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Wellington City Council 
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Living our values

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Te tiro whānui
An overview of our Code of Conduct
Our Code is organised under five 
sections to help us conduct our 
We understand our responsibilities, and we do what’s 
business legally, ethically, responsibly  right every day.
and in alignment with our values.
Our Council
We understand that the Council is a political environment  
and we remain political y neutral when we work for 
the Council.
Our people
We act with integrity. We treat each  other with fairness, 
dignity and respect. We keep each other safe.
Our customers, communities  
and the environment
We are committed to our customers, and to the 
communities we serve where our people live and 
work. We are committed to sustainability by striving 
to  minimise our environmental impact.
Our assets
We protect our reputation and our assets, so we can 
better serve our customers and communities.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Ngā kaha 
Our values
Our values and behaviours underpin  
our Code of Conduct
He tangata, he tangata,  
Whakapai ake
he tangata
We’re always improving
We put people at the  
heart of what we do
•  We are open to new ideas 
and innovation
•  We anticipate our customers’ needs
•  We encourage creativity
•  We support our col eagues
•  We learn from our mistakes
•  We listen to our customers and each other
•  We give constructive feedback, 
•  We act with integrity and respect
compliment good work and  
reward success
Mahi ngātahi 
Mana tiaki 
We collaborate
We care for our places
•  We share our skil s and knowledge
•  We protect our environment for  
•  We have confidence in our col eagues
future generations
•  We work together to get the best results
•  We are guardians of our city’s assets
•  We are accountable for our actions  
•  We nurture our communities
and decisions
•  We consider the impact of what we do

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Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Rārangi upoko
Te tiro whānui 
An overview of our Code of Conduct 
Ngā kaha 
Our values 
Wāhinga kōrero nā te Tumuaki 
Message from the Chief Executive
Kupu Arataki 
Tō tātou Kaunihera  
Our Council 
Ō mātou tāngata 
Our people
Ō mātou kiritaki, hapori, hoa kaipakihi 
Our customers, communities and the environment
Ō mātou rawa 
Our assets

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Rārangi upoko 
Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Wāhinga kōrero nā te Tumuaki
Message from the Chief Executive
Mā ngā Tikanga Whanonga ka pai ake 
It is important that we all show good judgement and 
tā tātou mahi ngātahi, ka whakapakari  common sense in complying with the Code. Our actions 
will help us to show pride in ourselves, in those we work 
hoki i te rongo i ngā mahi pai o te 
with and in the community we serve.
I expect everyone working for Wel ington City Council 
to fol ow the highest standards of ethical behaviour 
Our Code of Conduct supports how 
when dealing with ratepayers, customers, suppliers, the 
community and each other.
we work together and builds on 
As representatives of the Council, we must be responsible 
our positive reputation through the 
for our own good behaviour, sensible use of public 
decisions we make and the actions 
resources and comply with relevant laws, regulations 
and the Council’s policies, guidelines and procedures. 
we take.
As leaders, we are all responsible for encouraging a culture 
where demonstrating our values is recognised, rewarded 
and fol owed at all levels. That is why it is expected that 
This Code has been developed in consultation with staff 
everyone will fol ow the standards of behaviour in the Code.
to find an agreed way of working together that is practical, 
I am pleased to provide you with Wel ington City Council’s 
relevant and useful in our everyday working lives. It 
Code of Conduct. I trust you will refer to it often, in order 
is also intrinsical y linked to our organisation’s values 
to help you make the right decisions and contribute to the 
and behaviours.
Council being a great place to work.
The Code is our shared commitment to our values, aids 
compliance with legislative requirements and helps us al :
Kevin Lavery 
Chief Executive
•  create a positive work environment for everyone;
•  build effective and trusted relationships with Council ors;
•  provide a great experience for our customers;
•  and build a strong reputation in the community.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Kupu Arataki 
Why do we have a Code?
In all circumstances, we must obey the law. It is important that 
we are familiar with the acts and regulations that directly affect 
Doing the right thing matters. The Code of Conduct outlines 
our work and be aware of and respect the processes of the law.
what’s expected of us and is the link between our values 
and our policies, guidelines and procedures.
Advice and guidance on the Code can be found on page 7.
It’s about how we do things when we work at the Council 
You can download a copy of this Code on our intranet, Pokapu.
– it’s about appropriate and acceptable behaviour, and, 
of course, it’s about complying with the law.
Who must follow the Code?
The aim is for our employees, contractors and consultants 
The Council has developed the Code in consultation with staff, 
(col ectively referred to as our staff) to feel supported 
and it applies to all employees, contractors and consultants 
to make smart choices, manage risks and have a great 
working for us. We have a separate Code for our Council ors and 
experience at the Council.
the Mayor. There is a copy on our website.
Everyone has a responsibility to speak up when there is, 
or could be, a situation that may breach or lead to a breach 
How do we use the Code?
of the Code, our policies, or the law.
Because employees have different rights and obligations to 
Depending on the circumstances, steps might be taken to 
contractors and consultants, not all of the same standards 
find a solution to the problem. This could include training, 
and potential outcomes set out in the Code will apply in the 
counsel ing, and/or disciplinary action (in the case of 
same way to different staff members.
employees), or termination of engagement (in the case 
of contractors and consultants).
Managers or team leaders can discuss any issues or answer any 
questions staff may have.
How to make the right decision
If you are faced with 
Will my behaviour be fol owing the 
If you answered 
a difficult decision about 
Code, Council policies and the law?
what action to take, ask 
yourself these questions
to these questions ask for 
help from your manager, 
Will my behaviour be consistent with our 
our human resources, 
values and behaviours?
legal or assurance teams
Will my behaviour harm my reputation 
If you answered
or Council’s reputation?
to these questions ask for 
help from your manager, 
Will my behaviour appear unethical and 
our human resources, 
inappropriate to external stakeholders?
legal or assurance teams

