you mentioned the Ministry had compiled data on waiting times by specialty for first specialist assessments (FSAs). I have been 
unable to find this on the Ministry’s website. Could I request this data please? It would also be useful to have the data by DHB, as well as specialty, if  hat is 
OIA: We request the following information, for your agency (including any
 subsidiaries):   1.How many staff have travelled from or via China since 2 Feburary 
2020? 2.Of those, how many have returned to places of work (such as visiting the office) within 14 days of leaving China?
OIA- Given this background, and the text (far below in New Zealand’s Influenza Pandemic Plan (2017)), I would appreciate answers to the following ques ions 
(as an OIA):  1. How many ICU beds does New Zealand currently have (with medical ventilators) and how many are curren ly being used?  2. How many other 
respiratory devices (such as CPAPs) does New Zealand currently have and do medical professionals consider they are useful (e.g. are they able to be 
repurposed into medical ventilators)?  3. Do we have a Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) like in the US? If yes, what equipment do we have in our stockpile?  
4. Does the New Zealand Government think that we have enough ICU beds and other respiratory devices (such as CPAP’s)? If not, how many do we need and 
what actions are the New Zealand government doing to ensure  hat there is sufficient?  5. Has the MoH been in contact with suppliers or other organisa ions 
based in New Zealand that might be capable of manufacturing medical ventilators in preparation for possible outbreaks?  6. For example, has the New Zealand 
government approached New Zealand manufactures to see if they are capable of manufacturing medical ventilators and CPAP’s?  7. Has New Zealand started 
manufacture using its inshore capability of P2 grade masks (as noted in the plan – see image 4)? If not, can you explain why not. For example, is it because 
New Zealand no longer has that capability or you think we have enough masks for this type of virus?  8. Is the pandemic plan under review given the specific 
characteristics of this virus (i.e. some patients need long time ICU bed care)? (I imagine an Appendix could be added to the existing plan specifying the 
Government’s response to the coronavirus virus.)
OIA- He would like copies of all notes from meetings from the Medicinal Cannabis Advisory Group

OIA- I seek under OIA some data about the home and community support sector.    The top ups funded by MOH for guaranteed hours for home support 
workers. The amounts given for guaranteed hours top ups to providers, set out by provider, for the last 12 months. If this is possible this information would be 
useful on a fortnightly basis.   The 3 week no ice period and consultations period for reduction of guaranteed hours in home support which is funded by MOH by 
provider for the last 12 months. If this is possible this information would be useful on a fortnightly basis.   The total amount (cost) and number of disadvantage 
payments available under the In between travel set lement paid to home support providers and the reason for accessing the disadvantage claim process and 
this backdating to the date of implementation (2017) of guaranteed hours for home support workers.    Any other amounts funded by MOH by provider in relation 
to costs for guaranteed hours since implementation of guaranteed hours (April 2017) for home support workers.
OIA- Under the Official Information Act, please provide me with all documentation generated within the Ministry of Health in  he past 12 mon hs relating to sugar 
taxes, including:   - Internal documents - Advice provided to  he Minister of Health or other Ministers.   “Documentation” includes but is not limited to emails, 
memoranda, briefings and aides memoire.
OIA-all advice/risk assessment documents provided by ESR to the Ministry of Health about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
OIA-Introduction Complete Concepts have been studying the way  hat mankind’s mind controls their everyday actions. This is based on the fact  hat the left side 
of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Mankind has  he ability to be dominant in any side 
or both sides of their brain, this is done at the will consciously and/or subconsciously.   For the sake of this Official Informa ion Act request the above is called 
focussing.   Please answer the Official Information Act request questions below: Question 1 Does the Ministry of Heal h have access to expert/s on focussing?   
Ques ion 2 State details of the person/s in question 1  hat may assess any matters on focussing, including  heir experience and qualifica ions?   Question 3 To 
what extent does the Ministry of Heath understand how focussing plays a part in everyday life?   Ques ion 4 Supply a list of informed people, the Ministry of 
Health use that have knowledge about focussing and/or  hey seek their advice, including any information on side effects that focussing may produce?    
Ques ion 5 Does the Ministry of Heal h regard that Complete Concepts has knowledge about focussing, and to what extent do they regard Complete Concepts’ 
knowledge?   Question 6 How does the Ministry of Health rate 10 years of focussing,11 people per year, as appreciable knowledge in focussing   Question 7 
What are the Ministry of Health’s policies and actions on the “prevention is better than cure” statement. Focussing plays a large part in all aspects how people 
act, including in the news recently on child violence.   Additional Information Compete Concepts have been in existence for 30 years (includes time under the 
identity Trainbrain) and find it difficult dealing with government departments because there is a lack of understanding of focussing. Over this time  he lack of 
understanding of focussing may have caused deaths big time.   Complete Concepts would like the Ministry of Health to share their understanding of focussing 
with Complete Concepts.   Nick if you do not know any of the details about focussing for the above questions, there must be someone in the Ministry of Health 
who does, since Ministry of Health is the government department that is responsible for  he human body.    Some sports coaches and their support are very 
connected to focussing, and you can see what difference it makes, to their teams’ performances e.g. focussing players in the Hurricanes and the All Blacks, get 
a range of performances different from the normal, from  heir players, also this can apply to other life situations. We are taught to focus, “often at home/school”, 
and  he focus learning is unstructured and often it is a consequence of circumstances.   I have seen a 3 year boy dominant on his nonverbal side of his brain, 
the reaction is almost he is a circus act, with  he expressions on his face, there is often the desire to normalise people, where he was perfectly normal. Also 
India is playing men's international cricket (rated world No 1 team) with New Zealand, at  he moment. India started off well winning all the T20 games, but since 
then they have gone downhill losing all their ODI games and the 1st test. India are in the process of playing the second test with their batting not being too 
sharp, so far. What part of India's men's cricket poor performance is due to brain domination?
OIA-Please provide all information you hold related to the visit of the NASO Northern Region Helicopter Air Ambulance Assurance Team to Auckland District 
Health Board (ADHB) on the 28th Nov 2019 and any subsequent correspondence between ADHB and The National Ambulance Sector Office (NASO) and/or 
the Ministry of Health (MoH) that relates to  his visit or any reports or further meetings that are related to this visit.  This request includes, but is not limited to: 1. 
Agenda, minutes and any audio/video recording of  he 28 h Nov mee ing. 2. Any reports (interim and final) or Memos issued by NASO/MoH in response to this 
meeting 3. Any emails or letters between ADHB senior staff and MoH/NASO staff in response to  his meeting or subsequent reports. For the purpose of this 
request: a. ADHB senior staff means Pat Sneddon, Ailsa Claire and Jo Gibbs. b. MoH/NASO staff means David Clark, Ashley Bloomfield, Keriana Brooking, 
Monique Burrows, Ka hy Rex, Carleine Receveur, Peter Whisker, Barry Woodmass. c. Emails include any sent, received or cc'd to and/or from any of  he above 
named people. d. The inclusive dates for this request are 1st Nov 2019 to 1st March 2020.
OIA-Please provide the following information as a request under the Official Information Act. This OIA request includes  "Te Tumu Waiora” - administered by 
Procare, and the Piki pilot initiated from 2018 Budget funding.   1. What is the evidence behind each initiative before roll out occurred since 2017 election?   2. 
What is the ongoing evidence assessment and data collection? What data is being collected on how many people are accessing  he services, who is accessing 
the services (demographics) and what are the metrics of success as a result of intervention/s?   3. Please release all evidence that the Ministry has received as 
a result of these mental health ini iatives, including independent analysis and reports received to  he Ministry of Health.   4. How much money is being allocated 
to Te Tumu Waiora and Piki, and how many patients have they seen?  5. How much of the $455 million allocated in Budget 2019 has been allocated within this 
financial year? How much of this money has been spent in this financial year, compared to how much was allocated in Year 1?  

1.The number of District Health Board (DHB) Smokefree Officers
. 2.The number of Controlled Purchase Operations (CPOs) carried out by all DHB 
Smokefree Of
ficers. 3.The number CPOs undertaken by each individual DHB
. 4.The number of infringement notices handed out to retailers by the MoH 
(shown by district as well as city or town wi hin that district). The number of CPOs forwarded to  he MoH for a decision on fur
ther action. 6.The number of 
CPOs forwarded to the MoH for a decision on further ac
tion that then led to: (a)court action under the Smoke-free Environments Ac
t 1990 (b)court action 
and a successful prosecution under the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990.
OIA- OIA - COVID-19 I wish to see the information leading to the following, targeted, notification on your website   "We have border controls in place 
for travellers coming into New Zealand from mainland China or Iran,"   ... given that for a number of days now both Italy and South Korea have a significantly 
higher number of infected people than Iran.
OIA - In reference to H202000941: That raises the obvious ques ions:
 1.Is the Ministry aware of any staff traveling to or via China since 2 February 2020 for 
any reason other than on Ministry
 business?  2.Of those, how many returned to places of work (such as visiting the office or socialising with staff) within 14 
days of leaving China?
OIA-  With respect I request the following information from your organisation under the terms of the Official Information Act 1982:  A gender breakdown of the 10 
highest-remunerated staff employed at your organisation as at December 21, 2019, and the percentage different in average pay between genders of this 
subset.  I attach a recent ruling from the Omudsman which I believe firmly establishes this request does not breach privacy interests and is in the public interest.  
The information sought in this request is to be used as part of a report by the NZ Herald into gender pay gap. A number of other organisations have been sent a 
similar request, and the responses will assist in providing a comprehensive overview as well as potentially triggering further reporting. As  he information will be 
used to inform the public about an important issue of obvious public interest, with  he Ombudsman saying "there can be no doubt  hat the gender pay gap is a 
significant public issue, I ask that any fee be waived.  It is understood elements of the requested information might not be considered public information. If this is 
the case, I would ask each element is considered separately, described as best it can be and reasons for any information being declined being set against the 
information sought. 
OIA- From the beginning of January 2019 un il the current date, How many notifications were made to Medsafe regarding CBD products being sold outside of 
prescrip ion set ings? Of those notifications, were there multiple notifications for the same product(s) and if so, which product/company had the most 
notifications? Of these notifications, how many were acted upon, and what actions were taken? Of these notifications, how many have been escalated due to 
sustained breeches of the Medicines Act?  How many notifications were made to Medsafe regarding Cannabis products breaching Section 29 of the medicines 
act? Of these notifications, how many were acted upon, and what actions were taken?

OIA: 1. With reference to your email of 14 December below and the National Ambulance Sector Office statement of 26 September 2018 (attached), when was it 
decided that Central Air Ambulance Rescue Limited (CAARL) was the primary rescue helicopter/air ambulance provider for the Coromandel Peninsula?    2. 
What was the grounds for designating CAARL and not the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT)/Northern Rescue Helicopter Limited (NRHL) the 
Coromandel’s primary provider?    3. How was this decision, given that no reference was made to CAARL in the NASO statement of 26 September 2018, 
communicated to the Coromandel Rescue Helicopter Trust (CRHT) and the residents and ratepayers of the Coromandel Peninsula?    4. The NASO statement 
of 26 September 2018 says this: “The location of the air ambulance helicopter bases at Whangarei, Auckland and Coromandel will remain unchanged. The 24/7 
service will be based on a mix of on-site and on-call aviation and clinical crewing that match service demand.” Accordingly - Whose decision was it not to base 
a rescue helicopter in Whitianga (at the CRHT’s Coromandel rescue helicopter base) anymore?  When was this decision taken? What information was taken 
into account in the making of this decision?  How was this decision communicated to  he CRHT, and the residents and ratepayers of the Coromandel 
Peninsula?    5. With reference to your email of 14 December 2019 below, how were “the needs of Peninsula residents and holiday makers” determined and 
what steps were followed in coming to your conclusion that those needs “are understood?”    6. What, according to you, are the needs of “Peninsula residents 
and holiday makers?”    7. With reference to your email of 20 December below, where are the eight rescue helicopters responding to call-outs based? Please 
advise the number of helicopters at each location.    8. What do you know about the Coromandel rescue helicopter base in Whitianga? Specifically -  The 
facilities available at the base.  The cost of developing  he base.  How the development and maintenance of  he base were/are funded.    9. Your email of 14 
December below contains the following statement, “As per the contract the Whitianga base will remain open.“ Can you please advise -  Between whom is the 
“contract” you refer to? What do you mean by “remain open,” given that the Coromandel rescue helicopter base at  he moment is merely used as a place for  he 
rescue helicopter to land when flying into Whitianga?    10. How many rescue helicopter missions were undertaken into/on the Coromandel -  From 1 January 
2017 to 31 December 2017? From 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018?  From 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019?  From 1 January 2020 t0 29 February 
2020?    11. How many of the above missions were undertaken by the ARHT/NRHL and how many missions were undertaken by CAARL? It would really be 
helpful if you can break that down into the periods of time above.    12. How does the “Air Desk” system work? Someone phones 111 as a starting point, when 
is the decision made to “transfer” their call to the ambulance or the “Air Desk?” In a mon hly St John column in The Informer, the local ambulance station 
manager always writes about the number of times St John “utilised an air ambulance” during the previous mon h. Does that mean St John on the ground can 
call a rescue helicopter as well? How is that decision being made?    13. When is an emergency serious enough for a rescue helicopter to be dispatched?    14. 
What are the hours all the St John ambulance stations on the Coromandel are open at the moment? My understanding is that there are St John ambulance 
stations in Whitianga, Coromandel Town, Thames, Whangamata and Tairua (as well as a sta ion in Paeroa on the Hauraki Plains).    15. Was there a change in 
those hours in the past 24 months?    16. How many times did it take more than 80 minutes for an ambulance to arrive at a call-out on the Coromandel during 
the following periods of time -  1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017?  1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018?  1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019?  1 
January 2020  0 29 February 2020?    17. Is it acceptable for a patient to wait 80 minutes or longer for emergency care to arrive? If not, what is an acceptable 
waiting time?    18. Is the availability of an ambulance taken into account when the “Air Desk” makes a decision to dispatch a rescue helicopter or not?    19. We 
are aware of several instances where people with serious medical conditions have had to wait more than 80 minutes (in some instances two hours or longer) for 
an ambulance to arrive. Yet no rescue helicopter was dispatched to assist them. Are you aware of such cases? If we get consent from the patients involved to 
share their information with you, are you willing to look into their cases and provide us with an explana ion as to why the emergency care system failed them? 
We obviously will not make the patients’ names public (in The Informer or to a Parliamentary Select Committee) without their consent.    20. Do you stand by 
this statement in your email of 20 December below” “Despite not having an air ambulance physically based in Whitianga, the residents there should feel 
reassured  hat there are highly capable helicopters nearby, and robust processes in place to clinically assess and respond to their medical issues?”   21. Can 
you confirm Whitianga’s distance and travelling time from the closest base hospital?    22. It is said that Whitianga is the furthest away from a base hospital 
anywhere in New Zealand. Is that correct?    23. If that is not correct, what town is the furthest away from a base hospital, what is the name of the closest base 
hospital to that town and what is the distance and travelling time between that town and hospital?    24. According to your knowledge, how long does it take for 
an ambulance to reach Thames Hospital from Whitianga? 25 Two years ago a rescue helicopter with a crew made up of pilot co-pilot/crewman and qualified
OIA-  I heard from my old CCA Advisory Committee colleagues that they had thoroughly discussed  he issue around dropping  he age range for bowel cancer 
screening for Māori, at the 14 Feb meeting and that the Advisory Committee had decided to recommend to the Minister that it be lowered. Then I saw that 
Deborah Woodley had made the comment (Stuff 26 Feb) that “According to advice he had received, Health Minister David Clark said the best way to improve 
equity was to ensure Māori were participating in screening at the same rate as  he general population”. Clearly, he didn’t understand the intent of the 
Committee’s advice - or the Committees message has been qualified in some way en route. Because I believe, alongside most other sensible commentators in 
the cancer sector, that this situation of the Ministry directing Providers to do things that lead to inequitable outcomes is a ridiculous one - I need to know what on 
earth happened to the advice.    I therefore want to request under the Official Information Act (1982) copies of:   all reports, letters, emails, or other 
communications with advice around the NBSP and lowering the screening age for Māori, that have been prepared or written by yourself, Dr Jane O’Hallahan, 
Prof Diana Sarfati, the NSU or the Cancer Control Agency  that have been sent between the above parties and then provided to the Minister, or indeed directly 
to the Minister over the period 1 January, 2020 to 5 March 2020.
OIA- All correspondence between the Mid Central District Heal h Board and  he Minister and Ministry of Health on provision of linear accelerators in Hastings
OIA- Can I have copies of the reports for adverse reactions for CAMS referred to in the latest Prescriber Update?
OIA- Please may I have copies of any briefings, reports, memos, Aide Memoire or internal correspondence relating to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) 
updates that have been provided to the media since 31 January

OIA- Under the Official Information Act I request a copy of all communications between you and/or your officials, DPMC, the Minister of Health and/or his office 
and/or the Prime Minister and/or her office regarding the confirmation and subsequent announcement of New Zealand’s first confirmed case of Covid-19.   I 
would expect this to include all emails, briefings, text or WhatsApp messages and recollections of phone calls made regarding the confirmation and 
announcement of New Zealand’s first confirmed case of Covid-19. I specifically request  he time and me hod when you were first advised about the first 
confirmed case of Covid-19 in New Zealand and when you advised the Minister and Prime Minister.  
OIA-1. Any briefings, memos, advice or internal correspondence where s 9(2)(a)
 is mentioned or referred to 2. Any briefings, memos, advice or 
internal correspondence where KidsCan is mentioned or referred to
OIA- I request the figures of how many ICU beds in New Zealand filtered by each DHB.
OIA- send me copies of  he mid-central reports as submitted with the Ministry between October 2018 and now,
OIA- In your response, you say that "the existing research database includes studies that have looked at the effects of millimetre waves. These have formed the 
basis for the exposure standards covering these frequencies."  As you well know, the research on health effects of millimetre waves is extremely small 
compared to the vast number of studies on the existing 3G. 4G and wi-fi frequencies. Your Interagency Committee has found reason to disregard or ignore 
literally thousands of studies showing biological effects of these existing frequencies at levels way below the NZ Safety Standards. The usual reason given is 
that  he studies have not been sufficiently large-scale and rigorous in their design (even the USD20+ million National Toxicity Programme study seems to have 
been largely disregarded).  Yet, your Interagency Committee and the M.O.H. seem happy to form conclusions about the safety of Millimetre wave frequencies 
on the basis of a small group of studies, most of which are small-scale and have not been replicated. Interesting.  For example, on what basis has the M.O.H. 
concluded that existing Safety Standards will adequately protect the New Zealand public from eye damage, given that  he energy of the higher frequencies will 
primarily be absorbed by the skin and eyes? Please provide references for studies considered to be adequate in their size and design and which have also 
been replicated.  The skin is not just an overcoat - it is our largest organ with many functions. One of the functions is regulation of the immune system. On what 
basis has the M.O.H concluded that existing Safety Standards will adequately protect the New Zealand public from disruption to immune system regulation? 
Please provide references for studies considered to be adequate in their size and design and which have been replicated.  I request that you do not answer 
these questions with a link to your research data-base. I have already followed the link provided. What I am asking for is specific information about the particular 
studies considered by the M.O.H. and its Interagency Committee to fulfil  he criteria for 'robust scientific research' as mentioned above.
OIA-Prescribing of medicinal cannabis products Information requested: Information from section 29 (Medicines Act 1981) returns filed between January 2019 
and  he end of February 2020 that gives a monthly picture of: 1) the name, dose form, and strength of each medicinal cannabis product supplied each month 
under section 29 2) the number of prescriptions for each product per month and/or the number of patients for each product per month 3) the number of 
prescribers for each product per month 
OIA - Nga Taura Tuhono final report 2016-2019 Whanganui Regional stop smoking service funded by the MOH for $1,020,000 over three years .   Whanganui 
region / district Stop smoking service Nga Taura Tuhono funded by the MOH 2016-2019 .Partners Whanganui Regional Health Network , Taihape Health , Te 
Oranganui and Health Solutions Trust ( Dr John McMenamin is  he medical director of the trust , the owner of the building , a substantive donor to the trust and 
a trustee of the trust which took over the Whanganui Quit Clinic from Wicksteed Medical Services which has contracts with the Ministry of Heal h for National 
primary care stop smoking champion and bowel screening . The Whanganui DHB is also listed as a partner on the application document for $340,000 annually 
to run  he service  hat was signed by s 9(2)(a)  , a former employee of Wicksteed Medical Services Ltd but gets no reports from the Service .  Can I get a 
readable / printable copy of the three year report on this initia ive for Whanganui please with Numbers enrolled , set a TQ date and quit for 4 weeks for each 
year 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19. ? I am interested in the break down of where the funding was allocated and the numbers who set a to Quit Date and the 
numbers who reached a verified 4 weeks no smoking .   The data has not been made available by WRHN , Dr John Mcmenamin as the local champion , chair 
of the Tobacco control group of the Whanganui DHB , the Whanganui Regional Health Network , the Nga Taura Tuhono Stop Smoking Service .   Can you also 
provide  he annual plans an annual reports reports on the Whanganui Annual Tobacco Control Plan 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19 provided by the Whanganui 
DHB .  Again as chair of the Whanganui Tobacco Advisory Group Dr McMenamin is not forthcoming about providing the reports and most data provided to 
regional meetings is anecdotal and appears inaccurate if not actually false on closer scrutiny.

OIA- Can you please supply the following inform
ation.   1.Industrial Hemp Licence Inform
ation. a.Number of Industrial Hemp (IHG) licences held by licenced 
activity, applicant type, region and specified cultivars pertaining to licenced activity. 
 b.Number of Industrial Hemp Research and Breeding (IHR&B) licences 
held by licenced activity, applicant type, region and specified cultivars pertaining to licenced activity
  c.Total amount of hemp (in Ha) cultivated by region and 
cultivar type betw
een 2015 – present.  d.Total quantity (in kg) of hemp seed harvested in New Zealand each year by cultivar typ
e and region.  e.Total quantity of 
hemp seed processed into hemp products each year by
 region.  f.Rate of application expressed as a number by Industrial Hemp Licences type on annual 
basis between 2015 – present by
 region.  g.Rate of decline of applications expressed as a number by industrial hemp licence type on annual basis between 
2015 – present by
 region.    2.Licence to Cul ivate Prohibited Plant Inform
ation.  a.Annual number of licences applied for by applicant type and region 
commencing in the year the first licence application was received by MOH (up to now) that were successfully granted. Please specify date of application per 
licence and date licence was officially granted, licenced ac ivities permitted for each licence, cultivars permitted on the licence and total area licenced for each 
 specified.  b.Amount of prohibited plant cultivated by cultivar per year commencing the first year said cultivar / prohibited plant was cultivated.  
c.Annual number of licence applica ions applied for by applicant type and region that was declined since first application received by MOH specifying the 
legisla ive clause under which each licence application was declined. If a given application was declined under mul iple clauses, said application will have 
multiple clause id’s identified. Please specify the date the application was submitted and date the application was declined.
OIA - I hope your year has started off well. We last met at the NZDSN network meeting in Auckland and prior to  hat, at the Auckland community consultation 
organised by your directorate. Assistive Technology Suppliers New Zealand is the organization I represent. At our most recent members meeting a question 
was raised by some of our members around  he availability of information on the Ministry of Health’s spend on disability equipment. Early searches provide only 
partial informa ion, so I’m turning to you, to request your help in finding and accessing the information our members are asking for. Can you please point me in 
the direction of where I can access information on the 2020 budgeted spend and 2019 and2018 actual spend on Disability equipment, broken down into regions 
(or districts) and types of spend, i.e. new equipment and refurbishments, and types of equipment. Any level of further granularity would be appreciated, to help 
with an overview of the market.
OIA - The Health Act 1956 (Section 3E) requires that there “shall be a division of the Ministry called the Public Health Group” (my emphasis).   The Act also 
states (Section 3F) that "the Public Health Group shall institute a programme of regular consultation with such members of the public, persons involved in the 
provision of personal health services and public health services, and other persons as the Director-General (after consulta ion with  he Minister) considers 
appropriate…”.  Please could you provide the following information:  (1) During the calendar year 2019, how many staff (by head count and by full-time 
equivalents) were employed in the Public Health Group (as named). Please note that I am not referring to the Directorate of Population Health and Preven ion.   
(2) Who headed the Public Health Group during 2019? To whom does that person report?  (3) What formal programmes of consultation were carried out by the 
Public Health Group during 2019?
OIA- I wish to request any files or documents held by your Government Office of any complaints or investigations if I were named as the subject.  The reason I 
am aware there has been a defamatory imputation made that relates to me against my mother s 9(2)(a)
 and I wish to know whether this has be 
formally published via a Government agency or if the allegation is purely conveyed by innuendo.  Sadly, an outcome of  his unsubstantiated imputation is that I 
am prohibited from seeing my mother, s   at the aged care facility CHT Acacia Park Omokoroa, where she resides. The circumstances in which this prohibition 
was imposed were based on false information and disregarded available information from both my mother and me.  I would like to request an investigation from 
the appropriate Government Agency and an opportunity to provide evidence in my possession to assist an appropriate review and finding to redress my 
concerns, damage to my reputation and the improper and detrimental interference with contact between my Mum and I as well as her health.  Your 
consideration of my information request will be appreciated, and I look forward to your speedy reply.
OIA- I would like to request any written, spoken or transcribed Employee reference Given by Cila Allen Line manager of the community mental health facility oe 
any other employee at HTDHB Houora Tairawhiti in Gisborne, these employee references would have been given between  he 14/01/2020 and the 9/03/2020 
and were in reference to employment applications made by myself to the Buller District DHB for future employment at the Buller district DHB, the HR manager 
at the HTDHB in Gisborne is Jenny Roy, Jenny will be able to source these references for you.
OIA- Re digital maturity assessments – can you please answer the following,   1. Can 
you please provide me a breakdown of the number of DMAs conducted by health organisation type (eg, DHB, PHO etc…
) 2.For each organisation which has 
undergone an assessment, can you please provide me assessment result
s.  3.For each organisation which has undergone an assessment, can you please 
provide me recommendations made as result of  he DMA.
 4.In late 2019, following revelations pa ient data from several PHO’s was potentially exposed, a 
nationwide public health organisation security audit was conducted. Were results from this audit incorporated into DMAs? How?

OIA-  1. How much did the government set aside for the Lake Alice claimants in 1999-2000?  2. How much was spent on the Lake Alice cases internally and 
externally for the first round and second round claimants?  3. What was the total amount of Payments to claimants? 4. What was the total amount of legal 
fees/any other costs? 5. How much was spent on Lake Alice cases concerning submissions to the UN Committee Against Torture between the years 2009 to 
2015? 6. How much was spent both internally and externally concerning the complaint to the UN Committee Against Torture about a Lake Alice case which was 
filed in June 2017 up until December 2019? 7. What is the projected budget for the Crown Law office and Ministry of Health for the handling of the Lake Alice 
case(s) filed at  he UN Committee Against Torture for the coming two years? 
OIA- Can you direct me please to the person leading the Ministry's work on improving health outcomes for people with learning disabilities. There used to be a 
Project Reference Group advising on ways to improve health outcomes in that context. I cannot find any reports on swork from the group or subsequent.   One 
OIA- Hoping you can assist with this or send it on to the right person. Last week Dr Bloomfield mentioned modelling was being done about what COVID-19 
could look like for NZ going forward.    On multiple occasions we have asked Dr Bloomfield in press conferences about this modelling but he will not release any 
information.    1NEWS believes this modelling is of na ional significance and would like to request the modelling urgently under the Official Information Act. We 
believe it should be released because  he public deserves to know what the modelling says as it could influence their behaviour now, it may impacts businesses 
who are planning for the impacts of  his now, during a time of a potential na ional health emergency all information needs to be made available in a timely 
manner, and  he modelling was paid for by the taxpayer.    1NEWS understands there are many factors involved in modelling which we are happy to report in a 
sensible, responsible manner. We have spoken to scientists who are happy to be interviewed to explain the limitations.    As you are aware in the legislation 
there is a provision for urgent Official Information Act requests and I would like a response within 24 hours. I will be asking  he Ombudsman to look into the 
matter if the response isn’t sa isfactory. It may also be something we report on if the Ministry refuses to release the modelling.
OIA - Lead Poisoning Statistics 1. The notified actual numbers of persons who have died of lead poisoning per years since 1995 (as notified to MoH). 2. The 
number of those deceased individuals where the cause was attributed to leaded petrol, for each year since 1995. 3. The 'lead levels in air' data for each year 
since 1995.
OIA- 1) A list of all publically funded, community dispensed, branded pharmaceuticals in New Zealand. 2a) Give total prescribed unit volumes for each branded 
pharmaceutical (1 ) annually for the last 5 years (if all data not available use nearest date of available data) 2b) If (2a) data is not available, use generic drug 
unit volumes prescribed for community dispensing annually for the last 5 years or to nearest data available  2c) Rank (1.) from most prescribed medication to 
least prescribed.  3) List the cost of each branded pharmaceutical per unit pre funding in (1.) 4) List the pharmaceu ical company making each brand (1.) 5) A 
list of all funded medical devices in NZ 6) List the cost of each device pre and post funding in (5.)
OIA- All notes, records, documents redicare medical centre Hamilton Waikato Information requested: All records, notes, documents from redicare between 1st 
January 2019 until 1st March 2020
OIA- So, if I'm reading this correctly, Singaporean travelers are no longer able to use e-gates, but those from the United States still are? Was the USA's status 
reviewed and found still acceptable, or not reviewed at all? What criteria were used to re-asses the status of Singapore? Feel free to treat this as a formal OIA 
request if you need to.
OIA- Under the Official Information Act I would like to request a list of all reports made to the ministry’s Healthline service where members of the public have 
reported suspected cases or issues in regards to other members of the public surrounding coronavirus.  (For example- reporting on their neighbours for travel or 
suspected carriers of  he virus etc)  If this list could include the location, age, ethnicity of the caller/reporter, their relation to the person they are reporting on and 
if possible  he ethnicity, age of the person they are repor ing on if given. 
OIA- Under the OIA, please can I have a copy of any specific COVID-19 action plans produced or in development?
OIA-Please provide me with a copy of all policies, guidelines and the section of the relevant legislation that you refer to.  I would also like to request under the 
Official Informa ion Ac
t 1982; 1.How many people have applied to use their individualised funding for Overseas trips over 3 weeks for the last 5 y
ears;  2.How 
many People have had approval to use their individualised funding for overseas trips for over 3 weeks over the last 5 years; an
d 3.How many people have 
been declined the use of their individualised funding for overseas trips for over 3 weeks for the last 5 years
OIA-  MBIE has finally admitted that they don't know if New Zealand has international obliga ions to resettle refugees.  My original question was to you about 
your website  hat you created so I will ask you again: What information did you use to decide to claim on your website that New Zealand has interna ional 
obligations to resettle refugees? Do you consider it appropriate to make an unsubstantiated (and seemingly political) statement on your publicly funded 
OIA- "Official advice regarding the eruption of Whakaari / White Island on December 9, 2019"
OIA- data on pneumonia cases in New Zealand over the last two years, please. With total number of cases over time, and total number of cases for severity 
over time (if such distinc ion is made, eg mild and severe). Or any such equivalent data representation, that show incidence over time.    I would also like to 
request the same data for influenza cases.

OIA- I am a 67 year old New Zealander wi h a somewhat compromising heart condition and so I am understandably concerned about Covid -19.  therefore I 
would like to know the answer to  hese questions as at present I am not reassured that all possible risk management is being done.    I would like to know why 
New Zealand has not placed entry restric ions commensurate with actual population infection rates??    The risk of a person carrying Covid-19 on entry into NZ 
would seem to be proportional to their country of origin actual rate of cases per population rather than absolute numbers. Based on number of infections per 
population ( source worldometer Covid-19 statistics . and John Hopkins web site infographics, ) it would seem that all European travelers should 
be banned from entry. The infection rate in popula ions of, not only Italy (206.1/million as at 11/3/20), Iran(107.2/m), South Korea (151.3/m) but also 
Norway(116/m), Denmark(88.7/m), Switzerland(75.3/m), and very soon Germany, France(34.9/m), Spain(48.4/m), Netherlands are, or very soon will be, greater 
than that for China(56.1/m)! Not only this but also anyone with an understanding of the Swiss-Italian border knows  hat there is no containment here, approx 
70,000 workers cross this every day and at least 3000 Italian health workers are still commuting to and from Switzerland. in effect Switzerland is a completely 
porous corridor in centre of Europe and should be regarded the same as Italy.    This means that anyone travelling from these European countries is more 
probably carrying or have been in contact with Covid-19 than a chinese traveller.    WHO has now declared a pandemic, Guatemala has already banned entry of 
European origin travelers, Kuwait has banned entry of any non-Kuwaiti, India is also placing increasingly targeted entry restrictions. Rough es imates by various 
models (worldometer, twitter feeds, comparison with Hubei province history) indicate Europe is just at the start of an exponential increase in cases and nowhere 
near the peak . It would seem expedient to immediately restrict entry form these locations if we are serious about containment. Wai ing until absolute numbers 
look more ominous is just to late. Another week without more restrictions and we could well be beyond containment and scrabbling for mitigation and 
management.    So , why is it we are operating border security based on absolute numbers and a China-centric view of the disease propagation, when the major 
centres of propagation are now the whole of Europe and the middle east (Bahrain, Qatar also have infection rates higher than China) and  he risk of a European 
being infected is far greater than for a chinese?    Also it can be seen that in another week or two USA will become a population with high rates of infection (if it 
hasn’t already and we don’t know due to poor testing response and socioeconomic limitations to health access). Are there also any plans to place restriction on 
entries from USA as it becomes a centre of further propagation?    Can we be assured  hat timely and valid restrictions will be put placed?  I am not confident 
about this at present.   What details of strategy , restric ion criteria and timely placement can you give to show reasons for being more confident in NZ 
containment strategy going forward?  
OIA- I am an environmental health researcher interested in the Coronavirus data for New Zealand. Up to 9000 individuals have self isolated, as a precautionary 
measure in New Zealand. We desire to use this data to generate spa ial plots in an article being prepared on Coronavirus. Can you kindly send us data 
regarding, age, ethnicity, gender of the individuals who have undergone or are undergoing self-isolation, as well as their city and region. We do not request for 
any personal information.  Thanks in anticipation. What kind of data are you asking for? : Identifiable Please describe the group of people you are interested in.: 
Individuals who have undergone or are undergoing precautionary self-isolation in New Zealand What years do you want data for? All years for which data is 
available If other years, please specify: Data sets required: Other - specify below If other data sets, please specify: Coronavirus Details of the variables / fields 
required from each of the data sets (if known): age ethnicity gender number of days of self isolation city region
OIA-the identity of the consulting engineer/engineering firm on the West Coast Hospital project who was responsible for issuing the PS3 covering the seismic 
restraints that are being reworked in the ceilings  a copy of the PS1 and/or PS3 that pertains to the restraints above
OIA-  • The total number of hospital beds per DHB. • The number of ICU and HDU beds per DHB. • The number of negative pressure rooms per DHB. • The 
number of respirator machines available per DHB.  • The number of ICU & HDU nurses employed per DHB. • The number of ICU & HDU doctors employed per 
 1.A chart showing the number of people being tested daily for Covid-19, since 01 Jan 2020 2  A detailed description of the 
testing procedure 3.A fully 
copy of New Zealand's plan/policy to tackle the current situation and potentially a community or even nationwide outbreak
 4.What has been done in order to 
control the potential spreading of the virus by the 4th person being tested posi ive and attended a Rock Concert at Spark Arena? 
OIA- All communications between the Ministry and New Zealand Steel regarding its employee who tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
OIA- Also I am concerned that we have property in areas of high hospitalisation rates due to the condition of houses people live in. Are you able to share the 
data on this information? Data for our area Western Heights, also Rotorua and then compared to the overall of NZ would be of interest for me.
OIA- Cost of ESR Report - Review of Remediation Standards for Clandes ine Methamphetamine Laboratories: Risk Assessment recommendations for a New 
Zealand Standard. The above report was commissioned by the Ministry of Health in 2016.  Please advise the cost of the report. If a precise figure cannot be 
provided, due to commercial sensitivities, please provide a range within which the costs fall i.e. $60-65,000.
OIA- Thank you for your response to my OIA request concerning legal costs paid by the Ministry for the West Coast and Canterbury DHBs.. I note that in your 
answer you specify "external legal costs" whereas I requested total legal costs. Please advise re any internal legal costs regarding the West Coast and 
Canterbury DHBs.   Further, I now request details of any payments made to  he Crown Law Office. 
OIA- The date when the DHB Sector Financial Performance for the year to 31 August 2019 was published on the Ministry of Health website

OIA- This is an application submitted under the Official Information Act for the release of information to Keezz Limited, a NZ registered company.
   1.I refer to 
Quill record number H201807720; file number AD62-14-2018 noted hereunder
. 2.Contained within the above-referenced at paragraph 38 is the following 
3.With respect to WDHB’s “changes to elective discharge volumes” and the subsequent MOH’s request of WDHB, I require:   a  All documents or other related 
records relating to WDHB’s advice as detail
ed above b.All documents or other related to MOH’s and WDHB’s communication on this matter as detailed above 
c.All documents or other related to WDHB’s submissions or advice pertaining to budgetary and elective discharge volumes and WDHB B
oard approval d.All 
documents or other related to MOH’s “assessment of feasibility of this op ion”
 e.All documents or other related to MOH’s communication as to the outcomes of 
the feasibility assessment, including but not limited to: Minister of Health, WDHB, Treasury. 
OIA- Under the OIA, please can I have any documents relating to Alkyl nitrites and their classification under the Medicines Act. Please may I also have any 
documents or correspondence relating to the drug commonly known as ‘poppers’ (
OIA - Please provide the follwing information; - Total number of tests undertaken by  he MoH to detect Covid-19, broken down by day. - The guidelines given to 
MoH staff for when testing is to be undertaken on a patient. - Whether the MoH is required to undertake testing for Covid-19 when requested to do so by a 
patient. - Any advice or guidance to MoH staff, for example, a memorandum given by senior management to all staff, about  he disclosure of depersonalised 
Covid-19 patient information to the public and media.
 - For the purposes of this request, when seeking information about Covid-19 I am also seeking information that could predate the novel coronavirus being 
named Covid-19. Please also consider search terms like 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV-2, “novel coronavirus”
, etc.  -Any projections produced by the Ministry of 
Health containing estimates/projections of:   
oThe number of Covid-19 cases in New Zealand over any period of time  
 oThe number of Covid-19 
hospitalisations in New Zealand over any period of time  
 oThe number of Covid-19 fatalities in New Zealand over any period of time  
  -Any briefing, analysis or 
other document concerning plans to increase the health system’s capacity to deal with a Covid-19 outbreak, with particular refe
rence to: oThe number of 
hospital beds in the country  
 oThe number of ventilators in the country  
 oThe number of ICU beds in the country  
  -Any briefing, analysis or other document 
concerning setting the criteria for issuing C
ovid-19 tests  -Any briefing, analysis or other document concerning comparisons between Covid-19 tests in New 
Zealand/Covid-19 test criteria and Covid-19 tests in other countries/Covid-19 test criteria in other countries  (full letter in correspondence tab)
OIA- I would like copies of reports, memos, briefings, advice provided or received, or correspondence within and between the Ministry of Heal h and other 
parties, relating to the decision to cancel the 2020 Pasifika Festival.  This should include material that covers the sources of concern about the festival 
proceeding, and the consultation undertaken, especially with Pacific Island entities or representatives, before any advice provided prior to  he Prime Minister, 
making the announcement.
OIA- Number of tests that where able / could be conducted for each day of 2020. (Testing capacity)  Number of tests conducted for each day of 2020 (actual 
tests)  Please provide data for up to and including the date of submission (16/03/2020) and preferably any subsequent days between 16/03/2020 and when the 
request is completed
OIA- Ventilators (mechanical ventilation) Information requested: Hi please could you tell me how many mechanical ventilators are in use and available in NZ 
and how many (if applicable) could be put to use eg from stores or military stock.
OIA- COVID-19 Testing & Measures Informa ion requested: 1. The number of COVID-19 testing kits available in New Zealand.  2. How would MOH and/or other 
Government Organisations in New Zealand enforce the self-isolation requirement on incoming travellers and/or those who have been told to self-isolate.  2a. 
Whether MOH and/or other Government Organisations in New Zealand will consider similar enforcement procedures in Singapore (see attached) or other 
countries.  3. The threshold for testing i.e. how sick does one have to be when they call Healthline before they get referred to go for a test.
OIA- I'm a Local Democracy Reporter with the Rotorua Daily Post.   I'm working on a story covering the Ministry's Lakes DHB Balanced Scorecard for 
September 2019.   I'd like to compare  he Lakes DHB's scorecard to o her DHBS, and I've had a bit of a google but so far been unable to find similar documents 
for other DHBs.   Is that something that is available? If  hey are online somewhere, could you please point me in the direction of them? If not, could you please 
provide me with the other balanced scorecards (Sept 2019) for all other DHBs?
OIA- Please provide the total number of COVID-19 tests available in NZ curren ly, and at each date over the past two months.    Please also provide detail on 
the number of additional tests on order and expected delivery dates.   And please ensure that data provided is as reasonably current as is practicable at the 
time that this OIA request is answered. So if you answer in 20 working days, I'd like to know the number of tests available up through as close to  hat date as 
prac icable.
OIA-  Can you please advise, as at today's date, how many people resident in Wairarapa (being  he area covered by Masterton, Carterton, and South Wairarapa 
District Councils): 1. Have been tested for COVID-19? and; 2. The outcomes of that testing. For example, number of confirmed, probable, and negative tests.

