Human Resources, Pūmanawa Tangata
Meredith Blackler, Director Human Resources
Human Resources is made up of three business units: Human Resources Services, Organisational
Development and Safety, and Security and Wellbeing.
We make sure Council staff are healthy, safe and secure
while they work to fulfil the strategic goals of the long
term plan.
We oversee the management of organisational risk and
security issues by giving information, advice and direction
to employees and managers about doing the right thing
when it comes to health, safety, and security. We also
support and coordinate workplace wellbeing
programmes to address a range of worker needs.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Paku Edwards,
Health, Safety and Wellbeing: We look after injury
Manager Safety,
management, health and safety planning, manage
Security and
Council hazards and risks, and run the employee
wellbeing programme.
- 113
The Terrace
Security: We make sure all employees are safe in their
day to day work and minimise potential risks.
We support our people to build the capability they need
and create an environment where people can thrive. We
play a large role in delivering the ‘Building the team we
need’ priorities in Our Plan for a Smarter Council.
We work with all business units to develop initiatives that
support capability building and culture change.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Learning and Development: We develop and deliver
learning and professional/personal development solutions
that all staff can access, as well as providing advice and
support with training and development.
Jonny Mckenzie,
Organisational Development: We work with the
organisation to develop initiatives that support us to build
the culture we want.
, Tahiwi -
113 The Terrace
1 | P a g e
[no picture
We provide expert advice and specialist services to help
attract, develop, manage and engage our people. We
provide business partnering, recruitment, operations,
Carla Flynn,
payroll and remuneration services to support all of
HR Services
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Tahiwi - 113
The Terrace
HR Business Partnership: Our HR consultancy team is
the primary HR contact for all employees and people
leaders, based on an account management model. We
provide strategic and operational advice and support for
the resolution of complex and sensitive operational, HR
and employment relations matters.
Recruitment and HR Operation Services: We provide
day-to-day recruitment support for hiring managers as
well as providing first line HR operational support and
employment related administration services.
Payroll/ Remuneration/HRIS Services: We make
sure payroll services are provided for Council and Council
Controlled Organisations (CCO’s). We are responsible for
developing and implementing Council’s remuneration and
benefit framework. We also provide HR information and
reporting from our HR information system (HRIS).
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City Planning, Hanga Tāone
David Chick, Chief City Planner
Moana Mackey, Acting Chief City Planner
Ashley Fry, Chief Advisor to the Chief City Planner
City Planning is made up of five business units: Build Wellington, City Consenting and Compliance,
City Design and Place Planning, City Resilience and Sustainability, and Transport and
We enable inclusive, high quality developments that
make Wellington a great place to live and work.
We work with our partners to create opportunities for
urban development.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Housing Development: We help to increase the supply
of housing in Wellington, deliver on Council’s Housing
Strategy and work with government agencies and private
developers to increase supply of social and affordable
Urban Development: We’re a central point of contact
for developers to get construction projects consented and
Phil Becker
underway, and we work to make this process as quick
Manager, Build
and easy as possible. We also work closely with local
business groups so they have a bigger say in how their
rates are reinvested into their local area.
Tahiwi - 113
The Terrace
Project Management: We provide strategic project
management support to Council for medium and large
priority projects.
Case management: We help developers to navigate
Council processes and provide a single point of contact to
streamline interactions with customers.
3 | P a g e
We work with customers to make sure buildings meet
safe standards. We also process resource consent
applications and make sure all Wellingtonians are kept
safe through alcohol licencing and food safety certificates.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Public Health: We process alcohol licences, food safety
certificates, dog registrations, animal control, litter
enforcement, gambling consents and health licences for
businesses and activities that could impact human health.
Mark Pattemore,
Building Compliance and Consents: We process
Manager City
building consents and do building inspections to make
Consenting and
sure the work is being done correctly. We also provide
LIMs (Land Information Memorandum) for customers and
do Warrant of Fitness checks for buildings.
Tahiwi - 113 The
Business Development and Improvement: We help
the building team by improving processes, training staff,
and providing business support services.
Resource Consents: We help make development
happen across the city, by processing resource consents
and other approvals for proposals that don’t meet rules in
the District Plan.
Compliance and Advice: We monitor construction works
to make sure they meet the resource consent
requirements. We also investigate and resolve
environmental complaints, check building consents and
process subdivision certificates.