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Where to go for advice and guidance 
An employee’s responsibilities
on the Code?
•  Act in good faith towards the Council
You are not alone! The Council has processes, guidance 
•   Maintain required standards of performance
and procedures to help you fol ow our Code, the Council’s 
•  Comply with all lawful and reasonable instructions 
policies and the law. Any doubts about what decision to 
provided by the Council as referenced in our 
make or questions about reporting any concerns, you can 
employment agreements
ask for advice from:
•  Adhere to the Council’s policies, standards and  
•  Your manager or team leader
Code of Conduct
They are available in the first instance for advice 
•  Demonstrate the Council’s values and behaviours
on our policies, processes and guidelines. They can 
•  Support the use of Treaty of Waitangi principles – 
answer questions about the Code and help you make 
‘partnership, protection and participation’, and te reo 
the right decisions.
Māori through our work.
•  Human Resources
They can explain and interpret the Code and answer 
A contractor or consultant’s 
questions about your employment obligations, safety, 
security and wel being, policies, workplace issues or 
raising concerns.
•  Comply with the terms outlined in the contract for 
services or agreement for consultancy services
•  Legal and Risk
•  Demonstrate our values and behaviours
They can help explain the Code and provide guidance 
•  Support the use of Treaty of Waitangi principles 
about how to conduct business on behalf of the Council, 
– ‘partnership, protection and participation’, and 
in compliance with the law.
te reo Māori through our work.
•  Assurance
A manager’s responsibilities
They can assist with advice about conflicts under 
the Code. They are also responsible for responding 
As a manager or team leader, we have an important 
to people who report serious wrongdoing as 
responsibility to set an example and act in a manner 
a protected disclosure.
consistent with the Code. Below are some guidelines:
Informal approach 
•  Act as a role model, demonstrating ethical behaviour 
in line with the Council’s values and hold people 
The Council has both informal and formal procedures 
accountable for their behaviour 
available to manage issues of employees' performance 
•  Identify issues or concerns with behaviour 
or misconduct. When dealing with issues, managers or 
or performance early and address them
team leaders need to address issues as early as possible. 
•  Help our people understand the Code and the Council‘s 
Where appropriate the employee concerned will have 
policies and ensure they have access to resources to help 
the opportunity to improve and meet expectations, and 
them comply with the Code every day
continue to prosper in their role. A successful informal 
•  Create an environment where employees are 
intervention would result in the employee meeting and 
comfortable speaking up without fear of retaliation
maintaining the performance and conduct requirements of 
their role.
•  Take seriously any concern raised by an employee that 
compromises the Code and take time to understand 
Managers or team leaders should use an informal approach 
if the issue should be escalated. If so, escalate the matter 
if it has not been tried before or could resolve the issue, 
as soon as possible and support any investigation subject 
or when the employee’s behaviour does not appear to be 
to natural justice
significant. There may be circumstances where, despite an 
•  Support the use of Treaty of Waitangi principles 
informal approach, the situation hasn’t been resolved, or the 
– ‘partnership, protection and participation’, and 
significance of the situation means a more formal approach 
te reo Māori. This will empower others to support 
is needed.
it through their work.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
The Council’s responsibilities
Disciplinary action
•  Demonstrate good employer principles and act in good 
Disciplinary action can involve issuing a warning, 
faith towards our employees
or dismissing an employee with or without notice.
•  Help our people understand the Code and the Council’s 
policies and ensure they have access to resources to help 
Where there is an al egation of serious misconduct or where 
them live the Code every day
the health and safety of people is at risk, an employee may 
be suspended from duties with or without pay until the 
•  Ensure safe working conditions and that wel being 
situation has been investigated by the Council.
initiatives are in place to support our people
•  Provide regular and appropriate communication and 
The examples of misconduct and serious misconduct 
feedback about expectations and work performance
in the Code are not meant to be a comprehensive list of 
•  Take seriously any concern raised that compromises 
actions or behaviours that could result in disciplinary action. 
the Code and take time to understand if the issue 
The Council may, given the particular circumstance, find that 
should be escalated. If so, escalate the matter as soon 
the matter classified in the Code as misconduct may amount 
as possible and support any investigation
to serious misconduct. The examples are not intended to 
replace staff applying the intention behind the Code rather 
•  Mana whenua and Māori communities participate 
than literal interpretation.
in decision making and are supported to engage in 
the work we do 
Consultants and contractors may have their engagement 
•  Te reo Māori is important to the Council and we are 
terminated if they breach the Code.
committed to putting initiatives in place so our people 
feel supported in learning and using it.
Misconduct vs serious misconduct
Raising concerns
Misconduct can be at two different levels; misconduct  
and serious misconduct. Misconduct is when an 
The Council supports honest and open communication and 
employee does something that may justify some 
encourages its people to ask questions and report concerns. 
disciplinary action being taken by the Council less than 
They will support anyone who, in good faith, discloses 
dismissal. Repeated misconduct can however result in 
actual or suspected breaches of the Code or participates 
dismissal, as can a repeated failure to meet reasonable 
in a Council investigation subject to natural justice. The 
performance expectations.
Council will provide protection to its people if they report a 
Serious misconduct is label ed ‘serious’ because it can have 
‘serious wrongdoing’. Please refer to the Council’s protected 
the effect of destroying or undermining the relationship of 
disclosures policies for more information.
trust and confidence between an employee and employer.  
If, fol owing a fair investigation and disciplinary process,  
a decision is made that serious misconduct has taken place,  
a decision may be made to dismiss the employee.
The Council investigates reports of actual or suspected 
Code breaches promptly, fairly and in accordance with 
its legal obligations. Everyone is required to cooperate 
ful y in any Council investigation subject to natural justice, 
and to keep knowledge of any investigation confidential 
to safeguard the integrity of the investigation, protect 
witnesses, and secure relevant information. The Council 
also protects the confidentiality of the reporting source.
When conducting investigations, the Council seeks fair,  
wel -reasoned outcomes that balance the interests of 
identifying and addressing misconduct, while preserving 
the dignity of those involved.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Tō tātou Kaunihera
Our Council
Wel ington City Council is made 
This section covers some important 
up of 15 elected representatives, 
expectations we must fol ow to serve our 
the Mayor and 14 Councillors.
community, customers and the Council of 
today and the future.
It's their job to make bylaws, 
•  What it means to work at the Council
set the city's overall strategic 
•  Expectations and performance
direction, and approve budgets, 
policies and plans aimed 
•  Remaining politically neutral
at achieving that direction.
•  Free and frank advice
•  Private communication with Council ors
Part of their role is to listen and 
•  Media 
take the pulse of the community 
•  Use of Social Media.
before making decisions.
The elected representatives are 
supported by our Chief Executive 
and 1000-plus employees, who 
provide advice, implement the 
Council’s decisions and look after 
the city's day- to-day operations.
Our values in action
He tangata,he tangata,  
Whakapai ake
Mahi ngātahi 
Mana tiaki 
he tangata
We’re always improving
We collaborate
We care for our places
We put people at the  
heart of what we do