OIA-  For each month from January 2018 through to Feb 2020  How many patients had active approvals for medical cannabis products from the MOH for both 
Pharmaceutical grade consented medicines Pharmacuetical grade unconsented medicines; and Non pharmaceutical grade unconsented medicines  How many 
patients received new approvals in each month for  Pharmaceutical grade consented medicines Pharmacuetical grade unconsented medicines; and Non 
pharmaceutical grade unconsented medicines  On a mon hly basis, how many units were dispensed, measured as Section 29 notifications for  hese 
categories?   On a Monthly basis, how many packs of Cannabidiol products were supplied?   For the Months of December 2019 and January 2020, how many 
of the Section 29 notifications for CBD Products were from medicines wholesalers and product sponsors, versus products imported via GP or pharmacy on a 
named patient basis?  Without lis ing quantities which I asked in previous OIAs, but was declined as commercially sensitive, would it be possible to disclose a 
list of all CBD products that had Section 29 notifications for the months of December 2019 and January 2020 without attributing numbers to them? 
OIA- Ms Suz Halligan, Senior Advisor, Environmental and Border Health, New Zealand Ministry of Health is a member of the enHealth Committee.
fohp-environ-enhealth-committee%2ehtm  EnHealth recen ly released Draft Guidance on Competencies for Illicit Drug Contamination Assessment.  Please 
provide copies of all communica ions, documents, submissions and relevant information relating to the C work Ms Halligan is charged with undertaking on 
behalf of the Ministry of Health which has led to production of this Draft Guidance.
OIA- Please provide 'Position Descriptions' (generic versus personal contracts) for the roles of:  2. Chair NMDHB
OIA- Under the Official Information Act, please may I have all versions of the case definition for a COVID-19 test which have been published on the Minsitry of 
Health website or have been sent to health professionals. (
OIA- Im seeing if you have had any complaints about 1st heal h limited or their staff following the news story below.
OIA- Please provide all information held regarding the supply of thalidomide under s 29 of the Medicines Act. We note that according to PHARMAC minutes this 
was occurring in 2004 through Palmerston North Hospital.  Please provide all information held regarding the supply of lenalidomide under s 29 of the Medicines 
Act prior to 16 May 2003.
OIA-  I’m wondering if the Ministry of Health could please provide me wi h the following information about each confirmed case of Covid-19 in New Zealand as 
of 8am on March 20. If  his is not able to be processed as a media request, please consider it an OIA request with a deadline of Tuesday, April 21.    Where the 
person travelled to New Zealand from, if relevant  What country the person is thought to have contracted the virus in, if different from above  If contracted in 
New Zealand, which other case  hey contracted the virus from  How many close contacts the person had and how many were successfully traced  The locations 
that  he person was thought to have visited while contagious (specific schools, churches, shops, cafes, flights, etc.)  How many people were infected by the 
person, if relevant  Whether the person was hospitalized  How many tests the person received and which one(s) came back positive 
OIA - Please provide all communications (Including but not limited to: emails, letters, memos, reports, papers and text messages) between the following senior 
individuals in the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Auckland District Heal h Board (ADHB) regarding  he provision of helicopter air ambulance services.  ADHB 1. 
Ailsa Claire  2. Pat Sneddon 3. Joanne Gibbs  MoH 1. Hon David Clarke 2. Ashley Bloomfield 3. Keriana Brooking 4. Clare Perry  Note: 1. Applicable dates are 
1/1/2019 to 10/3/2020 2. Emails include those sent, received or cc'd and include any attachments.  REFINEMENT 20 MARCH 2020:  "Please provide all 
communications (Including but not limited to: emails, letters, memos, reports, papers and text messages) between  he following senior individuals in the Ministry 
of Health (MoH) and Auckland District Heal h Board (ADHB) regarding  he provision of helicopter air ambulance services.  ADHB 1. Ailsa Claire  MoH 1. Ashley 
Bloomfield 2. Keriana Brooking  Note: 1. Applicable dates are 1/7/2019 to 10/3/2020 2. Emails include those sent, received or cc'd and include any 
OIA- Further to this received OIA, I have some further questions - I imagine Deputy Director-General Corporate Sue Gordon, who au hored the original OIA 
response, may be best able to answer my
 questions.  1.With regard to alleged fraud/corruption reported in 2018/2019, 2019 YTD - can I please get a 
description of the various nature of alleged fraud/corruption reported? For instance, are their alleged instances of bribe-taking, bid-rigging (eg, tenders for 
service), false invoicing etc....?
  2.From 2018/2019, how many reports referred to Audit and Compliance resulted in, a, referral to the police, the Serious Fraud 
Office, b, sanction/action against individuals/organisations by the Ministry of Health and/or the appropriate Government body? Further to this received OIA, I 
have some fur her questions - I imagine Deputy Director-General Corporate Sue Gordon, who authored the original OIA response, may be best able to answer 
 questions.  1.With regard to alleged fraud/corruption reported in 2018/2019, 2019 YTD - can I please get a description of the various nature of alleged 
fraud/corruption reported? For instance, are their alleged instances of bribe-taking, bid-rigging (eg, tenders for service), false invoicing etc
....?  2.From 
2018/2019, how many reports referred to Audit and Compliance resulted in, a, referral to the police, the Serious Fraud Office, b, sanction/action against 
individuals/organisations by the Ministry of Health and/or the appropriate Government body?

OIA - All reports prepared for the Ministry by the Covid-19 Technical Advisory Group modelling potential casualties from the outbreak in New Zealand.
OIA amended by requestor 9/4 - Pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982, I make request for information regarding all of the following categories, but only in 
relation to abortion services in the second and third trimesters: 1. Access to abor ion services (surgical or medical) throughout New Zealand, whether via public 
or private services (including but not limited to DHBs, clinics, GPs or otherwise) namely regarding: (a) In what geographical locations were second and third 
trimester abortions available in New Zealand in the 12 months prior to enactment of the ALA 2020. (b) Whether there was access to abortion services sufficient 
to meet the demand in the 12 months prior to enactment of the ALA 2020. (c) Notification (undertaken or scheduled) to the public by  he DHB about access to 
abortion services subsequent to the enactment of  he ALA 2020. .(d) Whether the access to abor ion services is projected to be sufficient to meet the demand 
for abortion services in the 12 months subsequent to the enactment of the ALA 2020. 2. The identity of which en ities (or persons) are providing abortion 
services (surgical or medical) throughout New Zealand, whether via public or private services (including but not limited to DHBs, clinics, GPs or otherwise). 3. 
Provision of abor ion services (surgical or medical) throughout New Zealand, namely: (a) The number of second trimester abortions carried out in the 12 months 
prior to enactment of the ALA 2020 and whether such were medical or surgical abortions. (b) The number of third trimesters abortions carried out in the 12 
mon hs prior to enactment of the ALA 2020 and whether such were medical or surgical abortions. (c) The gestation (in weeks) of the pregnancy. (d) The legal 
grounds for the carrying out of the abortion. (e) The number1 of operating certifying consultants available to provide the service. (f) The age2 of operating 
certifying consultants available to provide the service. This request may be answered by reference to the age range that a consultant falls within (eg 30s, 40s, 
50s, 60s years of age). (g) Where any second or third trimester abortion was not carried out, whether a DHB declined to provide such services and whe her that 
was as a result of the unavailability of personnel. (h) And if so, where were the women transferred to or referred to, whether in New Zealand or Australia or 
elsewhere. (i) Whether the abortions carried out in the 12 months prior to enactment of the ALA 2020 were undertaken in conjunction with a multi-disciplinary 
medical team. (j) Any projected number of second trimester abortions and third trimester abortions to be carried out in the 12 months and 24 mon hs 
subsequent to the enactment of the ALA 2020. 4. The identity of which entities provide the human resourcing of abortion services (surgical or medical) 
throughout New Zealand. 5. Human resourcing of abor ion services (surgical or medical) throughout New Zealand, regarding certifying consultants, operating 
doctors, theatre staff, nurses, support staff, namely:(a) Whether there were sufficient staff (whether employees, contractors or otherwise) to meet the demand in 
the 12 months prior to enactment of the ALA 2020. (b) Whether in  he 12 months prior to enactment of the ALA 2020 the providers of abor ion services, 
seconded staff or personnel to or from other providers of abortion services to meet that demand. (c) Any projections as to whether there will be sufficient staff 
(whether employees, contractors or otherwise) to meet any projected demand in the 12 months and 24 months subsequent to enactment of the ALA 2020. 6. 
The identity of which entities (whether Ministries or Departments or DHBs or otherwise) are funding abortion services (surgical or medical) throughout New 
Zealand, whether via public or private services (including but not limited to DHBs, clinics, GPs or otherwise). 7. Funding abor ion services (surgical or medical) 
throughout New Zealand namely: (a) Whether second and third trimester abor ions services were fully funded by  he Government/Ministry of Health in  he 12 
mon hs prior to enactment of the ALA 2020. (b) Whether second and third trimester abortions services will be fully funded Government/Ministry of Health in the 
12 months subsequent to enactment of the ALA 2020. 8. Since 1 December 2017 any Ministry of Heal h or Ministry of Justice advice (or by any other Ministries 
or Departments or DHBs or otherwise) to the Minister of Health or to DHBs regarding access to, or provision of or human resourcing of or funding of surgical or 
medical abortion services throughout New Zealand. 9. Ministry of Health’s policies, stance or advice regarding conscience objections regarding abortion 
services, whether by any medical health practitioner, employee, contractor or o herwise in the health sector (whether of DHBs, health providers, public or 
private) . 10. Since 1 December 2017 any Ministry of Health’s review of its policies, stance or advice regarding conscience objections regarding abortion 
services, whether by any medical health practitioner, employee, contractor or o herwise in the health sector (whether of DHBs, health providers, public or 
private). 11. Since 1 December 2017 any Ministry of Heal h’s review of or consideration of steps taken or steps to be taken to manage, respond to or implement 
the enactment of the ALA 2020, namely regarding: (a) The new conscience objection provisions. (b) The new wider lawful access to abortion services. (c) 
Providing abortion services in response to the new wider lawful access. (d) Human resourcing abortion services in response to the new wider lawful access. (e) 
Funding abor ion services in response to the new wider lawful access. 12. The “Review of Termination of Pregnancy Services” in New Zealand by District 
Health Boards New Zealand (DHBNZ) (as referred to at pages 4, 7 ,8, of the Abortion Supervisory Committee’s report dated 2008).13. A paper “Services for 
Termination of Pregnancy” regarding the provision of abortion services (as referred to at page 7 of the Abortion Supervisory Committee’s Report dated 2008)
OIA- This is s 
, a building manager of Queens Lodge & Kings Square building at 176-178 Broadway & 26 Remuera Road. Some of the occupants heard 
that  here is a confirmed case from our building. Thus, we would like to know if that a rumour or we do have a confirmed case from the buildings? Thank you.
OIA - Can I please ave copies of Medsafe’s assessment of all of the submissions and objec ions regarding the classification of artemisia annua.  This will 
include, for example, Medsafes assessment of Phytomed’s submission.
OIA- Hi  here, I would like to obtain informa ion on the "exceptional circumstances" program PHARMAC runs. They directed me here. Basically I'm after policy 
documents, the review  hat occurred, a summary of cases per year accepted/declined (sub groups if possible), annual costs and a list of the drugs/conditions 
funded. I suspect this is all contained in annual reports.
OIA - My question is about the testing for SARS-CoV2 / Covid19. 1)What kind of test it, i.e. what is being tested? 2)How is the test performed, and by whom? 3) 
When (i.e. at what time in the infection or possible infection) is  he test performed? 4) What are the criteria to select a person(s) for a test? (Contact persons as 
well)? 5) How accurate is the test, i.e. how many false negative results are possible; i.e. how sensitive is the test; and at what time is it best to test?

OIA - The Covid-19 website does not include any of the formal documents relating to basis for or enforcement of the alert levels. Could you please put on the 
website or email me a copy of  he formal document that sets out the requirements for isolation that are curren ly being enforced by the Police?  The Police 
Commissioner has referred to an isolation order. Could you please put a copy of this order on the Covid-19 website or email me a copy?  Have any orders or 
directions or requirements been made under section 70 of the Health Act 1956 in respect of Covid-19? If so, could you please put them on  he Covid-19 website 
or email me a copy?
OIA - The date on which the first person was tested for COVID 19 in New Zealand.  The total number of tests conducted as of 15 March 2020.  Any information 
held regarding tests denied by Medical Officers of Health.  Please advise the total number of COVID 19 tests  hat had been performed in New Zealand as of 28 
February 2020.  I further request  hat you provide a breakdown of these numbers by day and district.
OIA - The Modelling of Covid-19 impacts on New Zealand's Healthcare System In the Prime Minister's recent announcement she made reference to modelling 
scenarios for Covid-19 cases that were shown to cabinet. I am reques ing under the Official Information Act what modelling was shown to cabinet along with  he 
accompanying briefing and advice to Ministers.  I am also requesting under the OIA research, information and advice from Te Pūnaha Matatini, New Zealand's 
Centre of Research Excellence in Complex Systems and Data Analytics, on models that show the poten ial impact Covid-19 could have on the health system.  I 
believe there is an overriding public good in releasing and making available this information as soon as possible and would appreciate the official pro-active 
release on the website.
OIA-wanting the Medicinal Cannabis list of companies  hat have been registered to supply medicinal cannabis - what strains what cost and quantities.  Advised: 
query sent to
OIA- Can you send me the following report - Wilson N et al (13 March 2020). Modelling of the Potential Health Impact from the COVID- 19 Pandemic on  he 
New Zealand Population Using the CovidSIM Model: Report to the NZ Ministry of Health.
OIA- I live in Khandallah. Can I drive with my wife to Oriental Bay and sit in our car and watch the harbour? If your answer is no, please give me detailed 
reasons of the risk I pose to the community in doing so, compared to the risk I pose when I walk around my local streets for exercise. If your answer is yes, can 
we then walk along Oriental Bay, observing all the rules? If your answer is no please explain to me how doing so places me and the community at greater risk 
than walking locally does.  Also, please consider these questions as requests under the Official Information Act.
OIA- Increased access mental health as result of the budget Information requested: The 2019 Budget announcement included the following headline. "A new 
frontline service for mental health with a $455m programme providing access for 325,000 people by 2023/24" I seek information as to how this is divided up, by 
programmes and years. Please note my role is as a commentator, I am not connected wi h any provider, and I do not seek information for some commercial 
purpose. ( I am happy to receive this informa ion for full financial years, for whatever the end date is. I am assuming the year ends 30th of June. But if incorrect 
please advise the correct interval used. I assume the first year will they year eanding June 30th 2020. 1. What is the timing of expenditure for  he announced 
$445m by years. eg 2020, 2021 etc and ongoing. What is the expected yearly expenditure in  he years ongoing post development of the programme. 2. Is it 
expected the programme will be ongoing, or is this a temporary initiative. 3. In year ending 2020 what anticipated amount will been spent. On what items or 
programmes. 4. What are the descriptions of the programmes this has been divided into. 5. Has any money been allocated to providers so far (at 31st March 
2020) What programmes, what geographical localities, 6. What is the intended allocation of resources into geographical locations. How is it intended to ensure 
there is equity of services across geographical areas. ( I seek specificity here as I am interested in how the capture of services into cities is going to be avoided) 
7. Is there allocation and division of expenditure by population. Or what are the the other basis of allocation. Gender, age ? 8. In the ongoing years what is  he 
intended expenditure $ on which programmes. What will be spent in each geographical area in New Zealand. (provinces ? DHB areas ? I anticipate I will follow 
up and seek more clarification once the basic information requested above has been received. Please contact me for clarification on any query you may have to 
make this process easier.
OIA- To whom this may concern, I would like to see all relevant information you have concerning the Positive test for Covid-19 in Gisborne, any details that were 
taken concerning the travel of the individual, test date, result date, information that pertains to when the individual entered NZ and how he traveled from  he 
main international Air port.  I request this information for my own safety and that of other Gisborne residents as the health officials here at present are sharing 
very limited and ambiguous information, with many Gisborne residents expressly requesting more information then what they are being given.  I'm not 
requesting the individuals personal details, though I am requesting all  he details surrounding his case,  he subsequent test and key dates that he was dealing 
with health staff, decisions health staff made and what information you have in relation to who the individual was in contact wi h and what steps were made to 
contact them. What was the details of the flights was this individual flying in on.  I request this information to be provided as quickly as possible.
OIA - Hi there can you please advise me of these things. *Where are the main cel sits in nz for the 5g towers? *how is  he level of frequency & strength of 
emfs/radiation controlled?  *can they also be turned to a higher level?  And who controlls that?

OIA: A. Why did NZ not isolate every person that entered the nation after it became clear  hat the SARSCoV2 virus would be transmitted via travelers to NZ 
from about mid or even late February - please provide all information and advice within the Ministry of Heal h and to the Government of New Zealand and or any 
of its departments and agencies in respect to the Covid-19 matter from 1 January to 1 March 2020?  B. Does the NZ Government and Ministry of Health have 
any plans for a mass vaccination program for NZ inhabitants where a vaccine is developed to counter  he SARSCoV2 virus or any subsequent mutation - 
please provide all information and advice within the Ministry of Health and to the Government of New Zealand and or any of its departments and agencies?   C. 
Does the NZ Government and Ministry of Health have any plans for a mandatory ('mandatory' enforced or attained by what ever means; persuasion, coercion, 
penalty, incentives, or other discipline) mass vaccination program for NZ inhabitants where a vaccine is developed to counter the SARSCoV2 virus or any 
subsequent mutation - please provide all information and advice within the Ministry of Heal h and to the Government of New Zealand and or any of its 
departments and agencies?   D. Will the New Zealand Government keep New Zealand's borders closed to all incoming travelers until the SARSCoV2 virus is 
eradicated from NZ and all other nations - please supply all informa ion and advice within Ministry of Health and to  he New Zealand Government and or any of 
its departments and agencies?  E. Where  he answer is negative to question D, what plans do the Ministry of Health and NZ Government have to secure  he NZ 
population from future infections from the SARSCoV2 virus or any subsequent mutation - please provide all information and advice within the Ministry of Health 
and to the Government of New Zealand and or any of its departments and agencies?
OIA-Last Wednesday, 25th March, online news media and television news bulletins reported roadblocks being set up by former MP Hone Harawira and 
supporters at two sites on state highways in Northland to block tourists entering the Far Nor h to protect locals from  he spread of caronavirus. Testing for Covid-
19 was said to be being carried out at these checkpoints by a group which consisted of a local medical student who "trained a few of the frontline crew" who 
were described as being in white suits and red caps and speaking to motorists to check returning locals for fevers.  Pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982 
I would like to ask if it is lawful for a medical student to test passing motorists at a checkpoint in this way and if it is under what legislation or New Zealand law is 
this permitted? If it was not lawful what action is being taken by  he Ministry of Health against this medical student?
OIA - We request the following information from M
edsafe:  1.Revlimid Datasheets approved by Medsafe during the period of regulatory
 approval.  2.Revlimid 
CMI approved by Medsafe during the period of regulatory approval. 
 3.Revlimid labelling approved by Medsafe during the period of regulatory approval.  
4.The draft Datasheet, labelling and CMI originally filed with Medsafe for Revlimid as part of the NMA application for multiple myelom
a.  5.The dosing and 
clinical justification for Revlimid filed with Medsafe for Revlimid as part of the NMA application for mul iple myelom
a.  6.RFIs for Revlimid relating to the 
Datasheet, labelling, CMI, dosing and clinical justification arising from the NMA application for multiple myelom
a.  7.Applicant's response to RFIs for Revlimid 
rela ing to the Datasheet, labelling, CMI, dosing and clinical justification arising from the NMA application for multiple myeloma.
OIA- A listing of the titles and dates of any formal reports (including but not limited to memos, aide memoire, briefings etc) related to the Covid-19 outbreak 
received by the Minister of Health since January 1, 2020.
OIA- Hello, I am requesting  he identification of a complainant to  he Rodney Mental Health Team about my mental health, apparently [  his is an ongoing issue 
of people in this small community calling under false pretenses ]  his latest call was about me saying I was going to dismember a teenage boys penis. I am 
absolutely mortified and would like to know so I can avoid this person in the future. My name, s 9(2)(a)
, s 9(2)(a)
 - the address is as above
OIA- Hi, I am working wi h a team of data scientists from Victoria University of Wellington. We are trying to develop methods to see what New Zealand 
communities and demographics are at a higher degree of exposer to the COVID-19 virus to help stop the spread. We are also trying to identify if certain 
activities put people at greater risk e.g. going to the supermarket or going for a walk etc. I have been on your current cases page and was wondering if you have 
some more detailed data like  hat? Any information on how people contracted the virus or where  hey contracted it would help immensely.
OIA- refined on 22/4 to:  "1. The final version of the trial protocols submitted prior to 17 May 2003 for either thalidomide or lenalidomide (CC-5013).  2. Patient 
information submitted prior to 17 May 2003 for either thalidomide or lenalidomide (CC-5013).  3. Correspondence regarding dosing, dosage regimens or 
adverse effects concerning trials for thalidomide or lenalidomide (CC-5013) prior to 17 May 2003."
OIA- With respect I request  he following information from your organisation under  he terms of  he Official Information Act 1982:   The number of ventilators 
held by your organisa ion on March 31, 2020. Average usage rate for such equipment over the 2019 calendar year Expected or modelled monthly surge 
demand for such equipment caused by the Covid-19 outbreak
OIA- With respect I request  he following information from your organisation under  he terms of  he Official Information Act 1982:   Committee and subcommittee 
structure, including membership, of  he Covid-19 Technical Advisory Group. A list of all formal reports (including but not limited to memos, briefings, research 
notes etc) received by the Ministry from the TAG and its subcommittees from Jan 1, 2020 to the present.
OIA- With respect I request  he following information from your organisation under  he terms of  he Official Information Act 1982:   Inventories of PPE (broken 
into pairs of gloves, masks, face screens and scrubs) held by your organisation on March 31, 2020. Typical monthly use rates for the above items for the 2019 
calendar year Expected or modelled monthly surge demand for such items caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

OIA- Can you please reply with the name of an individual and their position so I know the email has been received, I don’t want to go to the post office to use 
registered mail un il necessary.   To help me understand this so-called covid-19 situation I would like these fundamental questions answered that really should 
have been made public long ago:   1) Is there an electron micrograph of the pure and fully characterised novel SARS-CoV-2 virus? If so where can it be 
viewed? 2) What is the name of the primary specialist peer reviewed paper in which the novel virus in question is illustrated, and its full genetic information 
described? 3) What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof  hat novel virus SARS-CoV-2 is the sole cause of covid-19? If you can’t,  hen 
please provide any scientific proof that this virus causes any disease at all.     We have more  han a slight problem in this country when professionals within the 
health sector are unable to deal with what they call: covid-19, which is related to  he very common coronavirus.   When people are losing their incomes, 
businesses and properties we enter a very serious and dangerous area that destroys whole families and causes people to take their own lives. You say covid-
19 is  he cause so where is the scientific evidence please? I wish to review it.  Please don’t  hink this is a threat, I am with clean hands (excuse the pun), and 
merely an honest and informed member of society being open and transparent with my thoughts.  Professions at this level are expected to perform and stay in 
honour, failure to protect the people will not be tolerated and those who suffer loss will be looking for full legal recourse, not a paltry state subsidy. My 
experience tells me the Ministers involved will be hiding behind their positions and using all  heir immunities and privilege to avoid liability and deflect blame 
onto others from whom they take advice; but the veil will be lifted, precedence will be set as the corporate Nuremberg. Please consider Dr Kaufman’s research 
below on the so-called covid-19 virus, as your organisation seems to be on the wrong track. Please do the right thing by the community and give the country a 
chance to survive the complete financial destruction it’s facing. It will save so much pain and loss. It is my understanding that technicians installing 5G in 
Wellington yesterday were under armed police protection, I have photographs of this, you have to agree that there comes a point where  he people must just 
say: enough! It is the departments erroneous position on non-ionising radiation that ironically is the probable cause of the destruction of our health and 
economy. As we all know, an environmental pollutant will infect a cell, the cell will excrete the toxins/solvent, which we call a virus. The virus is not the cause, it 
is the result. The cause of the infection can be proved, we will see the spike in infection as 5G goes live in New Zealand, we are recording and keeping  he data 
in case you forget.   I will be active and widely distribu ing this information, hoping to grab the conscience of any medical professional with courage enough to 
challenge the current testing model, if you can scien ifically disprove anything Dr Kaufman is presenting please do so in writing and it will be noted and 
appreciated. If you feel this is not related to your field of expertise please forward to the relevant parties.  Thanks, appreciate your time. 
OIA- Covid-19 cases in ashburton by area (ie tinwald, allenton, hinds etc)
OIA- I request, under the Official Information Act 1982, the following information with urgency: The number of COVID-19 tests completed in New Zealand each 
day since testing began. The total maximum daily COVID-19 test capacity in New Zealand since testing began (this does not have to be a daily time series if 
you are unable to source it easily).  The reason for my request being urgent is that the COVID-19 situation in New Zealand is an issue of extremely high public 
interest right now, wi h daily updates from the Director-General of Health and the Prime Minister. In addition, I believe this information to be easily available to 
officials as regular press releases from the Ministry of Health contain this data in aggregated form. Official 

OIA- This is an Official Information Act request for information regarding the methods of testing for "COVID-19" in New Zealand.  It would be much appreciated if 
you would answer the following ques ions which I am asking as a concerned citizen on behalf of others who are also concerned about the mode of testing for 
“COVID-19.”  Thank-y
ou in advance. 1.When did the Ministry of Health first start testing for "COVID-19"
? 2.Is the Ministry of Health administering the tests only 
to those displaying cold/flu symptoms? Or can those who are asymptomatic be tested for "COVID-19"
 also?  3.Could you please send copies of any 
instructions or advice to medical staff regarding how and who to test, when to test - test criteria. Thank-yo
u.  4.How many tested were displaying cold/flu 
symptoms at the time
 of testing? 5.Is the 'testing kit' that is being used most widely to diagnose “COVID-19” in New Zealand a PCR (polymerase chain reaction/ 
DNA am
plification technique)? 6.Has COVID-19 testing being done with the PCR m
ethod alone?  7.If not, what other testing methods have been used to 
diagnose “COVID-19” in NZ and in how many cases that have proven positive and how many
 negative please? 8.How many people in New Zealand have been 
tested for “COVID-19” using more than one me
thod of testing? 9.Of those tested, how many have tested positive for “COVID-19” using the PCR technique? 
10.Of those tested, how many have tested nega ive for “COVID-19” using the PCR technique? 1  
1.Of those tested using methods other than the PCR method, 
how many have tested positive for “COVID-19”? Please advise what method(s) we
re used. 12.Of those tested using methods other than the PCR method, how 
many have tested negative for “COVID-19”? Please advise what method(s) were us
ed. 13.Have different testing methods for “COVID-19” produced differing 
results for a single patient? For example, one test shows the person is positive for “COVID-19” and another test has shown the patient negative. If so, in how 
many pa ient cases?
 14.Is it true that the PCR test for “COVID-19” is not able to show what the cause of a patient's disease is, nor what they died from, [1]? 
15.Is it true that if a patient gets sick, any virus can be picked up by the PCR test and  hen blamed for a death, when it may not be the cause of the death? 
16.What kind of test did the woman undergo who was named as the first death in NZ attributed to “COVID-19”? (It reported by RNZ on March 29, 2020 that New 
Zealand had had its first death from Co
vid-19? [2]). 17.How was it proven that “COVID-19” wa
s the cause of her death?  18.Is the PCR test able to isolate 
“COVID-19” from all other similar viruses? If so, could you please provide evidence to support  his claim.
  19.Is it true that the PCR test for “COVID-19” tests for 
any strain of Corona virus and will lead to false positives?  20) Is the Ministry of Health concerned that the PCR test is regarded as an ineffective diagnosing tool 
for “COVID-19” according to CDC-006-00019, Revision 02 [1] which indicates the test is unreliable? If not, why not? 21) Is the Ministry of Health concerned that 
the WHO has stated that PCR tests lead to false negatives and false positives [3]? (False posi ives caused by contamination or the non-specific hydrolysis of 
primers) and false negatives (caused by factors such as poor sample quality, inefficient extraction of nucleic acids or the presence of reaction inhibitors). If not, 
why not?
OIA-Have bought a power pack to replace one that died during a renovation. The Exisiting, and dead, unit is installed inside an exposed brick fireplace above 
the hob. i will send through a photo or two separately. Subject (not compulsory): Covid-19 Testing instructions to medical centres Information requested: Please 
provide copies of each and every instruction, direction or guidance in relation to Covid-19 testing given to medical centres in New Zealand for the period 1 
March 2020 to 31 March 2020
OIA - ...I wish to be sent any advice sent to Medical Officers of Health within the last month (ie. March 2020) on the exercise of their powers under Part 3 of the 
Health Act and especially sec ions 70 and 71.   Further, I wish to receive a copy of any administrative guidelines promulgated by the Ministry of Health that may 
influence the exercise of Medical Officer of Health powers under Parts 3 and 3A of the Act, such as what non-statutory factors ought to be considered, or 
whether Medical Officers of Health are asked to consult the Ministry or Civil Defence before issuing a directive, order or exercising their powers under sections 
70 and 71.  For clarity, I am particularly interested in any guidance or checklists provided to Medical Officers of Health on the exercise of these powers with 
respect to the Bill of Rights Act 1990 or the possibility of judicial review. I would be happy to receive guidance considered 'legal advice' insofar as this be 
released consistently with s 9(2)(h) of the Official Information Act. I am not interested in the guidance given to any particular Medical Officer of Health or in 
respect of any particular instance where the use of these powers may have been considered.
OIA-  How many ventilators do we have available curren ly in NZ.  What plans does NZ have to increase the amount of ventilators, and how long before to we 
see the appropriate build up of ven ilators and other cri ical equipment required?
OIA- 1. How much do the individual test kits for corona virus -19 cost in term of government expenditure 2. How many were purchased from which companies 3. 
What was the total cost spent and allocated for testing 4. When was the tender notice issued and or which firms offered contracts to supply the kits.  5. At what 
date did New Zealand receive  he dna data from china needed to make testing possible.
OIA- The Cabinet briefing papers prepared for Minister of Health David Clark that include the first mention Coronavirus/Covid-19.
OIA- The Covid-19 current details report published on the ministries web site was censored on or about the 28th March 2020 with the removal of the details 
field. This is a request for ALL data including this details field that is held regarding all confirmed or probable Covid-19 cases excluding or obfuscating any 
information that might identify an individual.
OIA-Subject (not compulsory): Princess Margaret Hospital - Can I please be provided with an update on the progress of the "on-going delivery of specialist 
mental heal h services". I have not been able to find any additional information following the draft business case in Dec-18, which I understand was approved in 
Feb-19. If there is online site etc. that I can monitor then please let me know and will follow it there

