17 June 2020
Thomas Holmes
[FYI request #12420 email]
Ref: IR-01-20-7382
Dear Thomas,
Request for information
Thank you for your request dated 10 March 2020 asking for the number of sworn and
non-sworn New Zealand Police employees by station.
You requested:
The breakdown of both sworn and non-sworn employees per station.
If it is not possible to breakdown to a station level, then please break the data
down to the area level.
The data should ideal y be structured by Station Name, Area Name, District
Name, Number of Sworn Staff, Number of Non-sworn staff.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982
and I enclose the following information:
Attached as Appendix A are the headcounts of Police employees by constabulary/Non
constabulary, location, area and district.
The constabulary numbers include temporary sworn and authorised officers (both
frontline and back office constabulary).
You have the right, under section 28(3) of the Official Information Act 1982, to ask the
Ombudsman to review this response, if you are not satisfied with the way I have
responded to your request.
Yours sincerely
Kaye Ryan
Deputy Chief Executive: People & Capability