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
What it means to work at the Council
Expectations and performance of staff
What it means
•  We carry out our duties in an efficient and competent 
Wel ington City Council is part of the local government 
manner and comply with all Council policies, standards 
sector which has substantial powers and is responsible for 
and guidelines
spending public money. Public scrutiny is high, so we need 
•  We comply with all lawful and reasonable instructions 
high standards of professional behaviour and to be clear 
•  We are impartial and use any power or authority we have 
about who is responsible for what. 
in a non-exploitative and non-abusive way
Given the political environment and the proximity 
•  We maintain any requirements for our position such as 
of Council ors, the relationship between employees, 
a practising certificate or drivers licence(s)
contractors or consultants and Council ors has to be clear.
•  We obtain permission from our manager or team leader 
Why it matters
in advance if we need to be absent from the workplace 
during working hours
We may have to make judgements and decisions in difficult 
or complex situations. Given these decisions can attract 
•  We report to work on time and if we can’t we let our 
political and public attention it’s important we understand 
manager or team leader know.
the environment we are operating in. The Code helps to 
guide judgement, behaviour, actions and decisions in this 
political environment.
How we do it
•  We fulfil our lawful obligations to the Council with 
professionalism and integrity
•  We perform our duties honestly, faithful y and 
efficiently, respecting the rights of the public, 
colleagues and customers
•  We avoid any activities – both work-related and private – 
that might bring the Council into disrepute or jeopardise 
its relationships with Council ors, customers or the public
•  We avoid offences against the law which may involve 
a breach of trust or discredit the Council.
Managers and team leaders will consider the 
fol owing when deciding whether work-related 
and personal activities may bring the Council 
into disrepute:
•  The nature and circumstances of the activity
•  Your position, duties and responsibilities as a 
Council employee, contractor or consultant
•  The consequences of the activity on your 
ability to fulfil your duties and responsibilities 
for the Council
•  The effects of the activity or its consequences 
on the Council’s relationships with its 
customers, Council ors or the public.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Remaining political y neutral
Free and frank advice 
Wel ington City Council staff are expected to be political y 
As a Council staff member, we have a responsibility to 
neutral when performing their role at the Council. It is 
provide comprehensive, honest, impartial, evidence-
important not to let personal views or interests influence 
based advice to Council ors and to alert Council ors to the 
their advice or behaviour at work.
consequences, or possible consequences, of particular 
Staff have the same political rights and freedoms as other 
policies. We provide relevant information and make timely 
New Zealanders. They may stand for office, research and 
decisions that support the Council’s policy. 
support candidates, and vote as private individuals. However 
they must remain political y neutral while working with the 
Private communication with Council ors 
current Council as well as any future Council. It is important 
they talk to their manager or team leader if they put in a 
When dealing with personal matters as residents of 
nomination to stand for office. They may be required to take 
Wel ington, we have the same rights of access to our local 
leave, and if successful, they will need to resign.
authority representatives as other members of the public.
Remaining politically neutral maintains the public’s trust 
However, given the requirement for Council staff to remain 
and confidence in local government and protects staff 
political y neutral in their work, we need to approach such 
against any inappropriate political pressure that could be 
communication with sensitivity.
brought to bear on them at work. It doesn’t mean staff 
As a general guide for staff
shouldn’t take a personal interest in politics. It means 
•  We may communicate privately with Council ors about 
behaviour either at work or outside of work shouldn’t 
any matters outside our employment/engagement, 
compromise their work at the Council. This may be more 
but if we occupy a senior position or work closely with 
relevant in some roles at the Council than others.
Council ors, we should demonstrate particular care with 
Political activities, including researching candidates, 
such communications
commenting on issues and attending candidate meetings, 
•  We avoid lobbying or influencing Council ors about 
should take place in personal time and should not use 
decisions that fall within Council management, such as 
the Council’s resources (including computers and mobile 
the priority of work or al ocation of resources. These 
phones). Specific guidelines regarding the conduct of 
matters should be raised and resolved within our existing 
employees, contractors or consultants in an election period 
management structure
will be issued in advance of every triennial election.
•  We avoid communicating privately with Council ors 
about matters concerning our employment/engagement 
or business unit. These matters are to be raised and 
resolved with our manager or team leader directly 
Q & A
or through your representative.
Q. Can I join my local residents’ association or 
If we are approached privately by a Council or, we should 
other community/political groups while I work 
ensure this is managed and seen to be managed while 
at Council?
remaining political y neutral and being impartial. If this 
A. Of course, but your activities and 
happens, always make sure your manager or team leader 
contributions to these groups should not 
is informed.
affect your ability to do your job. You should 
think about which groups you join and how 
you participate in them, and be clear that the 
views you express are your personal views.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Q & A
What it means
The news media plays a big role in helping keep the public 
Q.  I’ve received a call from the media about the 
informed about what the Council is doing. At Wel ington City 
budget implications/costs for a high profile 
Council we speak in one voice when communicating with the 
project I’ve been working on. My manager has 
media or the public.
received media training and would normal y 
comment. They are away. Can I make a 
Why it matters
comment on their behalf?
It's important the public receive accurate, clear, complete 
A. No. Only designated spokespeople who have 
and consistent information about Wel ington City Council. 
received media training can communicate 
How we do it
to the media. Refer the media call to the 
Media team.
•  Only staff who are authorised and trained should 
represent the Council when communicating with 
the media
•   We use designated spokespeople to speak to the media
•   We refer any media cal s or contact to the Council’s 
Media Team
•   We only comment on existing policy and practice that 
has been resolved by Council. We only comment on 
issues or activities relating to our area of responsibility
•   We don’t give our personal opinions to the media, or any 
other group or organisation seeking information on 
Council policy.
Examples of misconduct
•  Making unauthorised statements to the media 
or public about work-related matters
•   Commenting to the media or public on unresolved 
policy matters of political debate
•   Commenting on requests that are outside of 
our responsibilities
•   Giving our personal opinions on Council policy 
to the media.
Examples of serious misconduct
•  Unauthorised disclosure of commercial y sensitive 
•  Making unauthorised comments that undermine 
the Council and/or bring it into disrepute.
For more information 
•  Please refer to our media policy and protocols.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Use of social media
Q & A
What it means
Social media includes any digital communication channels 
Q. I’m part of a social media community group 
that al ow individuals to create and share content and post 
for the suburb I live in and we are upset about 
comments online. The use of social media is extremely 
the stance the Council is taking on a particular 
common and we assume the Council’s staff use social media 
issue. Can I post my views on behalf of the 
in their personal lives.
group on the Council’s social media channels?
Working for the Council means staff need to be mindful of 
A. No. Because you work for the Council, you 
what they choose to post or share – even if it’s their personal 
need to remain neutral and impartial when 
opinions and on their personal channels.
posting on Council social media sites. Contact 
the social media team for guidance on what 
Why it matters
other channels you can use.
We need to be aware of and comply with all Council policies 
in our use of social media.
What we say on social media, even in a personal capacity, 
can impact the way others view the Council as an 
organisation. Good judgement needs to be used when 
making comments online that are public. People need 
to be polite, respectful and remain neutral and impartial 
if commenting on Council issues.
How we do it
•   We are mindful of what we create, share, post 
and comment on, remembering the internet is a 
public place and we can’t control how long something 
will remain on the internet, or other people’s access 
to the content
•  We speak to the Media team if we see anything we don’t 
think is right on the Council’s social media channels. 
Do not use your personal account to comment
•  As members of the public, we can engage on the 
Council’s social media channels, but keep it positive.
Examples of misconduct
•  Publishing unauthorised Council material or comments 
about the Council on social media
•  Expresssing opinions on social media that contradict the 
Council's position while identifying yourself as working 
for the Council.
Examples of serious misconduct
•  Bul ying or harassment other Council staff on 
social media
•  Bringing the Council into disrepute through social 
media activity.
For more information
•  Please refer to our social media policy and out ICT 
Policy Handbook.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Ō mātou tāngata
Our people
People are at the heart of everything 
This section covers some important 
we do and are the lifeblood of our 
expectations we must fol ow to support 
each other and sustain an environment in 
which we all can be successful.
Our people’s ability to lead, create 
•  Safety, security and wel being
and innovate is critical to our success.
•  Preventing harassment and bul ying
We are continuing to build a 
•  Conflicts of interest
constructive and high performing 
•  Diversity and inclusion.
culture where we are safe, 
empowered, supported and 
encouraged to be our best.
We are all entitled to be treated 
with fairness and respect. We invite 
inclusive conversations to create the 
best possible outcomes for everyone 
involved. By working together, we 
can unlock an even brighter future 
for ourselves and the organisation 
we serve.
Our values in action
He tangata,he tangata,  
Whakapai ake
Mahi ngātahi 
Mana tiaki 
he tangata
We’re always improving
We collaborate
We care for our places
We put people at the  
heart of what we do