OIA- “The Abor ion Legislation Act 2020 came into force on Tuesday 24 March. The Law Commission in its report to the Minister of Justice, “Alterna ive 
Approaches to Abortion Law” made a number of recommendations.    I wish to request under the Official Information Act your policy on the following questions 
arising from this report:-   1.Do you intend to review the wording of the schedule to the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (Restricted Activi ies) Order 
2005 to ensure that all types of surgical abortions are restricted activi ies?   2.Do you intend to permit a woman seeking an abortion to be referred to an abortion 
provider by,in addition to a GP, a nurse, midwife or counsellor?    3.Do you intend to remove the requirement in sections 32 and 33A of the Contraception, 
Sterilisa ion, and Abortion Act 1977 for abor ions to be performed by a doctor? Abortions could be performed or administered by a health practitioner, eg a 
registered nurse or midwife with appropriate qualifications and experience, as determined by  he scopes of practice issued by health profession regulatory 
bodies. The qualifications and experience required may differ depending on the method of abortion   4.The Ministry of Health is to be responsible for collecting 
statistics on abor ion. Do you intend to produce an annual report to Parliament  hat will include all the important sta istical information that was previously 
provided by the Abortion Supervisory Committee?    5.Do you intend to require that when an abortion is performed on a child under  he age of 16 on the 
grounds of rape or incest that the abortion provider has a duty to provide on the notification of abortion to your Ministry that these crimes have been reported to 
the Police?    6.In the event that the Family Planning Association provides medical abortions from their clinics, will you require that this abortion provider provide 
counselling services at each clinic?   7.Will you be set ing service standards for abor ion counsellors that will require counsellors to provide information on 
alternatives to abortion, parenting and adoption, information concerning the development of the child in the womb and  he potential complications that might 
result from having an abortion?”   And:   “A copy of the form or forms that will be used by abortionists to report to the Director General of Health on the 
performance of abortions.”
OIA- I would like to request a copy of the available public information regarding the Roche drug RO7020322 - specifically related to - “A Study to Investigate the 
Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of RO7020322 Following Oral Administration in Healthy Par icipants and Chronic Hepatitis B 
Pa ients”. Would you have available the reason the phase 1 study was terminated, study results and any clinical trial application documents. If you are not the 
source of this informa ion please let me know who would be the best to assist with this request.
OIA- You refused my last OIA request on grounds that the time to collate would be substantial and you are too busy during a pandemic.   The government has 
decided to progress the vaping legislation despite the pandemic. You are resourcing the Select Committee’s work on  he vaping legislation despite the 
pandemic. So you have  ime to respond to this OIA on your resourcing of that Committee, or the government would not be progressing  he vaping legislation 
during a pandemic. Any assertions to the contrary will go immediately to  he Ombudsman.    I would like this information with some urgency. I will be presenting 
to the Heal h Select Committee on Wednesday next week.    In terms of the Official Information Ac
t, please provide:   1.Any advice you provided to Associate 
Minister of Health Jenny Salesa, or others in Cabinet, since 1 January 2020, on the timelines relating to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products 
(Vaping) Amendment Bill. I particularly w
ant to see:  a.Any advice provided about resourcing implications for the Ministry;  b. Any assessment provided by  he 
Ministry of the effects of the pandemic on the Ministry’s ability to support the legislative process, or of the effects of the Ministry’s efforts in supporting this 
legislation on its ability to deal with the pandemic response;  c. Any advice provided about the effects of a 3-week submission process on the ability of affected 
communities to engage with the Select Committee process, bo h before and after the Alert Level 4 lockdown was imposed. Please also provide any and all 
internal correspondence about the effects of Alert Level 4 on this subm
ission process.   2.The resourcing costs imposed on the Ministry of Health by the 
progression of the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill. Usually, if I understand things correctly, a Select Committee is 
served by officers from the Ministry who attend hearings, prepare a log of the submissions, classify and summarise them, and make initial recommenda ions on 
what response the Committee should make, if any. Please provide:    
a.The number of Ministry of Health official-hours that have been devoted to this Bill for 
each week since the Bill was introduced on 24 February
;  b.If the number of official-hours cannot be compiled, please provide the number of officials who 
have been tasked with work relating to the Bill for each week since  he Bill was introduced on 24 February
;  c.Detail on current and expected future staffing 
support required for the Select Committee hearings process and considera ion through to reporting back;
  d.Detail on any external expert advice the Ministry 
may have sought or engaged for the Select Committee, or otherwise in connection with the Ministry’s involvement in the Select Commi
ttee process.   3.Any 
draft regulations or drafts of provisions intended for regulations that have been prepared relating to the legislation. The Submission of Letitia Harding of the 
Asthma Foundation on Wednesday referred to her having seen a copy of the regulations. I do not believe  hese to have been made publicly available more 
  a.Please immediately whatever information is held  hat would enable precise or general understanding of what is contemplated to emerge under the 
wide regulation making powers in the B
ill;  b.Please provide ALL correspondence and documentation relating to the distribution of those draft regulations. I 
want to know how the Ministry decided to whom those regula ions would be distributed, and why Ms Harding got such material if others likely to be vitally 
interested or affected did not.    Given the urgency please provide the information as you find it. In other words do not wait to assemble all the information 
requested, before dispatching what you have.
OIA-  Can you please confirm the number of Covid-19 cases (confirmed and probable) in the Ngaruawahia area, or confirm if there are no confirmed or 
probable cases.
OIA- Are there any cases of Coronavirus in tokoroa
OIA- Hi  here my name is s 9(2) and I’m currently living in pukekohe with my 1 year old son is there any cases of corona virus in pukekohe or near by

OIA- How many cases of COVID-19 are in Palmerston North?
OIA- This is a request for the following inform
ation.   1.The separate daily national total of confirmed Māori and Pasifika cases for each day
 since Feb 27.  2.The 
current total of Māori and Pasifika cases by DHB
.  3.The separate total number for each of Māori, Pasifika and non-Māori/Pasifika referred, swabbed and 
declined for Covid-19 tests since testing began, and, by total of Māori and Pasifika testing by DHB.   I understand that the Ministry of Health is preparing similar 
information. I am writing daily updates for Māori through Waatea News. 
OIA- What is the current death toll for 2020 for flu/pneumonia in NZ ? What is  he current infec ion numbers for 2020 for flu/pneumonia in NZ ? What is the 
worst death toll/infec ions NZ has ever had for flu/pneumonia illness? What year was that? What were the main strains of flu/cold causing that outbreak? Does 
a vaccine exist anywhere for any coronavirus virus strain at all? (not covoid19). Sars1? MERS? Please list the current main health officials advising  he 
government on covoid19, qualifications and contact details for media purposes. Where is the data for the modelling  his government used to lock down NZ for 
OIA-Privately funded drugs administered by DHB Information requested: My sister is self funding her Keytruda treatment for metastatic melanoma because she 
doesn’t meet the criteria for publicly funded treatment. She has been travelling from Gisborne to Auckland to receive this drug as there is no private facility in 
Gisborne. She can now no longer travel owing to COVID restrictions. A request was made to the DHB for  he drug to be administered at Gisborne Hospital 
temporarily. This was declined citing a MOH directive. I am requesting any informa ion or legislation related to this please.
OIA-  Can i please request a yes or no if there are any positive confirmed cases in my town of Ngaruawahia 3720 Waikato or Hamilton city 3200 as of today 
Sunday 5th of April. 
OIA - Local of Auckland Cluster for Covid 19 Hi, I would like more detailed location information relating to the new cluster of Covid19 where the source is from 
an “unknown source”.  Specifically, I’d like to know at least the suburb of the outbreak rather than just “Auckland”.
OIA- Can you please let me know which towns in Northland have the covid19 virus
OIA- Data gathered relating to Wuhan cov19 virus Informa ion requested: Require data as it relates to Wuhan cov19 virus testing and results. 1. Of those tested 
and confirmed as positive, how many have had this season flu vaccination. 2. Of those tested and confirmed positive, what are  he numbers relating to 
symptomatic and non symptomatic for Wuhan covid 19. 3. Show the individual relationships relating to the three categories, symptomatic, non symptomatic, 
and flu vaccination.  These are important relationships to permit correct and accurate understanding of  he implications of closing the country down and 
removing personal freedom, as apposed to permitting commerce to con inue under sensible guidelines. Clearly, I will need ongoing updates to this data. I 
cannot find  his specific data on your site, so if it is available, will you please point me in the correct direction to where it is.
OIA- I would like to know if there is a publicly accessible web API (JSON, XML etc) that lists details about the current cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand. 
OIA- I’m requesting copies of minutes from all meetings between Ministry of Health and Deaf Aotearoa (Deaf DPO) related to the covid19 2020 crisis. 
OIA-Can you tell me if there are any confirmed or probable cases of Covid 19 in Raglan, Waikato please?
OIA-  I wish to request under the Official Informa ion Act the following information:-   Will it be your policy following the passing of the Abortion Legislation Act 
2020 to require:-   1.That the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol be taken by a woman for a medical abortion only in a facility approved by your Ministry?   
2.That medical practitioners are required to advise your Ministry when they have declined the request of a woman to perform an abortion?   3. To permit District 
Health Boards to enter into a contract with private abor ion providers to provide government funded abortions to the residents of the Board’s area?   4. To 
oppose telehealth medical abortions where an abortion is approved by a doctor over the phone without being required to know or to meet the patient in a face to 
face consultation?   5. To oppose the payment of a fee to medical practitioners similar to that previously paid to cer ifying consultants for considering a request 
from a woman for an abor ion?   6. What will be your criteria in selecting members for a committee, similar to the Abortion Supervisory Committee, to oversee 
the administration of the abortion laws in New Zealand?      The Abortion Legislation Act is silent on where a medical abortion may be performed. The 
Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977 section 37 created a regulatory offence that applied to any person who performed an abortion other than in an 
institution such as a hospital or clinic licensed by the Abortion Supervisory Committee. This section thus required that the drugs taken for a medical abortion be 
taken only in a licensed facility. Right to Life totally supports the retention of this restriction in the interests of women’s health.This requirement is upheld in 
Standard 9.8.1 in the “Standards of Care for women requesting abortion”.      Right to Life is concerned about women’s health and believes that it is in the 
interest of protecting women’s health to require that  he dangerous drugs used in performing medical abortions be administered by a registered medical 
practitioner and only in approved medical facilities that are equipped with surgical equipment to deal with complications that might arise. 
OIA- I am admin of the Ngaruawahia notice board and for the past week we’ve had numbers of posts sent in claiming someone at the testing tent located at the 
panthers club on Whatawhata Ave has told them there have been 3 confirmed cases of Covid-19, are you able to confirm if  his is in fact the case

OIA- It has come to my attention that abortion facilities are advertising their business as “essential” during the lockdown of New Zealand. Specifically the 
Auckland Medical Aid Centre and The Women’s Centre, which has clinics in Palmerston North, Masterton and Invercargill. The Abortion Services website, also 
declares this to be the case.    The Government’s Covid-19 website defines essential businesses as “providing  he necessities of life.”    Under the Official 
Information Act could you please provide me wi h answers to the following questions?    1. Is abortion/termination of pregnancy classified as an essential 
service in New Zealand at the unprecedented time in history?  2. Are independent clinics, such as AMAC and the Women’s Centre, being monitored for the 
processes around infection control during the Covid-19 outbreak?  3. Are New Zealand public hospitals providing abortions now that  he country is in lockdown? 
If so, are both surgical and medical being offered?  4. If there are abortions still being carried out as “essen ial services” in public hospitals throughout NZ 
presently, will this provision continue if the Covid-19 outbreak puts a strain on hospital services and their ability to cope with patients who are actually ill?  5. The 
Women’s Centre is advertising the availability of medical abortion through telephone consultation with the abortion pills sent to the woman via courier. This 
violates the Standards of Care for Women Requesting Abortion document (standard 9.8.1) and o her protocols around taking mifepristone and misoprostol, 
greatly increasing risks for  he pregnant woman. Since abortion has been removed from the Crimes Act, has the method of the woman being present at the 
clinic when taking these drugs no longer apply? Is the Women’s Centre violating the law by offering abortion at home in this manner? If not, what processes are 
in place to ensure women are not at risk of taking the drugs incorrectly and severe complications such as haemorrhage?  6. Did the government envisage tele-
abortions as being a legal and appropriate method of abortion provision in New Zealand when the new legislation was put forward?  7. Are the Standards of 
Care for Women Requesting Abortion s ill to be followed by abortion providers under the new abortion law?    As I am sure you can appreciate, this is an 
important issue for New Zealander’s at this time when we are in lockdown in order to preserve the life of fellow citizens.  
OIA- The Maritime Declara ion of Health submitted by the Ruby Princess for its most recent visit to New Zealand. If more than one declaration was submitted for 
different ports, we request each declaration.  The reasons for this application are covered by section 4 a (i) and (ii) of Part 1 of the Act.  I would ask that this 
matter be treated as urgent in accordance wi h Section 12 (3) of Part 11 because this information will be considered for a story soon to be published by Stuff 
OIA- This is a request for information under the Official Information Act / Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act regarding the Ruby Princess.   
We request from your agency (we are sending this request to the Hawke’s Bay DHB, Ministry of Health, Napier City and Hawke’s Bay Regional Councils) all 
correspondence held by your agency concerning the Ruby Princess since 12 March to or from the: Hawke’s Bay DHB  Ministry of Health  Napier City Council  
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council  Port of Napier  Ruby Princess / cruise ship company.   Please ensure that electronic communications (such as those sent by 
email) are included.   In addition, we request copies of all reports and correspondence sent or provided to (whichever is applicable): DHB members (including 
the DHB’s CEO);  any member of the Executive Leadership Team at the Ministry of Health; or  Councillors (including the Mayor) relating to the Ruby Princess 
since 12 March 2020.   Please if your agency could confirm receipt. If any clarification is required, do not hesitate to get in touch.
OIA-I am the next of kin of  he late s 9(2)(a)
 His s 9(2)(a)
 I request the full disclosure of his medical records from the Waikato District 
Health Board. From the date of his admission on 23-01-2020 till the date of his death via suicide on the s 9(2)
OIA-  Could you please provide a data set in Excel or csv file with the following columns - for the last 5 years by month to the end of March 2020 for the whole of 
New Zealand.  Column 1 to 5  - Residential Facility Name   - Level of Care (E.g. Rest Home, Dementia, Hospital Level)  - Physical Address  - Geocoded 
Location - NZTM  - DHB within which the Residential Care Facility resides Column 6 - Number of Residents at the Start of the Period  Column 7 - Dea hs During 
Period - whe her the person died in  he facility or in another facility (such as a public hospital)  Column 8 - Age Group at Death (in 10 year bands)  I would 
expect that  hese numbers are available from the MoH's payment system for residential care, or a national dataset collated from DHB systems. Residents 
should be able to be counted and tracked via their NHI number (which records  heir date of death and age at death).  If there are any commercial or privacy 
issues with  he above dataset then please discuss. There may be ways that you can communicate: A -  he % Death Rate per Facility (Column 7 / Column 6) B - 
wider Age Groups (e.g. 10 year bands to 90 then everyone above 90) C - Hide the Facility Name   I would prefer the raw data though so please consult early so 
that we can agree and the MoH can meet  he OIA timeline.  Yours faithfully, 
OIA- I am requesting copies of all reports submitted to MOH by  he New Zealand Prostitutes Collective(NZPC) relating to meeting it's KPI's for receiving annual 
funding of $1.1m from the NZ Government.  Where NZPC failed to meet any of its KPI's or other criteria set by MOH, please provide correspondence between 
MOH and NZPC in rela ion to those failures.  Please provide documentation/Reports from 2010 to 2020.
OIA- What is the prosecution procedure for someone who breaks the 2 meter rule in public and manhandled someone without their authorisation.

OIA- Here is my original OIA request,  In my 
OIA request, I have asked "I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only, e.g. board member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the 
nomination period has been closed but still under consideration by the Minister or Department. In your list, can you please included  he date that vacancy been 
advertised and when the vacancy been closed as well. "  I have later found out one of the board member position within Podiatrists Board has not been 
finalised. However it was not included in your original OIA reply to me dated 23 Jan 2020. You can view your reply from the link above.  Therefore, I would like 
to confirm if you have made an error in your original reply and if so, are  here any other positions that the nomination period has been closed but still under 
consideration by the Minister or Department you have missed out in your original OIA request.  I hope it make sense this  ime, Thank you
OIA- Please disclose all type, class and brand of medication currently being procured and administered to patients regarding COVID-19, please provide public 
web links to medication data sheets and if not available provide for all.  Please disclose consumption ratios per time period of stock replenish of the Ministry of 
Health as a whole or by hospital and any and all relevant data regarding patient, unit, ward or hospital medication or testing tool consumption  hat is retained 
and easily accessible and readily able to be distributed in contrast with pa ient population set consumption.  Please include a list of all pharmaceutical 
companies, distributors or distribution partners and provide an overview of their current interaction with the Ministry and /or Hospitals.  And tell me where the 
shortage lies, where it is projected to lie and in what quantity and type.
OIA- The number of reported deaths in  he period January-March 2020 of which  he underlying cause was influenza or pneumonia.  The average number of 
deaths by influenza/pneumonia in January-March over the previous five years.
OIA- While watching the Epidemic Response Committee meeting, I note that the Honourable Michael Woodhouse makes reference to MoH situation reports on 
CoViD-19: I can't seem to find these on your websites, and I assume that the public has a right to see them under the OIA - could you please provide these to 
me, and let me know where I can access them on an ongoing basis?
OIA - Request1: New Zealanders were put on house arrest on 25th march 2020 due to covid-19 a virus that has never been scientifically iden ified. Under 
Koch’s postulates a virus has never been shown to cause disease nor death. In fact not even the first postulate has been satisfied for any alleged virus illness. 
Similarly I find that there is no scientific empirical evidence to prove disease can be passed between people. Social distancing studies that form the basis of 
lockdown when reviewed by peers are largely disregarded due to high levels of bias.  There are many fallacies this mass rights abuse is based on but I am 
happy to comply to all draconian corporate rules (i wouldn't call them laws) should scientific evidence be produced that counters the following:  COVID-19 RT-
PCR Test, 1) The current tests, test for RNA sequence not virus 2) There is no gold standard 3) Covid-19 has never been isolated, purified and visualised (only 
from 1 patient inside a human cell) 4) RT-PCR has never been tested against a gold standard  Request 2: Please provide empirical scientific proof that social 
distancing is in any way effective against any virus (which is inate, not living) The isola ion we suffer is not self imposed as fines and arrest are threatened, it is 
house arrest by defini ion. The current procedure which is mandatory and fines will be imposed if not followed would suggest that until now the government has 
been highly neglegent in failing to protect us from HIV and AIDS. Also killer viruses but no serious measures implemented by the state.  Only one of the two 
scenarios above can be correct so my question is:  Has it ever been scientifically proven  hat any virus has caused any disease?  Please provide evidence.  My 
evidence shows that a virus is the result of disease, not the cause.
OIA -   all information relating to the decision to exclude supermarket workers from priority access to the influenza vaccine this year;   all information relating 
to the defini ion of those essential or frontline workers (excluding healthcare workers) who are eligible for priority access to the influenza vaccine this year an the 
considerations that were given to each group who have been prioritised;   all informa ion relating to:   which groups of crown / government workers, who are 
not in roles  hat involve significant amounts of contact wi h members of the public, are eligible access to the influenza vaccine this year; 
 whether any of those 
groups of workers had been vaccinated as at 3 April 2020 and, if so which groups.  Full request in correspondence tab
OIA- Flu deaths Information requested: Will you please supply the following information: How many people died in New Zealand due to the common flu during 
the period 1 January 2019 and 31 March 2019? And.. how many people died in New Zealand during the period 1 January 2020 and 31 March 2020, due to the 
common flu? You can upload a file with your request:
OIA- Number of COVID 19 tests carried out in West Coast region Information requested: I live in Westport in the West Coast region. I see from today's press 
release from the Minister that there are 4 COVID 19 testing sites on the West Coast. Where are they? And how many tests have been carried out in our region 
to date? Please provide the evidence. I am hearing and reading many anecdotal comments that people meeting the criteria here are being refused tests. My 
concern is that fewer COVID 19 tests are being carried out in our region than in other parts of NZ and that the risk and rate of infection in our region is being 
under-estimated. I am also concerned that vulnerable people here are still not able to access flu vaccines. Can you please provide evidence that the vulnerable 
people who need them have been provided with vaccina ions.
OIA- Please could I request any documentation regarding the Covid 19 testing by region . Not specific of the found cases or clusters , but the numbers of tests 
done devided into each actual area  hat test was done . Eg Porirua , Wellington , Palmerston North , Plimmerton, Levin ect , I would like to map which 
communities have had testing or not . Non specific to know case contacting and testing .
OIA - I would like to request the daily regional test results numbers for COVID-19 in two areas: the Canterbury DHB and Christchurch itself from 1 March 2020 
until the present date. For the sake of clarity, I would like to know how many tests have been carried out on a daily basis. i.e. Christchurch 1 March 2020: x tests 
completed; 2 March: y tests completed; etc, etc

OIA- I note you have made comments dismissing any link between Covid and 5G.  Please could you provide all information available to you which analyses 
and/ or assesses: A) what factors or combination of factors make some people more susceptible to Covid 19 than others; B) how RFEMR in various 
wavelengths may directly or indirectly affect immunity; C) any factors which may explain why the reported death rate for Covid19 is so much higher in some 
countries eh Spain and Italy  han in other countries such as Germany, Switzerland and NZ including the possibility of deaths with Covid19 being reported as 
deaths from Covid19 in some countries. D) any possible link between 5G (or other forms of RFEMR) and the severity of response to Covid19 bearing in mind 
the initial outbreaks of Covid were in Wuhan and North Italy which both are early test sites for 5G E) The effect of season and air temperature on  he spread 
and/or survival of the Covid 19 (or o her coronaviruses) and/or on immunity to Covid-19 F) the NZ government strategy for transi ioning back towards normal life 
in the event Covid19 cannot be eradicated from NZ and the criteria and timelines for deciding on strategy going forwards. Please include information about 
criteria for assessing the feasibility of eradication of Covid19 from NZ  G) Information about any factors which affect or undermine  he reliability of Covid19 
testing including 1) how specific the current test is for Covid19 cf o her strains of coronavirus; 2) the stage/s of infection when the test will reliably give a positive 
result 3) the effectiveness on carriers who have no symptoms H) Any advice received by you about the possibility of a vaccine for Covid-19 and the risks 
associated with any such vaccine. I) who made the decision that NZers cannot swim, fish or go boating even in safe waters and if and why you consider this is 
OIA- What data do you have available under the Official Information Act, that informs us:  How many have died with Covid not directly by it?  How many 
autopsy's have been performed to establish cause of death, including the 2 cases in NZ? 
OIA: I would like to request the daily regional test results numbers for COVID-19 in two areas: the Canterbury DHB and Christchurch itself from 1 March 2020 
until the present date. For the sake of clarity, I would like to know how many tests have been carried out on a daily basis. i.e. Christchurch 1 March 2020: x tests 
completed; 2 March: y tests completed; etc, etc
OIA: Legal information for searching property Information requested: Police tried too search address after person of interest they where seeking came for h they 
used the health department as there search warrant didn't where safety gears broke isolation boarders to property are we in wrong
OIA-  1. Please provide a copy of the permission granted by Greymouth MOH for  he 2014 Kaiata Range aerial 1080 operation conducted by TbFree NZ. The 
File Reference number is 14/767/GRYPH/CB.  2. Please provide a copy of the audit of this operation.  3. Please provide documentation confirming that MOH 
has been informed that Bovine Tuberculosis was eradicated in Australia by controlling stock movements, particularly movement of bulls to sire herds.
  1.Communications between Medsafe and third parties regarding the evaluation of lenalidomide Te Arai between 11 July 2017 and 1 January 2020. 
Thirds parties specifically include Celgene Limited, Celgene Pty Limited and Celgene Corporation or any associated companies. The "evaluation" specifically 
includes the risk management system as well as modules 1-5 of  he NMA. Communications include any emails, submissions or filenotes in either written or 
electronic format.
OIA - Can you please advise the basis of the classification of "Probable" used in the Ministry's daily reports on COVD-19. Why these cases con inue to display 
after the published maximum incubation period of 14 days? Is the any testing of Probable cases for both  he virus and/or antibodies?
OIA - My OIA request is that the 'Source of Transmission' be provided in the case data, i.e. in the list of confirmed and probable cases.  I also want to know what 
the criteria you're using for 'Community Transmission' are, as I don't consider it acceptable that cases would be considered 'Unknown' after two weeks - they 
should be classified as Community Transmission. I note in this regard s 9(2)(a)
 testimony to the Epidemic Response Committee, that in other 
jurisdictions 'Community Transmission' is the name used when the source of transmission is unknown.  I am willing to grant you a week or so to trace contacts, 
given our current resource capacity, however on an ongoing basis it is not satisfactory that cases are labelled as 'Unknown' after a significant amount of time 
has passed - these should be 'Community Transmission'.
OIA- Regarding Covid-19; I am writing to request that the Nelson Marlborough Health Board, which currently lists it's cases as either Nelson, Blenheim and 
Motueka to separate further into Takaka, Golden Bay.  We were made aware via the GB weekly on Friday 3rd that there was 1 case in Golden Bay.. Since  hen 
the motueka total has risen to 17 and we have no idea of the situation in the bay. There is no paper this week and our 1 st case was leaked to paper. No official 
statement. We are isolated geographically by  he Takaka hill, which was very apparent during  he cyclone which closed the road.  This makes us a close and 
caring community and the response to my FB posts on Golden Bay and Takaka Noticeboards is that the majority were that we should have our own tally on the 
site ,that we have a right to know . While a few preferred not to know they can choose not to visit the site.  We can view global tally's but not our own area. We 
have our own hospital. People were seen hugging, we've just had holiday houses fill up. We know everyone isn't keeping to the rules. We've always felt a safety 
in our isolation and I think people may take the rules more seriously if we could see if it is spreading in the bay, or do we still have only 1 case. Highly unlikely 
and it would be much better to be able to access this information on the NMDHB site and leave it out of the paper. I hope this change can be implemented 
quickly.  (I was told s 9(2)  bought about Hawkes Bay division into 4 areas in 24 hours. )

OIA - I am writing to get a bit more information around the recommenda ion made in item 8.2.1 in the Minutes of the 63rd meeting of  he Medicines 
Classification Committee held in Wellington on 10 October 2019 at 9:39 am. This item refers to reclassifications of Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrites.   I note 
that  he recommended schedule changes to make Alkyl Nitrite a prescription-only substance, and Amyl Nitrites a pharmacy-only substance (although there is 
curren ly no distribution through pharmacies of either of these), is for 'harmonisation' with similar regulations in Australia.  May I please request the following:  - 
A synthesis of material presented and/or made available to the committee providing evidence to support these schedule changes   - If for some reason this 
does not exist, instead any communication, correspondence, documenta ion, or further discussion given for or against the following resolu ion made in the 
discussion section of 8.2.1:   The Committee recommended harmonising the group entry for alkyl nitrites a prescription medicine.  - Any follow up 
communication or correspondence pertaining to  he following point in the discussion section of 8.2.1:   The Committee discussed how the indicated population 
are Men who have Sex wi h Men (MSM) and it was not clear to the Committee what the risks were around these substances.   - Any follow up communication, 
correspondence, or planning for future engagement pertaining the following point in the discussion section of 8.2.1:   The Committee was also not sure if the 
LGBTQI community was aware that these substances were being considered by reclassification and suggested  hat feedback from them should be sought.  
This final point is of specific importance as it seems  hat feedback from the LGBTQI community was not sought prior to  he schedule changes coming into effect 
in February 2020.
OIA- hi, I am just wan ing to know the break down by age group what the recovery count is made up of in NZ so far ?
OIA- On the 4th of April you issued a health notice clarifying what activities and movements are allowed under the Covid 19 alert level 4.  Bullet point 3 directs 
the public not to participate in:  "Recreation and exercise does not involve swimming, water-based activi ies (for example, surfing or boating), hunting, tramping, 
or other activities of a kind  hat expose participants to danger or may require search and rescue services." [emphasis added]  Under the Official Information Act 
1982 I request that:  1. You provide all documenta ion that supported your decision to ban surfing outright for the purposes of the health notice released on the 
4th of April.  2. You provide any or all documentation that supported the continuation of cycling, be it on road or off road, for the purposes of the the health 
notice released on the 4th of April. 
OIA: I would like to make application for any healthcert and ministry of health audits concerning The Turning Point,, Nz, situated at s 9(2)(a)
, and s 9(2)(a)
 I would like all the informa ion from September 2018 right to the present day.  I would 
also like to make application for all correspondence between s 9(2)(a)  of The Turning Point and the healthcert team at The Ministry of Health, for the 
period September 2018 right to the present day9  I would also like to make application for any correspondence between any other relevant agencies and the 
health cert team at Ministry of Health regarding The Turning Point Nz for the period September 2018 right to the present day.
1. What numbers in various age groups are currently in hospital as a result of Covid-19? A break down by age group of the 15 in hospital. 2. When do the 
“Probable” cases become “Confirmed” or “Negative” and therefore removed from the “Probable” category? By including every probable case in the overall total 
must be misleading as most of those surely would have been tested as either positive or negative and therefore removed from “Probable” to add to confirmed or 
removed from the stats altogether. 3. Are we accepting any refugees into the country during this time of lockdown?
A question from your table depicting the number of cases.  Could you shed more light as to this entry please?  Workplace Auckland 29 1 Unknown  1. What is 
the name of this workplace? 2. What type of goods and or services do they provide? 3. Has contact tracing been completed for this 'Workplace'?
OIA - Ministry funding of private company health Apps / Etherapy.  What is the total individual funding awarded to the following companies/Apps announced 
today by the Minister of Health the Hon Dr David Parker? (under Covid-19 Health package).   1) The Mentemia app developed by All Blacks legend Sir John 
Kirwan  2) A health journal app called Melon  3) An e-therapy programme called Staying on Track.
OIA - The request relates to  he MOH assistance and support of the Health Committee and its current review of the Smokefree Environments and Regulated 
Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill and seek
s: 1.Is the MOH outsourcing the review of the 1,000+ submissions received on this Amendment bill or will the 
MOH be allocating existing ministry resources to this task
?  2.If the MOH is outsourcing this task, please provide details of the Agreement between the MOH 
and the agency/individual undertaking the review of the submissions. 
 3.If, in response to question 2, the MOH did outsource the review of the submissions, 
how was this agency/person identified and what tender process was undertaken prior to their appointment?
OIA-  With respect, I request the following information under the terms of the Official Information Act 1982:   # Copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, 
correspondence, legal advice or emails, both internal and external regarding the standard of care and procedures at Rosewood Rest Home and Hospital in 
Christchurch, in the period after  he first case of Covid-19 at the facility (I.e what was discovered about standards at the facility after the Covid-19 outbreak 
began).   The informa ion sought in this request is to be used as part of a report by the New Zealand Herald.

OIA- 1. Could you please advise what evidence you relied on to make the decision to specifically exclude all swimming in all open water settings (including flat 
lakes and harbours) from the definition of “exercise or other recreation”?  2. Why are mountain biking, roller blading, skate-boarding are still permitted providing 
they are carried out on such a way that does not expose the participant to danger or may require search and rescue services?   3. Did you consider that 
swimmers could exercise their common sense and therefore swimming could be carried safely and not be required to be completely prohibited?  4. In the last 
12 months, what is the number of open water swimmers who have found themselves in danger and/or required search and rescue assistance?   5. How does 
this compare to mountain bikers over the same period?  Substantive excerpt from the Health Act Order:  Recrea ion and exercise does not involve swimming, 
water-based activities (for example, surfing or boating), hunting, tramping, or other activities of a kind that expose participants to danger or may require search 
and rescue services.
OIA- I am writing today as we are nearly at the end of week 3 of this Alert Level 4 and I have been doing some research and have some ques ions.  From  his 
research it appears that the government and Ministry of Health have and continue to ignore all the statistics and information available bo h globally and in New 
Zealand regarding this Covid-19 pandemic.  Covid-19 as at 13 April 2020  Globally  Global Covid-19 coronavirus cases: 1,923,280 (under 2 million) Population 
of the world:2019-2020: 7,794,798,739 (nearly 7.8 billion)  Thus, the global Covid-19 cases is only 0.02467...% of the world's population.   Global deaths from 
Covid-19: 119,587   Thus, the global deaths from Covid-19 is 0.00153418% of the world's population.   Global cases recovered: 443,886   Thus, the global 
recovery is 0.00569..% of the world's population.  Of the active global cases of Covid-19, being 1,359,807 :  1,308,059 (96%) are mild and only 51,688 (4%) 
probably require hospitalization.   Covid-19 in New Zealand  Covid-19 coronavirus cases: 1,615 (1,064 confirmed cases + 546 recovered cases + 5 dea hs)  
Population of New Zealand:2019-2020: 4,676,096  NZ deaths from Covid-19: 5 (0.30959752% of confirmed cases and 0.00010692% of New Zealand's 
population)  Furthermore, all were elderly and of the four known ages - two were 70+, one was 80+ and one was 90+ in age.   NZ cases recovered: 546   Active 
cases of Covid-19: 1064 (0.022% of our population) of which: 1049 (98.5%) are in a 'mild' enough condition to not require hospitaliza ion (self-isolation) with 
only 15 (<1.5%) requiring hospitalization.  Global Annual Deaths from seasonal Influenza   From various reputable sources including  he World Health 
Organization and a study by the University of Edinburgh (published on-line 22 October 2019 - Global mortality associated with seasonal influenza epidemics ...) 
that  here are, direc ly or indirectly, between 290,000 to 650,000 deaths per year from the seasonal influenza virus.  As such, the percentages are: 
0.00372042% (290,000) and 0.00833889% (650,000) of the world's population dying every year, which is not considered news-worthy and has never sent 
governments or certain countries into such a 'health' panic before.  New Zealand Deaths from influenza  Again, from reputable sources, including: Influenza 
Surveillance in New Zealand 2010 report, prepared as part of the Ministry of Health Contract (ESR) in March 2011 and the University of Otago research in 2019 
(reported in 'The Evolving Threat of Influenza' an article by Sally Blundell on the 24th August 2019), New Zealand's own estimation of deaths, directly or 
indirectly, from  he seasonal influenza is between 400 to 500 annually in a 'bad' influenza season.   These deaths are usually of elderly people, and/or people 
with comorbidity issues, and/or in lower socio-economic/deprived neighbourhoods.  Alert Level 4   In the 5 months (approximately) of the Covid-19 'world crisis' 
with only 0 00153418% of the world's population dying from Covid-19 (less than half of the lowest amount that die yearly from the seasonal flu), of which many 
were either elderly and/or had comorbidity issues,   I don't understand why such a massive reaction to Covid-19 virus has been and is still, either globally or 
here in New Zealand.  However, other countries obviously can do what they want, it still leaves the question as to why the New Zealand government went from 
Alert Level 3 for less than 60 hours before moving to Alert Level 4, given the above statistics.   On  he 25 h March 2020, New Zealand had 102 confirmed cases 
of Covid-19 (0.00218130% of New Zealand's popula ion) and although I, as an ordinary New Zealander, did not know back then how likely the spread would be 
or the deadliness of Covid-19, I am sure that both the Ministry of Health and the government knew these facts from the World Health Organisation, CDC, and 
other Disease Control Organizations. Therefore, my ques ions are:  If Covid-19 was and still is considered so contagious and deadly for the entire New Zealand 
population,  hen -   1) Why weren't all in-coming passengers quarantined from the 11th of March 2020 for the 14 day incubation period?  As this was not done -   
2) Why weren't all incoming passengers quarantined from the 26th March 2020 for the 14 day incubation period?  3) Why, when the government emptied the 
hospitals for this very reason, weren't all confirmed cases in either quarantine or hospital?   4) Why aren't all confirmed cases in either quarantine or hospital 
today?  5) Why, when it has been proven - by the numbers - that many, many more New Zealanders and people globally are recovering from Covid-19, than are 
dying from it, does the government still continue with Alert Level 4?  6) Why does the Director-General of Health - Dr Ashley Bloomfield, con inue to advise  he 
government to remain at Alert Level 4, when thousands of New Zealanders continue to be in pain and suffering with a multitude of other bo h life threatening 
and non-life threatening illnesses, who are not allowed to be seen by either their GP's or at the hospitals?   7) Why, when the statistics concerning Covid-19, 
both globally and in New Zealand, prove that if you are relatively healthy, with no comorbidity issues and are under 60 or 70, that you will recover from the Covid-
19 virus and probably have immunity (if Covid-19 works like other viruses), does the government not think that it would actually be better for the population to be 
subjected to the virus to build up 'immunity' (as no vaccine is available currently) and  hereby stop the virus that way?  Didn't the University of Otago do some 
projections of the disease. Being that if NZ had done absolutely nothing in regards to Covid-19, the projections included the spread of the disease to under 
400,000 (8.55414431%) New Zealanders, wi h approximately 70,000 (1.4969752%) cases being severe and 14,000 (0.29939505%) New Zealanders dying from 
it. If I am correct in this, then - 8) Why did the Prime Minister quote that 80,000 New Zealanders could die of Covid-19? Where did his figure come from? I
OIA- I would like to have any financial cost benefit analysis of the Covid response possibly in terms of QALY but not necessarily. I would also like to have any 
correspondence regarding decisions on whether to carry out any analysis or not. I would also like any internal correspondence from any one in  he ministry who 
may have ques ioned the efficacy of the lockdown measures as achieving the ministries key objective – “to minimise deaths, serious illness and serious 
disruption to communities and the economy arising from an influenza pandemic”.
OIA- In response to your refusal to complete my prior request I am making a new request for substantially less information:  "Please provide all emails between 
the following senior individuals in the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) regarding the provision of helicopter air ambulance 
services.  ADHB 1. Ailsa Claire  MoH 1. Ashley Bloomfield  Note: 1. Applicable dates are 1/7/2019 to 10/3/2020 2. Emails include those sent, received or cc'd 
and include any attachments."  As this is restricted to emails only between 2 individuals I believe that you should be able to respond promptly.