Customer Service and Business Support: We support
the Resource Consents and Compliance and Advice
teams, as well as assess Development Contributions.
We create great places for people through collaborative
design-led processes to unlock the city’s potential.
Manager City
To make sure the city is a great place for people, we:
Design and Place
build strong relationships
create healthy environments
soundly manage projects
Tahiwi - 113
are brave leaders
The Terrace
make informed decisions.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Heritage: We provide regulatory advice, management
and advocacy to enhance the contribution of heritage to a
thriving city.
Place Planning: We make sure the city’s planning
settings remain relevant and responsive to changes in the
population and the city’s environment.
4 | P a g e
Urban Design: We give design advice to a wide range of
Council’s strategic and policy work. We also design and
deliver laneways, town centres, parks and other open
spaces around the city.
Transport Strategy: We work with local, regional and
central government partners to deliver major city
transformational programmes.
Network Improvements: We improve how people get
around the city, through initiatives like public transport
and cycling.
We make sure that Wellingtonians can survive and thrive
as the landscape and society changes.
We have oversight of Wellington Water Limited, waste,
earthquake prone buildings, sea level rise, landslides
planning, sustainability and Zero Carbon Capital.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Waste Operations: We manage rubbish and recycling
collections and landfill.
Mike Mendonca,
Sustainability: We lead the way to make sure
Chief Resilience
Wellington better manages carbon emissions.
City Engineering: We manage the interface with
Tahiwi –
Wellington Water Limited. We lead Council’s relationship
113 The Terrace
with structural engineers and electricity,
telecommunications and gas providers.
Earthquake Prone Buildings: We work to reduce the
seismic vulnerability of buildings.
Resilience: We make sure the City is thinking about the
effects of natural hazards before they occur.
We play a key role in delivering critical asset
management, engineering, and infrastructure services to
keep Wellington up and moving.
We plan and deliver the maintenance and renewal works
on our transport and infrastructure assets as well as
controlling the city’s network of traffic signals.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Transport Assets: We manage Councils transport and
infrastructure assets, delivering our target service levels
Siobhan Procter,
at the lowest cost over its life, to provide the best value
Manager Transport
to Wellington rate payers.
and Infrastructure
Network Operations: We provide and manage an
Tahiwi - 113 efficient and safe transport network for all our customers.
5 | P a g e
The Terrace
Network Projects: We deliver a range of transport
improvement projects, from minor safety through to
larger projects.
Business Services: We provide financial, contractual,
customer liaison, and business support to the business
unit and external customers.
Senior Infrastructure Project Manager: We manage
the ownership and operational aspects of the Kiwi Point
Quarry which supplies most of our transport raw
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Finance and Business, Toha Pūtea
Andy Matthews, Chief Financial Officer
Finance and Business has four business units: Business Reporting Analysis and Performance,
Financial Accounting and Transactional Services, Financial Strategy and Treasury, and Property.
We make sure financial planning and funding is
strategically aligned to help shape the future prosperity of
We enable and advise on long and short range strategic
planning for assets, finances, insurance risk management
and funding (including treasury and rates). We also
manage the treasury function.
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Financial Planning: We’re responsible for:
Martin Read,
budgeting process
Manager Financial
TechnologyOne Enterprise Budget Management
Strategy and
system and data
Long-term and annual plan financials
finance and treasury committee
Tahiwi - 113
audit management
The Terrace
financial delegations policy.
Strategic Asset Management Planning: We’re
responsible for:
infrastructure strategy
strategic asset management (SAM) module -
TechnologyOne system
enterprise asset management – TechnologyOne
asset management planning (AMP) structure and
process management
managing asset revaluations
insurance strategy, placement and management.
Funding and Treasury: We’re responsible for:
financial strategy
treasury management and policy
Council’s credit rating
rates modelling, calculation and setting
funding and financial policies.
We provide financial and business services to help
business units deliver on their strategic and business
7 | P a g e
Manager Business
We give financial support to business units, as well as
Reporting, Analysis managing accounting, business performance, analysis
and Performance
and reporting. We also lead, develop and support the
contracting and procurement function across Council to
Tahiwi - 113 achieve value for money.
The Terrace
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Analysis and Reporting: We partner with the business
to drive financial performance and make informed
decisions by providing accurate, appropriate and timely
financial information.
Contracts and Procurement: We provide, facilitate and
support effective and efficient procurement and contract
management across Council.