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Safety, security and wellbeing
•  We understand that for safety and protecting our 
assets, closed-circuit television and access control cards 
What it means
information is col ected about our movements as we 
The Council is committed to the safety, security 
move about Council buildings and facilities or if we are 
and wel being of staff. This is done by reducing, or where 
in a location where CCTV operates
possible, removing the risk of harm to staff and the public. 
•  We ensure only authorised people access Council premises
This includes employees, contractors or consultants, 
•  Council premises that require access cards need to be 
volunteer workers and visitors.
displayed as a form of identification at all times while 
At the Council, everyone takes responsibility for their  
we are at work
health, safety and wel being and that of others. Through  
•  We never use our access cards or keys to grant access 
our Health and Wel being Strategy, the Council enables its 
to our premises to people we don’t know unless we have 
staff to be proactive and take responsibility for their health 
been authorised to do so.
and wel being.
Examples of misconduct
Why it matters
•  Breach of the Council’s smoke-free workplace policy
Keeping people safe and healthy, supporting rehabilitation 
•  Behaving in a way that is contrary to any of the Council’s 
and providing appropriate resources is the right thing to do 
safety policies, procedures, or practices.
as it promotes a positive, caring work environment in which 
to work.
Examples of serious misconduct
We must perform at our best every day. Therefore each of 
•  Consumption, supply or possession of il egal drugs on 
us must report to work free from any substance, including 
Council property or any other workplace
alcohol or drugs, that could prevent us from doing our jobs 
•  Assisting any person to gain unauthorised entrance 
safely, or that could create a dangerous situation.
to any part of Council premises
Acts of violence, threats and physical intimidation have no 
•  Violence or threats to other employees, customers 
place at Wel ington City Council.
or others in the workplace
•  An act of negligence or unsafe practice that seriously 
How we do it
affects (or has the potential to seriously affect) security 
•  We all share the responsibility to make health and safety 
or health and safety in the workplace
a daily priority. Each of us is accountable for observing 
•  Being unable to perform duties to the required standard 
the health and safety policies and practices that apply to 
because of consumption of drugs or alcohol.
our job and for taking precautions necessary to protect 
ourselves, each other, our contractors and our visitors
For more information
•  We work together in the spirit of the Council Worker 
•  Please refer to the Council’s Health and Wel being 
Participation Agreement to achieve positive health 
Strategy, Drug and Alcohol Policy, Security Policy, 
and safety outcomes
Rehabilitation Guideline, Council Worker Participation 
•  We are all made aware, and remain vigilant of the hazards 
Agreement and Critical Safety Risks.
and associated risks to the health and safety of our 
people, contractors or consultants, volunteer workers, 
visitors and the public, with a particular focus on our 
Q & A
critical risks
Q. I work in a role that requires the use of a 
•  We take reasonable steps to control these hazards to 
Council vehicle. My doctor has prescribed 
ensure any risk to people in our workplaces is eliminated 
medication that may cause certain side 
or reduced as much as possible
effects, such as drowsiness. Do I need to tel  
•  We know what to do in an emergency and cooperate 
my manager or team leader that I’m taking 
and comply with Council instructions during emergencies
this medication and the possible side effects?
•  When an incident does occur, we report it so it can be 
A. Yes. Staff who for medical reasons are using 
investigated and we can learn from it
prescription or non-prescription drugs that 
•  We take a prevention before cure approach to our health 
may impair alertness or judgement – and 
and wel being needs
could jeopardise their safety and that of other 
•  We talk to a manager or team leader if we see anyone 
people – should inform their manager or team 
who may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs 
leader straight away.
while at work