OIA- In response to your refusal to complete my prior request I am making a new request for substantially less information:  "Please provide all emails between 
the following senior individuals in the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) regarding the provision of helicopter air ambulance 
services.  ADHB 1. Ailsa Claire  MoH 1. Ashley Bloomfield  Note: 1. Applicable dates are 1/7/2019 to 10/3/2020 2. Emails include those sent, received or cc'd 
and include any attachments."  As this is restricted to emails only between 2 individuals I believe that you should be able to respond promptly.
OIA- Thank you for your media release today confirming that MoH and Fletchers have reached a settlement on the Te Nikau Grey Hospital build project.   You 
will be aware that West Coast MP Damien O'Connor has said that this was achieved by means of the government writing a cheque and Fletchers agreeing to 
finish the job.   Under the provisions of the Official Information Act, can you answer the following questions please:   Is Mr O' Connor correct? Was an additional 
payment made to induce Fletchers to complete work on Te Nikau?   What is the total sum of money paid to Fletchers for the contract? ie what will  he project 
have cost in  he end?
OIA- This is a request under the Official Information Act. I am hoping that you will respond publicly so that all New Zealanders can see the response to the 
query.  I request any papers provided by officials to Cabinet or relevant ministers, and internal analysis undertaken by officials, relating to the analysis of exit 
options from the current lockdown arrangement, including, specifically, information relating to the alternative exit arrangement that has been articulated by a 
number of health experts, led by Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology at Auckland University s 9(2)(a)
, as reported in today's Dominion Post - as per the 
attached web link:   In that 
article, various health professionals and others wi h relevant exper ise argue the case for moving from level 4 to a modified version of level 2 once the lockdown 
is scheduled to finish later this month. They argue, as have I and many others, that the government's stated objective of elimination of the coronavirus is neither 
feasible nor sensible. The costs of doing so greatly outweigh the benefits. No o her country appears to have a zero infection level as its objective. Rather, the 
prevailing objective in most countries is containment and mitigation, with a view to suppressing the infection level to the point where the hospital system can 
manage the minority of cases that require critical care. This recognizes that, of all reported infections globally, only approximately 4% are classified as being 
serious or critical. In New Zealand, only 0.3% approximately of all confirmed cases are deemed to be serious or critical - i.e. 4 people. The vast majority of those 
who are confirmed as being coronavirus positive have only mild to moderate symptoms and recover without the need for hospitalization.  The government's 
initial approach - while excessive compared to most countries, and unnecessarily cos ly to the economy - might have been justified for a one-month period, it is 
certainly not justified for longer than one month. Your government has already inflicted an economic cost on  he country that is likely to be greater than that in 
Australia and many countries globally because of the severity of the lockdown parameters. If you decide - without even a debate in Parliament - to extend level 
4 beyond 22 April or to move to a level 3 or level 3 'plus' configuration - you will be imposing even greater economic costs and social costs, and all with no good 
reason. If the infection level can be managed at a relatively low level, and the if the proportion of serious cases remains as extremely low as it has to date, then 
there is no rational reason at all to extend level 4 or to apply level 3 type restrictions. Instead, infection levels can be kept at very low levels - and serious 
infection cases at a level well below the hospital system's ICU capacity - wi h a modified form of Level 2, including quarantine for any entry into NZ by any 
person, mandatory social distancing, limits on numbers of people in retail outlets on a per square metre basis, continued protections for aged care facilities, etc. 
And all at much lower cost than your government would otherwise impose on us all.  The government needs to reconsider its strategy. It needs to demonstrate 
through information released publicly that it has looked at all the options and has undertaken cost/benefit assessments of different exit arrangements. To date, 
the government has provided very little information at all. Rather, it resorts to almost mindless, empty statements from the PM and others, with no intellect 
behind the statements, no facts, no analysis. It is not acceptable.  I therefore request, via the OIA, all relevant analysis of the lockdown exit options, and an 
intelligent and fact-informed response to Mr Thornley's alternative exit proposal.
OIA - Would you please be able to provide me with a list of the ethnicities and numbers of doctors of each ethnicity working in New Zealand.  In particular, I 
would like to know how many doctors there are of Czech ethnicity/origin and which district health board they are employed in.
OIA: The 1080 aerial poisoning of the Papakai Public Conservation forest on the Coromandel Peninsula in 2017 was not audited by the Public Health Officer 
who wrote the conditions of permission in his capacity as HSNO Enforcement Officer.  1. Someone needs to be responsible for ensuring that the condi ions of 
permission are complied with, and for informing the government what the effects were with respect to human health. Wi hout this information, how did the 
Ministry ensure public safety (from this dangerous poison which no responsible government should be placing in public conservation lands where the public 
roams -Note: a DoC no ice on  he north side stated that the Papakai forest remained open, but in any case poisoned carcasses lie on the forest floors long after 
forests are re-opened) was protected during and following the Papakai poisoning ?  2. Please provide  he legislation that governs the requirements for audit of 
aerial 1080 operations. If it is not a MoH responsibility please tell me whose responsibility it is and under what legislation.  3. Was the applicant DoC left to audit 
itself following the Papakai 2017 poisoning? Note: I have prepared a report demonstrating  hat the DoC operational report lodged with EPA does not describe 
breaches of operational procedures, so should there not be some authority responsible for independent oversight ?  4. Please tell me where  he audits are 
made available to the public. (I can't find them on your website). "Sorry, your search for audits of aerial 1080 operations found no results." 
OIA-  I would like all correspondence, meeting notes and documents related to the decision why chiropractors have been given permission to start operating 
again as an essential service during the Covid-19 level 4 lockdown.

OIA- As per recent publications it has been made public that there a 3 confirmed cases of CVOID-19 and 1 probably case in  he Tairawhiti District (TDH). We 
have seen Hawkes Bay District Health and Waikato District Health boards release more detailed information in terms of where these cases are, however this 
information is not available for the "Tairawhiti District" this is HUGE area that encompasses many small towns and a city. Please release the details of where 
these 4 cases are wi hin the Tairawhiti District.
OIA- However, given the lack of info forthcoming on CT, I ask MOH under OIA to release the following in fully searchable format:   who is doing the build, how 
that tender /contract was let – direct or competitive what tender /contract is wor h what data will be collected, the platform on which it will be held whether it will 
be held offshore, the security controls in place to protect the data held on the platform whether it will be subject to audit and penetra ion tes ing, if the data 
collected will be classed as personal health information as defined in Section 22B of the Health Act 1956 or personal informa ion as defined in Section 2 of the 
Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code, who/which agencies will have access to the data, which agency will have overall control of and 
responsibility for  he data, whe her individuals will have a choice as to whether to be involved or not, if individuals will have the right to access and correct any 
information held about them, if the data will be used for research, and if that is to be  he case, how it will be anonymised with no risk for re-identification, how 
Information Privacy Principle 9 will interface with the Public Records Act, Health Act and Health (Retention of Health Information) Regulations 1996to determine 
appropriate retention / disposal of personal informa ion, the intended reten ion period for the information, the processes for disposal of the data at  he end of the 
retention period,  he audit and monitoring mechanisms that will be put in place to ensure best practice is maintained the process for publicly reporting 
outcomes, including any privacy and security breaches and when disposal of the data is complete   
OIA- To whom it may concern at the  he Ministry of Health, Waitemata DHB, NZDF and MFAT   With respect I request the following information from your 
organisation under the terms of the Official Information Act 1982:   The cost in dollar terms incurred by your organisation by the evacuation and subsequent 
quarantine at Whangaparaoa training camp of 157 evacuees from Wuhan in early February.
OIA-Any documents (including, but not limited to memos, aide memoire, briefing notes etc) prepared for the Minister concerning the consequences of the 
decision to suspend elective surgery procedures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
A Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of RO7020322 Following Oral Administra ion in Healthy Participants 
and Chronic Hepatitis B Patients”. Specifically I'd like to receive the information about (1) the reason why Roche terminated the phase 1 study, (2) the study 
results, as well as (3) any available clinical trial application documents. I am also uploading a PDF with the trial info.
OIA-   This is a request for copies of all of  he Ministry of Health's daily situation reports for Covid-19 prepared since January 1 this year. 
OIA - I'd like to request all correspondence between the Ministry of Health and the DHB regarding the Ruby Princess cruise ship. I would also like to request all 
correspondence, including emails, memos and reports within the DHB regarding the Ruby Princess.
OIA- For each month from January 2019 to March 2020 inclusive,  1. How many patients had an active approval for a medical cannabis product from the MOH, 
broken down by pharmaceutical grade consented medicines; pharmaceutical grade unconsented medicines; and non-pharmaceutical grade unconsented 
medicines?  2. How many packs of cannabidiol products were supplied?
OIA- I wish to request under the Official Information Act the following information:-   ꞏ Is it your intention to increase the scope of prac ice subject to training for 
midwives and nurse practitioners to be able to perform surgical abortions or prescribe medicines for medical abortions?    ꞏ In the event that the scope of 
prac ice for nurses was increased to include medical and surgical abortions, would this include school and university health clinic nurses?   ꞏ Would an increase 
in the scope of practice for nurses and midwives to include performing surgical abortions or prescribing medicines for medical abortions require a law change or 
be achieved by regulation?   ꞏ What are  he names of any association of registered health practitioners or other organisations that have expressed support for 
the proposal that nurses and midwives should perform surgical abor ions or prescribe medicines for medical abor ions?   It is noted that the Ministry of Health 
website includes the following:-    Abor ion Legislation Changes. Changes for Health Practi ioners.   • allows a wider range of registered health practitioners (eg 
doctors, midwives, nurse practitioners) to provide abortions (subject to scopes of practice and training). Registered health practitioners will not be able to 
perform surgical abortions or prescribe medicines for medical abortions unless: • it is a health service permitted within their scope of practice. 
OIA transferred from Hawkes Bay DHB - Can you please provide copies of all documenta ion (including notes, memos, reports, forms etc) held by the DHB in 
relation to the Ruby Princess's visit. his includes documentation sent to or from the ship in the five days preceding  he ship's visit on March 15, and the time 
since its visit.
The number of persons confined in mental/psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric wards in the years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 
1999. Preferably as at 31 December of the year, though the annual average would be great. Please include both public and private institutions if you have that 
information. If possible please include the proportion of people confined per 100,000 population (rate of confinement).
OIA-  As the company is refusing to release numbers to staff on how many staff members have tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we faithfully ask if 
you can release these numbers to us.  They don't have to include any identifying personal data, simply a number of positive tests will suffice.  We have no way 
of assessing how safe we really are when we go to work (and fly) wi hout these facts.
OIA- I would like to know the number of Ethiopians by origin that got COVID 19 ( Ethiopian citizens living in NZ or New Zealand citizens born in Ethiopia . Please 
send me report by regions and city. 
OIA- Total Air NZ Crew (Pilots and Flight Attendants) that have been tested positive to COVID 19

OIA- With respect, I request the following information under  he terms of  he Official Information Act 1982:  # Copies of any reports, documents, briefings, 
memoranda and correspondence regarding the decision to move residents out of St Margaret’s Hospital and Rest Home to Waitakere Hospital.  # Copies of any 
reports, documents, briefings, memoranda and correspondence regarding the spread of Covid-19 amongst residents of St Margaret’s Hospital and Rest Home.  
The information sought in this request is to be used as part of a report by the New Zealand Herald.  I anticipate receiving the information under the terms of  he 
act, which stipulates a maximum period of 20 business days. 
OIA-  “With 2 of the 4 Corona Covid 19 virus deaths in NZ coming from The Rosewood Resthome, have ALL staff that worked there been tested for the Corona 
Covid 19 Virus? On the TV news we were told by the director general of health that the virus was "probably" transmitted to the elderly by the resthome staff. 
Have these staff been tested? The Prime Minister has been telling NZ that we need to "test,test,test"! Covid 19 is a highly lethal virus wi h no vaccine developed 
yet. Surely the govt wants to trace how  his lethal virus got into the resthome? With 2 deaths and the possibility for all residents and staff to be infected and staff 
transmit ing this lethal virus into  he community it is vital to test all staff and keep NZ safe. The majority of residents in rest homes would if asked ,be more than 
agreeable to be tested for Covid 19 ,and dementia residents are not idiots , and they can get the instant Covid blood test done.Diabe ies and tes ing for 
Diabeties is carried out daily on dementia residents. If the govt had ensured  hat all resthome staff were wearing PPE when NZ was placed in a "state of 
emergency" then  he Rosewood Resthome residents would be safe from being infected by staff and dying from the Corona virus.”  
OIA- COVID-19: VOLUNTARY PAY CUT & REQUEST FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION We write to you and all public service CEOs on behalf our 40,000 
subscribed members and supporters, and the thousands of New Zealanders who have signed a petition in support of public sector pay cuts at 
Thank you for agreeing to follow the Prime Minister’s lead in taking a salary reduc ion. Well done. As she said, “it is an acknowledgement that every person and 
organisation has a part to play as we unite to stamp out Covid-19 and save lives.” However, salary reductions need to serve as more than a symbolic gesture – 
public sector organisations, many of which have reduced relevance or output during the COVID-19 crisis, should deliver real savings wi h a deeper review of 
payroll costs. We write to ask whether your organisation will fairly share the burden of the economic crunch by: 
 cancelling all scheduled salary increases for 
all but frontline workers until the economy has recovered (i.e. when quarterly GDP has returned in real terms to the that of Q4-2019); and 
 following many 
leaders in the private sector by o reducing your salary by 20 percent for the next 12 months; and o asking second-level managers (those who report directly to 
you) to do  he same. A temporary salary reduction for those paid the most in the public sector would be a prudent and compassionate response to the 
pressures faced by households and businesses across New Zealand. Unemployment is forecast to rise to, at best, ten percent, and private sector bosses are 
taking financial haircuts to limit the impact on lower income earners. Many firms will not survive. 
 Fletcher Building directors and executives are taking a 30 
percent pay cut. Non-working staff are taking pay cuts of up to 70 percent.   New Zealand Rugby has cut all staff salaries by 40 percent.   Mediaworks and 
NZME have asked staff to take a 15 percent pay cut for at least 12 weeks.   Air New Zealand's CEO has cut his own pay by around 15 percent.   I have taken 
a pay cut myself to absorb the lockdown's financial impact on the Taxpayers' Union and its staff. The average public sector salary is around a third higher than 
that of the private sector. As public sector employees, you also have  he luxury of far higher job security. A 12-mon h 20 percent pay cut would be a small 
sacrifice in these extraordinary times when so many New Zealanders are losing their jobs. Please advise what actions your organisation is undertaking to 
reduce payroll costs, and whether the specific proposals above have been, or will be, implemented. Official 
OIA- May I have a copy of this doccument please. Information requested: nz/our-work/emergency-management/pandemic-planning-and-
response/pandemic-influenza-guidance-health-sector. Thank you.
OIA- On 20 April 2020, the Health Ministry reported that  here were 1105 confirmed cases and 335 probable cases of Covid-19. Of those 1105 confirmed cases, 
has any estimate been made of  he number of false posi ives?  What action, if any, has been taken to determine if any of the 1105 cases are false positives? 
Among the 335 probable cases, how many tested negative before being declared probable? How many have tested negative more than once?  What is  he 
criteria for a probable case to be classified as non-probable or negative? Since testing began, how many probable cases have been reclassified as non-
probable or negative? 
OIA- Under the official information Act 1982 I request  he following.  The specific peer reviewed studies (plural) used by Ashley Bloomfield to make the 
statement and come to the conclusion that children do not infect adults with Covid-19 at all.  These statements appeared on your website and were repeated by 
Doctor Bloomfield during todays (Monday 20th April 2020) press release and directly contradict information that is available internationally from other doctors 
with far greater experience wi h the disease.  As the Partner of an ECE teacher and someone with Stage 4 Medullary thyroid cancer, Bronchiectasis, Asthma 
and high blood pressure, I'd also like his direct assurance that there is absolutely 0% chance of a child passing this onto a teacher in their centre who can then 
pass it onto me, but I'm sure he has used several peer reviewed studies and can provide these to back up his claims.  What has been suggested is that early 
childhood teachers expose themselves to  his disease more than any doctor or nurse in the country currently has to date, as they wont be provided with or be 
wearing PPE gear of any sort, and its quite ridiculous.. these kids still carry the germs of their parents into the centers when they come each morning, it isn't just 
a matter of the children being infectious their parents are also all over  hem and their clothing when they come into crèche and washing their hands doesnt get 
rid of the germs.  As an example Dad is infected with Covid-19, he sneezed on little Johny's head as he gave him a hug goodbye at the center door and pushed 
him through it... but that isn't a hazard to the teachers or other children in the center? Doctor Bloomfield guarantees that? we have his word that that poses no 
danger to the teachers or  heir own personal bubbles?.

OIA- Under the Official Information Act, I request all formal, written advice given by the Ministry of Health to Ministers and/or other departments (eg, DPMC, 
Treasury, SSC, MBIE, Ministry of Social Development etc) on the public-health implications of economic depression or recession and unemployment, which was 
intended to assist the Cabinet in making its decision today on whether or not to extend Level 4 of the current lockdown. 
Please provide the minutes to any of the committee meetings of The Interagency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Fields that have taken place 
since November 2018.
OIA- Cost if Iron Supplementation Informa ion requested: I would like to request the following information to support my Post Graduate Clinical Research 
Project. - he cost of Iron supplementation to the Ministry since 2010 (please break down by year) -The number of iron transfusions since 2010 (please 
breakdown by year) -The number of blood transfusions since 2010 (please breakdown by year) - The number of primary diagnoses of iron deficient anaemia 
since 2010 (please break down by year)
OIA- I request information from the Ministry of Heal h regarding the COVID-19 response, as of 18/04/2020. 1) Where are the test kits for COVID-19 sourced 
from and manufactured? 2) How are these distributed in the medical supply chain? 3) Does the testing procedure specifically test for SARS-CoV-2 in humans, 
or are they simply a PCR based test for a wider array of Corona viruses? 4) What is the total number of tests that have been carried out as of 18/04/2020? 5) 
How many of the total number of tests have presented false-positive results as of 18/04/2020? 
OIA- In a recent Q&A on the MOH website, the following statement appears:  "5G is just another application of radio technology. There is nothing unique to 5G 
that would make it interact differently wi h the body than other radio frequency fields (radio signals). For this reason all the previous research on radio frequency 
(RF) fields and health also tells us about the effects and safe levels of 5G.”  Please iden ify the scien ific evidence justifying  his statement.  Literally thousands 
of independent scientific studies demonstrate that higher frequencies of radiation interact differently wi h the human body. The skin absorbs this energy 
differently, and our skin has a role in the regulation of the immune system.   Please review s 9(2)(a)
 peer-reviewed paper in the December 2019 NZ 
Journal of Medicine, to understand that, beyond  he skin, there is cellular damage from RF radiation.  Rather than "flying blind" and "experimenting" on the 
people of New Zealand, the Precautionary Principle and Article 10 of the NZ Bill of Rights require that you exercise due diligence and undertake independent 
testing of this technology -- testing by scientists wi hout conflicts of interest or affiliation with the telecommunications industry.   Please provide  he names of the 
members of the Interagency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Fields, together with their affiliations. It is essential  hat the public knows if any of 
these individuals have conflicts of interest. 
OIA- Ques ion: are we inadvertently adding arsenic and lead to our water?  Regarding the attached doc: Cost-benefit-analysis-Sodium-Fluoride.pdf  What do 
you think the chances are that, like mentioned in this document pertaining to USA, the hydrofluorosilicic acid we put in our water also contains arsenic and 
lead? How would one find this out? I called some place they can't test  he test stuff as it would melt the machine into a boiling steaming mess, so I am currently 
evoprating 100 litres of city water to find out.  If I could get hold of a receipt / invoice / packling slip / any info at all about  he HFSA product then I reckon I could 
trace it's country of origin etc, and have a chance to understand it's contents. Recently I took this photo
OIA transferred from Minister Clark's office - I want the names, titles, companies of employment of the management team who allowed cruise ship passengers 
to disembark and wander around our New Zealand towns/cities last week. They would have known the self-isolation rules and the fact there is a coronavirus 
pandemic as the first cruise liner to be affected by the virus was sometime ago. Again,  he names, employment titles and the companies they work for. - I have 
a right to know
OIA: (Transferred from Minister Salesa's office)  Could you please tell me the advice or directive that has been given to management of hospitals regarding staff 
who are at higher risk if exposed to covid19. By this I mean are covered by the list of condi ions released when the country went into Alert level 2. I am aware of 
many changes to who can access hospitals and the security around the enforcement of this. I just wish to understand the guidance you have given around 
protecting the wellbeing of your staff in the sector and the options they have.
Refined 28/4 to:  "All correspondence (excluding administrative emails) including letters, briefs, memos, emails, texts and phone calls, between Ministry of 
Health staff and government Ministers, and officials, regarding the initial Māori covid-19 response plan (correspondence to include the 4 weeks prior to the initial 
Māori covid-19 response plan announcement up to the date of this email).  All correspondence (excluding administrative emails) including letters, briefs, 
memos, emails, texts and phone calls, between Ministry of Health staff and government Ministers, officials, regarding the $30m in funding for Māori health 
providers that was announced on 22 March (correspondence to include the 4 weeks prior to the funding announcement up until the date of this email)  A 
breakdown of where the $30m in funding for Māori health providers announced on 22 March has been spent, and a list of all the organisations that have been 
given money, and how much they were given" 
 - 1.Who is responsible for managing the stocktake of intensive care drugs in New Ze
aland?  2.What is ‘the medical name’ of all  he intensive care drugs 
that are on the list to collect and store (especially those that are useful for treating patients with COVID-
19)? 3.Please list the quantities that MoH has in stock 
of each ‘intensive care drug’ (especially those that are useful for treating pa ients with COVID-19)?
OIA - Unite Union represents workers in the hospitality industry including hotels. We have seen an announcement that a network of 18 hotels will be used by the 
Ministry of Health to quarantine international arrivals to NZ.  Can we please have this list of 18 hotels (including the 2  hat will be used for strict quarantine)?  If 
this is treated as an OIA I'd like to ask for a timely response as this is a H&S matter for our members.

OIA: (Transferred from Minister Clark's office)  1. Is COVID 19 a result of biological warfare or experimental testing in a laboratory overseas? Al hough biological 
warfare may be thought to be highly unlikely surely an investigation is expected due to  he very high number of deaths around the world over a short period of 
time. It is an investigation all countries would surely test as biological warfare may be used as  he prerequisite to something further. Does this country have a 
process to investigate biological warfare against this country?. What would it take for  he Minister of Health to decide to move forward with that process? Will 
the Minister be investigating the threat of biological warfare? If not, why not?   If yes, will Lockdown remain in place until at least the inves igation is complete. If 
yes, will travel immunity be delayed until the investigation is complete?  2. How was  he data from China 2019/2020 that first declared the COVID 19 pandemic 
investigated? What were the results of this NZ inves igation? When did this virus begin in China?  3. What evidence is there created in this country that  he virus 
is spread via coughs, sneezes or they may spread by droplets containing the virus a short distance?. What evidence is there that a COVID 19 virus in 
communities all over the world is killing people via their natural environment in a pandemic and not via blood interac ion or a blood test, like HIV? People that do 
not have symptoms (that are also seen in other illnesses at this time of the year) would they ever be tested for COVID 19. Are  here instances where people 
have tested positive but have no symptoms and do not feel sick and have never developed pneumonia but continue to test posi ive for COVID 19?   4. How did 
COVID 19 arrive in NZ? What evidence is there COVID 19 contamination did not arrive from overseas to start from our health system?. It was reported there are 
people testing positive that have not travelled and do not know people  hat have tested positive and have spent most of their time at home. Did the first fatality 
from this country become infected by the COVID 19 virus as a result of her seeking medical attention in a hospital in this country, for other illnesses.?  5. If the 
virus is from bats or another mammal that lives in this country, will tests be completed on our NZ bats or o her mammals?   6. Is the COVID 19 test kit the same 
kit used for HIV with a different label? If it is not the same kit has an HIV patient ever tested nega ive for COVID 19? Has an COVID 19 positive patient tested 
positive for HIV? Does the test involve used of blood in the test?  7. Did all patients have inner cheek test swabs as part of the COVID 19 virus check? Did the 
test swabs leave the country? Will they be used for DNA tests to identify pa ients geneology? How were the swabs disposed of?  8. Is COVID 19 virus an 
emerging strain of HIV? COVID 19 enters cells with its single RNA structure to  hen add to the cells DNA, creates similar symptoms, can result in pneumonia, 
may posi ively react to HIV medication, the difference is COVID 19 is more aggressive. How do you know if it is or it isnt an emerging strain of HIV? How are 
both viruses going to be continually managed in  his country?  9. How many people died of pneumonia and/or the flu from Jan 2017 to Dec 2019 in NZ? How 
many died of pneumonia from Jan 2020 – April 2020 during the pandemic?. Decisions are being made based on the information that has been sent to  he 
Ministry of Health from overseas however surely that information can only be used to support the data we gather ourselves from our countrys medical history.  
10. Are they testing for COVID 19 an ibodies? Why not? or How many have tested negative to COVID 19 and positive to COVID 19 antibodies? Are these 
people being closely monitored for re- infection occurring which may show the virus not leaving the lungs?   11. There is no vaccine or cure against SARS or 
HIV. Does our Ministry of Health expect a vaccine for COVID 19 given such an unsuccessful history of creating vaccines for other corona viruses and HIV? 
Why?  12. When a report is given that a person that has tested positive of COVID 19 has 'recovered' how was that decided? Did they measure negative for the 
COVID 19 virus and positive for the COVID 19 antibody? If they did not test positive for the antibody how was it decided they were 'recovered' or that the virus 
has been removed from the lungs of  hose infected by pneumonia?  13. Is it possible to become immune once you recover from COVID 19 virus infection? Did 
any people test positive, then negative, then positive again? Meaning they were not fully recovered OR they did not become immune to the virus once  hey had 
it, or it is not possible to become immune?  14. Is the Health system of this country being outsourced to foreign health agencies? If yes, what agencies and from 
what countries? Is the medication of this country mainly outsourced? If yes, is it outsourced to a country that is the source of  his virus?. If yes, How responsible 
would it be to continue to source medication from that country?  15. What expectations does the Ministry of Health have for the World Health Organization 
(WHO)? Will the Minister of Health be seeking answers from  he WHO at this time? Has there been a response from WHO? Would the WHO benefit from a 
more independent Chair.?  16. Is the Ministry of Health monitoring the movement of mail and packages throughout the country and internationally to stop the 
spreading of the COVID 19 pandemic or any other biological  hreat?
 1.Information/documents the Prime Minister, Director of Health or Cabinet Official(s} relied upon to underpin, or which provide the factual basis used to 
justify, the "public lockdown" Order of the Director-General of Heal h dated 25 March 2020 ("The Order")
.1 2.Any record of an official or public debate, 
discussion, or consideration of relevant facts or documents relied upon to substantiate the making of the Order.
 3.Information/documents related to any cost 
benefit analysis undertaken in weighing the rights of New Zealanders abrogated by, and financial costs resul ing from, the Order against the perceived benefits 
in making the Order.
 4.Any statistical data used in support of this cost/benefit analysis by the Crow
n. 5.Any and all documents which record what 
consideration was specifically given to ss 16, 17 & 18 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 ("NZBORA") ahead of the abrogation of those rights by the 
Order.  Acknowledging the Order is of indefinite duration, but mindful the government position promoted was that its effect was to last 4 weeks, please provide:  
6.Information/documents and statistical data the Prime Minister, Director of Health or Cabinet Official(s) relied upon on 20 April 2020 to extend the Order 
beyond  he initial 4 week
 period. 7.The record and result of any cost benefit analysis - or quantification of the ongoing public threat - used by the Prime 
Minister, Director of Health or Cabinet Official(s) as of 20 April 2020 to extend the Order beyond the initial 4 week period. 8. Documentation recording the 
specific concerns which the Prime Minister, Director of Health and/or Cabinet Official(s) considered as of 20 April 2020 were sufficient to breach ss 16, 17 & 18 
of NZBORA by extension of the Order beyond the initial 4 week period.

 1.When do you next expect to update this webpage with the latest list of NRS (the most recent update is dated 28 January 2
020)?  2.Can you provide 
us an up to date list of the NRS composition held by  he MoH (i.e. anything after 28 January 2020 would be ex
cellent)?  3.We are seeking clarification as to 
whether the H5N1 pre-pandemic influenza pandemic meets the description provided (see first row on the NRS table on the MoH website) and whether it has 
pired: a.We understand that the vaccine no longer works as  he virus mutated very quickly after it was purchase – meaning the vaccine is no longer effective. 
Is this tr
ue?  b.If yes, we wonder why it is still included on the NRS list. It states it is ‘expected to provide some level of protection against a human H5N1. 
Should it be rem
oved?  c.We also note the H5N1 vaccine's expiry is 2020. What month does it expire? Should it be rem
oved? 4.We note that the antibiotics on 
the NRS were purchased during the years 2005-2007. Based on our knowledge, all antibiotics purchased during this time will have ex
pired. a.Can you advise 
if these antibiotics have been replaced?  b.When was the last time a review of ‘an ibiotic stock’ was carried out by the MoH? If you can specify the year, that 
ould be great?  c.Please provide a list of the antibiotics on the list (it notes they were for ‘treatment of respiratory infections’)? If yes, please provide a 
comprehensive list with stock numbers? If there is no list, can you advise who might have the list and stock held (e.g. DHB’s or Pharma
c)? 5.Can you provide 
the number of each type of mask (i e. P2/N95 or surgical)? And if P2/N95, the sizes you have in stock (e.g. L, M or S)? This can be ‘as at’ any time within the 
last few months. We envisage this information will have been prepared for officials and will therefore be easy to pr
ovide.  6.Can you provide the number of 
each type of gloves (e.g. nitrile and whether the gloves are long over the sleeve or short )? And  he sizes you have in stock (e.g. L, M or S) for each type of 
gloves? This can be ‘as at’ any time within the last few months. We envisage this information will have been prepared for officials and will therefore be easy to 
OIA: Please provide any analysis and reports commissioned externally or prepared by the Ministry between January 1 2020 and April 21 2020 that seek to 
evaluate and/or quantify the health impacts (excluding  hose related to COVID-19) that may arise as a result of decisions made in response to COVID-19.  The 
information I am interested in relates forecasts of premature and/or avoidable deaths, decreases in quality of life or expected lifespan, and other long-term 
costs, as compared to baseline sta istics, that have been produced to support decision-making in regards to COVID-19 responses.  Examples of this may 
include: - Suicide - Mental Health issues - Poverty-related health issues - Domestic violence requiring medical intervention - Delayed surgical/healthcare 
treatments (this is not an exhaustive list - any other health impacts considered in these reports should be included)  Further, please provide a list of all officials 
who were provided with  hese reports, and the dates on which  hey were provided.
OIA: Recommendation 8 of Dr Verrall's report states: "The Ministry of Health should rapidly complete development of a smartphone app to assist contact tracing 
and pilot it in New Zealand."  (1) Please provide me with the name and email address for the senior official responsible for the project to procure or develop this 
smartphone app.  (2) Please provide me with the name(s) of any or all companies that the Ministry of Health is working with to develop this smartphone app.
OIA - 1. How many of the 343 individuals that participated in the sentinel tested on Thursday 16 March 2020 at Five Mile in Queenstown were in the 20-29 year 
age group?  2. How many of the 343 individuals  hat participated in the sentinel tested on Thursday 16 March 2020 at Five Mile in Queenstown in the 20-29 year 
age group were NZ residents and NZ ci izens?  3. How many of the 343 individuals that participated in the sentinel tested on Thursday 16 March 2020 at Five 
Mile in Queenstown in the 20-29 year age group were foreign Nationals?  4. How many of the 343 individuals that participated in  he sentinel tested on Thursday 
16 March 2020 at Five Mile in Queenstown were NZ residents and NZ citizens?  5. How many of the 343 individuals that participated in the sentinel tested on 
Thursday 16 March 2020 at Five Mile in Queenstown were foreign Nationals?  6 What is  he total number of individuals that have been sen inel tested within the 
Southern District Health Board region since 16 March? When and where were these sentinel tests conducted?   7. Please provide a breakdown by age group, 
and by ci izenship/nationality, for all individuals sen inel tested within the Southern District Health Board region since 16 March.
OIA - Numbers of deaths unrelated to COVID-19 between March 26 2020 and 23 April 2020 I would like to make an Official Information Act 1982 request for the 
number of deaths unrelated to COVID-19 that the Ministry of Health may be aware of, which have occurred between March 26 2020 (the first full day of Alert 
Level 4 lockdown) and today's date - 23 April 2020. A total figure rather than a breakdown of categories would be more than sufficient.
OIA - The cost incurred from the COVID-19 response of purchasing new - Testing kits - Swabs - PPE - Ventilators or other respiratory devices
OIA: (Transferred from DIA) Please can you forward me a link or electronic copy of the completed Simpson report.
OIA-Requestion all paper work for s 9(2)(a)
 especially during january 2019
OIA - I am requesting the covid 19 Nz mortality model and assumptions that forecast a potential death rate of 80,000.
OIA - Under  he Official Information Act, I request all formal, written advice given by the Ministry of Health to Ministers and/or other departments to the DPMC 
from 31 December 2019 to 23 March 2020 on Covid-19. (For the avoidance of doubt, information sought pertaining to "Covid-19" covers all terms used to 
describe this virus originating in Wuhan China in late 2019, to include: - pneumonia, pneumonia of unknown cause, novel pneumonia, viral pneumonia, novel 
viral pneumonia, a coronavirus, novel coronavirus, Chinese virus, Chinese novel pneumonia, Wuhan Virus, Wuhan coronavirus, novel human viral pneumonia, 
OIA: Can I please request a copy of all 2019 and 2020 contracts between Ministry of Health and Deaf Aotearoa NZ Ltd (and any of it’s associates)

OIA: RNZ has, I understand, limited its OIA requests under covid. Now, through Newsroom, it is shown some part of govt requested a suspension of OIA.  RNZ 
requests MOH release any communication related to this matter of a request or move or similar, to suspend OIA 
OIA - Attached is a copy of an email I sent yesterday about powers being relied on to restrict fundamental rights, in particular the power in s 70 of the Heal h Act.   
You will see from my email that I question whether s 70(1)(f) allows a Medical Officer of Health to isolate the entire population and to restrict activities, and 
whether the current and clearly intended future use of s 70(1)(f) is an unjustified limitation on rights in ss 16 to 18 and 22 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 
(in a similar way to court rulings in other countries).    Assuming for the purpose of  his email that the current s 70(1)(f) health notice is lawful in all ways, I ask 
you to provide me with details on how I may obtain an immediate medical examina ion  hat satisfies s 70(1)(h) to show that I am free from infectious disease.    
This request is urgent for reason of affording my fundamental rights, noting that I have now had significant restriction on my rights for weeks and that this 
information should have been provided at  he outset. It is clear that any requirement made under s 70(1)(f) is brought to an end by a s 70(1)(h) medical 
examination.  (See Original email sent is in correspondence forwarded through to MoH on 25 April 2020)
OIA - I request  he Covid 19 “ Individual Active case numbers” for Wellington, Porirua & Kapiti Coast. Not the total for the region.
OIA - In the time period of January the 1st to the day this request was made: Please provide all correspondence between the Ministry of Health/ the Prime 
Minister/officials working under the Health Act of 1956 and the Epidemic Preparedness Act of 2006 AND Māori groups/leaders/experts in relation to the changes 
made to tangihanga under Alert 4; Please ensure the advice that led to the decision for how tangihanga will operate under alert level’s 3 and 4 is also included.
OIA - Please identify the number of people that died from Covid19 during NZ's alert level 4 lockdown,  Please break this down by ethnicity; and by  he regions 
those people lived  Please identify  he number of people that died from causes unrelated to Covid19 during NZ's alert level 4 lockdown,  Please break this down 
by ethnicity; and by the regions those people lived
OIA - Refer to previous OIA (H201907431) "Now that the varies air rescue contracts have been signed under the offical information act i would like to ask what 
the HEMS air ambulance service in the south island are receiving per hour for there BK117 B2 and D2 aircraft and the standby rate also."  As requested back in 
September but was denied I would like you to reconsider my request as I am an employee of GCH Aviation and are facing huge payouts and possible 
Information 25-Apr-20
redundancy.With covid 19 GCH have asked us essential workers to take 20 and possibly 30 percent pay cuts as they claim that flying hrs have been reduced by 
30 percent and they predict they will drop to 70 percent this is obviously untrue and we are not told the full story we need this information as to question. If you 
cannot help could you please let me know how to take this request to the Ombudsman
OIA - The government in order to justify this unnecessary lockdown is now trying to jusitfy themselves by saying that people can be nonsymptomatic. So I was 
wondering why you do not have this statistic of all those you tested that were posi ive, but have no symptoms.  The government also wants us to believe that 
Covid-19 is so darn deadly that we had to go into lockdown. But if there are nonsymptomatic cases, then govt has to test all New Zealanders to get a death rate.  
I think the government should also be putting up the suicide rates, due to lockdown.  Also, why is it that the government keeps importing people with the virus 
and does not put an orchard into lockdown when a posi ive case was found among people living in very close sociable quarters?  And why does the 
government think speed camera vans are an essential, but police have been instructed to not arrest people for assault?  It seems very much that there is no 
honesty and transparency, but a lot of manipulation of statistics and huge gaping holes.  Also, I would like copies of all the names of the 17 deceased and 
medical records.
OIA - I am requesting information in the number of dea hs due to Pneumonia in the years 2018 and 2019. Monthly statis ics are preferred, if they are available. 
OIA: 1)Could I please have the short confirmation from you that all the tests , being your official figure as of today--115,015; were performed tests for SARS-
CoV2 (COVID-19) done as PCR-tests! 2)Where in the Waikato is the so-called small cluster? 3)Is Te Aroha still officially from COVID-19?
OIA: Can I please request the following informa ion, under the provisions of the Official Information Act, specifically related to the center wide introduc ion of re-
usable nappies and advice regarding cleaning of soiled underwear when children are toilet training, within Early Childhood Education services only.   Please 
supply a copy of all information held relating to the use of re-usable nappies in ECE centers, and any general guidelines for center wide use and supply of re-
usable nappies.  Along with the above requested information, please supply the following:  What chemical sanitizer(s) is required? Minimum contact time? Is 
there any information regarding the use of high-pressure water jets to clean fecal matter from nappies or soiled clothes? What temperature is  he minimum 
temperature required, and over what minimum period is the temperature required for sanitization purposes? Is a record of the temperature required to be 
recorded? How is the temperature checked, making sure the required temperature has been reached for the minimum period? Can a center use one washing 
machine for every hing? Is there any requirement to conduct microbiological checks periodically on center owned re-usable nappies? What PPE is required? 
 Also, advise on cleaning soiled clothing during toilet training?
OIA: I am requesting information in the number of deaths due to Pneumonia in the years 2018 and 2019. Monthly statistics are preferred, if they are available.
OIA: I would like all the informa ion and communication between the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport and between the Ministry of Health and Civil 
Avia ion Authority pertaining to the decision to ban recrea ional flight during level three of the lockdown