Specialist Financial advisors: We provide specialist
financial analysis and support to evaluate new initiatives,
organisational change proposals and projects.
We make sure transactional services and financial
reporting are delivered to a high standard, including
compliance with accepted accounting practices, Council
and international accounting policies.
We make sure:
Council receives the monies it’s entitled to and that
this is correctly recorded and allocated to debtor
suppliers and customers are paid any monies owed to
Council remains tax compliant each year, and report
Richard Marshall,
on Council’s financial performance.
Manager Financial
Accounting and
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Rates and Accounts Receivable: We give invoicing and
credit control services and advice on behalf of other
Tahiwi - 113 business units as well as providing credit control for Trade
The Terrace
Billing. We also make sure Council receives all rates that
are due, and apply penalties to rates accounts.
Payment Services: We make sure payments are made
for supplier invoices, staff expense reimbursements and
customer refunds. We maintain supplier details in
OneCouncil and operate the P-Card system.
System Accountant: We maintain and develop the
OneCouncil finance modules.
Financial Accounting: We produce the financial
information and commentary for the Annual Report, make
sure Council is compliant with relevant tax laws and
obligations, make sure cash received is correctly recorded
and allocated to the relevant debtor accounts, make sure
8 | P a g e
existing and new assets are correctly recorded in the
Council’s fixed asset register, and make sure internal
financial controls are maintained.
We make sure Council’s corporate and commercial
buildings are safe, compliant and fit for purpose. We also
(no picture provided) provide an internal property consultancy to other Council
business units and Council Controlled Organisations
Leah Hearn,
Manager Property
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Tahiwi - 113
The Terrace
Property Services: We give specialist property advice,
own the land acquisition and disposal strategy and
manage property related transactions across Council. We
also manage Council’s road encroachment licences.
Corporate Real Estate: We manage leases, building
maintenance and compliance works and deliver the
annual capital works programme for Council’s corporate
real estate portfolio. We also provide architectural
advisory services.
Corporate Facilities: We manage all aspects of Council’s
corporate accommodation including the mailroom,
stationery supplies, meeting room equipment and car
Peter Brennan
Manager Civic
Facilities Maintenance Contracts: We manage the
Precinct Re-
centralised contracts relating to facilities maintenance,
gas, electricity and cleaning.
Tahiwi –
113 The Terrace
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Customer and Community, Pā Harakeke
Barbara McKerrow, Chief Operations Officer
Jim Robertson, Chief Advisor to the COO
Customer and Community is made up of six business units: Arts, Culture and Community Services,
City Housing, Parking Services, Parks, Sport and Recreation and Smart Council.
We deliver services to help make our communities strong,
[No photo provided]
safe, resilient, vibrant and diverse.
Kevin Black
We engage with a wide range of community stakeholders
Acting Arts, Culture to deliver community aspirations through our facilities
and Community
and services, including information, events, community
Services Manager
programs, parking enforcement, community spaces,
libraries, city safety and community development.
Services), Tahiwi
Our teams and their responsibilities:
(City Arts and
City Arts and Events: We work to enhance the influence
of arts, culture and creativity in the development of our
Community Services: We focus on community wellbeing
and resilience, with an emphasis on safety, building
strong communities and social infrastructure. We also
manage all community grants and support people during
civil defence emergencies.
Libraries and Community Spaces: We support literacy,
recreation and community through our community spaces
across the city. We give people opportunities to
participate in community life through access to
information, ideas, programming, classes and services.
Support Services: We provide administration support
across the business unit.
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We’re Council’s social housing provider and New
Zealand’s third largest landlord. We’re a lead player in the
Council’s vision of “All Wellingtonians Well Housed.”
We work to provide support to around 3,500 of
Wellington’s most disadvantaged citizens and manage
over 2,000 residential properties across the city.
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Tenancy Management: We work with our tenants on all
aspects of their homes including rent areas, neighbour
Michelle Riwai,
disputes and day to day enquiries.
City Housing
Assets: We’re responsible for the maintenance of our
2000+ properties and make sure they comply with
Tahiwi - 113 changing legislation.
The Terrace
Business Development: We develop operational policy,
data analysis and lead community development for the
business unit.
Business Services: We support the business unit with
administration and we manage the office.
We support the city’s transport vision, policies and bylaw.