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Code of Conduct
Preventing harassment and bul ying
Q & A
What it means
Q. I can tell my col eague is upset by another 
We continuously strive for a work environment in which our 
person on our team who tel s jokes of a sexual 
people are treated with dignity and respect, and that is free 
nature. I’m not bothered by them. Should I 
of harassment, bullying and discrimination.
just wait for my col eague to say something?
Why it matters
A. Sexual harassment can be directed toward 
We believe everyone should be treated with respect. 
a person of the same or opposite sex. If it’s 
A work environment free from harassment, bul ying and 
clear to you that these jokes are offensive to 
discrimination enables us to grow and thrive together.
your col eague, step up and encourage them 
to speak to this person to let them know their 
How we do it
humour isn’t welcome. If your col eague is 
•  We are conscientious about how our actions and 
reluctant, then inform a manager or team 
comments might be perceived or misunderstood 
leader about the situation or talk to the Safety, 
by others
Security and Wel being team.
•  We have zero tolerance for unwanted verbal or physical 
conduct (sexual or otherwise) or degrading and 
disparaging jokes related to race, colour, age, gender, 
sexual orientation and other categories protected by 
the law
•  We report instances of harassment or bul ying to our 
manager or team leader, the Human Resources team, 
Legal and Risk team, any member of our management 
team, or your Health and Safety representative.
Examples of misconduct
•  Interfering with, obstructing, or hindering the work 
performance of another staff member
•  Disparaging comments, slurs, jokes.
Examples of serious misconduct
•  Unwelcome sexual advances or remarks
•  Displaying, downloading or storing written or graphic 
material that ridicules, insults or shows hostility toward 
a group or individual, including racist, pornographic, 
obscene, or sexual y suggestive content
•  Making malicious or unfounded al egations against other 
employees, customers or others in the workplace 
•  Harassment or bul ying of Council staff, customers 
or others in the workplace either physical y, verbal y, 
in person or via communication including social media.
For more information
•  Please refer to Wel ington City Council’s Anti-Bul ying 
Policy and Harassment Policy.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Conflicts of interest
Examples of conflicts of interest
What it means
Where you could gain a benefit or 
advantage, or have your action interpreted 
Conflicts of interest are very common and occur frequently. 
as getting personal gain or benefit (this can 
The nature of working for the Council, and living in a small 
be financial or non-financial) comments 
city like Wel ington, means that conflicts do happen for 
or where your employment outside 
Council staff. We all have interests in our lives outside 
of the Council may conflict with your 
of work.
employment at the Council.
A Conflict of interest can be an actual conflict, a perceived 
conflict or a potential conflict. An actual conflict is a situation 
Family and 
Where you have an opportunity or 
that creates a conflict of interest. A perceived conflict of 
are pressured to assist, or provide an 
interest is where others may think, or may resonably think, 
advantage to family or friends. Your family 
you might have a conflict of interest. A potential conflict 
includes your spouse, partner, parents, 
is something that has not yet occurred but there is a 
in-laws, children, siblings, aunties, uncles, 
resonable risk it will happen, and if so it would create a real 
first cousins and other relatives that you 
or perceived conflict of interest.
have (or would be assumed to have) 
a close relationship with. Your friends 
Why it matters
include close friends and other friends you 
It's important we balance personal interests with our role 
would be (or would be seen to be) loyal to, 
and responsibilities for the Council. If we don’t, it can 
such as flatmates and business partners 
create a risk for the Council’s role in the community. 
(past and present).
The community may be concerned that their interests are 
not being managed fairly, that inappropriate considerations 
Community  Where you have an opportunity or 
are being taken into account in the Council’s decision-making  or voluntary  are pressured to assist, or provide an 
processes or inappropriate preference is being given.
advantage or benefit to, a stakeholder 
or people in a community with which 
How we do it
you are involved; or voluntary interests 
•  We think about what interests we have in our personal 
that may conflict with your employment 
lives and how these might overlap or interact with our 
at Council.
role and responsibilities for Council
Where you have a business interest or 
•  We disclose where we have interests that may impact 
trusts in an organisation that could come 
or interact with our role or responsibilities at the Council.
under local/regional authority, oversite or 
involvement with Council. 
Where you are a director, owner, 
or partner of, or have significant 
shareholdings (e.g. equal or greater than 
20% shareholding) or investments in, 
an organisation that could come under 
local/regional authority, oversite or 
involvement with Council.
Gifts or 
Where receiving a gift (outside of what’s 
contained in our gifts policy) and/or 
benefit that may create a conflict of 
interest. How to deal with gifts is covered 
in our discretionary expenditure policy and 
gifts policy.