OIA: Number of applications under Medicinal Cannabis Scheme broken down by activities applied for. Any other additional information such as geographic 
location, application date, applicant names etc will be appreciation however is not explicitly requested.  What the current expected time un il the first license are 
issued, assuming applicants are successful and New Zealand returns to alert level 2 on 11 h may.
OIA: Please provide the best available figures for the number of suicides (this could be provisional, suspected, etc) for the period of the Level 4 lockdown. And, 
please provide  he number of suicides for the same equivalent period for each of the past 10 years.
OIA - As the law stands my view is that ss 70(1)(f) and (m) do not allow unfettered or unreasonable restriction on freedom and s 70(1)(h) only allows restriction 
on liberty until a medical examination shows  he person is free from infection. It is also clear that the substan ive provisions in each of your isolation notices 
purport to use power in s 70(1)(h), by your orders to “remain” in the place of isolation or quarantine. The preambles are not conclusive of the powers actually 
used to restrict freedoms.    While I question  he lawfulness, scope and reasonableness of the ss 70(1)(f) and (m) notices, I am bound to treat the notices as 
valid and to abide by them un il such time  hat I am no longer subject to them or they are declared invalid or changed.    Accordingly, I ask if you are able to 
provide me with details of how I may get a medical examination today to satisfy s 70(1)(h), to thereby allow you to confirm I am no longer subject to any s 
70(1)(f) restriction and to afford my civil rights.    So that I may also consider and seek other appropriate remedies to the restriction on my rights, I also ask you 
to please urgently:    1. Set out what your notices mean by isolation and what they mean by quarantine.    2. Specify whether each of your notices purport to 
isolate me or whether they purport to quarantine me.    3. Set out the material findings of fact as to why you say my business should be closed to customers and 
why I should be subject to isolation or quarantine, including the type of restrictions, both now and from 11.59pm today. In particular regard to any restric ion on 
me or my business from 11.59pm today, the following considerations appear to be relevant: the executive’s stated position that eradication is not  he purpose of 
restrictions; the current low infection rates and the absence of relevant community transmission; the other effec ive protections, such as regulated borders and 
the test-trace-isolate practice; the current high capacity of the health system; the significant impact the restrictions are having and will have on economic, 
mental heal h and personal matters, both at a societal level and personally for me; the fundamental importance of my ss 16 to 18 and 22 rights; the extent of the 
limitation of those rights to date, and the ongoing impact on them; I am not known to you to be a carrier or a contact of a carrier; I have not been overseas in the 
last year; the current restrictions have been in place for a period of time that exceeds the expected incuba ion period; I have worked remotely from my 
residential property since the current restrictions commenced; I live rurally so I exercise on my property; I have not been in contact with anyone with the virus; I 
do not have any of the symptoms published on  he Ministry of Health’s website, or elsewhere;  here is one other adult and two young children in my bubble, who 
have the same type of history and symptom-free status just described; no people in my bubble are vulnerable, as referred to in the Ministry’s advice; my children 
will not be going to school for at least the next two weeks; I am aware of hygiene, physical distancing and contract tracing practices, and would follow them in 
performing all restricted work and recrea ional activities I would like to choose to do; my business is not open to customers to walk in and only ever meets with 
clients individually however, there is a need to meet clients onsite by appointment; as a lawyer the work restrictions will limit my ability to meet and take effective 
instructions from clients, which will cause unfairness and delays in the administration of justice and may cause miscarriages of justice on matters on which 
clients are at risk of custodial sentences; my work and income is significantly affected by the restrictions, which will have a significant las ing effect on me and 
my family; I enjoy boating and am a car enthusiast, and would like to choose to do activi ies that are restricted; I am experienced in boats, I hold classes 1, 2, 3, 
4, 5 and 6 driver’s licences and I have driven millions of kilometres in heavy trucks and light vehicles, including racing motorbikes and cars, so  here is no need 
to be concerned about my safety or any risk I may choose to take; and, I am willing to answer any appropriate questions you may have to assess whether my 
business should be closed or whether I should be isolated or quarantined as set out in the notices.    4. Set out the material findings of fact as to why my 
business should be closed and why I should be subject to isolation or quarantine in the manner set out in each notice.    5. Set out  he material findings of fact 
as to why I should be subject to isola ion or quarantine for the entire duration stated in your first notice, and why I should be subject to  he further duration in 
subsequent notices.    6. Provide a reference to information on which the findings are based.    7. Provide reasons for each decision to close my business and to 
isolate or quarantine me, in the stated manner and period.    These further requests are made urgently in reliance on: the informational function implicit in the 
exercise of the s 70 powers; the obligation to justify limitations on rights; and, the provisions of s 23 of  he Official Information Act.
OIA - I would like to request the audio file for the alert tone  hat plays at the beginning and at the end of the COVID-19 announcements on TV and on the web.
OIA - On your Ministry of Health website there is a publication titled “Interim Standards for Abor ion Services in New Zealand”. 
https://www An excerpt from page 7 of this document states: “The following 
information should be made available to women bo h verbally and in writing prior to them consenting to the procedure:  ▪ Abortion is safer than continuing a 
pregnancy.“ I find this statement hard to believe and am surprised to see it on a "health" website. Could you please tell me who wrote this? And what is the 
evidence to back this statement?

OIA: I wish to request under the Official Information Act the following information:-   The number of abortions that have been reported to the Ministry of Health 
since the 24 March 2020?   The number of abortions that were on pregnancies of 20 weeks or more gestation?   The number of abortions post 20 weeks that 
were performed for the reason of potentially disabled child?   The number of abortions that were 24 weeks or more gestation?   The number of medical 
abortions?   The number of medical abortions where the abortion drugs were couriered to the woman to allow her to perform the abortion in her own home?    
The number of abortions that were performed by Women’s Clinics in Masterton, Palmerston North and Invercargill?
OIA: Would you be able to send me the research that was presented to cabinet to determine the cost/benefit analysis for moving to Alert Level 3 for a minimum 
of two weeks? Ideally this balances the economic impacts and the health benefits - it would be really helpful to understand how the economic risks were 
measured and the health benefits valued.
OIA - I am requesting information regarding how the Ministry of Health is defining a Covid19 death within New Zealand. In particular I would like to know 
whether if someone with a prior condition (such as cancer) contracts Covid19 is classed as a Covid19 death or not.  Also whether this type of death is part of 
the overall Covid19 death count of New Zealand.
OIA - PART A: Vaccine manufacturing  1. Is there a vaccine manufacturing facility in New Zealand (i.e. assuming a license can be obtained to mass produce a 
vaccine here)?  2. If there is a vaccine manufacturing facility in New Zealand, can you advise: a. Who owns the manufacturing facility? Note: We understand 
Otago University has  he ability to contribute to making vaccines but we would like official confirmation that this is the case and that manufacturing at scale is 
possible.  b. How long would it take to manufacture 5 million or 10 million (in case we need to vaccinate people twice) vaccines? Note: We are only looking for 
rough estimates; for example if New Zealand does have a manufacturing facility, how many months it would take to manufacture 5 and 10 million respectively.  
c. Does the manufacturing facility have  he necessary components to make a vaccine in stock (see list of vaccine components here)? If yes, what expiry date do 
they have on current stock levels? A copy of a recent stock take would be sufficient. If it does not, are they able to purchase the remaining stock from overseas? 
Are any essential components in short supply?  d. Has the facility manufactured any human vaccines over  he last 20 years (since 2000)? If yes, what vaccines 
were produced and how much did the licenses cost? Were there resul ing logis ical or safety issues?  a. If yes, what is the size of its production facility? Is it 
large enough to supply the New Zealand market?  b. If yes, do New Zealand and Australia have a mutual arrangement where New Zealand would get priority 
over other countries? If yes, please explain. If no, is this being considered?  a. If yes, please name the vaccine supplier and the type of agreement (if this is 
confidential informa ion, a simple ‘yes’ is sufficient).  b. If no, do we have any country agreements? If we do not, can you clarify whether New Zealand is simply 
reliant on aggressively going to the market?  3. Does Australia have a vaccine manufacturing facility?  4. Does New Zealand have any specific agreements or 
loose relationships with vaccine suppliers around the world that the country can rely upon or leverage?  PART B: A New Zealand vaccination strategy  5. Has an 
inoculation strategy been developed or in development, in prepara ion for a mass vaccina ion program against SARS-CoV-2? a. Yes, if it has been developed, 
can you advise name and link to the document?  b. Yes, if it is in development, can you advise name and  imeframe when the document is expected to be 
released?  c. If no, is there a previous inoculation strategy document that you will use or might update? Can you provide the link or name of the previous 
inoculation strategy document?  6. We understand special fridges are required to hold vaccines. How many fridges does New Zealand have available? Has 
there been any consideration of taking a stock take and purchasing any additional fridges now globally (before they are in short supply)?  7. Have the syringes 
(listed on the national reserve supply composition here) been checked for quality (we note they expire in 2022)? As  he vaccine may take over 18 months to 
develop, there is a risk  he syringes may expire. Has the MoH considered purchasing another 10 million?  8. Has there been consideration of the anti-vaccine 
lobby in New Zealand?  9. To what extent will vaccina ion be compulsory or will it be voluntary? Note: We expect that the benefits of being vaccinated will be 
measured against the perceived risk of acquiring the disease.  10. Can inoculation of a vaccine be made mandatory under current New Zealand law?  11. What 
lessons can be learned from the flu vaccine? Given concerns about the quan ity ordered and the public release to GPs not being adequate, has a review been 
undertaken? If yes, can we please have a link to or soft copy of the written review?  12. In recent years, the government has rolled out the meningococcal 
vaccine and the HPV vaccine? Was a review undertaken for each of these? If yes, can we please have a link to or soft copy of the written review/s?  13. We 
expect GPs will be paid for giving the vaccine to eligible patients and pharmacists to customers; however, can you confirm this? Who is undertaking viral 
surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in New Zealand? (e g. is it ESR or MoH)?  15. What mutations (or strains) of SARS-CoV-2 has New Zealand found to date? a. 
Does New Zealand have the ‘L-type’ or ‘S-type’ strains? If yes, what is the numbers of percentages?  b. Are there any other strains in New Zealand?  c. From 
your experience, do you consider one of the strains is more deadly  han another?  d. What is the MoH advice to officials (e.g. to ministers, Treasury, and the 
Reserve Bank) as to when a vaccine might be available for sale to the New Zealand Government (e.g. a 5% chance in less  han six months, an 80% chance in 
six to 18 months, a 10% chance in 18–36 months, and 5% beyond 36 months)? We are interested in how this has been positioned with officials.  16. Given the 
vaccine is being fast-tracked, there is a risk countries might agree to indemnify vaccine makers from legal liability in the event of manufacturing defects? a. Has 
the New Zealand Government ever accepted legal liability for a past vaccine in the last 20 years? Note: The US underwrote the risks of H1N1 in 1976/77, which 
added to the fear of the vaccine itself (see Nate Silver’s The Signal and the Noise, pp. 209–210). Shor ly after the programme started it was halted largely due 
to an unusually high number of Guillain-Barre syndrome cases occurring in vaccinated people.  b. Would the New Zealand Government ever accept legal 
liability for a fast-tracked vaccine? If no, is this because it would be covered by ACC?   17. Have any New Zealand patients been tested to see if they have 
developed antibodies? a. If yes, what number have been tested?  b. Of  hose tested, what number of people showed ‘very low levels of neutralizing an ibodies 
in their blood’? [See background below WHO 24 April] c If yes what was the level of antibodies and he median found? d If yes has their immunity been
OIA - Under  he Official Information Act I request a copy of all daily situation reports you have received regarding COVID- 19. It is my understanding that today is 
day 59.
OIA - Under the Official Information Act please may I have copies of all 58 daily situation reports confirmed to exist in Question 2 of Question time on 

OIA: Can you please provide  he following;  As at 28 April 2020;  1. A list of those people in New Zealand whose death is attributed to Covid-19 by;  (i) Ethnicity 
and (ii) age  eg Subject A - NZ European 92  Subject B - Cook Islander 87
OIA: I am looking for information specifically around the tests administered in the Community Based Assessment Centres in New Zealand.   Specifically I am 
looking for any general information about the test including but no limited to:  1. What is  he test 2. What is the chemical make up 3. What are the procedures 
for executing a successful test? 4. How reliable is  he test? 5. Any statistics around the credibility of the test
OIA: I am seeking a copy of the report prepared for the government in late 2019 by Martin Jenkins relating to the financing and funding streams for St John's 
OIA: On information sharing during the Covid-19 pandemic, I have the following questions:   Has the Ministry received any formal legal requests for information 
from any o her Govt ministry / agency / entity in the last 30 days (excluding formal requests made within the bounds of existing MOU).  If so, please give further 
details, the reason for withholding information, and the steps taken to resolve it.
OIA: Under section 5(3) of  he epidemic preparedness act 2006 the director-general must give a recommendation the prime minister recommending the issuing 
of an epidemic notice.  Could you please provide me a copy of this recommendation.
OIA - Under  he Official Information Act Robyn Shearer, I would like to know your annual income including perks.
OIA: (Partial transfer from MO) “1. Have any scientists (government or otherwise) in NZ tested or established that Covid-19 has actually met Koch’s four 
postulates? 2. Has the Covid-19 virus been isolated in NZ? Or in any other country? 3. What model(s) has  he government used to forecast  he expected 
spread and death rate of Covid-19 that resulted in the eventual lockdown of the NZ? 4. Who provided the data for the model and who carried out the modelling? 
5. Please provide the data used for the model(s).  7. Why then, in this case, is everything being done to prevent heal hy people, to whom the virus poses little 
threat, from inoculating themselves in the natural way — by becoming infected and then developing antibodies naturally? 8. Why is it that rejec ing a 
(theoretically) harmless inoculation by vaccine is demonised as irrational and anti-science but - in  he case of Covid-19 – state power (police) is being used to 
force people to stay home to prevent them from getting naturally inoculated? Is this not illogical? 
OIA: Is it possible to provide information about the laboratory test(s) in use for Covid-19 in NZ please? For example, is the same testing system used in all 
laboratories? How many laboratories are currently tes ing? Are they using RT-PCR methods? Have the assays been validated between laboratories? Have they 
been validated by any external agency, either national or international e g. Australian TGA? If patients have samples taken on more than one occasion, are  he 
results consistent with the expected time course of the illness? Is a QAP operating in NZ? If so, are the tests performing as expected, and to the standards 
required? Are antibody tests being used at all; if so, what method(s). when and for what reason(s)?
OIA: Please supply the information documented below under the Official Informa ion Act (OIA).  If you need any more information from me please let me know 
as soon as possible. I understand that a decision on a request for information under the OIA should be made within 20 working days of receiving that request.   
1. Any documents/guidance provided by the Ministry of Health to any DHBs or Health and Disability Commissioner related to the subject of ‘visitors to in-patients 
while at either Covid-19 Alert Level 4 or 
Level 3’. 2. Any documents/guidance provided by the Ministry of Health to any DHBs or Health and Disability 
Commissioner related to the subject of ‘Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights while at either Covid-19 Alert
 Level 4 or Level 3’. 3. Any 
documents/guidance by the Health and Disability Commissioner to the Ministry of Health related to the subject of ‘Code of Health and Disability Services 
Consumers' Rights while at either Covid-19 Al
ert Level 4 or Level 3’.   • Examples of documents/guidance include emails, advice, posi ion papers, policies, 
discussion documents, meeting minutes, research evidence, statistics, etc. •  Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights is the official name of 
the regulation under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act that sets out the rights of consumers of health services ie patients, it is also know as ‘the Code’ 
or informally ‘’the Code of patient rights’, the intent of the above request is to cover it’s informal names.
OIA - I am the policy advisor for Arthritis New Zealand. Many people with arthritis experience chronic pain and some have an interest in the medicinal use of 
cannabis products to assist  hem to manage their pain. Could you please answer the following questions for m
e:  1.Has the Medical Cannabis Agency been 
established as per plans for 1 April 2020. Has this process has been slowed down due to C
ovid-19.  2.Who should enquires about the Agency be addressed 
to – please provide contact details.  3.What does the expression “off label indications” refer to, in the following context? “From 1 April 2020, registered medical 
practitioners no longer need Ministerial approval to prescribe Sativex™ for off-label use for patients under their care, where  his is within their scope of prac ice.” 
4.It has been reported that “ The Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill passed its third reading in December last year, laying the foundations of 
a medical cannabis industry. In addition to giving the terminally ill a defence against the use of illicit cannabis products, the bill requires  he government to write 
a regulatory framework for the medicinal cannabis industry within a year.” Please advise regarding timing for finalisation of the regulatory framework – has this 
been achieved yet and if no when it this ex
pected?  5.Did  he Ministry of Health make a submission to the Health Select Committee regarding the creation of 
the Medical Cannabis Agency and The Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill? If yes could you please provide me with a copy of that 

OIA - I request the following information under the Official Information Act (OIA). This is a resubmission based on Alert Level
 3.  1.Documents relating to 
thalidomide supplied under s29 of the Medicines Act from 1 January 1998 to 17 May 2003. We do not require pa ient identifying informa
tion.  2.Documents 
relating to lenalidomide (Revimid, CC-5013, Revlimid) supplied under s29 of the Medicines Act from 1 January 1998 to 17 May 2003. We do not require patient 
identifying information. Please let me know if any further narrowing of the request might be required or if resubmission at Alert Level 2 is needed.
OIA - Info on recovered cases of Covid 19. I would like to know how many of the recovered cases spent time in hospital getting treatment please.
OIA - Partial transfer from DIA 2. Are post-mortems being performed on ALL bodies of people being announced in the media as being Covid-19 virus related?  
6. Can anyone confirm the patients who have died through Covid related deaths in the media, were recently given the influenza vaccination?  7. Will genetic 
testing prior to vaccinations be introduced after this Covid 19 scare? 10. If the deceased dies of severe complications due to their ongoing history of ill health, is 
this going to be written as Covid 19 regardless of whe her the patient had been tested or not?
OIA: All communications between s 9(2)(a)  and MOH relating to Covid 19 and the crisis surrounding it. All communica ions between s 9(2)
MOH relating to Covid 19 and the crisis surrounding it.  **18/5 - Request refined I request just the emails between s 9(2)(a)  (so exclude s 9(2) ) and 
narrow the request to emails and communication between s 
 and DG of health and the 110 emails between the heal h ministry staffer s 9(2)  and s 
you mention in yr email above.
OIA: Under the official information act, I request all Covid-19 advice and correspondence from the Ministry of Health provided to the Health Minister and/or 
Cabinet since  he start of January 2020 about:  border measures, including about policies such as asking people arriving from overseas to self-isolate or to be 
quaran ined or be placed into supervised accommodation testing capacity and testing criteria including  he case definition, including whether the capacity and/or 
criteria was adequate or needed to be broadened, and how that capacity or lack  hereof contributed to the decision to go into alert level 4 lockdown contact 
tracing and contact tracing capacity, including information about what NZ's capacity was and whether it was adequate, and how that capacity or lack thereof 
contributed to  he decision to go into alert level 4 lockdown
Follow up OIA request to H20200996 - Any emails or letters between ADHB senior staff and MoH/NASO staff in response to this meeting or subsequent reports" 
and it is my understanding that a report was produced following this mee ing which was tabled at the ADHB Board meeting on the 18th Dec. I think that this 
report and any subsequent correspondence between the named parties is within scope of this request and I would ask you to reconsider if your response is 
OIA - 1. How many university academics and or scien ists (epidemiologists, public heal h experts and o hers) have been seconded or commissioned to help 
with the Ministry's COVID-19 response?   (This should include but not be limited to any contracts or agreements with any professionals, academics or 
consultants from any tertiary institution and include assistance in any capacity, including academics being commissioned to work in an advisory capacity, 
commissioned to do reports, work on Ministry / Government committees, and or work on epidemic response committees ?)   2. Which universities or institutions 
are the academics from ? Please provide a list.   3. Up until today's date, what is the total amount of money paid to these individuals ? Separately, what are the 
contracts worth collectively - even if they are yet to be paid out ?   4. As part of the work being completed by the experts on behalf of the Government, is there 
an expectation (either verbally or in writing)  hat the academics will not talk to the media, and or consult with  he Ministry prior to speaking to journalists.   5. How 
many times have any of the Health Ministry's executive team been contacted by any academic, scientist or external consultant to ask if they are allowed to do 
interviews or speak with journalists ?  
OIA - Can you please find out for me if the people who officially died of Covid19 had a flu jab in the last six months. That must be easily attainable as they all 
had long records wi h some medical outfit.
OIA - I request access Under the Official Information Act to the input advisory reports that were used by the Government during February, March and April to 
make decisions on its approach to managing Covid-19 in New Zealand. I do not know of the specific documents as I have no line of sight as to what  he 
documents are or how they were used. I request access to the reports that cover economic, logistical and supply side issues as well as medical matters. 
Documents providing advice on border management is also requested.
OIA - Over the past three years:   a) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of applicants) applied for Tier 2 roles or above?  b) How 
many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of successful applicants) were successfully appointed to the jobs which  hey applied for at Tier 2 
or above?  This question is being asked of all public sector departments.
OIA - What are the minimum requirements for air ambulance helicopters in Hamilton, Tauranga and Auckland. Specifically the number of helicopters available 
for dispatch and the times they are required to be available eg day and night or day only.

OIA - All advice from the Ministry on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the disability sector pertaining to home and community support workers 
providing care for Māori with lived experience of disability and/or all people with lived experience of disability. - All advice to and from DHBs on supply and 
distribution of PPE pertaining to home and community support workers providing care for Māori with lived experience of disability and/or all people wi h lived 
experience of disability. - Correspondence and advice the Ministry has received pertaining to PPE availability for home and community support workers 
providing care for Māori with lived experience of disability and/or all people with lived experience of disability. - Covid-19 hospitalisation numbers by Māori, non 
Māori, Māori wi h lived experience of disability (tāngata whaikaha) and non-Māori with lived experience of disability. - Covid-19 mortality numbers by Māori, non 
Māori, Māori wi h lived experience of disability (tāngata whaikaha) and non-Māori with lived experience of disability. This request relates to the period 30 
January 2020 (when Covid-19 became a public health emergency of international concern) and 30 April 2020.
OIA - I am a permanent resident of Great Barrier Island, as are my elderly parents.  Please tell me if  here have been any cases of Covid19 on Great Barrier 
Island. I need to know this as my parents are too afraid to go to the doctor for other heal h concerns. Just in case, and our medical centre, Aotea Health, have 
referred me to here as they are unwilling to tell anyone themselves.
OIA - I am trying to realistically model this virus, so that I can automate the search for workable solutions, but data at the level of detail I need is not curren ly 
available to me.  I do not want details that would allow me to identify individuals, but I do need details of case histories.  I would like to know when the severity of 
symptoms changed for every case, from the estimated time of infec ion - with a classification something like: a/ not aware of any; b/ thought I might have had 
something; c/ definitely had something but it didn't stop me doing anything; d/ felt like a mild flu, but I could s ill do stuff; e/ I needed to go to bed; f/ I didn't care if 
lived or died; g/ I needed medical help to live.  Estimated date of infection; Date of testing positive; Date of testing clear Date of declared recovered.  Number of 
others in my bubble also infected; Number of others in my bubble not infected. Delivered ID codes of those in my bubble that were infected.  Number of o hers 
in their workplace infected. Number of others in their wider social group that  hey know are infected.  Any help you can give could be really important to  he 
welfare of my community, and perhaps  he wider world (as I am involved in several international groups who are also searching for effective responses to this 
situation).  New Zealand should have one of  he best datasets available, but I don't currently have it.  If you don't have that data, would you be willing to send 
emails to everyone infected or recovered asking them to fill out a survey monkey? I can organise the survey if you like. I can even send a random set of ID 
codes to send to the people - for use in the survery, so that they remain completely anonymous to me, but you could connect the results if you need to.
OIA - Please provide me the numbers of suicides from March and April 2020
OIA - Question 1 Please explain why  he number of recovered cases reported on your website does not match  he confirmed cases? Probable and recovered 
cases come to more than the total number of cases (Probable & Confirmed) 1614. Total  Change in last 24 hours Number of confirmed cases in New Zealand 
1,134 2 Number of probable cases 351 4 Number of confirmed and probable cases 1,485 6 Number of cases currently in hospital 5 -1 Number of recovered 
cases 1,263 11 Number of deaths 20 1  Question 2 We have had in excess of 300 probable cases for over a week. Assuming all or most have now been tested 
and  he time to get a result is only a day or 2 why have the probable cases not been classified? (Confirmed or removed). The data as presented to the public is 
misleading or inaccurate. This may have been explained somewhere but I have not heard or seen it. Please clarify both questions.
OIA - I draw your attention to  he following statements: (a) "Eighty percent of the in vivo studies showed responses to exposure, while 58% of the in vitro studies 
demonstrated effects."  (b) "The available studies do not provide adequate and sufficient information for a meaningful safety assessment, or for the question 
about non-thermal effects. There is a need for research regarding local heat developments on small surfaces, e.g., skin or the eye, and on any environmental 
impact. Our quality analysis shows that for future studies to be useful for safety assessment, design and implementation need to be significantly improved.  
These statements clearly illustrate  he exact point that I was making, i.e. that the existing studies on millimetre waves CANNOT be considered anywhere near 
sufficient for conclusions to be drawn about safety....and there is a clear need for further research. Which begs the question: Given the lack of quality research 
into safety, what is the jus ification for the Ministry of Health's assurances about the safety of 5G and its apparent support for rolling out this technology?  I also 
draw your attention to point number 3 in my original OIA request concerning the Ministry of Health's assertion that the large body of existing research (pertaining 
to existing 3G, 4G and wi-fi frequencies) can be applied to the much higher 5G frequencies (which have very different characteristics and interaction with the 
human body, including almost total absorption by the first few millimetres of the skin and eyes). I have asked for the scientific basis for this assumption and this 
has s ill not been forthcoming.  I request that these points are addressed clearly and specifically and that your answers do not include various links which do not 
address these specific points directly.
OIA - What percentage of NZ COV-19 deaths to date had Do Not Resuscitate orders?  -How many cases deemed suicide occurred in New Zealand between 25 
March and 28 April for the year 2019?  -How many cases deemed suicide occurred in New Zealand between 25 March and 28 April for the year 2020?
OIA - "... I s 9(2)(a)
, under the Official Information Act, ask all notes pertaining to judicial monitoring made by her s 9(2)(a)
tests and diagnoses made by s 9(2)(a)
/Salsibury Clinical, Christchurch, Me hven Medical centre notes of current medications and ratios, coupled wi h 
precsrip ions received from East Street Pharmacy. Probations reommendations to stay on  hese medicaitions and primarily the dangers of not being kept on 
these medications as prescribed."  (Full letter in correspondence tab)

OIA - As there seems to be differing views on the COVID-19 virus from medical professionals and governmental professionals across the world as the situation 
unfolds. Can you please clarify a few questions I have regarding the COVID-19 situation in NZ.  1) When we ini ially went into "lock-down" the priority at that 
time was "flattening the curve" - it now seems that the focus has shifted to "eradication" of the virus can you please advise of the reasons for shifting this focus?  
2) If NZ becomes a COVID-19 "free" country - ie we "Stamp-out" and "keep-out" the virus; while many parts of the rest of the world have widespread cases - will 
that mean  hat NZ'ers will not have been able to develop a natural immune response to the virus and the disease caused by the virus and therefore put NZ in a 
worse position moving forward and potentially make NZ'ers more susceptible to the virus or mutation of the virus in  he future - in the event of overseas travel or 
international travel to NZ for example ? If so what is the strategy for management of COVID-19 moving forward?  3) Can you please share the medical 
modelling and medical professional advice provided to government ?
OIA - Interaction Cannabis and Antidepressants Please provide all documents related to Ministry of Health investigations into the risks associated with 
interactions between cannabis and all forms of antidepressant drugs including SSRIs, Trycyclics, SRNIs and MAOIs. Please include any advice sought or 
received by the Ministry and any papers, correspondence and advice provided.  Please also provide the most recent figures on antidepressant prescribing by 
drugs prescribed, pa ients, 5 year age group, ethnicity, gender, prescriber category (GP, Practice Nurse, Psychiatrist, Paediatrician, Pain specialist etc) and 
indication for which the drug was prescribed.
OIA - Interagency Committee on the Health Effects of non-ironising fields I'm looking for some help searching out details on the above committee.  Can you tell 
me if the Committee minutes are published online? I haven't been able to find them by searching the Ministry website. I gather as a public body these would be 
freely available? I understand the committee meets every six months so it would be great to obtain the minutes of their past four meetings.  I'm also unable to 
find a list of the committee members - is this published and available?
OIA - The purpose of this request to understand the orthopaedic trauma needs and provision within southern DHB. To understand differences in the geographic 
subregions of Dunedin and invercargill and the central lakes regions. The differing workloads attributable by local and permanent residents, and overseas 
visitors.   I would like the information set of all injuries coded as orthopaedic for calendar year data 2019 by locations where: -accident took place - preferably 
postcode? -Hospital where surgery took place -Pa ient normally resides at time of initial registration of injury (postcode if NZ, else country of residence) -
Residency status: eg NZ, foreign permanent resident, temporary resident   I would like data tables with the above location data with -Cost of hospital treatment 
of all orthopaedic injuries during this period in southern DHB that were funded as ARTP elective services --inclusive of: Inpatient stay and costs, Surgical 
procedure costs including implants etc. --Exclusive of: income support payments, non-DHB physio and allied services. --Noting pa ients with injuries that did not 
undergo orthopaedic surgical treatment --Please include injuries incurred in southern region --Please include hospital where service delivery took place - If 
possible the same data for cases paid for by PBFF - PBFF allocation to southern DHB for this period --PBFF allocation by post code or region. If this is not 
possible is there some breakdown of the modelling to attribute the PBFF alloca ion that can be applied to geographic subregions/populations? -Orthopaedic 
procedure core item ID claims during this period by postcode or region -Date of injury, date of surgery and delay time   Also I would like copy of report previously 
given to cantebury DHB that details the all-DHB -Net IDF costs  -Overseas delivery funded through PBFF -Gross claims by DHB of service
OIA partially transferred from MBIE - e) the research relied on by the NZ government to prove its claims that RFEMR emissions within the maximum exposure 
limits provided for in NZS2772:1 1999 are "safe" for pregnant women, foetuses, children, elderly, people who are electrosenstvie and for other vulnerable 
OIA - I am requesting the NZ Suicide Statistics for 2020 immediately. I can not readily find  his information anywhere and it is important for us to know
OIA - Is it possible to obtain current and historical volumes of products prescribed and dispensed under section 29 for medicinal cannabis products from 
medsafe?  Refinement/Clarification received 5 May 2020:  1. Does your request include all cannabis products, or just CBD products? Please all Medicinal 
Cannabis products split by CBD and THC containing  2. Can you specify a time period you would like your request to cover? ideally by Month from 2017

OIA - Thanks for the interview with Dr Bloomfield on MR today    Pls provide the following information subsequent to that:    In the 24 (pls advise if  here are 
more now on top of that) cases of people applying for exemption to visit someone close to death:    In how many cases did the person did while the applicant 
was still in managed isolation?  … was the person still alive when the applicant’s managed isolation ended?  Where the person was still alive, that the person 
leaving managed isolation was then permitted to travel to visit them  Did  he applicant(s)’s travel originate in Australia    APPEALS  How many applicants have 
the option to appeal rejecting of  heir application?  How many did appeal?  How many appeals were accepted?  On what grounds were the appeals rejected?   
PLANS  How many - if any - applicants offered a plan for self-managing their own self-isolation? i.e. so they could leave the hotel and visit the dying person  
How many such plans were accepted by MOH.? If none, why not?  Did MOH develop any such plan that it could offer applicant(s) for management of isolation 
while making a visit to dying person (eg, supervision while on visit, provision of PPE on visit, etc).  If not, why not?  Was any alternative such plan offered to 
applicant(s) by MOH?    CRITERIA  Pls provide the criteria your team uses to assess applications  Pls advise if ANY weighting at all is given to financial 
considerations, and if so how much (i.e. considering any cost that might be incurred by the public in granting the exemption).   OTHER CASES  How many non-
returning travellers, i.e. people in NZ already, has  he MOH allowed to travel between regions to see someone who was dying, since the start of lockdown till 
now?  Are there any requirements a person needs to fulfil to make such an inter-region visit?  How many of the 24 if any were offered a test for Covid-19? How 
many were tested? How many asked for or sought a test but were not given a test? How many tested positive? Negative? Did MOH provide the option for 
applicants to ask for and be tested?
OIA - The stated legal basis for the requirement that all travellers entering New Zealand at any sea or airport from 10 April 2020 are required to go into 
‘managed isolation’ or a quarantine facility  - How many times Medical Officers of Heal h have issued directions under subpart 2 of Part 3A of  he Health Act 
1956 since these provisions came into force on 7 January 2017, by year, and if possible, in relation to  he type of infectious disease (e.g. tuberculosis, COVID-
19)  - How many times Medical Officers of Health have made urgent public health orders under s92ZF of the Health Act 1956 since these provisions came into 
force on 7 January 2017, by year, and if possible, in relation to the type of infectious disease (e.g. tuberculosis, COVID-19)  - How many public health orders 
have been made by a District Court under s92ZA of the Health Act 1956 since these provisions came into force on 7 January 2017, by year, and if possible, in 
relation to the type of infectious disease (e.g. tuberculosis, COVID-19)  - The extent to which any notices have been issued to specific named individuals to be 
isolated by Medical Officers of Health pursuant to section 70(1)(f) this year, and in particular, since New Zealand’s first case of COVID-19.
OIA Par ial transfer from VUW - “How many individuals did the university and government personnel responsible for contact tracing contact?”
OIA - Can I please request all information held by  he Ministry of Health about the Italian crew member who joined the Ruby Princess.
OIA - I would like informaion relating to Covid 19 by Territorial Local Authority, for Northland District Health Board. For each of the 3 TLA's could you provide 
The number of positive Covid cases and the number of people tested.
OIA - Total number of cancer diagnoses registered in the The New Zealand Cancer Registry (for all types of cancer) each week of the year from 1 January 2015 
to 30 April 2020. Under the Official Information Act I am requesting data on the total number of cancer diagnoses registered in the The New Zealand Cancer 
Registry (for all types of cancer) each week of the year from 1 January 2015 to 30 April 2020.
OIA - Total Number of Dea hs in New Zealand per week from 1 January 2015 to 30 April 2020 “Under the Official Information Act I am requesting data on how 
many deaths in New Zealand occurred for each week of the year from 1 January 2015 to 30 April 2020”
OIA - A copy of the daily dairy for ministers (or in the case of  he Ministry of Health, the director-general of health) for the period March 1, 2020 to the date this 
request is received. 
OIA - I request all communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ All 
original documentation including…around the Ruby Princess crew member who flew into Dunedin from Northern Italy and joined the crew on 12 March.  Under 
section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet papers and 
texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ Associated with the cruise ship Ruby Princess to New Zealand in March 2020 ?
OIA - I request all communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ Original 
documentation including…around all maritime documentation for cruise ships in New Zealand between March 8 and March 17 inclusive  ꞏ Including Maritime 
Declaration of Health, Advance Notice of Arrival and No Change of Health Status forms and any attachments
OIA - I request all communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet papers and texts regarding the following information: ꞏ All 
original documentation including…communications wi h Health Care Logistics around flu vaccine stock in March, April and May 2020. ꞏ All original 
documentation including…communications wi h Auckland Metro DHB around flu vaccine supplies in 2020.
OIA - I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ 
Around how many people arrived from China after the travel ban who registered with Health line  ꞏ All original documents…around people arriving from China 
after the travel ban was in effect and before Health line’s COVID-19 number was functional who are not registered with Health line ? ꞏ Around people who 
entered New Zealand after symptomatic quarantining was required, but were not quarantined and later had a posi ive coronavirus test. ꞏ Around people who 
entered New Zealand with symptoms requiring quarantining and returning a positive coronavirus test 

