File Ref: 5-IM-2
07 February 2020
Mr Robert Snijders
Via email: [FYI request #11926 email]
Dear Mr Snijders
LGOIMA Response
Here is our response to your LGOIMA request, in relation to District Plan Change – Rural to
Industrial at 1165, 1151 and 1090 SH1, Marton.
1. Internal Costs (staff, disbursements, and miscellaneous)
We are unable to provide this at this stage as the process is ongoing and staffing costs are not
maintained at a project level.
2. External Consultants (each consultant should be listed separately and if the fee has been
'quoted' by the consultant this should be noted.)
Council is refusing this part of the request under section 7(2)(b)(ii) of the Local Government and
Official Meetings Act.
3. Hearing Costs
No costs to date.
4. Any costs that may be incurred by a shared services agreement or otherwise between Rangitikei
District Council and another District or Regional Council.
Not applicable to this project.
Yours sincerely
Carol Gordon
Manager – Executive Office