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Code of Conduct
It is likely that, at some point (now or in the future), you may 
Examples of serious misconduct
find yourself in situations where you have a personal interest 
•  Failure to remedy a conflict of interest as directed 
that does or may conflict with the work the Council does, or 
by the Council
is involved with. 
•  Accepting bribes
Even if you believe you have dealt with the situation in the 
•  Making decisions on behalf of the Council for the 
appropriate manner, you must advise your manager or 
benefit of the staff member or their family, friends 
team leader. With conflicts, perception (how it looks) is as 
or acquaintances.
important as reality (what actual y happens). If you don’t 
disclose a conflict of interest it could be perceived that as 
For more information
an attempt to conceal it, and this may lead to your integrity 
•  Please refer to our Conflicts of Interest documents 
being cal ed into question.
and checklists.
To safeguard yourself against al egations of improper 
behaviour you need to recognise when an actual or potential 
conflict of interest arises. If you are unsure ask your manager 
Q & A
or team leader, and disclose it.
Q. A builder I know has asked me to assist him 
There a few situations where you will need to disclose any 
getting his consent applications fast-tracked. 
potential conflict of interests to Council:
This would mean he could start working on 
my house repairs sooner. I am thinking about 
When you 
When you join Council we ask that you 
having a chat with a col eague in the Building 
join the 
disclose any conflicts of interest.
Consenting and Compliance team to see if 
they could attend to the applications sooner. 
Is it ok to do this?
When there is  Tell us when there has been a ‘meaningful 
a meaningful  change’ in something you have already 
A. No. If you were to do this you would be 
breaching our conflicts of interest’s policy 
by using your position for personal gain, 
When your 
If your situation changes and you become 
compromising your integrity and placing 
aware of a conflict of interest which does or 
yourself and potential y your col eague in an 
might conflict with your duties at Council.
actual conflict of interest situation.
When asked You will be required to complete and 
submit a conflict of interest declaration on 
a regular basis, e.g. annual y, even if there 
are no new/changed conflicts of interests 
to disclose. 
When a conflict of interest disclosure has been made, 
the manager or team leader must careful y consider whether 
there is a potential conflict of interest and, if so, how to 
effectively manage the situation. The appropriate steps will 
be determined by the relevant manager, in consultation 
with the legal team as and when required. Steps may include 
restricting or prohibiting involvement in work activities that 
are linked to the Conflict of Interest.
Examples of misconduct
•  Not disclosing a potential conflict of interest
•  Not disclosing a relevant change in circumstances.

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Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Diversity and inclusion
Q & A
What it means
The Council embraces and values diversity and inclusion 
Q. I’m considering an applicant for a job who 
so all staff are supported to thrive and grow as they work 
would be working directly with customers, 
together for Wel ington’s future.
but I’m afraid our customers will be 
uncomfortable with their physical disability. Is 
Why it matters
this a reason not to hire them?
The Council believes diversity of people and ideas inspires 
A. No. To deny an applicant or employee a job 
innovation, provides key insights into the communities we 
based on a reaction of others to a disability, 
serve, and enhances the success of our organisation.
race or other characteristic is unlawful 
How we do it
discrimination. If the applicant is the best 
qualified person for the job, we should 
•  We treat each other with dignity and respect, and 
hire them. At Council we respect and value 
foster an atmosphere of open, direct and inclusive 
all people for their diverse backgrounds, 
experiences, approaches and ideas.
•  We create a safe environment where our people feel 
comfortable at work, feel their opinions are valued, 
and can speak without fear.
Examples of serious misconduct
•  Breaching the Human Rights Act 1993 in the undertaking 
of the staff members' duties.
For more information
•  Please refer to Wel ington City Council's Diversity and 
Inclusion Strategy Mō te katoa and Page 24 in this Code 
on respecting personal information.

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Code of Conduct
Ō mātou kiritaki, hapori, hoa kaipakihi
Our customers, communities and the environment
At Wel ington City Council we put our  This section outlines expectations 
customers first.
for providing the level of service 
and engagement our customers 
We seek to actively engage with 
and communities expect.
our communities so we can capture 
•  Our customers
a broad range of views that can be 
•  Our communities
used to help shape our city’s future.
•  Protecting our environment.
We identify ways we can be 
sustainable and minimise our impact 
on the environment.
Our values in action
He tangata,he tangata,  
Whakapai ake
Mahi ngātahi 
Mana tiaki 
he tangata
We’re always improving
We collaborate
We care for our places
We put people at the  
heart of what we do

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Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Our customers and communities
Protecting our environment
What it means
What it means
We are a service-based organisation, and our customers  
We realise the importance of what our environment 
and communities are at the heart of the services we provide.
provides, and protect it for future generations. We 
Our customers and communities have strong voices that 
will ensure our environment is healthy and resilient.  
need to be heard to inform the Council’s decision making. 
Why it matters
When we engage them on decisions, we look for ways 
Mana tiaki – we care for our places.
to make sure we hear a broad range of views.
The Council has a shared responsibility with Greater 
Why it matters
Wel ington Regional Council to maintain a healthy 
The people of Wel ington are at the heart of the Council’s 
environment as we are the guardians of our city’s 
priorities and plans. We provide a range of services on behalf 
environmental assets.
of Council ors who are elected by the people of Wel ington. 
Our environment contributes to the health and wel being  
The way we deliver these services, either ourselves or 
of our community.
through business partners, impacts the public perception of 
the Council.
There is intrinsic value in biodiversity and for many, 
particularly Māori, it is an essential part of their world view.
How we do it
•  We understand we are representing the Council when 
How we do it
we are engaging with our communities, and we are 
•  Everyone is accountable for observing environmental 
careful not to present our personal views
laws and Council policy
•  We respond appropriately and are aware of, and sensitive  •  We support the city’s goals to reduce carbon emissions, 
to, the needs of Wel ington’s diverse communities and 
and think about impacts of climate change on the city 
how they wish to engage with the Council. We engage 
and the Council
in a respectful and meaningful way so the community is 
•   We will ensure our actions and operating practices 
clear about what it can influence and knows its interests 
do not adversely impact the environment. We consider 
have been considered in the process
the environmental impact of everything we do, 
•  The Council recognises that dealing with customers may 
including actions that other parties take on our behalf 
be chal enging. The Council will support customer-facing 
(e.g. contractors).
teams so they have the tools and strategies to manage 
Examples of misconduct
difficult customers
•  Negatively impacting the environment through 
•  We do what we say we will do by the time we say 
the irresponsible disposal of harmful waste.
we will do it
•  We keep our customers informed if we can’t resolve 
an issue. We explain to our customers why we are 
passing the issue to somebody else
•  When we get something wrong, we apologise and we fix it
•  The Council supports and resources customer-facing 
teams to resolve service requests and complaints.
Examples of serious misconduct
•  Deliberately misrepresenting or excluding community 
groups in Council activities that impact them
•  Being disrespectful to customers and demonstrating 
behaviours that impact negatively on the reputation 
of the Council.
For more information
•  Refer to our Standard for Delivering Excel ent 
Customer Service.