OIA - Me hodology and regularity of HISF audits Please provide current documents and reports that detail the methodology and regularity of HISF audits  hat 
are conducted upon  he following types of agencies: 1. New Zealand Public Service Agency 2. New Zealand State Sector Agency 3. New Zealand Health 
Agency If no such audits are carried out, please provide explanation and/or justification as to why, with reference to the Health Information Privacy Code 1994.   
Agency obligations for the holding and disclosure of medical and health information I refer to the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and the Health 
Information Security Framework:
security-framework Please compare and contrast the differences between the obligations and legislative responsibilities that each of the following types of 
agencies must adhere to when collecting, holding, disclosing, and sharing medical and heal h information: 1. New Zealand Public Service Agency 2. New 
Zealand State Sector Agency 3. New Zealand Health Agency
OIA - MoH advice given to GPs regarding diagnosis of stress during covid19  What advice has been given to GPs in relation to diagnosing stress during covid? 
And why?  What advice has been given to GPs around not to give medical certificates for stress as a result of covid? And why?  Why are GPs being advised to 
make stress an issue between employers and employees?  What makes the government experts on what cons itutes "stress"? Is this not the expertise of the 
medical profession?  Is this to manipulate data by avoiding acknowledging that the lockdown is the stressor?
OIA - National Reserve Supply (NRS) stored by DHBs To this end we are asking all DHBs to share with us, and ideally place on their websites, the following 
information as applicable on the items listed below: the locations (e.g. hospital name), quantities, brand names, number of uses (i.e. are they disposable or 
reusable?), purchase dates and expiry dates: 1. Gowns 2. Masks 3. Goggles 4. Gloves 5. Disinfectant (e.g. bleach)* 6. Hand sanitiser* 7. Oxygen tanks* 8. CT 
scanners* 9. Medical ventilators*  The items asterisked above are ones for which we understand the informa ion might need to be sought from hospitals in your 
district. For this reason, we thought a two batch approach to supplying this informa ion might be realistic, Batch 1 being the PPEs (1–4 above) and Batch 2 
OIA - Please could you send me a list of the number of suicides per week between the 1st May 2019 to 1st May 2020. If, due to the timing, there is only half of 
the month of April 2020 then this will be fine.  I do not want any person details of the deceased, just the weekly numbers.  
OIA - Please provide information on the formal requirements for identifying lockdown stress, and how it is proposed for doctors to acknowledge and manage 
OIA - please provide me with detail on your organisation’s use of requisitioning powers authorised under the state of emergency or under the epidemic notice. I 
would like to know what sorts of goods have been requisitioned, how frequently this has happened, and what compensa ion has been offered. Note that I am 
making the same request of  he Ministry of Health,  he District Health Boards, and Civil Defence.    I would like copies of any requisition orders provided under 
90(3) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act, as well as copies of any requisi ion orders produced under 90(5) of the same Act. I also request detail 
of any compensation provided.    I would also like copies of any requisition orders produced under 71 (1) of the Public Health Act, also with detail of any 
compensation provided.  In this request the term requisition means any exercise of a power or purported power to take or use property temporarily or 
permanently in connection with the Covid emergency by the Crown or a public agency or for a public purpose, which is not on arms length consensual terms. In 
other words the request is not confined solely to requisitions made under the provisions mentioned above, or solely if they were described to the owner or 
occupier as requisitions.    Please also provide any background papers, policies, guidelines, advice, or related documents on the use of requisitioning powers 
OIA - Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet 
papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ around the 15 asymptomatic coronavirus positive people at April 2 2020 including demographics, 
whether they were involved in educational or essential services, whether they eventually developed symptoms and contact tracing. ꞏ around people with travel 
ban exemptions such as essential health workers and humanitarian workers who developed coronavirus.   
OIA - Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet 
papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ Around changing the definition of close contact from 1m to 2m. 
OIA - Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet 
papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ Around the entering and recording of clinical details on coronavirus test laboratory forms including the 
site from where the swab was taken. ꞏ That describe…the shortest, longest and average time frame between when the first coronavirus lab sample is taken 
from a subsequently positive person to when that person first responds as part of contact tracing ꞏ That describes the time frame between a positive coronavirus 
test and resolved contact tracing around people as the shortest, longest and average ? 
OIA - Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet 
papers and texts regarding the following information:   ꞏ The Mar 13 report to the Ministry indicating past evidence from pandemics in New Zealand indicates 
relatively higher health burdens for Māori and Pacific peoples are likely
OIA - Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 I request all original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet 
papers and texts regarding the following information: All information relating to meetings of the Technical Advisory Group including those in the following table 
from January 1 2020

OIA - Under  he Official Information Act I request a copy of all information provided by the Ministry of Health as referred to in  he NZ Herald article attached 
below. I would expect this to include the briefing paper, memo or email which the article suggests was provided to the Prime Minister or her office prior to her 
post Cabinet press conference on Monday 4 May and which led to her saying that there'd been 283 requests for an exemption to the conditions of isolation by 
April 30 - 24 of  hose requests were because a relative was dying or close to dying and 18 of those were granted. I specifically want to see what has been 
described by the media as a “confusing layout of figures” for which the Ministry has apologised.  
https://www icle.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=12330182  Given  he considerable public interest in this issue, and the fact that the 
Ministry has apologised for the confusing layout, I would ask that  his request be treated as urgent pursuant to section 12(3) of the Official Information Act and 
that  he information be provided to me as soon as possible.
OIA: The amount spent on Covid-19 related adver ising since March 1, 2020 and until the date this request is receieved, broken down by both publisher and 
medium (print, radio, television and online).
OIA - A company I work with is interested in exploring the medical cannabis industry and possibly setting up a cultivation facility in the South Island. I have had a 
good read through you website and understand the applica ion process, we have potential location and meet eligibility criteria. I have sent you this email to 
request information from other successful applications for cultivation and supply licences to help us write a suitable application in regard to location, security 
and specific details relating to the activity.  Could you please send any applications made by Helius Therapeu ics in regard to their indoor facility based in East 
Tamaki so we can get an idea of  he depth of information required for a successful application. I'm under the impression this information is available under the 
Official Information Act but my apologies in advance if it is not.
OIA: Can you please supply a copy of all the narrative reports back to 1 April 2019 up to the date you deliver this request.
OIA - I request disclosure of all information held by the Prime Minister, Cabinet, Attorney-General, Minister of Civil Defence, and Director-General of Health 
about:   1.The legal authority and basis for declaring a state of national emergency, and for continuing to renew
 that.  2.The legal authority and basis for the 
Prime Minister’s pronouncements requiring all persons to stay home between 26 March and 3 A
pril 2020.  3.The legal authority and basis for the Director-
General’s subsequent s 70(1)(f) orders, against an almost entirely
 health population.  4.The legal authority and basis to treat “isolation” and “quarantine” 
differently to the defini ion of those concepts in the International Heal h Regulation
s 2005.  5.The legal authority and basis for the Director-General to not 
exercise the powers in ss 70(1)(e) and (ea) instead of or at the same time as the s 70(1)(f) power
. 6.The legal authority and basis for  he Director-General to 
not exercise the power in s 70(1)(h) generally at the same time as the power in s 70(1)(f), so that the freedom of healthy people is not restri
cted. 7.The legal 
authority and basis for the Director-General to abdicate  he exercise of s 70(1)(h) in response to several individual requests I have made for medical 
examination so that I may be released from any s 70(1)(f) directive, in order to not further limit my ss 16 to 18 rights and to afford rights reflected in the Health 
and Disability Services Eligibility Direction 201
1. 8.The legal authority and basis for Cabinet to restrict the ss 16 to 18 rights by making and dictating decisions 
to move between the alert levels, as stated by the Prime Minister in her televised statement on 21 March 2020; and by the Director-General before the Epidemic 
Response Committee on 6 May 2020; and at paragraph 119 in the paper entitled COVID-19: Alert Level Framework for Levels 1, 2, and 3: Details and 
entation. 9.Correspondence with or between the Prime Minister, Cabinet and the Director-General about moving to and between the various alert 
levels and the making of s 70(1) orders. 10. A copy of the advice that was annexed to the Director-General’s written response provided to the Epidemic 
Response Committee, in reply to the Committee’s question whether he would release advice relating to the exercise of s 70(1) powers.  11. Communications 
between Mike Clements and John Tims at 11.14am on 28 March 2020.  12. The email from s 9(2)(a)
 at Crown Law to William Peoples at 10.25pm on 
27 March 2020, including document POL055 2475.FID422945. 13. The basis for asserting that the restrictions on the ss 16 to 18 freedoms are justified in a free 
and democratic society, as it applies to  he period between 11.59pm on 25 March and 6.00pm on 3 April 2020; the period between 6.00pm on 3 April and 
11.59pm on 27 April 2020; and,  he period between 11.59pm on 27 April 2020 and now.    This request includes informa ion on which legal privilege has been 
waived by statements made by the abovementioned persons about the content of legal advice, which in my view includes  he advice in Annex 3 to  he Cabinet 
Paper dated 23 March 2020 entitled COVID-19 Moving to Alert Level 3 and Level 4.   I also ask  he Attorney-General to consider and respond on the 
appropriateness of waiving legal privilege in relation to legal advice on which privilege has not already been waived, in the public interest in light of  he 
significant issues relating to mass restric ion of rights, the rule of law and democracy itself. I ask for that consideration to be made without influence from what 
has the appearance of a “gag order” by the Prime Minister yesterday.    If it assists, I am prepared to make an appropriate undertaking to keep confidential any 
legally privileged information other than for the purpose of  he information being considered by a court.    Where legal privilege is not waived, I ask for a copy of 
documents  hat contain any legal advice with only the legally privileged parts redacted.   This request does not include unredacted information currently 
available on https://covid19.govt nz/ or on    I request this information urgently for the purpose of an 
urgent judicial review application. In order to not frustrate rights, I ask for this information within 36 hours.
OIA: 1. How many people have died in New Zealand from influenza from the period 01 January to 01 May 2020. 2. How many people died in New Zealand of 
influenza during the Covid-19 Level 4 and Level 3 lockdowns.
OIA: Are all testing laboratories by what means accredited? And since when?  If not, why not?  I would like to see the list of accredited laboratories to perform 
the PCR-test, and the link to the accreditation body.  What is the accreditation body?  How is the accreditation done, and by whom?  Would you please answer 
the remaining questions of my original request, as your given reason for refusal seems to be invalid!

OIA: 1. What is the total number of people that have been hospitalized with the Covid 19 Virus  2. It was reported to the epidemic response committee that there 
had been over 2000+ deaths during the lockdown. What is the breakdown of the cause of deaths
OIA: First Request: What legal authority is is being used by the MOH to make the statement, “Only registered funeral directors may handle deceased persons”, 
and  he similar statement, “Only registered funeral directors can lawfully handle, store and transport deceased persons.”  Second Request: What legal authority 
is being used by  he MOH to make the statement, “As is always the case, a registered funeral director must be engaged to carry out the functions of burial or 
cremation and transpor ing a deceased person in New Zealand.”
OIA: Under the Official Information Act, I would like to know what happens, what is done if any hing, when a health consumer reports an incident? What is the 
purpose of reporting an incident and what are the procedures done around reported incidents?
OIA - Working from home - details on the number of Ministry employees (and / or percentage of the workforce) who were able to log-in to work from home, and 
the number who had sufficient equipment to be able to work from home during  he Covid-19 crisis. - and reports (advice or analysis documents, not including 
correspondence) that include information about the number of employees who were able to work from home during  he Covid-19 crisis.
OIA transferred from Minister Clark's office: Given that Electroconsulsive Treatment has been used as a method of torture historically in New Zealand, can you 
please inform me of the precise number of these devices in NZ hospitals in present time? Given that a senior psychiatrist. s 9(2)(a)
 thoroughly trained 
and qualified by NZ Govt standards. used one of these devices to torture the genitalia of young boys, and that use of this device has also been declared and 
categorized as a form of torture, on what evidence (not basis but evidence and testing) is it continued as "therapy" in New Zealand?
OIA: - how many people in New Zealand are currently held in care under section 34 of the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992? - 
how many people in the past 20 years have sought ministerial directions from the Minister under section 32 of the NZPHD Act in rela ion to people held in 
compulsory care? - how many have made complaints under the New Zealand Code of Patients Rights in relation to section 34 orders and whether  hey are the 
individuals in the care or their family or friend member? - how many ombudsman reports has the Ministry recieved in relation to individuals care under section 
34 or the facilities in its report in the past 10 years? - has  he Ministry conducted any review of the policy under section 34 of the Mental Health (Compulsory 
Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992 in the past five years? If so, can I please have policy documents?
OIA - I would like a list of what church leaders, by name and denomination, were consulted by either the Minister of Health or anyone else from the ministry with 
regards to the impact of COVID-19 Level 2 restrictions and church services and / or funerals. If the names of the church leader is considered confidential, I 
request an overview of which denominations were consulted, including independent churches.
OIA: - The number of air ambulance and rescue helicopter callouts in the year to October 31 2019, in the Rotorua district.* - The number of air ambulance and 
rescue helicopter callouts in the six months to April 30 2020, in the Rotorua district.* *Flights requested by ambulance services, district health boards, police and 
the Rescue Coordination Centre of New Zealand but not interhospital transfers, search and rescue missions and Fire and Emergency New Zealand call-outs. - 
What the Ministry of Health spent nationally on air ambulances in the year to October 31 2019. - What the Ministry of Health spent nationally on air ambulances 
in the six months to April 30 2020. - Average day activation times per month for each of  he Taupō and Tauranga helicopters in the year to October 31 2019. - 
Average day activation times per month for each of the Taupō and Tauranga helicopters in the six months to April 30 2020. - Average night activation times per 
mon h for each of the Taupō and Tauranga helicopters in the year to October 31 2019. - Average night activation times per month for each of the Taupō and 
Tauranga helicopters in  he six mon hs to April 30 2020. 
OIA: (Partial transfer from DPMC)   6. What does elimination mean in practice?  6 a. Can you explain what that means in prac ice? In particular, is the goal to 
eradicate the virus…  6 b. In terms of public policy terminology, if ‘elimination’ does not mean zero cases, could the word ‘eradication’ be used to describe 
permanent zero cases is there a preference for ‘permanent eradication’?...  9. How has the Government’s pandemic response to date been different from what 
was originally planned under the 2017 New Zealand Pandemic Influenza Plan?  9 b. Is a review of the 2015 Na ional Health Emergency Plan being considered?  
9.j. Is a review of the 2017 New Zealand Pandemic Influenza Plan being considered?  9.k. Is it time to remove the term ‘influenza’ from the title 2017 New 
Zealand Pandemic Influenza Plan to become the New Zealand Pandemic Plan (to reflect that viruses that cause pandemics are not limited to an influenza 
virus)?  9.l. What other processes, instruments or institutions have been/are being created to help advise Government in the future that are not mentioned in  he 
2017 New Zealand Pandemic Influenza Plan? Please explain.  10. Are there any processes in place to collate lessons learnt?  10.a. Please advise who is 
responsible for collating reflections and lessons learned?  10.d. What has been actioned to improve New Zealand’s ability to cope with the next epidemic or 
OIA: Can I please have the R0 values for covid-19 in NZ for each day of  he week 3/5/2020 - 9/5/2020
OIA - All reports, memos, emails, letters, notes, draft documents and any other communications with the Health Prac itioners Disciplinary Tribunal and / or its 
Professional Conduct Committee relating to Dr Mitchell Dean Feller or his product Te Kiri Gold between January 2019 and December 2019.  It is understood 
elements of the requested information might not be considered public information. If this is the case, I would ask each element is considered separately, 
described as best it can be and reasons for any information being declined being set against the information sought.

OIA - Copies of legal opinions prepared by the Crown Law Office held by the Ministry of Health regarding the exercise of  he Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006, 
the Health Act 1956, the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, or any o her legisla ion relied upon by the Government as part of the response to 
OIA - I am requesting the following under the Official Information Act (1982)    A list of all uniform garments worn by staff at your ministry.  A list of where each 
item is made. A list of the suppliers used, and the name of the factories the garments are produced in.    So for example: Long sleeve shirt, made in xx, supplied 
by xx , Produced in xx
OIA - I wish to receive information relating to the number of home births in New Zealand during the nationwide coronavirus lockdown from March 25 to April 27.  
Can this information be broken down by DHB loca ion, date and sex. Can figures also be provided for the same period in 2019.
OIA - I would like to know how the government's selection process (e.g. how many apply, interview, shor list etc) of it's Contact Tracing Assurance Committee, 
how the government call for express of interest, has any general public able to express their interest? What is the member's job description and their salary 
OIA - Please provide the number of confirmed community infections of COVID-19/Coronavirus, corrected so as not to include unconfirmed or suspected cases, 
by day, since NZ started recording Covid infection dates until May 31st, 2020 or as of the date this request is processed
OIA - Pls release in fully searchable format, a RECORD of any and all communications between MOH and/or its agents, and US firm Palantir and/or its agents 
(eg a NZ lawyer); AND any and all communications about Palantir between MOH and/or its agents and any other part of Govt including Ministers, depts, 
agencies and DHBs; -    for the period since Jan 1, 2019 till most recently; -   PLUS the communications themselves and any and all attachments, including but 
not limited to:   Emails Texts  Minutes Verbal discussions
OIA - Why did the Ministry of Health change its definition of a closed cluster of cases, so it is now considered closed after two full transmission periods since  he 
last case has completed their isolation.  Why did the Ministry make  his change in mid-May, after a number of clusters had already closed?   All documents, 
including advice and papers, related to this decision.
OIA: Can you please provide what *evidence* (meta-analysis preferred) is used to make  he assertion that puberty blockers "are a safe and fully reversible 
medicine", which is stated on the following page. Can you also please provide information of  he risk assessments that have taken place before providing 
puberty blockers to children.
OIA: I wish to know the total numbers of New Zealanders who are/have been vaccinated each year from 2012 to 2019, and for the same time period,  he 
recorded numbers of people who suffered from a case of influenza, and the recorded numbers of deaths primarily from influenza or actions arising from 
influenza. A table showing  he three sets of data Vaccinations, Total Cases and Dea hs for each year 2012-2019 is requested.
OIA: Please accept this email as my Official Informa ion Act request for the number of daily, and weekly na ionwide suicides during the COVID-19 levels of 
lockdown to the date of your response within 20 working days of receiving this Official Information Act request email.
OIA - 1) about whether COVID-19 has been isolated and if so, by whom, where and on what basis 2) about who supplies the test kits being used in New 
Zealand and details on how these have been satisfactorily tested for efficacy 3) about whether the testing undertaken specifically tests for and iden ifies COVID-
19. If not, then details on what the testing does identify and whether it is testing for coronavirus in general, current influenza or something else. 4) If the testing is 
not specific to COVID-19 - any information about whether persons who have previously received the current or prior years annual influenza vaccine would then 
show a "positive" result on the testing being undertaken. 5) the information provided to those who may be directed to undertake 'medical examination' as 
detailed in the Act  Please email me if you have any queries or require any clarification of this request. Please could you provide this urgently as this is a matter 
of considerable public interest and may affect the lives and wellbeing of New Zealanders particularly if further section 11 orders are enforced on  he basis of any 
testing or medical examina ion.
OIA - Please advise, as at time of your response, how many people who died of Covid19 in NZ had received the flu shot in the months/days leading up to the 
date they passed away. For the people who did receive the flu vaccination, please provide their age at date of death, and number of days prior to passing that 
they received the flu shot, and if they were a confirmed (via testing) or a probable covid (please clarify negative tested or not tested at all).   Furthermore, can 
you please provide clarity around why and how some deaths are described as covid deaths, while tested negative?  As at the date of your response, how many 
of NZ deaths related to covid: -tested positive,  -how many tested negative,  -and how many were not tested at all?   Is it protocol to remove any negative tested 
dead from our NZ covid death stats?  Is it protocol to remove any negative tested pa ients from the covid stats, or do they stay as probable (due to symptoms) 
even if tested negative?  Are the negative tested covid deaths reported to World Heal h Organisation?

OIA - Please could you urgen ly provide under the Official Information Act any information held by the Minister of Health and/or Ministry of Health: 1 about any 
possible correlation between flu vaccinations and positive Covid19 test results  2 indicating any possible correlation between flu vaccinations and deaths from 
covid-19 virus 3 current MoH policy on who should receive flu vaccinations 4 a copy of the safety data for each flu vac type that is approved for use in NZ 
showing any warnings about risk for any group and any impact on other respiratory illnesses 5 information to show any instructions or advice given to doctors, 
DHBs, coroners or others to assess and report on any people reported to have died from Covid have had  he flu vaccine 6 All reports of possible or confirmed 
adverse effecrs from flu vaccines in the last 5 years; 7 Any internal or external advice assessing any possible correlation between flu vaccines and harm from 
Covid virus.  8 Any internal or external advice with recommending any changes to the circumstances flu vaccines are recommended and who they provided to, 
or not recommended for, in New Zealand 9 Any advice or recommendations on changes that should be made to reporting requirements for flu vaccines to 
better assess risks and if no such recommendations have been made, then why not. 10 any factors other than vaccines or in conjunction with vaccines which 
correlate with harm from Coburg including, medical condition, air / environmental factors, smoking etc and any reports or other information you hold on these.
OIA: (Transferred from MO) All relevant evidence, scientific studies, interna ional rulings and justification that the government uses to enforce this aspect of the 
Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 on its citizens
OIA: How many knee arthroplasties have been undertaken at the Hutt DHB per year for the last 5 years? How many hip arthroplasties have been undertaken at 
the Hutt DHB per year for the last 5 years? What is the overall cost of  he outpatient service per patient following a knee arthroplasty, itemised if possible? What 
is the overall cost of  he outpatient service per patient following a hip arthroplasty, itemised if possible?
OIA - I would like to request under  he freedom of information act, a copy of all ingredients in the Flu vaccine 2020
OIA - Request 1 - Foreign Affairs Please provide any documented evidence of directives or instruction that the New Zealand Government acted on, and/or 
received from  he World Health Organisation, the United Nations or any other foreign corporate entity in regards to initiating New Zealand’s ‘lockdown’. This 
may include and not be limited to emails, official documents, agendas, foreign documentation, minutes to meetings or legislation.  Request 2 - Health Please 
provide documented evidence of what "fact checking" the Prime Minister did before calling  he lockdown. What scientific models, peer reviewed studies and/or 
independent, unbiased, scientific research or advice did  he Prime Minister base her decisions on. This may include and not be limited to scien ific peer 
reviewed studies, independent, unbiased scientific models, emails, official documents or minutes to meetings. Models from Professor Neil Ferguson will not 
suffice as they have been shown to be fraudulent.
OIA - Details of any social media spend Ministry of Health has made between 1 January 2020 and 17 May 2020, including a description of the content, the 
platform and the associated account the content was posted on.  Details of any budget Ministry of Health has made available to other government department 
or ministers offices for social media spend between 1 January 2020 and 17 May 2020, including a descrip ion of the content, the platform and the associated 
account the content was posted on.  Details of any budget Ministry of Health has received from o her government departments or ministers offices for social 
media spend between 1 January 2020 and 17 May 2020, including a description of the content,  he platform and the associated account the content was posted 
on. You can upload a file with your request:  

OIA - I am making an informa ion request of the Ministry of Health. In particular, I request any legal advice that the Ministry, either internally, or from Crown Law 
or anouther outside source, has in relation to the enforcement of conditions during the recent lockdown period (ie the period from the announcement of the 
altern levels system on 21 March 2020, until  he entry into force of the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level 2) Order 2020). The request covers 
relevant advice whether it was received during the lockdown period, but which was relevant to the enforcement of any conditions, whether under the Health Act, 
the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act, rules or orders made under these, and the general law (by way of example only, the Summary Offences Act).   I 
am aware that legal professional privilege is not a conclusive ground for declining a request under the OIA, so I anticipate  hat you will need to consider the 
public interest in release of the advice, notwithstanding that some or all of it may be protected by a desire to maintain legal professional privilege. I consider that 
the release of information around the government's view of the legality of its enforcement powers during  he lockdown is of the highest public interest:  The loss 
of liberty during the lockdown was substantial, and  he government has acknowledged as much, it is therefore important to know whether the government was 
actually confident of its legal position, and whether  he govenment instructions and advertising around requirements to isolate, and forbidding various activities 
had a proper legal basis, or whe hr there was doubt about the Government's position, which was taken advantage of. Many individuals have been subject not 
just to general restrictions on  heri liberty, but to specific directions from eg Police or Civil Defence, under threat of arrest for non-compliance.  Government 
ministers, including the Prime Minister and  he Attorney-General have made public statements about the Government's position, and there is a public interest in 
knowing whether their public pronouncements are backed by the Government's legal advice, or whether they have misled the public. This public interest is 
sufficiently high that at least some of the legal advice received arund this matter ought to be released.  I also note that on 8 May 2020, the Attorney-General 
gave a public speech on facebook, a transcript of which appears on the Beehive website (
covid-19-response-legal-underpinnings-and-legal-privilege). This speech included statements that released aspects of Crown Law's "considered advice", for 
example:  "Turning back to the underlying substance, recent specula ion that our legal advice  hrows doubt on the legal basis is wrong. It appears to be based 
on draft views provided to agencies for feedback. That was not the considered advice of Crown Law, which was that there was no gap in enforcement powers."  
And also recorded the legal advice of Crown Law around the legality of enforcement:  "... on the advice we have received from Crown Law there is no gap in the 
legality of the powers of enforcement under levels 3 and 4. "  These statements go beyond a mere acknowledgement of the fact that advice was received, and 
also do not merely record the government's position based on that advice but the nature of the advice itself.  You will appreciate that statements such as these 
may constitute a waiver of the confidentiality of legally privileged material, and thus remove, in whole or in part, the nature of the advice as being protected by 
legal privilege.  Obviously,  his waiver of privilege may be a complete waiver, or a par ial waiver, but that will depend on the nature of the advice: an opinion that 
was solely around the legality of enforcement might have the entirely of its privilege waived by that statement, but an opinion which also dealt with other 
matters, may only be subject to a partial waiver.  I cannot know whether any advice received by the Ministry touched on issues in respect of which the Attorney-
General has already made public statements recording the advice, but in considering the response to this information request, I ask that you take account of 
this in assessing whether any advice remains protected by legal privilege.  I note that I will be sending similar information requests to Civil Defence/DPMC and 
Police, in relation to the legal advice they have recieved, so if some of the advice you have received is identical to that received by them, there could be no 
objec ion to some co-ordination in your responses.
OIA - 1. the amount of emergency funding (ie over and above regular funding) given to general practices to date to support them through the Covid-19 response 
(total and by practice)  2. the criteria used to allocate the funding  3. is it possible to quantify how this funding was distributed, according to patient 
sociodemographic characteristics (i.e. what were  he equity consequences of the funding decisions) and practice characteristics (i.e. VLCA, non-VLCA but took 
up the CSC funding option, neither VLCA nor CSC funding option) 4. for each practice that received funding, at the time that funding was first allocated for this 
purpose, what were their data according to the criteria used to allocate funding  5. for each practice that received funding, at the time that funding was first 
allocated for this purpose:  a) With which PHO was that practice affiliated b) What were the funding characteristics of the practice (VLCA, non-VLCA but took up 
the CSC funding option, neither VLCA nor CSC)  c) What was their total number of enrolled patients  d) What was their number of enrolled pa ients by:   i. 
Ethnicity (prioritised, level 1)   ii. NZDep index quintile   iii. Age group (in 5-year age bands up to 90 years and 90+)   iv. CSC holder status (yes/no)   v. High use 
health card status (yes/no)   vi. VLCA criteria (i.e. Maori and/or Pacific and/or NZ Dep index quintile 5, yes/no)  e) What was their number of staff, in FTE (total 
and by staff type: medical, nursing, o her health professional, other)  
OIA - I am seeking technical information about the Rippl contact tracking system developed by PaperKite.  In particular I am seeking information about the 
technical design of the system including what data is stored, where data is stored, how data flows between parts of the Rippl system, what data is 
communicated with other systems and how this is done, what func ions the software has, how these functions are implemented, and what is  he future roadmap 
of the product's development.  I expect that this request could be satisfied by providing technical architectural documents and protocol specifications prepared 
by the developer or by a similar description prepared internally.  I also request copies of any privacy impact assessments or similar documents.  I understand 
that  he system is probably still under development (although it has been deployed) and therefore likely to change but I am happy to accept draft or beta 
documents.  Finally, I recommend that the best way to provide these documents to me is by publishing them on your website so that others can also access 

OIA - I request a copy of all information provided to the Director-General or any person on his behalf by the Ministry of Health and any other department or 
person (such as staffers from Ministerial offices) for the purpose of the Director-General’s preparation for his Covid-19 press conferences on 4, 11 and 18 May 
2020. I would expect this to include briefing papers, emails or notes.
OIA: *Media Request*  I would like to know whether there has been any meeting between the creators of the contact tracing app Rippl, and the Ministry of 
Health.    Can I please request information around any potential meeting:  Agenda  Meeting Minutes  Any presentation documents  Any briefing documents   
Was any Privacy Impact Assessment developed by the Ministry of Health? If so, can you please supply the PIA.  What were the reasons given for not forming a 
partnership between the Ministry of Health and  he App?    Furthermore, can you please confirm whether meetings took place between the Ministry of Health, 
and any other app developer in the realm of contact tracing? Can you please provide details as to the meeting, the agenda, the briefing, and whether a PIA was 
developed? Can you please supply all necessary documents.
OIA: I have been advised by the ombudsman that the following document is the Director Generals written recommendation to the prime minister under s5 of the 
Epidemic Preparedness Act.
the-Epidemic-Preparedness-Act-2006-Report-23-03-20.pdf  I have also been advised by the ombudsman (see email below) that Keriana Brooking signed page 
5 of  he document on behalf of  he Director General following receipt of authorisation from the Director-General. Could you please provide me a copy of the 
record of Director-Generals au horisation (including relevant record number and date the record was made).   It is also evident from page 5 that the prime 
minister and other ministers have not witnessed  he recommendation. Could you also provide a copy of any records (if any) that show the recommendation was 
witnessed by the prime minister and ministers (including relevant record number and date the record was made). If there is no other records could you please 
confirm  his.
OIA - I would like to request information on the number of Covid 19 cases that have occurred in our township, Huntly and also  he townships of Te Kauwhata, 
Ngaruawahia, Ohinewai and Taupiri as we draw attendees from those towns as well.   Therefore under the Freedom of Information Act I formally request Covid 
19 numbers for the following (separately listed please) Huntly township Ngaruawahia township Te Kauwhata township Taupiri township Ohinewai township 
Rural area around the above townships.
OIA: (Transferred from PMO) Please provide documentary evidence  hat the New Zealand Government received and/or acted on instructions from the World 
Health Organization or any other foreign entity to hold a 'lockdown' in New Zealand, as well as documentary evidence of any other alternative actions, if any, 
that were received from  he World Health Organization or any other foreign entity.
OIA: I am requesting the official data (even if only provisional is available) for NZ suicide statistics, from 23rd March through to 15 May for the years 2016, 2017, 
2018, 2019 and 2020, to provide accurate figures on this "debate".
DCOIA664 - please can I have any advice, briefings, Aide Memoire or correspondence relating to the COVID tracer app?
OIA - 1 What information the Ministry of Health or any entity it funds makes available to medical practitioners who are responsible for providing flu vaccinations 
to members of the New Zealand public, about any risk factors or other harmful effects from the influenza vaccine? 2 What if any other informa ion is available to 
New Zealand medical practi ioners about the risks and possible harmful effects of influenza virus for people who may be exposed to coronavirus and how those 
risks should be balanced bearing in mind that New Zealand was recently shutdown due to concerns about possible harm from covid-19? 3 What information 
does the ministry of health require or request from medical practi ioners who give pa ients the influenza vaccine to receive information about any harmful effects 
including any subsequent harm or death from coronavirus? 4 What if any research is being done in New Zealand into the risks for people who have been 
exposed to  he influenza vaccine and who are subsequently exposed to other respiratory viruses including  he coronavirus that causes covid-19. 5 If this 
attached research has not yet been considered by the Ministry of Health, what steps does the Ministry now intend to take to avoid unnecessary risk of harm to 
New Zealanders who are most suscep ible to covid-19?  What did we learn from Tamiflu?   BMJ 2020; 368 doi: (Published 19 
February 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;368 m626 TAMIFLU & INFLUENZA VACCINES: MORE HARM THAN GOOD? Owen Dyer reminds us that we have 
spent billions on a drug that possibly does more harm than good. (BMJ 2020;368:m626—February 19) The same thing can be said about influenza vaccines. 
We hear so much about the vital importance of flu shots that it will come as a nasty surprise to learn  hat they increase the risk of illness from noninfluenza virus 
infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. This has been shown in at 
least two studies that have received little attention from public health authorities: A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found 
that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted OR 2.13, CI 1 20—3.79). Overall, the vaccine increased the 
risk of virus-associated acute respiratory illness, including influenza, by 73% (OR 1.73, CI 0.99—3.03). (Table 2 in Kelly et al, Pediatr Infect Dis J 
2011;30:107)….A randomized placebo-controlled trial in Hong Kong children found that flu shots increased the risk of noninfluenza viral ARIs fivefold (OR 
4.91,CI 1.04—8.14) and, including influenza, tripled the overall viral ARI risk (OR 3.17, CI 1.04—9 83). (Table 3 in Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1778) 
OIA - Can I also request all correspondence and meeting minutes for Disability comms advisory group please.  Refined Any discussions relating to suppor ing 
communications with  he Deaf community thru covid19 lockdown which included MOH,MSD,MBIE, NEMA, ODI or Deaf Aotearoa. I’m at a bit of a loss to 
imagine why there might be too much to collate, unless there was a whole lot of discussion without much action.

OIA - COVID-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level 2) Order 2020 requires that businesses collect and maintain records of people entering their premises for 
contact tracing purposes, consisting of: "(a) a person’s full name (b) their residential address (c) an effective means of communicating with them (for example, 
an active phone number or email address) (d) the date on which, and the times at which, the person arrived and left the relevant place"  Could you please 
provide: 1. The Ministry's rationale for requiring residential addresses as part of contact tracing records, and 2. Which government agencies, if any, reviewed or 
had input on the Contact Tracing recordkeeping requirements in the Order.
OIA - I am wondering if you could please tell me how much money has been allocated in this year's Budget to autism training diagnosis, I see it was $100,000 
last year.
OIA - I would like to know what procedures are in place for health services in New Zealand when responding to calls from someone who is distressed and is 
concerned about self-harm (suicide), and has exis ing mental health issues.  I would like to know if there are procedures in place for heath services to respond 
to these calls? If  here is a procedure that should be followed, i would like to know if it varies depending on the type of health service provider?  What are the 
care responsibilities and obligations for each of these organisations in addressing self-harm/suicide?  I am particularly interested in: Non-for-profit heathcare 
services (such as Newtown Union Health care), and; CRS, part of  he mental health, addications and disability service.
OIA - refined 21/5: "All communications between the DG/DG staff and the Minister of Health, Hon Chris Hipkins and their offices regarding appearances before 
the Epidemic Response Committee since 15 May 2020. I would expect this to include all emails, memoranda, text or WhatsApp messages and recollections of 
any meetings or phone calls."
OIA: Medical history of hypothyroidism
OIA: The letter from Medsafe, dated 13 February 2009, sent to the registrar of the website nz (Roger Blake), in relation to compliable with the 
Medicines Act 1981
OIA - 1. From March 15 un il May 20, I request all emails received by staff at the Health Ministry from parents, students, teachers or members of the Board from 
Marist College which relate to COVID19 testing. This should include but not be limited to any correspondence which relates to complaints or concerns about a 
lack of testing, or the inability to get tested, and should include any responses to these queries from Health Ministry staff.    2. From March 15 until May 20, I 
request any documents, reports or emails held by the Ministry which relate to testing capacity or supply of swabs in relation to staff, students, or parents of 
Marist College, and or the Marist College cluster.   3. I request any reports or memos held by the Ministry which relate to the decision to offer free COVID19 
tests to Marist College students and staff.   4. From March 15 until May 20, I request any emails, memos, or reports held by the Ministry of Health which relate to 
testing capacity and or supplies of swabs or reagents na ionally. This should include but not be limited to emails sent to the Ministry from staff at labs, staff at 
GP clinics, or those working at or overseeing community based assessment centres.
OIA - 1. How many families are owed back pay from 17.70 to at least 20.50 as a result of  he changes made by the 13 Jan amendments, and the 4 weeks 
notice that had to be given at change of the amendment date 26 Feb to the s88 Notice for FFC
. 2.How many of the 475 people who were receiving FFC 
through DSS as of 1 January were eligible for the pay increase from January 14, 2020.  2a. How many of the 475 received a pay increase from this date?  2b. 
How many weeks were they
 paid for?  3.Please advise the total amount that was paid out to FFC recipients following the increase on January 14, 2020.   I 
note the notice was amended on 26 h February 2020, but the Notice of January 13 includes a clause saying the Notice can only be amended by the Heal h 
Minister with 4 weeks notice, making  hose who were receiving it from 13 January eligible for 10 weeks under the new rate.   4. Copies of all correspondence 
between health officials and  he Minister of Health or associate Health Minister relating the change in the Section 88 notice, amending the start date of the new 
payrate from 14th January 2020 to 14th April 2
020. 5. Copies of all correspondence between parents and the Ministry relating to change in start date. 
OIA - 1. I request any emails, memos, or reports held by the Heal h Ministry which relate to  he transfer of patients from St Margarets rest home to Waitakere 
Hospital.  2. I request any advice (including in reports or emails) sent by the MOH to the Waitemata DHB on staff training or hospital preparedness for COVID19 
at Waitakere Hospital.The period I am requesting this information is from March 15 until May 20.  3. I request any emails, memos or reports held by  he Health 
Ministry which relate to issues regarding supply or suitability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and or complaints about PPE issues or rostering of staff at 
Waitakere Hospital's COVID ward. The period I am requesting this information is from March 15 until May 20.
OIA - I would like to know which certifications I should have if selling medical supplies such as surgery mask or N95 mask etc. in NZ.
OIA - Please supply  he place of birth along with the date of arrival of each individual that arrived in New Zealand with this virus
OIA - Updating cleaning and security contract details Last year I requested, on behalf of the E tū union, certain information regarding the security and cleaning 
contracts held by the Ministry of Health for their buildings. The MoH response is attached. I am seeking an update of this information.