[no photo provided]
We encourage the public to comply with payment and
parking rules.
Kevin Black
Parking Services
MOB 2, 101 Wakefiled
We contribute to the city’s reputation as an active,
healthy and attractive place to live, work, play and visit.
We operate and maintain Council facilities, including
parks, open space areas, play areas, sports fields,
cemeteries, indoor and outdoor pools and recreation
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Open Space and Recreation Planning: We give
strategic leadership to support plans and policies related
Paul Andrews,
to parks, sport and recreation in Wellington.
Manager, Parks,
Sport and
Assets and Projects: We’re responsible for the buildings
and infrastructure across PSR. We’re the project
managers of the capital works programme, and we
Tahiwi – 113 maintain data asset records for Council’s Asset
The Terrace, and
Management Systems (GIS and OneCouncil).
across the city at
various facilities.
Recreation Facilities: We manage the aquatic facilities
and recreation centres, running a wide range of
11 | P a g e
programmes and community events.
Open Space and Parks: We manage the city’s parks
and reserves, including the botanic gardens, waterfront,
and cemeteries. We look after our indigenous biodiversity
and work closely with our community.
Parks Operations: We’re responsible for the
maintenance of our parks, open spaces and sportsfields.
We also support the Council's restoration planting
Community Partnerships: We work with external
groups and organisations to design, develop, deliver and
enable projects that get more Wellingtonians active,
engaged and valuing our recreational opportunities and
open spaces.
Business Support: We give business and administration
support to our teams. We also lead the business unit’s
Long Term Plan and Annual Plan process to support
setting priorities and delivering key activities.
We bring teams together that enable Council to deliver
ever-improving service and workflow experiences for our
customers and staff. We make sure the way we operate,
improve and change our systems, processes, and
customer service channels best provides the outcomes we
want for our customers and our Council.
Our teams and their responsibilities
Business Operations: provides effective planning,
governance and support to the rest of Smart Council.
James Roberts,
Customer & Service Centre: provides customer service
Manager Smart
through our Contact and Service Centres, understands
service performance and works with teams to improve
12 Manner Street -
Digital Services: managing Council’s digital applications,
Service Centre
websites and digital services.
- Shared
Enterprise Architecture: provides technical direction
Services Office and
and leadership for the Smart Council business unit.
Digital Workplace
Information Centre: provides and governs great
- IT and Land,
information and data services, and develops Council’s
Customer and
capability in data, GIS and analytics. Includes City
Property Information
Records, Corporate Library, Land Customer and Property
Information, DigiHub and ArcGIS.
- City Records,
Contact Centre,
Service Design and Change: leads the change and
Digital, Innovation
transformation of services and processes, using a service
and Smart Council
design approach.
Shared Services: infrastructure and ICT service
28 Barker Street -
12 | P a g e
Legal and Risk
Hayley Evans, Director Legal and Risk
Legal and Risk is made up of three teams: Legal, Risk Management, and Project Governance.
Legal: We provide legal advice, support negotiations and
contracts, advise on legislation and local bylaws.
Beth Keightley,
Associate General
Tahiwi, 113
The Terrace
Risk Management: We advise business units how to
assess the things that might prevent them achieving their
objectives (that we call risks), and what to do about them
(we call these controls). This team supports the work of
the Finance, Audit and Risk Management Subcommittee
of Council.
Duncan Stuart
Principal Advisor
Risk Management
Tahiwi, 113
The Terrace
13 | P a g e
Project Governance: We support the Council to govern
projects, by making sure we have the right environment
to deliver projects on budget, on time and to meet our
objectives, and that our governance groups are
monitoring them appropriately.
Helen Gray
Principal Advisor,
Project Governance
Paul Jonson
Principal Advisor,
Project Governance
Tahiwi, 113
The Terrace
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Strategy and Governance, Ara Whaimana
Stephen McArthur, Director Strategy and Governance
Strategy and Governance is made up of five business units: Assurance, Communications and
Engagement, Governance, Strategy, Policy and Research, and Tira Poutama - Iwi Partnerships.
We provide advice and support to help teams build public
trust and confidence in the services Council delivers and
the decisions we make.
We are assurance leaders and trusted subject matter
advisors in:
internal controls
quality assurance processes
requests for information
escalated complaints
privacy management.