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Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Ō mātou rawa
Our assets
We need to be innovative and 
This section covers some important 
professional to deliver the initiatives 
expectations we must fol ow to protect 
we’ve committed to. This includes 
our assets.
making better use of, and creating 
•  Council assets
more value from, our existing assets.
•  Respecting personal information
The public, our communities and 
•  Managing Council official information
Council ors put their trust in us to 
•   Using Council systems and equipment 
deliver, perform and create long-term 
value for Wel ingtonians.
We can maintain that trust through 
the way we communicate and how 
we protect our information, systems, 
property and equipment.
Our values in action
He tangata,he tangata,  
Whakapai ake
Mahi ngātahi 
Mana tiaki 
he tangata
We’re always improving
We collaborate
We care for our places
We put people at the  
heart of what we do

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Code of Conduct
Council assets
Examples of misconduct
•  Consistently missing deadlines for the coding 
What it means
of Purchasing card transactions or splitting financial 
The Council’s assets are all the resources we use to deliver 
transactions to meet expenditure policy limits
the Council’s plans and policies. Everyone has a responsibility   •  Miscoding or incorrect descriptions of transactions 
to protect the Council’s assets. It's also important we are  
within the financial management system or approving 
financial y prudent and careful not to waste ratepayers' money.
or incurring financial transactions outside of DFA
The table below provides examples of the type of assets 
•  Breaching copyright including unauthorised use 
we have here:
of Council Intel ectual Property material
•  Being careless with Council property, tools and 
Physical assets
Information assets
Physical assets include 
Information assets 
•  Using Council resources or equipment for personal 
anything physical we use to 
include any data, CCTV 
benefit or otherwise without prior authorisation.
conduct our business - from  footage, and confidential 
photocopiers, stationery and  information relating to 
Examples of serious misconduct
computers to lawnmowers, 
the Council’s business, 
•  Committing or participating in dishonesty against the 
lane ropes and inflatables. 
no matter how it is 
Council, including (but not limited to) misappropriation 
The land, buildings, vehicles  created, distributed, used 
of funds, submission of false expense claims, invoices, or 
and inventory the Council 
or stored. This includes 
alteration or falsification of Council records
owns or has interests in are 
data in our files and on 
•  Concealment of information that could have a significant 
also physical assets.
our servers.
impact on the Council’s finances or ability to do business
Intel ectual assets
Financial assets
•  Misrepresentation of transactions or financial results 
Intel ectual assets include 
Financial assets include 
to achieve performance objectives
the Council’s ideas, 
purchasing cards, petty 
•  Obtaining personal benefit from using Council resources 
improvements, inventions, 
cash, air points, money 
by incurring or authorising transactions where you 
processes, written 
or anything that can be 
receive or are perceived to receive some personal gain 
documents or other forms 
converted to money, such  
or benefits such as using a Council purchasing card for 
of intel ectual property, 
as property.
personal use
designs, copyrights 
•  Unauthorised disclosure of commercial y sensitive 
and licences.
Why it matters
For more information
The Council’s assets are essential to running our 
•  Please refer to Council policies, including petty cash, 
organisation successful y.
delegations, purchasing cards, expenses reimbursement, 
capital and operating expenditure, credit control and 
We all share the responsibility to be good stewards of these 
debt management, travel and accommodation.
assets on behalf of our ratepayers and communities, taking 
care to avoid loss, damage, waste and improper use.
How we do it
Q & A
•  We protect Council assets and use them responsibly
Q. While on a business trip next week, I plan 
•  We adhere to our delegated financial authority (DFA)
to take my sister out to dinner for her 
•  We never alter financial documents such as cheques, 
birthday. Can I put the cost of her meal on my 
 invoices or timesheets
purchasing card and then reimburse the costs 
•  We use Council funds responsibly with honesty and 
when I complete my reconciliation?
integrity and are accountable for our expenditure
A. No. You can use your purchasing card for your 
•  We fol ow financial processes or seek advice from the Finance 
portion of the restaurant bil , but the portion 
team on the best course of action to take regarding financial 
of the bill considered a personal expense 
transactions before incurring the financial obligation
(your sister’s meal), must be paid directly 
•  We don’t disclose anything we are developing as part of our 
by you.
job that forms part of the intel ectual assets of the Council 
unless we are authorised by a tier three manager to do so.

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Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Respecting personal information
Examples of misconduct
•  Deliberately sharing, or using personal information 
What it means
for another purpose to what it was col ected for, without 
Wel ington City Council col ects, uses, and stores personal 
appropriate authority
information about employees, business partners, customers,  •  Failure to report privacy breaches or complaints
and other members of the public. It may include contact 
details, health information, camera footage and financial 
•  Failure to respond to requests for personal information 
information. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of 
within the required timeframes.
this information by not disclosing it to anyone, internal y or 
Examples of serious misconduct
external y, except where we are legal y permitted to do so.
•  Deliberately disclosing personal information without 
Why it matters
appropriate authority, knowing it is not the right thing 
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata – it is people, it is people, 
to do.
it is people.
For more information
Transparent and respectful handling of personal information,  •  Please refer to Wel ington City Council’s Privacy Policy, 
both that of our external customers and the Council’s staff, 
procedures and guidelines.
is an important part of how we can demonstrate our value 
of putting people at the heart of what we do. Good privacy 
practice is good customer service.
Q & A
How we do it
Q.  A col eague has had an operation. A supplier 
•  We fol ow all privacy laws and Council privacy policies, 
who knows them well has asked for their 
procedures and guidelines
personal address details so they can send 
•  We only col ect personal information if we need it
them a card and flowers. Can I provide this 
•  We tell people what we are going to do with the 
A. No. We need to show commitment to 
•   We take care of the information once we have it 
respecting the privacy of personal information 
by keeping it secure
by not disclosing address information. We 
don’t have the permission of our col eague to 
•  We al ow people to see their personal information 
disclose this information to the supplier.
if they request it
•  We make sure personal information is accurate and  
up-to-date before we use it
•  We only share or disclose information if we have legal 
grounds to do so, otherwise we use it only for the 
purposes we col ected it for
•  We retain it only for as long as is necessary, guided by our 
information retention schedule.