OIA partially transferred from office of the Prime Minister -  1. What organisa ion or multi national organisation, is it that the government takes advice from in 
regard to locking down a country? In this instance, is it the World Heal h Organisation? 2. Auckland University tell us how the testing is undertaken as per their 
website https:/lwww.auckland[or-covid-19- works html?fbclid=lwARl6eJV5yPvqdlhx53 
UZ¥M2i2q/2qTi0KGMWwEuRnzoNCzOM2Ts5 1 Vtb9a8 However, what I want to know is, what is the genetic sequence of Covid 19, and does the test, relate 
specifically to that sequence or are there also other diseases included in the test, which the test might identify, aside from the covid 19 sequence, which would 
give a positive result? In layman's terms, could the common cold or influenza test as positive for Covid 19? 3. Auckland University also seem to rise the 
question of  he accuracy of the kits, given  hat they could be contaminated as  hey are from overseas {China perhaps). Could you please give us a reassurance, 
that  hese kits are not contaminated. 4. Because, in other years, no country has ever tested for that exact covid 19 sequence, (presuming as above that only 
that one is being tested), how do scientists know that the sequence has not always been present in other diseases such as the common cold, influeza or 
pneumonia if it has never been seen or tested for before?
OIA - I have been unable to find the Source-code for the tracer app to confirm it works as it is intended.   Other jurisdictions have made their Source-code 
available.   The Labour government, in particular the Prime Minister, has stated that it wants to be fully open with the NZ Public so it should be provided.   I am 
an ICT professional and do have the capabili ies to review it.   Please provide it forthwith or a link to its location.   Also as updates are provided you will need to 
provide a repository where the Source-code for those is made available.   I would suggest GITHUB.
OIA - Copy of legal advice provided by Crown Law to  he Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, or to any other relevant government body, with regard 
to congregation restrictions on places of worship at Level 2.
OIA - I would like to make an OIA request regarding the NZ COVID Tracer app and I would like this handled urgently.  The Privacy Assessment [1] paragraph 31 
men ions analytics events are captured "When the Consumer uses the ‘scan location’ feature".  I would like to request:  - the daily number of 'scan location' 
analy ics events for all the days you have data for  I request urgency because COVID is a fast moving event and data is often obsolete by the time we get it if it's 
delayed even by a week. There is high public interest in making sure the government's tracing app is being widely used.  If possible, can I please ask this data 
to be proactively released every day on the Ministry's website to save me from making repeated request.
OIA - 1. A copy of the business case to rebuild the National Immunisation Register to ensure better access to immunisation inform
ation. 2.Copies of all advice 
prepared by heal h officials for the Minister and Associate Health Minister relating to the current state of the National Immunisation Register in the wake of the 
Covid 19 outbreak in New Zealand and  he register’s ability to cope if a Covid vaccine is pr
oduced?  3.Copies of all advice prepared by external experts to the 
Ministry about the current state of the National Immunisation Register in the wake of the Covid 19 outbreak in New Zealand and the register’s ability to cope if a 
Covid vaccine is produced?
OIA - A list of  he DHBs which provide free administration of cancer treatment drugs not funded by pharmac  
; -A list of the DHBs which do not provide free 
administration of cancer treatment drugs not funded by pharm
ac;  -A list of the DHBs which provide free administration of the cancer treatment drug Avastin; A 
list of the DHBs, and the cost charged, for the administration of the cancer treatment Avastin in DHBs that do not provide free administration.
OIA - Can I please have a record of funds provided for supporting the Deaf NZSL user community relevant to covid19 support. Also, who received the funds and 
what it was used for. I understand that because of the nature of the covid19 funding, as an extra ‘crisis’ payment the funds should not be considered of 
commercial sensitivity because they are not included in the regular contractual agreements.
OIA - Can you please tell me how many of the people who allegedly died of Covid 19 had the flu vaccination within 5 years prior?  And can you please tell me 
how many suicides have occurred while we were in lockdown.
OIA - I am requesting a breakdown of the costs associated with quarantining people entering New Zealand during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Please include the 
following in your response: A breakdown of costs by location - Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Please also itemise these costs by 
accommodation provider e.g. Rydges Hotel, Federal St, Auckland.  A breakdown of the total costs nationwide  Costs of food and any other non-accommodation 
related costs met by the Ministry for those in quarantine including, but not limited to security costs, transportation and clothing costs  Any medical costs 
associated with quarantining people  A breakdown of those quarantined including the number of people; the country they departed from; their nationality (as per 
their passport); their age group and gender  Please also include any details about any quarantined passenger who attempted to leave a quarantine facility 
before the two-week isolation period was complete, and outline any action taken legal or otherwise  A breakdown relating to those quarantined in campervans
OIA - I am seeking a copy of a report received by the Ministry of Health in December 2019 authored by Pricewaterhouse Cooper on St John's Workforce 
OIA - I am seeking the considerations of your department for our current health policy in relation to RhF under OIA. I can search for clinical papers but it might 
be more helpful if  hese were available and listed in the most recent MoH discussion document on this subject.I am not requiring anything to be produced that 
does not exist but Ministers of Health will no doubt have received guidance on such matters from public health.

OIA - I am writing to request information on any communications the Ministry of Health had with the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, or any representatives 
of this institution, during the month of Janurary 2020.   The data I am requesting specifically pertains to the following two points:  1) The date and  ime the 
Ministry of Health received any communica ions, or inititated any communication, with the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (whether by email, telephone 
conference, VoIP call, or otherwise) during the month of January 2020  2) The content of the above described communications, including but not limited to the 
body of emails, notes of meetings, or the Ministry of Health's summaries of these communications, or any documents/sections of documents in the Ministry's 
possesion which are informed by the contents of these communictions.
OIA - Please provide all reports in the Ministry's possession which were commissioned or produced by or for the Ministry of Health or West Coast DHB which 
considered fetal and infant mortality rates in the West Coast DHB.  The scope of this OIA is for all reports of the described nature between 2015 and 2020.
OIA - Relates to the Pe ition 2011/10 of s 9(2)(a)
 and 5,454 o hers and it's Report of the Heal h Committee. On page 6 of  he report it is mentioned that 
evidence from the Ministry of Heal h was heard on 19 September 2012. I would like to know what evidence was provided by the Ministry of Health to the Health 
Committee on that date.
OIA - Thank you for your undated letter received 22 May 2020. The letter is unclear as to  he number (and percentage) of wahine Maori who were successfully 
appointed to the jobs that they applied for at tier 2 or above over the past three years.   Although you refer to your website for your executive team I cannot 
determine from the information therein when each was appointed.  Also, the information provided by the external recruiters does not cover successful 
appointments and does not give a date range.   Can you provide the date range for the external recruiters charts, and clarify the number (and percentage) of 
wahine Maori who were successfully appointed to the jobs which they applied for at tier 2 or above over the past three years please.
OIA partially transferred from MO - 2. What tests has New Zealand undertaken to test randomly the nature of the Covid testing kits available here and whether 
they are complete accurate?
OIA transferred from Minister Clark's office - "...what informa ion you have received about Greenland Group NZ sourcing medical supplies here in NEW 
ZEALAND and then shipping  hem back to China, as they have in Australia and other nations, to fight their Coronavirus epidemic...."
OIA transferred from Minister Clark's office - 1) Please provide documentary evidence of the number of SIDS deaths in New Zealand in March, April, May 2020 
plus the comparative numbers of SIDS dea hs in each of the preceding 12 months.
OIA: I note the official Ministry of Health NZ COVID Tracer app page does not appear to disclose the actual developer of  he app.  Can you please tell me who 
the developer is.
OIA - 1. Between March 15 and April 15, please provide copies of all advice (emails, memos, reports) received by Dr Ashley Bloomfield in relation to the 
domestic and international supply and distribution of masks or any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This should include but not be limited to emails, 
reports or documentation containing information from domestic suppliers Quality Safety International (QSI) and any briefing notes or emails on the subject of 
PPE from media or policy advisors to Dr Bloomfield.   2. Between March 15 and April 15, please provide copies of any emails or reports held by the Heal h 
Ministry which relate to PPE supply from QSI's Whanganui factory. This should include but not be limited to any informa ion on stocks of PPE at the factory, 
manufacturing ability, the raw materials or machinery used to make masks at QSI, and the Government's contract arrangements with the company.   3. 
Between March 15 and April 15, please provide any emails or reports held by  he Health Ministry which relate to problems, issues or concerns about 
management and the distribution of PPE at District Health Boards. This should include but not be limited to any advice sent from  he Health Ministry to DHBs (or 
vice versa) about recycling, conserving or rationing PPE supplies.  *Refined 2 June 2020* 1. Between March 24 and April 3, all official information received by 
Dr Ashley Bloomfield in relation to the domestic supply and distribution of PPE. 2. Between April 6 and April 10, all emails received by Dr Ashley Bloomfield that 
relate to PPE.  3. Between March 24 and April 3, all official information held by the Ministry in relation to PPE supply from QSI's Whanganui factory. 4. Between 
March 24 and April 3, all official information held by the Ministry in relation to problems, issues or concerns about the management and the distribution of PPE 
at District Health Boards.
OIA - 1. Have any scientists (government or o herwise) in NZ tested or established that Covid-19 has actually met Koch’s four postulates?
OIA - Could you please advise total cost of paging communications for each DHB.
OIA - For the purposes of this request, when seeking information about Covid-19 I am also seeking information that could predate the novel coronavirus being 
named Covid-19. Please also consider search terms like 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV-
2, “novel coronavirus”, etc. -Any briefing, analysis, advice or other document 
about plans for a contact tracing app -Any briefing, analysis, advice or other document about plans for modifying or using a contact tracing app created by a 
third party, including but not limited to Singapore’s TraceTogether or the Rippl app
OIA - This is a request under  he Official Information Act for correspondence, emails, agendas, minutes, notes, membership/attendance records, reports and 
other written material in the possession of the Ministry of Health or its staff concerning PSAAP (the PHO Services Agreement Amendment Protocol), PSAAP’s 
meetings, and PSAAP working groups and their meetings. We seek any such material dated from 1 January 2019 to today.   REFINED REQUEST: please 
change my request by confining it to agendas, minutes and reports presented.
OIA: (1) All communica ions between the Ministry and Destiny Church regarding the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on public gatherings.  (2) All 
communications between Ministry staff regarding any such communica ion.

OIA: Can we please have more information about the four cases of Covid-19 in Tairawhiti. The public information that I am reques ing is information that other 
health boards have given out. We want to know whether there were any nurses, or health staff, who made up the four cases. We would also like confirmed that 
half of the cases were a couple -- who had both returned on March 20 from America. The information requested does not reveal any identities, yet does calm 
the public as  he link to how these people got Covid-19 becomes clear. It's a nice balance. We would also like to know why  he partner of the first case, was not 
recorded on the same day -- even though  hey both returned on the same flight -- her diagnosis was not made public until about three weeks later -- why the 
OIA: I want to make a request under the Official Information Act ask about the work and staffing of the National Contact Tracing Service, established on 24 
March (according to  he Verrall report). We are looking for information about staff numbers (both FTE and total numbers), how the contact-tracing works and the 
success of the contact-tracing.  
 1.What has been the maximum number of staff (FTE
 and total).   2.For each day un il today, starting from 24 March (or 
other date on which the service began if other than 24 March):   How many contact-tracing staff (FTE and total numbers) did the Service have, including on-call 
staff,  How many contact-tracing staff were on duty; and how many were on call, What was the average number of hours worked by staff on duty
   3.Is there a 
standard set of questions contact tracers use. Can I be sent a copy
.   4.Are contact tracers required to ask case contacts if they are self-isolating/quarantining. 
If not, why not. If so, is there a set wording that is used and what is the w
ording.   5.How many cases have been handled by the Se
rvice to date.   6.How 
many know
n contacts do the cases to date have.   7.What proportion of contacts of  he cases have not been able to be reached by the Service to date. What 
are the main reasons for being unable to reach contacts. 
OIA: I wish to request the following information under  he Official Information Act 1982:   1) The names of current members of the Capital Investment Committee 
and; 2) When their terms are due to expire 3) The process used to appoint new members to the Capital Investment Committee and; 4) The timeline anticipated 
for appointing new members to the CIC
OIA: I would like  he following information please:  General Practice utilisation rates by: age band at a national level and for the three Auckland DHBs age band 
and gender at a national level and for the three Auckland DHBs and age band, gender and ethnicity at a national level and for the three Auckland DHBs  If  his 
could be presented in table format please for the past three financial years, that would be great.
OIA: Under the Official Information Act 1982, I request the 15 May 2020 PDF document covering the 'Covid 19 contact tracing application for  he privacy impact 
assessment', posted to this link on the Ministry of Heal h website  https://www
OIA - I am writing to request the data showing the number of people that have been infected with Covid19 in NZ rest homes.  I require this to be broken down 
into recovered cases, current infections and deaths of those infected with Covid19 in NZ rest homes.  I would also like a break down of  hese same statistics for 
each individual rest home in NZ where infection of Covid19occurred.
OIA - I would like to request of copy of the Rapid Response Report by Allen and Clarke, commissioned by the Ministry of Health in April 2020. I would also like 
to request any communications/reports/emails/advice within the Ministry , and between the Ministry and  he Minister's office that discuss this report. I would also 
like to request any communica ions about this report between the Ministry and the 12 PHUs.
OIA - Under  he OIA please may I see a list of any errors agreed with Fletchers to be fixed before  he new hospital can open, going back the past two years.
OIA - "RNZ requests  he following be released in fully searchable format, with relevant links to documentation or commentary to back up the info, and with 
comment were MOH considers that would contribute to public understanding of the resourcing and prioritisation of Public Health Units since the SARS outbreak. 
Where info exists  hat is similar to what is requested, but perhaps has a different title or different terminology, etc, pls apply a generous breadth of inclusion so 
that more relevant info helpful to the public is captured, rather than less  Pls note some of this info may be best requested from other agencies, or from both 
MOH and another agency, eg DHB; pls advise in each case  The date that applies to all requested info is since the financial year of 2003/04 to 2009/10 and 
2011/12 to 2013/2014.   Funding 1. What formula is used to decide how much funding each PHU gets;  a. Detail any change over time in that formula 2. Which 
of the 12 PHUs is the responsibility of which DHB(s);  a. pls note any changes to this over this period, such as an increase or decrease in PHU numbers, or 
which DHB they sit under 3. Total MOH funding of public health units - Core contract and side contract would be useful, separately and not combined a. Pls 
detail any other sources of funding for PHUs 4. How much money did MOH give to a DHB for each PHU? 5. ) Of the funding provided in question 5, how much 
did each PHU actually receive?  a. If the amount transferred was less  han the MOH allocation, pls advise why that was Staff numbers - pls provide the following 
numbers in the way they are recorded that best demonstrates the total workforce resource available for PHUs - pls take account of casual or fixed term or part-
time staffing as well as permanent FTEs 6. Total number of staff in all PHUs per year 7. Total number of medical staff in all PHUs per year 8. Total number of 
staff per PHU per year  9. Total number of medical staff per PHU per year – defined as Medical Officers of Health, other Public Health Physicians, Public Health 
Medicine Registrars and other medical Doctors. 10. Total staff turnover per PHU per year 11. Total medical staff turnover per PHU per year 12. Pls make clear 
the % of the PHU workforce that is full-time, and % that is part-time Spending 13. Operating expenditure per PHU per year  a. Pls break  his down along the 
following suggested lines - or similar that you may use: i. health assessment and surveillance; ii. public health capacity development;  iii. health promotion;  iv. 
health protection;  v. preventive interventions 14. Capital expenditure per PHU per year  If the above informa ion cannot be provided, I request a detailed 
explanation to the public why it is not in a position to provide such information, addressing as part of  hat its responsibility for tracking public heal h spending 
and prioritisation."  

OIA - ...can I please make an application, pursuant to OIA if considered necessary by Lifewise, for copies of all claims/consumer expense reimbursements that 
Natalie has made for goods (rather than CSW services) since 01 Jan 2017, or when Zaria started receiving IF.
OIA - Could you tell me under the Official Information Act how many of the Covid 19 deaths were caused by Covid 19 alone, and how many of the people who 
died had co morbidities who contracted Covid 19.
OIA - Description of the safety concern Medsafe has recently received queries about Miracle Mineral Solu ion products, and so we are again warning 
consumers not to buy or drink these products.  A few days after TGA issue a statement Medsafe follows obediently.  Can I have copies of these alleged queries 
that medsafe has alledgedly received about MMS products?   Don’t get me wrong. I don’t 
support either MMS prodycts nor their claims… but I am intrigued at Medsafe’s apparent rush to follow TGA's alert.
OIA - First part of  he request: We request you to provide a list of all Patients attributing to the current death sta istic of 22 persons at the time of this writing 
listing  he following information;  * Patient Age * Primary cause of death  * List of Comorbidities  Please note we are NOT asking for personal identifying 
information about these patients, rather we are just wanting a list  hat clearly shows the cause of death and comorbidities and which category Covid-19 falls 
into, eg:  Patient A, Age: 80, Cause of death: Terminally ill cancer, Comorbidities: Covid-19 Patient B, Age: 34, Cause of death: Covid-19, Comorbidities: 
Trauma from car accident Patient C, Age: 86, Cause of death: Lung cancer from smoking, Comorbidities: Covid-19 ...etc  Second part of the request: Please 
provide a summary of Covid-19 Death data for the 22 deaths which categories Covid-19 as; i) The primary cause of death, ii) Covid-19 being a Comorbidity in 
death  For example, the following summary is what we are looking for;  Out of 22 Covid-19 related deaths, 6 of  hem were death by Covid-19 as the primary 
cause, and  he remaining 16 were patients who had Covid-19 as a Comorbidity. 
OIA - I see in the news that the 22nd Covid19 related death has been counted in NZ. I also see  hat this person had recovered from Covid19 and returned two 
negative tests but was still counted as a Covid19 death.  How many of the other 21 Covid19 related deaths in NZ were people that did not have Covid19 at the 
time of their deaths?  Please provide a count of those deaths that involved people who had recovered from Covid19, those who had recovered from Covid19 
and returned one or more negative tests, and those who died without being tested (either while alive or post mortem). Please also provide a count of those who 
died with an active infection confirmed by testing to be Covid19.
OIA - On 23 December 2019, in response to these allegations, the Chair and the Chief Executive Officer of the Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) wrote 
to you to express their concern about a lack of consistent national guidance on the issue of informed consent in the context of the training environment of public 
hospitals (the WDHB letter).  The WDHB letter asked  he Ministry of Health to provide, as a matter of urgency, national guidance on this issue that aligns with 
the Code of Heal h and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights, including the right be fully informed, to make an informed choice, and to give informed consent.  
I request under the Official Informa ion Act 1982, that you make available to me any emails, file notes, documents, presenta ions, and any other information, on 
the issue of informed consent raised in the WDHB letter.
OIA transferred from Minsiter Clark's office - I would like to request any information or data the Ministry of Health, including the Office for Suicide Prevention 
holds on the following topics: 1. The number of confirmed or suspected suicides that occurred in NZ since 1/1/2020 2. The number of confirmed or suspected 
suicides that occurred in NZ since the instigation of the lock down on March 24th. Given that Chief Coroner Judge Deborah Marshall has indicated that 
provisional figures are available and has spoken the media about them, if you are unwilling to supply this information could you please indicate why you are 
withholding this information. To be clear I happy to receive raw, unedited or otherwise draft data.
OIA - I am trying to find information about the type of test kits in New Zealand. Can you please provide me with the information about the type of test kits we use 
in our country? What brand is it?
OIA - I would like a copy of the original source code that is used to build the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application. The developer of the application would be 
able to supply this.  The source code essentially describes a process that the government undertakes to gather data from New Zealand citizens. Instead of a 
government employee following a process to gather the information, a computer is used. The government has paid an external company to develop a process 
to gather information from New Zealanders. The fact that developing such policies is outsourced to a third party under a commercial arrangement should not 
render such information exempt from OIA requests, since this would be an abuse of a loophole in the OIA.  Also, since the government will continue to purchase 
the application and support at the same price, and is unlikely to switch providers if the source code is released, there can be no commercial disadvantage to the 
provider of the services to the government if the source code is released. Fulfilling  his OIA request will not damage the commercial relationship or profitability of 
the venture for the third party, unless something in the source code justifiably causes discontent among its users.  I understand that the app has been reviewed 
by the Privacy Commissioner, but I am not sure whether they employed an expert to review the source code. I also understand that the GCSB has reviewed the 
code. We all know that they do not always have the interests of individual NZ citizens or their privacy as one of their top goals.  Please forward me the 
uncompiled, unobfuscated, original source code along with build scripts in a compressed archive form or Git repository.

OIA - I would like to request in addition any communications the Ministry of Health had with the following 9 agencies during the mon h of January 2020  1) 
Thailand Department of Disease Control 2) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 3) Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4) Centers 
for Disease Control and Prevention (United States) 5) National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan) 6) Centre for Health Protec ion (Hong Kong) 7) Centre for 
Disease Control and Prevention (Macau) 8) World Health Organisation Incident Management Team 9) Wuhan Municipal Health Commission
OIA - Medical exemption from managed isolation Please could you tell me how many exemptions from managed isolation for people arriving into New Zealand 
have been granted since the current restrictions were introduced in April this year, up until  he day you answer this request. If possible, could I have the number 
granted each week or each day.
OIA: Could you please give me the names of the epidemiologists and virologists currently working on this, here in NZ? Many argue that this is not how the rate 
is established.  I would appreciate it if you could share  hose names with me, and/or direct me to more detailed studies on the topic.  ...please provide links to 
the latest epidemiology research informing NZ policymaking, focusing both on infection and fatality rate of covid.  Follow up email: Just to be clear, I am after 
the following information :  - infection rate of Covid-19  -fatality rate of Covid-19  - who are the epidemiologists, scientific teams and laboratories currently 
informing NZ policymaking, in and out of the country.
OIA - many people in  he Wairarapa are prescribed an idepressants (SSRI) between 2018/2019/2020.  I would also like to get those numbers across the 
DHB’s – especially in the rural areas if possible - so I can compare the prescription rates
OIA - How much to date has been spent on quaran ine and managed isolation to date.  Also, how much has been spent on research of, setting up and ongoing 
costs related to NZs contact tracing app and website.
OIA - I would like to put forward some questions about Bowel Cancer Misdiagnosis in New Zealand.  Each year there are more than 300 New Zealanders under 
the age of 50 diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.  Of those, how many were misdiagnosed for a certain amount of time before the cancer was discovered?  Of  hose 
that were misdiagnosed and finally diagnosed with Bowel Cancer were told (regrettably) that they were terminal?  Could I please have the numbers for each 
year since 2010?
OIA - According to  he Health Act 1956, Section 78, the Director-General of Health may order a post-mortem exam
. 1.Did any of the 22 people who were 
counted as COVID-19 deaths in New Zealand receive a post-mortem exam to establish the cause of dea
h?  2.If yes, what are the findings so far in terms of 
cause of deaths? (please note, I am not interested in a case-by-case breakdown, but rather a statistical breakdown is sufficien
t)  3.If no, what is  he reason 
that no post-mortem exam was ordered?
OIA - Under  he terms of the Official Information Act please advise the number of patients admitted to hospital for treatment of Covid 19. I have searched your 
website to no avail.
OIA - 1. Between 19 March and today's date, what was the total cost of quarantining returning New Zealand citizens / residents, or those with exemptions, in 
motels/hotels or other forms of Government provided accommodation? Please provide a breakdown to show the name of the hotel or motel and 
the accommodation, food, room service and alcohol costs associated with each establishment.   2. How many people were accommodated (and at which 
premises) in execu ive suites, penthouses or luxury sections of the motel/hotel?  3. Between 19 March and today's date, what was the total cost of security 
arrangements for each of  hese Government-funded quarantine sites?  4. Between 19 March and today's date, what was the total cost for organised exercise 
classes at each of these quarantine sites, including but not limited to "boot camps" or other professionally arranged fitness classes?
OIA - 1. What levels of asymptomatic COVID-19 existed in New Zealand during April & May 2020? 2. Did  he Ministry of Health test for ASYMPTOMATIC COVID-
19 within New Zealand during April & May 2020?
OIA - Details of all monitoring/productivity measuring software/tools used to monitor staff of the department, including when it came into effect, what it's purpose 
is, and any policy documents related to the software. -This includes information on any free trials/trial periods of use of such software/tools for the last two years. 
-Please confirm if the software is used for all staff, office staff only, or remote workers only.
OIA - Emergency Dental Services for Low Income Adults I have been advised that the University of Otago Dental School holds a contract with  he SDHB for all 
emergency dental services for Low Income Adults Service. Could I please get any information that's available concerning this agreement? The Dental Services 
scheme for low income community card holders in the SDHB is currently contracted directly and completely to the Otago School of Dentistry whom as I 
understand holds subcontracts with providers around  he region. I'm particularly interested in seeing the contract as it regards to  he subcontracting provisions.
OIA - How much has the overly extensive advertising campaign on radio and TV cost the country in $?  Where has the money for the above come from?  How 
many suicides have been recorded in the Lockdown period? How does  his comparew with  he same period last year?  Why can New Zealand not wi hdraw 
from Agenda 21/30?  
OIA - Please publish or provide the source code for the recently released COVID tracing app.

OIA - The number of abortions that have been reported to the Ministry of Health since the 24 March 2020?   The number of abortions that were on pregnancies 
of 20 weeks or more gestation?   The number of abortions post 20 weeks that were performed for the reason of potentially disabled child?   The number of 
abortions that were 24 weeks or more gestation?   The number of medical abortions?   The number of medical abortions where the abortion drugs were 
couriered to the woman to allow her to perform  he abortion in her own home?    The number of abor ions that were performed by Women’s Clinics in 
Masterton, Palmerston North and Invercargill?    The number of abortions that were performed at Family Planning Clinics in New Zealand?
OIA: A copy of any advice prepared by officials relating to Black Lives Matter protests/vigils/related events in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch on June 1, 
OIA: Could you please inform me of the response times/KPI's for the different service categories and resource availability for the rotary wing rescue helicopters 
in Hamilton. Specifically this would be once paged what is the target time to be airborne for each of the "service category" and "resource availability" category 
that is applicable of; 1. service category 1 - on base? 2. service category 4 - on call? In essence is there a difference in response times/KPI's for the various 
service categories and resource availabilities as contracted.
OIA: Pursuant to section 12 of the OIA, Beca requests the following official information from the Ministry of Health:  (a) All documents held by  he Ministry of 
Health relating to the proposed remediation of the hot water reticulation system at the Hospital which contain or relate to internal communications and 
correspondence between Ministry of Health staff.  (b) All documents relating to the funding proposals for  he remediation of the domestic hot water reticulation 
system, including all drafts received from Capital and Coast District Health Board (“CCDHB”).  (c) All other documents exchanged between the Ministry of 
Health and CCDHB which relate to the proposed remediation of the hot water reticulation system at Wellington Hospital.  (d) All documents exchanged between 
the Ministry of Health and CCDHB which relate to the alleged defects in the hot water reticulation system at Wellington Hospital.  3. The documents requested 
above include but are not limited to the following:  (a) Emails.  (b) Exchange of draft documents.  (c) Agenda items.  (d) Meeting minutes
OIA - All correspondence about measures being taken to prepare for Covid-19, between the Ministry of Health and the following retirement care companies: 
Ryman, Summerset, Oceania, Arvida and MetLifecare. The request should cover the period from January 1, 2020 to March 30, 2020.
OIA - Can I please have a copy of this appendix from  he MoH Section 99 inspection of Waikato DHB's MHAS in April 2016:  
https://www ions/sec ion-99-inspec ion-waikato-dhb-mental-health-addiction-services-apr16.pdf Section 99 
Inspection of Waikato District Health Board Mental Health and Addiction Services In early 2015, there were a number of serious events at the Waikato District 
Health Board mental health and addiction services. Following these events, Dr John Crawshaw, Director of Mental Health, decided to use his statutory powers 
under section 99  Appendix 5: Report into investigation into the recruitment of Dr Mohamed Siddiqui (REDACTED) This appendix has been 
redacted for the public release in April 2016 so as to not compromise current legal proceedings.  Now  hat the court proceedings against Siddiqui are complete 
can you please release this document to me in full.
OIA - Cannabis Licenses I would like to know how many licenses have been issued to date
OIA - Has there been more child abuse cases duringing lockdown, if yes what will be done to support them? What has been done and what will be done to 
support people who are mentaly unstable through this outbreak? Are help centers and organizations equipt to support everyone who might be struggling with 
mental heal h and wellbeing problems? If not what will be done to help? How do we know how many people’s mental health and wellbeing has been impacted 
due to Covid-19? What has and will be done to help people in an abusive relationship during lockdown?
OIA transferred from Minister Clark's office - Under the Offical Information Act, I would like to request the total cost of designing and implimen ing the Covid 19 
Tracker App. Can you please tell me how much the government has paid to get this up and running.
OIA:  1) Within the NZ health system, are there any guidelines for the reporting of influenza deaths? If yes,  a) Please provide a copy
 of the guidelines  2)Is 
Professor Michael Baker's assessment of the reporting of influenza mortalities an accurate reflection of how the reporting of influenza mortality is carried out in 
? 3)Please list the similarities and differences between the reporting of influenza deaths and the reporting of COVID-19 deaths in New
 Zealand. 4)Within 
the NZ health system, are there any guidelines for the reporting of COVID-
19 deaths? 5)In regards to the development of policy or guidelines for reporting 
COVID-19 deaths wi hin New Zealand, what input has been received from sources outside our nation (such as from other countries or non-governmental 
organisations such as the World Health Organisation). Please detail the information from the outside sources that shaped how we report COVID-19 deaths (if 
any). 6) Is it true that all deaths of an individual who tests positive for COVID-19 will be recorded as dying FROM COVID-19 regardless of any pre-existing 
underlying conditions?
OIA: Could I please request the following information under the Official Informa ion Act:   How many New Zealanders were prescribed antidepressant or 
antianxiety medication in since January 2017 (broken down into monthly increments) What was the age, location, gender and ethnicity of these people How 
many of these prescriptions were ‘new’ – as in first time users What were the drugs prescribed 
Partial transfer from MO: 1. Did the Ministry of Health test for levels of ASYMPTOMATIC COVID-19 in the wider community in New Zealand during Aril & May 
2020?    2. If so, what percentage of ASYMPTOMATIC COVID-19 existed in the population during April & May 2020?
OIA - (Transferred from D. Clark office) "From 5 March 2020, All correspondence between the Mid Central District Heal h Board and the Ministry of Health on 
the provision of a linear accelerator for the Hawkes Bay District Health Board." and "I request the email trail between s 9(2)
 and s 9(2)(a)
02/03/2020 up to the present date including information previously classified as 'Out of Scope' in that email trail.

OIA - Could you please provide me with a table wi h the number of people working in COVID-19 contact tracing for each day from 1 February to 31 May 2020?
OIA: I'm reques ing a complete, enumerated list of all eligible conditions  hat qualify someone under the age of 65 for a Funded Influenza Vaccina ion, alongside 
their acceptable READ/SNOMED/ICD codings if available. You can upload a file with your request
OIA - As of  he 5th June the WHO has updated their mask policy…i.e. that all people in people dense situations eg. public transport and more specifically that 
people over 60 years of age are advised to wear masks in all public areas at all times.   New Zealand "use of mask policy stated on your website", 15 May, is 
therefore way out of line wi h the WHO. This is surprising given how WHO guidelines played such a rôle in all your PR spin throughout this event!   1) Is the New 
Zealand Ministry of Health, not trusting of WHO policy?  2) If the MoH is trusting of WHO policy, when will your site be updated and the public properly informed 
on the use and need for masks, as advised by the WHO on the 5th June? 3) Has  he Ministry of Health tested for Asymptomatic Covid-19 and have these 
results made the Ministry of Health confident that wearing of masks to prevent community spread is unwarranted?
OIA - Concerning the Covid Tracer App here ions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-novel-
coronavirus-resources-and-tools/nz-covid-tracer-app The App at a minimum requires all users to submit an email address to use it. Users can voluntarily 
provide other personal details if they choose. Given  hat 100% of users provide their email address would you please tell me what percentage of people have 
provided the following voluntary details of;  First name Last name Phone Number Address Date of Birth Ethnicity Gender Concerning the Privacy Impact 
Assessment document located here for the Covid Tracer App 
https://www On page 30, Rule 9, I quote "Consumer contact information 
is held for the duration of the pandemic and deleted thereafter". Would you please tell me what condi ions define "the end of the pandemic"?
OIA - 1. What is the reason that the Paracetamol prescribed by my General Practitioner does not now have the efficacy that was evident previously? 2. What % 
allowance below 100% does the NZ Government permit Pharmac to use when purchasing product for the Generic range? 3. What is the criteria for Medical 
Practitioners and Pharmacists to use generic medication? 4. Are Medical Practitioners permitted to choose whether or not they prescribe non generic 
medication? 5. What percentage of NZ patient prescriptions require the use of generic medication
OIA - Any informa ion regarding correspondence between any pharmaceutical company and the MoH over the last 6 months regarding Pharma companies 
dealing in Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or nicotine pouches.
OIA - I would also like to request information ( hrough the information act), if the confirmed cases of measles (2019) from the people who were not immunised 
were above the age according to the NZ immunisation schedule for the first measles vaccines.  I am not sure if you provide  he ages of people who contracted 
measles 2019 but if I am able to see this information in addition to this.  If the people were contracted measles were not of age to receive vaccines (according to 
the NZ immunisation schedule) then  he information would make more sense to me. Please consider this when providing the information.
OIA - I would like to find out when (dates) hospitals were advised to reduce numbers and at risk patients due to the COV19 out break. In particular when was 
the Tokoroa Hospital advised to limit incoming patients and at risk people.
OIA:  I wish to request under the Official Information Act the following information:-   The total amount of government funding under vote Health and Jus ice 
provided to the NZ Drug Foundation for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020?   Is  he NZ Drug Foundation permitted to use government funding to finance an 
advertising campaign to promote a yes response to the referendum on cannabis at the next general election?
OIA: Based on  he Official Information Act, please provide me with a table with the number of people working in COVID-19 contact tracing for each day from 1 
December 2019 to 31 May 2020.
OIA - This is an Official Information Act request, relating to the housing of New Zealand citizens and International visitors in quarantine and mandatory isolation 
facilities.  I am requesting:   1) The number of people being housed in quarantine and mandatory isolation facilities as a result of Covid19 restrictions.  2) Can 
the Ministry provide the cost to house and take care of each of these individuals.  3) Can the Ministry provide any documents pertaining to the care of these 
individuals e.g. their food, rou ines, medical checks and any other relevant examples.
OIA: *Transferred from PMO* "Please describe the contact tracing plan for playgrounds. This is a request under the Official Information Act. Reason: parks and 
playgrounds have essentially different functions. It makes sense to open parks, so extended bubbles may bike, play and walk. All of this is possible with social 
distancing measures in place. However playgrounds are frequented by grandparents, the homeless, picnickers and strangers in general. Swings are pushed, 
seating used, and food eaten. Whereas in a park there is potentially less physical contact with equipment."
OIA: 1  Approvals for thalidomide under either s29 of the Medicines Act or s22 of the Misuse of Drugs Act during the prior 1 January 1998 to 31 May 2003 
including where available: Date Dose and/or strength Quantity Region or DHB Indication/use Co-prescribed or co-dispensed medication(s)
OIA: Please disclose any advice provided to  he Prime Minister and Cabinet regarding excess deaths from COVID-19? If no such advice has been provided 
then please explain why.