Deborah Howse -
We manage information requests from our customers
Head of Assurance
generated by Council’s diverse activities. We also have an
annual internal audit plan to assess risks and identify
Tahiwi - 113 process improvements, which we report on to the Finance,
The Terrace
Audit and Risk Subcommittee.
We work with business units to:
help draft or review responses to requests for
proactively share how Council’s decisions are made
advise on managing difficult and/or persistent
provide organisation governance and/or assurance
review internal controls
help with external assurance providers
review any privacy implications.
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Complaints, Information Assurance (CIA): We manage
privacy risk implications, escalated complaints and high
risk requests for information to the organisation.
Te Aho Marutua | Internal Audit: We help business
units to review their risks, assess how they’re managed
and identify how they can be improved. We also
investigate any complaints of fraud.
15 | P a g e
We champion trust and confidence in the Council and
Wellington so that together, we are able to deliver on the
City vision and outcomes Wellingtonians need and expect.
We help teams to better understand the needs of their
customers and find the most effective ways of engaging
and communicating with them.
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Strategic Communications: Using an account
management model, we work with you to create strategic
Sam Rossiter-Stead, communications and engagement plans, and marketing
Head of
campaigns that will help you achieve your business unit’s
goals. We also publish the popular Our Wellington
and Engagement
, Tahiwi - 113
Media: We manage risks and issues as well as helping
The Terrace
identify opportunities. We help you find and reach the right
channels to share your message. This can include social
media, radio, newspapers and magazines, and outdoor
Engagement: We provide advice and support on
developing and implementing best-practice engagements
and consultations.
Internal Communications: Using an account
management model, we work to ensure our diverse staff
are informed and engaged about the work the Council does
and keep people connected to our vision, values and
strategic goals.
Creative and Brand: We work closely with our
communications account managers to create stunning
design, photography, video, print and signage solutions
that help you achieve your business goals.
16 | P a g e
We make sure people are well-informed and can contribute
meaningfully to Council decision-making processes.
We give professional services and advice to elected
members, stakeholders, organisations and the public to
shape the future of Wellington.
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Democracy Services: We are trusted advisors to elected
members and the organisation and we promote effective
local governance.
Anusha Guler,
Head of Governance
Elected Member Support: We are the go-to people
between officers and Councillors, ensuring elected
Tahiwi - 113 members have the information they need, when they need
The Terrace
it, to make considered and effective decisions.
Office of the Mayor: We make sure the Mayor is well
supported in his role, progressing and implementing his
priorities and objectives.
International Relations: We lead Wellington’s global
engagement and promote formal city-to-city relationships.
We help Council articulate a future for Wellington that’s
aspirational, liveable and internationally competitive.
We provide analysis and advice on how to achieve Council’s
vision. We manage the planning and reporting frameworks
for the Council and the ratepayers of Wellington so we
know what we’re doing and how well we’re doing.
Our teams and their responsibilities:
Strategy: We look to the future and how we do things,
including city strategy development, enhancing regional
Baz Kaufman,
relationships, responding to legislative change, reporting
Manager Strategy,
on current and emerging trends for the city and guiding the
Policy and Research section 17a reviews.
, Tahiwi - 113
Policy: We lead and guide good policy development,
The Terrace
deliver bylaws, policies and action plans and provide
support to other business units.
Research and Evaluation: We lead research and
evaluation support and provide a range of projects
including economic monitoring, the Quality of Life Project,
and Residents Monitoring surveys.
Planning: We lead the Long Term Plan, Annual Plan,
Quarterly and Annual reporting processes, pre-election
reports, induction workshops and triennium plans.
17 | P a g e
We support Council’s commitment to our policies He Waka
Eke Noa Effectiveness for Māori framework, Te Tauihu and
Te Taurapa (being developed). Te Tauihu, our te reo policy
and action plan aims to see Wellington as a te reo city by
2040. Te Taurapa, our strategy for Māori growth will
ensure future Māori wellbeing and success.
We also help Council to engage effectively with iwi and the
wider Māori community.
Poutama whero: we work alongside iwi and the
wider Māori community
Poutama pango: we build internal cultural
Karu, Manager Tira
Poutama kahurangi: we contribute positively to
the local and regional Māori economy.
Our team and their responsibilities:
Tahiwi – 113
The Terrace
Nicky Karu leads the poutama whero workstream
Renaee Clark leads the poutama pango workstream
Te Puritanga Jefferies leads the poutama kahurangi
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