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Code of Conduct
Managing Council official information 
•  We think about whether information we hold is confidential 
and data
for any reason, and manage it accordingly
•  We always give accurate information and make true 
What it means
declarations. We consistently fol ow workplace procedures for 
When we create information or data, or receive it from 
documenting decisions for action and the reasons for taking 
the public or other agencies, it becomes a public record.
those decisions
We have responsibilities under The Public Records Act 2005 
•  We ensure that all legislative and Council requirements 
(PRA) to look after these records, to ensure they are stored 
for managing, using or creating information are upheld.
correctly, are accessible, and are either archived or destroyed  Examples of misconduct
appropriately once they are no longer in use.
•  Accessing our business files for personal use, or for friends 
The public has the right to request access to the information 
and family
we hold. This is al owed under the Local Government Official 
•  Preventing other staff from viewing information without 
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) or the Privacy Act 
good reason
1993. In most cases, the decision to provide information is easy 
because it is publicly available information, for example building 
•  Keeping business records on a USB drive or other unsecured, 
consents, resource consents and most reports to committees.
portable storage device
•  Purposeful y misfiling information
In some cases, public access to specific types of information 
can be withheld – for example, personal information, 
•  Disclosing information carelessly.
commercial y sensitive information or advice that is subject 
Examples of serious misconduct
to legal professional privilege. 
•  Making or permitting a false record to be made relating to any 
Why it matters
material or work
The Council needs to manage information consistently 
•  Knowingly giving false information or making false declarations
to achieve its business objectives and meet legislative and 
•  Unlawfully withholding or destroying information
administrative requirements. The Public Records Act sets 
•  Al owing or assisting unauthorised access to Council 
out our obligations about record keeping and destruction. 
information, including by Council ors
The LGOIMA sets out our responsibilities about the release 
•  Unauthorised disclosure of restricted-access information
of information, including what information may be withheld, 
Land Information Memorandum (LIM reports) and timeframes  •  Unauthorised possession or retention of Council information 
for notification of public meetings.
for malicious purposes
•  Actively accessing secured records
How we do it
•  Disclosing information for personal gain
•  We share information internal y in a col aborative way
•  Disclosing information in breach of an obligation 
•  We create full and accurate records of activities, transactions, 
of confidence.
and decisions carried out during daily business activities
For more information
•  We ensure electronic records are maintained by saving them 
into the Council's central electronic document management 
•  Refer to our Information Management Policy, procedures 
system or other approved electronic system 
and guidelines.
•  We capture information and data using the appropriate 
processes and tools 
Q & A
•  We prevent unauthorised access to records
•  We ensure no records are destroyed or removed unless 
Q. A customer has asked for a copy of a letter 
permitted by a current disposal authority from City Records
they believe their neighbour has sent to the 
•  We are careful about the way we share information with 
Council complaining about their unfenced spa 
Council ors and the media
pool. Should you give the customer a copy of 
the complaint letter?
•  We never use Council information or data for il egal or 
unethical activities, or in ways that are contrary to this Code, 
A. In most cases – no. General y, we rely on 
or Council policies, guidelines or procedures
the public to be our ‘eyes and ears’ and 
•  We ensure all electronic communication including instant 
they should be able to report concerns 
messaging, texts and email are always professional 
confidential y without the risk of being 
and accurate. There are no grounds under LGOIMA for 
identified. Our regulatory officers can 
withholding information where a Council employee, 
then investigate any potential risks to the 
contractor or consultant has been less than professional 
health and safety of the public.
in their language or comments

link to page 4 link to page 4 Rārangi upoko 
Wel ington City Council
Ngā Tikanga Whanonga 
Code of Conduct
Using Council equipment and systems 
Examples of misconduct
applications responsibly 
•  Sharing your username and passwords with other people
•  Using Council equipment for online gambling or games.
What it means
We must use Council equipment and information technology  Examples of serious misconduct
(IT) systems responsibly.
•  Inappropriate use of email – for example offensive 
Our equipment and systems include mobile devices, 
or inappropriate images or text
desktops, laptops, tablets and networks.
•  Theft or unauthorised possession or removal of Council, 
clients' or others' property
Our equipment and systems are the property of the Council, 
as is communication shared over these systems, such as 
•  Defacing, damaging or destroying Council or another 
email, voicemail, social media, instant messages, recordings, 
staff members property
texts or instant messaging.
•  Viewing or distributing pornographic, obscene, offensive, 
defamatory, harassing or discriminatory content.
Why it matters
We need to protect Council systems and data from 
For more information
accidental or unauthorised disclosure, misuse, improper 
•  Please refer to our ICT Policy Handbook, guidelines 
alteration or destruction through our security controls and 
and procedures.
information management policies.
How we do it
•  We are responsible for any actions that occur under 
Q & A
our username
Q. I’ve given my password to our team 
•  We rigorously protect our usernames and passwords
coordinator so they can approve some 
•  We never use Council systems or equipment (including 
purchase orders on my behalf. Is this o.k?
email, instant messaging, the Internet or Intranet) for 
A. No. Never share your password with anyone. 
il egal or unethical activities, or activities otherwise 
And don’t al ow others to approve the use 
contrary to this Code, or to Council policies, guidelines 
of Council funds, or assets on your behalf, 
or procedures
especial y if they don’t have the correct level 
•  We are al owed limited personal use of company phones, 
of delegation themselves.
computers, photocopiers and network bandwidth 
provided it does not interfere with our productivity, 
place Council information at risk, place the Council at risk 
of liability, incur significant additional costs to the Council 
or reduce the value of Council assets.

Document Control
Review period
Biannual y
ELT Sponsor
Nicola Brown
Primary Ownership
1 17/01/19
Lisa Attwel
Paku Edwards /Jonny  ELT 
BU: Human 
Code of Conduct 
Resources – Code of 
Policy Working Group  conduct approved
recommend that ELT 
approve the Code of 
Next policy review date
20 February 2021

Document Outline