OIA - What medical or biological evidence do you have to prove that the unborn child is not a human being wi h a right to life until it is born?  The Royal 
Commission on Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion, in its report to Parliament in 1977 stated that they had received expert biological evidence from around 
the world confirming that human life began at conception. The Commission also stated that the child from implantation has a status which en itles it to 
preservation and protection and that from implantation to birth, changes in the unborn child are of a developmental nature only. "The three events suggested as 
being of significance, namely, quickening, viability and brain development, are no more than stages in that development and are not indicative of any qualitative 
changes in the developing child which would make it non-human at one point of time and human at another.
OIA: Between March 14 (when direction for all arrivals to self-isolate came into effect) and April 9 (when managed isolation and quarantine took effect), how 
many people arriving in New Zealand isolated in hotels provided by the government?  Between April 9 and June 9, how many people completed managed 
isolation/quarantine?  Between March 14 and April 9, what was the total cost of providing facili ies for people to self-isolate?   Between April 9 and June 9, what 
was the total cost of providing facilities for managed isolation/quarantine?  Between March 14 and April 9, how many hotels were used for self-isolation? Where 
were they (city) and what were the names of the hotels?  Between April 9 and June 9, how many hotels were used for managed isolation/quarantine? Where 
were they (city) and what were the names of the hotels?  To June 9, how much has been spent to hire/provide campervans as a possible option for self-
isolation/managed isolation/quarantine?  To June 9, were there any people who did not complete managed isolation/quaran ine? If so, why?  To June 9, how 
many incidents were there where people tried to leave managed isolation/quarantine? What action was taken after each of these incidents?
OIA: With respect, I request the following information under the terms of the Official Informa ion Act:  -The total cost to put anyone into quarantine or self-
isolation in New Zealand due to covid-19 - including preparatory work - since the start of the year through to June 9? -That figure broken down into costs for 
accommodation, food, security and any other staff/costings. -How much it cost to accommodate people arriving at the border in managed self-isolation and 
quarantine facilities from midnight April 9 to June 9? -That figure broken down into costs for hotel accommodation, food, security and any other staff/costings.
OIA - All Consulta ion- and Decision Documents that were generated within the last 3 years (between May 31st 2017 and June 1st 2020) as part of any 
restructure, reorganisation, or establishment of a team, business unit or directorate within the Ministry of Health: 1. All Consultation Documents that were 
circulated in  he affected teams, business units or directorates. These are documents that describe  he current state of the team, the reason for proposed 
changes, the proposed new structures (usually as an org chart), and  he impact on roles, reporting lines and responsibili ies.  2. All Decision Documents that 
were circulated in the affected teams, business units or directorates. These are documents that list the feedback that was received, the leadership response to 
that feedback, and the final decision that was made based on it. They describe the final new structure (usually as an org chart) and the process and timeline for 
that new structure to take effect.   For the purpose of this request, please consider these definitions:  ꞏ A team, business unit or directorate = a unit with a 
shared reporting line of at least 10 people in permanent or fixed-term employment with the Ministry of Health. ꞏ A restructure, reorganisation or establishment of 
a new business unit, directorate, team or sector = a process in which the position details, reporting line or role description of an employee were altered in such a 
way that a consultation process was undertaken.  I am requesting  he above types of document specifically because they commonly refer to roles and  itles 
instead of names of individual employees.  Please explain any relevant caveats that should be kept in mind when analysing this information.
OIA - can I please request a copy of the below report delivered to the Health Minister: "29-Apr-20 Impact of COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown on cancer treatment 
OIA - I am after information on the latest Government funding to the Health Sector in the Auckland region. Specifically, the names of the Health providers and 
NPO's who have received funding in the past 6 months in the Auckland region.
OIA - *Over the period of 2019 *Non-identifying statistical information about the clients of Fertility Clinics, such as age / ethnicity / relationship status / region 
they live / BMI (or height and weight) / other demographic information on the Registration Form *Including both new clients, and clients who registered at  he 
Fertility Clinics prior to 2019 but utilised the services during 2019 for further or subsequent treatment.
OIA - 1. Criteria for approving COVID-19 Point of Care Test Kits in New Zealand, 2. Reasons for withholding current test kits, 3. Plans made to approve the 
same, 4. Progress to date on approving the same, 5. Expected approval dates or  imeframes, 6. Resources allocated to approving such kits, 7. Accuracy details 
of 2 unrelated test kits, to enable comparison of COVID-19 Point of Care Test Kits:  a. An approved and currently used test for any other disease known to have 
a low accuracy, and  b. An approved and currently used test for any other disease known to have a high accuracy, 9. The accuracy of  he viral test currently 
used in New Zealand to detect the presence of COVID-19, 10. Sta istical details of either heart issues, and/or 'collapsed lung' type diagnosis in New Zealand for 
each of  he months of March and June 2020 and for comparison the same months in 2019 or a rolling average of recent years for  hose mon hs.
OIA - Sodium valproate exposed pregnancies 2007-2019 How many pregnancies were exposed to sodium valproate during 2007-2019? Please break these 
down into: * Live births * Death in-utero * Death after birth * Termination of pregnancy * Ethnicity of childbearing person * Reason for the childbearing person 
being on sodium valproate

OIA - The request relates to any funding, par icipa ion, and or attendance by MOH officials to the University of Otago Wellington February 2020 Public Health 
Summer School and seek
s: 1.Did the MOH pay for any officials to attend the Otago University Wellington Public Health Summer School presentation 
workshop 'The Harmful Commodities industries: Joining the dots between alcohol, gambling, junk
 food and tobacco'?  2.Copies of any presenta ion materials, 
and or emails between organisers or presenters of  he Otago University Wellington Public Health Summer school and MOH officials about the workshop 
outlined in 1 above.
OIA - I am wanting to get a mp3 or wav file of the Covid-19 Sound effect played at the beginning of the adverts.
OIA - 1. The number of people that have been approved for Carer Support since the scheme started, broken down by financial year, including this financial year.  
2. The number of people that having been approved for Carer support who  hen went on to access the funding since the scheme started broken down by 
financial year, including this financial year.  3. A break down by suburb in the ci ies of Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin of the number 
people who accessed the funding for carer support since  he scheme started broken down by financial year, including this financial year.  4. The number of 
people from the regions of Nor hland, the East Coast, the West Coast and Southland who were approved for carer support since the scheme started broken 
down by financial year, started including this financial year.  5. The number of people from the regions of Northland, the East Coast, the West Coast and 
Southland who accessed the funding for carer support the scheme started broken down by financial year, since the scheme started including this financial year.  
6. The amount of funding allocated for Carer Support in each financial year since the scheme started.  7. The amount for funding actually accessed by Carers in 
each financial year since the Carer Support started.
OIA - Can you please release a list of the hotels in Auckland that have been contracted for COVID managed isolation for incoming travelers in  he coming 
OIA - Ebos healthcare logistics I would like all correspondence to and from The Ebos Group and the Ministry from the start of the year.
OIA - Note that the Ministry is responding to the 'internal emails' protion of this request only. This is a request for official information regarding  he ‘unite for 
recovery’ and economic messaging as part of the Government’s large scale COVID-19 advertising campaign which began last week.  We seek all 
correspondence, including internal emails, briefing notes, minutes, design and creative instructions, drafts, approvals etc. on the campaign and any and all 
economic messages in relation to  he advertising campaign. You can exclude any that relate to the earlier campaign and messages that were exclusively 
related to heal h. We are particularly interested in any and all correspondence with the PMO and DPMC on these matters.
OIA - Please provide reports detailing the amounts, types, names, and versions of Operating Systems currently in use within your ICT server and desktop 
OIA transferred from MBIE -  1. Under Covid19 is Chiropractic classed as a Natural Health Service in your "Services Not Considered Essential'? Yes or No. 2. 
What specific direc ives were provided by MBIE to the NZ Chiropractic Board at the end of Week 2 of Lockdown in regards to changes to practice guidelines 
under Level 4 conditions. 3. I would like the names of all par icipating members of the 'Essential Services Team' and their positions/credentials. These are the 
people who have been presiding over the formulation ofregulations regarding whom and what constitutes an essential service in the health sector, including the 
Natural Health Service sector. I want the key players and decision makers. Reasoning - It appears that the regulatory boards are providing a varying directives 
to their given professions  - eg Chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists. I would like to know whether what is being provided by MBIE is consistent or 
whether the Boards themselves are being creative! I have also read information from MBIE regarding the Natural Health Services  hat requires accountability in 
regards to whom has formulated and given the directives. Directives have been given without any accountability and I would like to know who formulated these 
directives. In these critical times accountability is crucial.
OIA transferred from Minister Lees-Galloway's office - One aspect which I cannot recall ever reaching the news is the cost of quaran ine to the taxpayer. My 
estimation would be  hat the Government pays around $2,800 for each arrival’s quarantine and food and at 250 arrivals per day this would amount to $700,000 
or 20 million a month. May I ask under the OIA if this is about right?
OIA - "All emails between the Ministry and Air New Zealand regarding safety/health requirements for Air NZ staff coming into the country. By safety/health 
requirements I mean in relation to COVID-19. Including but not limited to discussion of testing, self isolation, quarantine etc. All emails from May 1"
OIA - A doctor stated that U.S. rates of a range of chronic and long-term conditions linked to diet were; •Autism 1:36 •Attention Deficit 1:8 •Asthma 1:10 / 1: 4 
undiagnosed •Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1:10 •Allergy 1:4 •Diabetes 1:4 •Obesity 1:3 •Major Depression 1:2 •Cancer 1:2 •Dementia 1:1 •Infertility 1:4 Women, 
1:3 Men  He also stated that Australia was catching up to these rates. What are the up-to-date New Zealand equivalent rates? I could not find anything on the 
MoH website. Given the massive cost of these conditions in direct treatment and loss of produc ivity, we should have good data on them.
OIA - Can I please have the tally of toal Section 29 notifcations for the category of CBD products for the Months of March, April, May 2020 Can I also have the 
tally of total active approvals for Ministry approvals for  Pharmaceutical grade products with consent  Pharmaceutical grade products without consent  Non-
Pharmaceutical grade products without consent
OIA - Can I please request you to provide me the data on Amenable Mortality by month for each DHB from Jan 2016 to the latest?

OIA - Please provide the number of people that have been provided border exemptions for such cases as (but not limited to) funerals, personal, emergency, 
commerical travel, and business travel, that have been allowed to leave border isolation (or whom were never required to enter mandatory isolation) and travel 
within NZ without having a confirmed negavtive COVID test  Please provide  his by date, starting the day that NZ was placed into Level 4.
OIA - who gave exemptions to the 2 from the uk to attend a funeral, who have now been confirmed as gaving covid 19? This informa ion is requested herewith 
under  he OIA!
DCOIA674: What official in what department was put in charge of the quarantine? How much are they on? Do they still have a job?” 17-Jun-20
OIA - A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled “Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife” 
dated September 2019
OIA - Auckland - Wellington compassionate travel plan 13/06/2020 The following refers to the case of two individuals infected with COVID-19 who were granted 
an isolation exemption on compassionate grounds to travel Auckland to Wellington on 13/06/2020. (1) Please provide a copy of the agreed travel plan. (2) 
Approximately what time did the journey commence from Auckland? (3) Approximately what time did the journey complete in Wellington? (4) What was the 
make, model and year of manufacture of the private car used for the journey? (5) What was the job title(s) of the individual(s) responsible for drawing up the 
plan? (6) What was the job title of the individual who approved the plan? (7) What was  he job title of the individual who approved the compassionate 
OIA - For each month from January 2019 to May 2020 inclusive, 1. How many patients had an active approval for a medical cannabis product from the MOH, 
broken down by pharmaceutical grade consented medicines; pharmaceutical grade unconsented medicines; and non-pharmaceutical grade unconsented 
medicines? 2. How many units of medicinal cannabis products were dispensed, broken down by pharmaceutical grade consented medicines; pharmaceu ical 
grade unconsented medicines; and non-pharmaceutical grade unconsented medicines? 3. How many patients had an active approval for a CBD product? 4. 
How many packs of cannabidiol products were supplied?
OIA - I was wondering if you could please send me a copy under  he official Information act. A full and final copy prepared for the ministry of health by Price 
Waterhouse Coopers titled “fair and reasonable pay for a lmc midwife “ dated sept 2019.
OIA - I would please like a copy of  he na ional Health Information Platform (nHIP) Business Case that is sitting with Cabinet and referred to in  he Health and 
Disability System Review released on 17 June 2020.
OIA - This is a request for information regarding  he two individuals who tested positive for COVID-19, which was announced by the Director-General Ashley 
Bloomfield on  he 16 h of June 2020.  I would like to know if the Ministry of Health has at any point discussed or taken action to verify that  he two 
individuals mentioned previously have not come into contact with any resident of New Zealand outside their entry into this country and their stay at the Novotel 
Ellerslie. In particular whether the Ministry of Health has checked their credit card details against the period of time they were supposed to be travelling to 
Wellington. If such checks have taken place I would like to know when those checks took place. If these checks have not taken place, I would like access to 
any information or correspondence between Ministry of Health staff that explains why such checks have not taken place such as emails, text messages, 
mee ing minutes etc.
OIA - We wish to understand  he extent of taxpayer funding, direct and indirect, of the New Zealand Drug Foundation. We hereby request a list of all payments 
by your agency (and any subsidiary organisations), since 1 July 2018, and the purpose of each payment.  I note that the Foundation has registered as a 
registered promoter with the Electoral Commission in relation to one of the upcoming referendums. Please tell me what steps are in place, if any, to ensure that 
taxpayer money paid above is not used for the political purposes as part of  he referendum campaign.
OIA - “A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled “Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife” 
dated September 2019”
OIA - I request  he following correspondence from the Hawkes Bay DHB; reports and emails from Opus and Kestrel Contractors on Ear hquake Strengthening 
issues surrounding  he refurbishment of the Radiology Department at Hawke's Bay Hospital since September 2018 by date and title as follows:  - 'Letter to 
s 9(2)(a)  from s 9(2)
 - Seismic Update for Minister of Health' - 14 January 2019.  - 'Letter to s 9(2)(a)
 from s 9(2)
 - Seismic Update for 
Minister of Health' - 28 June 2019.   - 'Opus HA27 Radiology Block (North Block) Detailed Seismic Assessment July 2018 Report' - 4 February 2019   - 'Email 
froms 9(2)(a)
 tos 9(2)(a)
 and s 9(2)(a)
 - Final Draft of Hastings Hospital Seismic Assessment Review Report' - 6 June 2019.   - 'Email 
from s 9(2)(a)
 to s 9(2)(a)
 - Kestrel Draft Report Hastings Response' - 30 July 2019. 

OIA - In the original request we provided  he News article about the 22nd reported death of a Eileen Hunter here
al%2fhealth%2fcoronavirus%2f300022355%2fcoronavirus-eileen-hunter-96-confirmed-as-nzs-22nd-covidrelated-death  In the article it states "Hunter was 
diagnosed with coronavirus in mid-April and spent time at Waitākere and North Shore hospitals." ... "Hunter was taken back to St Margarets after returning two 
negative coronavirus tests and was considered to have recovered, Bloomfield said."  It then says, "But after further consideration, the Ministry of Health ruled 
coronavirus didn't cause her death, but it would be included in the ministry's count of deaths related to Covid-19."  Would you please confirm the above 
statements quoted from this ar icle made by Ashley Bloomfield/Ministry of Health are accurate and reflect  he Ministries current position?  We have some further 
questions of the 22 reported deaths;  1) How many were diagnosed positive with Covid-19 by symptoms? 2) How many were diagnosed positive with Covid-19 
by a PCR test? 3) How many had a serology test for the presence of Covid-19 antibodies? 4) How many were tested and diagnosed nega ive "once" after first 
testing positive? 5) How many were tested and diagnosed nega ive "twice" after first testing posi ive? 6) How many were tested and diagnosed negative "three 
or more times" after first testing positive? 7) Please provide data showing the Median, Upper and Lower Quartiles for the number of days counted from  he first 
negative test until the patients  ime of death? 8) How many were placed on a Ventilator as apart of treatment?
OIA - Since 26 March 2020, how many people have been allowed to leave government managed isolation before 14 days?  In each of those cases, on what 
grounds were  hey allowed to leave?  In each of those cases, how many were allowed to leave before without being tested for COVID-19?
OIA - The sign-off process for media requests, statements and releases, including any earlier versions dating back to January 1, 2020. Clarified on 29 June to: 
any changes to our sign-off processes over that time.
OIA - This is an Official Information Act request for any correspondence between the Canterbury Clinical Leaders Group and the CDHB/MoH/Minister's office 
following the May 1 board meeting where CDHB board members voted to endorse a $150m five-storey tower block at Christchurch Hospital.  Please provide the 
following informa ion:  2) Any correspondence between the Clinical Leaders Group and the Ministry of Health regarding Christchurch Hospital following the May 
1 board meeting. 
OIA -In reply:
   1.If the Director-General of Health was not treating “isolation” and “quarantine” differently to the meanings in the International Health Regulations 
can you advise what the factual basis was for the Director-General to consider  hat I was actually infected or possibly exposed and a possible source of spread 
of disease for the entire period between 3 April and 13 May 2020. Please have the courage to state and explain how every single person in the country could 
properly be considered to be exposed and a source for that entire period, when there was minimal community transmission and you don’t bother to enquire or 
test or consider contacts and regional or individual risk
.    2.If the Director-General is saying that every person in the country was considered to be exposed and 
a source of spread of disease, can the Director-General please explain why thousands of people who tested negative could continue to be subject to isolation or 
quarantine. By definition such people were shown to be free from disease, so were not infected or a possible source of spread o
f disease.    3.As an isolated or 
quarantined person I was en itled at law to a medical examination, as provided for in the Health and Disability Services Eligibility Direction 2011. Can the 
Director-General explain how he can isolate or quarantine me on the basis that I am suspected of carrying an infec ious and potentially deadly disease and then 
not bother to examine or test me? I would hope that I was not expected to take my chances on dying, so presumably the lack of interest in examining me was 
less about medical negligence and more about not wanting to examine people because it would shine a light on the refusal to consider s 70(1)(h) and the 
inappropriateness of the restrictions being im
posed.   4.Please explain why the Director-General decided to ignore his ability to end restrictions against me 
under s 70(1)(h), by not affording me the opportunity to do a medical examination to show I was free from disease. The powers in s 70(1) are a duty, not a 
discretion or choice. Please have the courage to state clearly that the Director-General ignored less restrictive provisions so that he could keep a demonstrably 
healthy person isolated or quarantined for as long as he wanted, regardless of my relevant health and personal considerations. Was I supposed to go broke 
while waiting for the Director-General to decide that us mere humans should be given our freedom back
?    5.I am taking your response to be an assertion by 
the Director-General that there have been no emails or other correspondence with or between him and the Prime Minister or Cabinet. I will be surprised if your 
assertion proves to be correct in the fullness of tim
e.    6.I am not asking for disclosure of legally privileged advice. I am making my requests to the Director-
General of Health. The fact that he chooses to obtain legal advice before making a decision or providing a response, through you as his agent, does not mean 
that his decisions and reasons are legally privileged. The powers in s 70(1) belong to the Director-General. He has to make valid and rational decisions, as 
opposed to delegating his power to a lawyer by way of rubber stamping legal advice. The Director-General may not have to say that his reasons coincide with or 
differ from his legal advice however, he does have to provide his reasons for his decisions. I invite the Director-General to provide his reasons as requested in 
my earlier email and as required by law. 
OIA - " Request for information regarding the tendering process or contract letting of the development of the COVID-19 TRACER APP"  " Request for 
information regarding the steps taken to evaluate pre-existing pandemic contact tracing applications  hat existed within the current DHB's prior to 
commissioning the COVID-19 TRACER APP"
OIA - A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers enti led: Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife, 
dated September 2019.

OIA - I am a GP requesting detailed information as to the process whereby capitation payments are made to General Practices through their PHOs. Particularly 
how patients are added onto the capitation payments schedule and how  hey are taken off the capitation payment schedule.
OIA transferred from DIA - A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled “Fair and reasonable pay for 
an LMC Midwife” dated September 2019
OIA transferred from DIA - A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled “Fair and Reasonable Pay 
for an LMC Midwife” dated September 2019
OIA transferred from DIA - A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled “Fair and Reasonable Pay 
for an LMC Midwife” dated September 2019
OIA transferred from DIA - A full and final copy of the report prepared for the ministry of health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled 'Fair and reasonable pay for 
an LMC Midwife' dated September 2019
OIA transferred from DIA - Can you please send me a full and final copy of  he report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers ti led 
“Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife” dated September 2019.
OIA transferred from DIA - Could you please send me a full an final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled 
“Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife” dated September 2019.
OIA transferred from DIA - Please would you send me a copy of the Price Waterhouse Cooper Report on Fair and Reasonable Pay for Midwives dated 
September 2019?
OIA:  I request a full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled "Fair and reasonable pay for an LMC 
Midwife. " dated September 2019.
OIA: A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled "Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife" 
dated September 2019
OIA: A press release dated 16 June 2020 stated:  "Health Minister Dr David Clark says he has required the Director General of Health to suspend 
compassionate exemptions from managed isolation, in order to ensure the system is working as intended."  
ase%2fcompassionate-exemptions-temporarily-suspended   I request all advice received on, and communications relating to, this decision. My request includes 
any advice or communications that took place following the decision (up until the date of this request).
OIA: I now make this request through the OIA channel, I therefore ask for a break down of the remaining 19/20 specialized AoD funding allocation that was 
originally wi hheld under section 18(d), this should not be considered a new request, but a follow up on information that should of already been released under 
the original OIA guideline  imeframes.
OIA: I would like to read the MOH commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers report on fair and reasonable pay for community based LMC midwives, September 
2019.  This was a government funded report so the public should have access to the information used to help make government decisions.
OIA: What is meant by  he phrase “substantially similar” in the Misuse of Drugs Act?  How does the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs determine the “risk 
profile” of any particular drug. Is there for example a set procedure that is used?  What is the difference in practice between substances classified under 
Schedule 2 Part 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Act and substances classified under Schedule 2 Part 1?  How does the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs 
determine whether a substance is “func ionally similar” to a particular drug?  How does the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs determine whether a 
substance should be captured ‘by default’ under the Psychoactive Substances Act?  What is meant by the “ hreshold of a moderate level of harm” that allows a 
substance to be scheduled under MoDA and how is this determined?
OIA - A recent funding announcement by the MoH related to an 18m fund to support community pharmacy. ( see 
https://www Please provide the list of the 365 pharmacies referred to 
Please provide any policy guidelines provided to the DHBs re distribution of this fund Please provide copies of any reporting or audit guidelines that exist  hat 
allow the MoH visibility on fund distribution Additionally, previously anecdotally  he MoH was rumoured to have identified a list of 120 pharmacies in NZ viewed 
as core, or the minimum needed. Please provide this list as well
OIA: I request under the Official Information Act the policy(s) on testing for covid19 at NZ Isola ion/Border/Quarantine Facilities before the new policy began on 
9th June
OIA - How many licenses have been granted to grow/produce medicinal cannabis in New Zealand in the last 12 months
OIA - LMC Midwife Fair and Reasonable Pay The full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by PwC (Price Waterhouse Cooper) on Fair 
and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife dated September 2019.

OIA - There have been several media stories of serology testing of New Zealanders starting in New Zealand. Here is one for example:
test-to-check-for-undetected-cases-in-southern-region I also hear that ESR is undertaking serology testing. I believe it is essential that New Zealanders are 
informed of these results. Please provide aggregated results of serology tests for Covid-19 by age, gender, ethnicity and region. I would also like to know how 
individuals came to be sampled. As New Zealand makes decisions about the border, this information will be very important to guide decision making. If there 
has been any testing of cell mediated responses to Covid-19, I would like to know the results of  his testing also.
OIA: Could we please have an up to date list of Hotels in use as Managed Isolation and Quarantine facilities, we have heard in the media the figure is no longer 
17.  Can you also please give us some indication of the compensation that hotels receive for providing their services to the Ministry of Health. We are in 
ongoing discussions around the wage subsidy and redundancies. We don't need anything commercially sensitive, just an indication of the mechanism used for 
the hotel's compensation.
OIA - Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights Could I please have the briefing paper or Cabinet paper that was sent to the Minister or Cabinet 
in relation to the draf ing the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights in 1995/1996. It is for a research paper for Uni on patients rights so if 
possible could I please have it before 10 July.
OIA - To assist with my understanding of what your/Medsafe intent is, I now order, under the NZ Official Information Act ('OIA'), a copy from you and from 
Medsafe and from Medsafe's owner, of all letters, file notes, internal or inter-department emails and memos, contracts, directions, investigation reports, media 
communications, and all other documens and records in NZ and internationally, from  he 1st of January 2014 to today; that in any manner relate to me 
personally and/or any of my family and/or to NZ Water Purifier Ltd and/or to its web site and/or its products and/or about or to its trading operation and/or 
OIA: *transferred from MO* I would like to know the numbers of ventilators that NZ has secured for future use if we have a Covid outbreak. I know that pre 
lockdown we did not have sufficient numbers and Im sure that you will have used your lockdown period to negotiate and manage purchases of essential 
equipment like PPE and ventilators in case they are required in  he future. Can you, or  he Ministry, provide me with a detailed report on the most recent 
numbers of ventilators now available for use in NZ ( not including refurbished anaesthesia ventilators which I understand do not work) and also the amount of 
PPE available for our valuable, hard working heal h workers please.
OIA: I would like to know the name and position of the individual or individuals responsible for the early 'release' from isolation of the UK tourist who has 
OIA - 1. The policy document/advice referred to in your email tos 9(2)(a)
 on 6 May 2020 regarding delays to RMO changeover.  2. This includes any 
preliminary reports and accompanying evidential documents to these and the final report/advice on delaying changeover dates.
OIA transferred from Minister Clark's office - "Has every other person released early since June 9 been tested and tested nega ive?  Has every person leaving 
after the fortnight been tested on departure and returned a negative result?  How many people approved to leave early have gone awol as the two teenagers 
released early for a funeral apparen ly did? And what has happened to those folk?  Are the quaran ined and isolated people paying for their hotel expenses?  
Are those folk in quarantine still allowed to walk with others in the hotel grounds? And are any of  hem allowed Outside of the hotel grounds? Is there any mixing 
at all of those in quarantine?    There needs to be a very clear definition given to New Zealanders of what is required of people arriving at our borders, in 
quarantine and isolation and after that.    In regard to the two women who have now returned positive tests, who made the decision  hat the initial symptoms 
could be explained by an existing condition? The woman herself or did she tell  he au horities while in Auckland and they then made  he decision she should be 
tested on arrival in Wellington? If so why? How is it that the woman wasnt tested until Monday when she arrived in Wellington some time on Saturday? Dr 
Bloomfield was at pains to say that the women did every hing right. I’m not sure they did and would like to see the proof for his assertion."
OIA:  Please provide, or refer me to, any information held by Medsafe or Department of Health on the testing carried out by independent scientists ie not 
affiliated with the vaccine maker.
OIA: (Transferred from MO)  For the period March to May inclusive, 2020, provide statistics as follows. ꞏ Death for C19, 22 as we know. ꞏ Death from flu. ꞏ Death 
from pneumonia.    For the period March to May inclusive, 2019. ꞏ Death from flu. ꞏ Death from pneumonia.    For the period March to May inclusive, 2018. ꞏ 
Death from flu. ꞏ Death from pneumonia.    For the period March to May inclusive, 2017. ꞏ Death from flu. ꞏ Death from pneumonia.
OIA: I am requesting the following document under the Official Information Act. A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price 
Waterhouse Coopers titled 'Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife' dated September 2019.
OIA - I want to know what hotels in Christchurch are being used for managed quarantine and managed isolation for the government to contain potential Covid-
19 infections so that I can recommend a hotel that is not being used for that purpose.

OIA:  Please could I request, under  he OIA, a copy of the redacted section 95 inquiry report into Hutt Valley DHB’s mental heal h services, released on 28 June 
2012.   I note that it is no longer available on the following website: https://www
health-service.htm, which refers to a link, and diverts to and does not 
allow access to the document.   I would therefore be grateful if a copy of  he report could be provided as an attachment to any response by email. 
OIA: Are you please able to provide a breakdown of these confirmed measles cases as to how many were vaccinated vs. how many were not?
OIA: We are requesting all information and in particular all information regarding any (all) complaints, abou s 9(2)(a)
, their Mahi a Atua program, 
Te Kuwatawata, Te Kurahuna, and any related agencies or individuals during  he period of time ending with the termination of involvement with s 9(2)(a)
, about 18 mon hs ago according to previous correspondence.  In particular we were told  hat among the numerous complaints about these individuals 
and  heir programs and initiatives was a "vote of no confidence" from [DHB] staff and a complaint from the PSA.
OIA -  I refer to the Health Information Security Framework:  Please provide current documents and reports that detail 
the methodology and regularity of HISF audits that are conducted upon private sector organisations in New Zealand.  If no such audits are carried out, please 
provide explanation and/or justifica ion as to why, wi h reference to  he Health Information Privacy Code 1994.
OIA: Pursuant to s 70 D (40) of the NZPH&D Act would you please provide me with a copy of the Chief Executive's document that has either changed or 
cancelled the FFC Policy.
OIA - My mo her s 9(2)(a)
 was admitted to the Waikato Hospital around December 2015 to January 2016. She is now deceased, 
her husband s 9(2)(a)
 my father is also deceased.  I would like copies of her medical files covering the period of her admission 
to Waikato Hospital. This is for other matters (I would like to better understand her medical health in the latter stages of her life).
OIA - Can you please provide the names and loca ions of the hotels that are curren ly being used for managed isolation and quaran ine facilities.  Do you have 
another list of hotels that are on standby or yet to be used as managed isolation facilities? If so, please provide those names/locations also.
OIA transferred by PMO to MOH - “…How much in total has the Government spent on Covid-19 self-isolation and quarantine to date (until June 8). Can you 
please break this down for self-isolation and quarantine. Can you also please provide a breakdown for each hotel or other venue. Can I please also request all 
correspondence around the payment arrangements made between the Government and the hotels, including licensing arrangements.” 
OIA: Hospital records under my maiden name s 9(2)(a)
. The dates would be during 1975 or 1976. I was actually put in  he hospital in my late 
teens. The ward number was either 17 or 24. It was to deal with mental issues and I did receive shock treatment. I wish to see these records for my own 
personal reasons.
OIA: I'm wondering how much it costs to carry out a Covid-19 test. Presumably there will be a range depending on who takes the swab and how many are being 
processed. Maybe a range of lab costs depending on number of samples being sampled.
OIA: Please advise the total number of people admitted to hospitals for treatment of Covid 19.
OIA: (Transferred from DIA) A full and final copy of the report prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers titled “Fair and Reasonable Pay 
for an LMC Midwife” dated September 2019.
OIA - 1: Of all  he installations, which you can update  he number of in your response, of the app how many have been used, by the user to record a 
location/transaction, no more than 25 times since the installation date.  Please break this down by Operating System installed on: ANDROID, APPLE or 
OTHER. 2: How many have been, since installation continuously used the application to record a location/transaction more than 25 times in any given weeks.  
3: How many have been, since installation continuously used the applica ion to record a location/transaction more than 50 times in any given weeks.  4: What is 
the average “record a location/transaction” count per week of all installa ions. This needs to be shown as weekly data since the first availability to download until 
the date of your response. 5: How many downloads have been made that have zero “record a location/transactions” 6: What is the total number of businesses 
in New Zealand and what are the total number of business QR-codes  hat have been allocated to date. 7: What number of QR-codes have been allocated, 
other than in (6) above. 8: How many individual users have received a contact tracer alert. 9: How many individual users have received more than 1 contact 
tracer alert. 10: How many individual users have received more than 10 contact tracer alerts.
OIA - How many New Zealanders were prescribed antidepressant or antianxiety medication between January - March 2020
OIA: We would like to request under  he freedom of information copies of  he registered datasheet, cmi, bottle label and carton and foil labels for  Lioresal, 
Tablet, 10 mg. TT50-2155
OIA: # Since January 1 2019, copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, or briefings regarding the difference in funding and support (such as for 
rehabilitation) for children who are disabled because of injury, compared to those disabled because of other reasons such as disease or bir h defects.  # Since 
January 1 2019 any correspondence received from people or organisations regarding the above difference in funding and support.

OIA -  Please provide the following information relating to the use of the Pullman Hotel and the Stamford Plaza Hotel as Covid-19 Managed Isolation Facilities:  
1. all internal rules, guidelines and processes followed for selecting the above-named hotels as Managed Isolation Facili ies.  2. all communications with the 
above-named hotels relating to their use as Managed Isolation Facilities, including but not limited to their heal h and safety plans.  3. any enquires and 
complaints you received with regards to health and safety of using the above-named hotels as Covid-19 Managed Isolation Facilities, and your responses to 
these enquires and complaints.
OIA - could you please provide me with documentation relating to the stakeholder consultation referred to on this page: https://www.heal
work/eating-and-activity-guidelines/process-developing-eating-and-activity-guidelines  Specifically, could you please provide all documents relating to the 
consultation between the Ministry of Health and New Zealand Beef and Lamb, Fonterra and Unilever New Zealand (or any member or representative of these 
organisations), including evidence supplied throughout the consultation process.
OIA - I request  hat the Ministry of Health provide me with the names of any hotels or other premises which the Ministry of Health have contracted to use as 
COVID-19 quarantine facili ies in NZ since 1 April 2020.
OIA - please can you tell me on what date and time the Ministry of Health conducted the interview where they learnt of the fact that the two COVID-19 positive 
sisters had got lost on their journey to Wellington? 
OIA - 1. The number of complaints from mental heal h workers alleging  hey were assaulted in the workplace within the last 3 years.  For each complainant 
please provide  he following information... - age, sex, job title of the complainant - allega ion details and date - all investigations outcomes (including but not 
restricted to all inves iga ion reports) - if not investigated why not - was there any criminal prosecution and details of the outcome - if there was no criminal 
prosecu ion why not  2. The number of complaints made by health workers who have alleged they were assaulted while working at the Emergency Departments 
over the last 3 years.   For each complaint please provide the following informa ion... - age, sex, job title of the complainant - allegation details and date - all 
investigations outcomes (including but not restricted to all investigation reports) - if not investigated why not - was there any criminal prosecution and details of 
the outcome - if there was no criminal prosecution why not  3. The number of complaints from health workers who have made allegations they were assaulted 
while working at maternity services over the last 3 years   For each complaint please provide  he following information... - age, sex, job title of the complainant - 
allegation details and date - all investigations outcomes (including but not restricted to all investigation reports) - if not investigated why not - was there any 
criminal prosecution and details of  he outcome - if  here was no criminal prosecution why not
OIA - Any reports prepared by or for the Ministry of Health in  he past 24 months (including reports that were drafted but never published) on: 1) The potential 
and/or actual HEALTH  MPACTS of degraded freshwater quality, including but not limited to the impacts of nitrates in drinking water and/or the impacts of 
zoonoses (such as e. coli, giardia, etc) in rivers and lakes (2) The poten ial and/or actual ECONOMIC COSTS of degraded freshwater quality to the healthy 
system, including but not limited to the impacts of nitrates in drinking water and/or the impacts of zoonoses (such as e. coli, giardia, etc) in rivers and lakes
OIA - All correspondence, including attachments, between the Ministry of Health and Michelle Boag.
OIA - Could you please provide all policy advice and analysis that MoH has undertaken on the impact of possible nitrogen limits for freshwater on the 
equilibrium (short- and long-term) supply of and demand for fresh vegetables in New Zealand and of the consequent downstream (no pun intended!) impact on 
New Zealanders’ health, and the positive impacts of lower nitrates in  he water supply with New Zealanders’ health and wellbeing? 
OIA - Please provide copies of any discussions and all correspondence on record covering the subject of the Government’s options to encourage, incent or 
compell New Zealanders to take a coronavirus vaccine should one become available. This should include any legal advice received by  he Ministry on these 
matters. Please provide this information within the time-frames required by the Act.
OIA - Price Waterhouse Fair & Reasonable Pay for LMC Midwives report
OIA: I would like to request a full and final copy of the report by PricewaterhouseCoopers entitled 'Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC Midwife' which was 
commissioned by the Ministry of Health and completed in September 2019.
OIA: I'd like to request, under the Official Information Act, the full and final copy of the report "Fair and Reasonable Pay for a LMC Midwife" prepared for  he 
Ministry of Health by Price Waterhouse Coopers, September 2019.
OIA: Under the official information act please send me a full and final copy of the document prepared for  he ministry of health by Price Warehouse Coopers 
titled fair and reasonable pay for midwives sept 2019.
OIA: Under the official information act please send me a full and final copy of the document prepared for  he Ministry of Health by Price Warehouse Coopers 
titled fair and reasonable pay for midwives September 2019.
OIA: Wednesday, 6 July I was asking advise and I spoke with a nurses 9(2) ( not sure  hat i spell the name right) and i was happy with her advise.  I request:  
- a copy of my notes from 6 July and  - my personal informations to not be disclosed to any third party without my consent.
OIA - Under the official information act could you please send me a full and final copy of the document that was prepared for the Ministry of Health by Price 
Waterhouse Coopers titled "Fair and reasonable pay for midwives" dated September 2019.
OIA:  Under the official information act, please send me a full and final copy of the document prepared for the ministry of health by Price Waterhouse Coopers 
titled fair and reasonable pay for midwives from September 2019.
OIA: Kidney transplants *see attachments*

OIA:  a full and final copy of the document prepared for the Ministry of Health by Pricewaterhouse Coopers entitled "Fair and Reasonable Pay for an LMC 
Midwife" commissioned by the Ministry of Health and completed in September 2019. If you could forward a copy of this document to the above address.
OIA Par ial transfer from DPMC - The costs of the inves igation into the claim a homeless man sneaked into managed isolation at  he Crowne Plaza, with a 
breakdown (eg staffing)
OIA: I would like to make a request under  he Official Information Act. Please send me a full and final copy of  he document prepared for the Ministry of Health 
by Price Warehouse Coopers titled Fair and Reasonable Pay for Midwives Sept 2019.
OIA:  1/ The Number of patients that have informa ion stored on Canterbury DHB Gynae Plus digital record system   2/ The Number of patients that have 
images stored on Canterbury DHB Gynae Plus digital record system   3/ The total number of cervical images stored on Canterbury DHB Gynae Plus digital 
record system   4/ The star ing date that Canterbury DHB first started using Gynae Plus digital record system