This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'All information on Auckland Councils processes and considerations for deciding Manukau Harbour pathway'.

19 November 2019 
LGOIMA No. 8140005618 
 (Please quote this in any correspondence) 
Eliana Darroch 
By Email: [FYI request #11105 email]  
Dear Eliana   
Local Government Official Information And Meetings Act 1987 
Bike-path around the Favona foreshore 
I refer to your request which we received on 30 August 2019, regarding all information 
regarding the processes and considerations undertaken in deciding on and implementing the 
cycleway/bike-path around the Favona foreshore of the Manukau Harbour.  
We transferred your request to Auckland Transport (AT) because your request 
appeared to be more closely aligned with the functions of AT. However, after you clarified 
your request as being for: 
The full and complete information for is regarding the cycleway between Saleyards 
Road in Otahuhu and Mahunga Drive in Favona. 
We have now agreed with AT that the council are best placed to respond.  
I also refer to our email to you on 25 September, acknowledging your request and extending 
the timeframe for us to respond to your request. Thank you for your patience while we have 
worked on this response. 
In response to your request, I consulted with the council’s Community Facilities department 
to provide information relevant to your request. 
Please find following information attached: 
Safety plan of work and the path  
-  Norana Esplanade Walkway (Stage 1 and 2) Project Safety Plan; and 
-  Updated CPTED safety assessment of proposed walkway.  
Resource consents 
Resource consents were granted for stage 1 and stage 2 of the walkway development on a 
non-notified basis. A copy of both consent decisions for Stage 1 and Stage 2 (BUN60307713 
& BUN60318240) is attached.  
Consultation process 
The council has consulted on the proposed walkway on more than one occasion.  It is for the 
council to determine the nature of that consultation. The Local Government Act 2002 gives 
councils a broad discretion as to whether to consult, and if so, how to conduct that process. 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101 

In this case, the council consulted on the proposal for the Norana walkway through:  
-  a special consultative procedure on the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Paths Plan, with the 
wider local board area; and 
-  through specific consultation on the concept plan for the walkway with the local 
community around the proposed route.  
Al  consultation feedbacks  
-  Norana pathway Submissions Summary 
Consultation outcomes  
-  Norana Walkway post consultation March 2017 update 
Cultural consultation and consideration  
-  Norana Walkway cultural report dated January 2017 
Ecological Consideration and report 
-  Bioresearches Memorandum dated 1 December 2017 
The initial cycle-way plan and revised plan 
-  Norana Esplanade walkway stage 1 (overall plan) dated March 2017;  
-  Norana Esplanade walkway stage 2 (part 1 & 2 location plan) dated August 2017; 
-  The revised overall route of walkway which shows current extend of pathway 
Details of contractors 
CLL Service & Solutions Ltd is the contractor delivering al  the physical works. 
Pricing of contracts 
The value of construction contract between CLL and council is $4,313,641.82 
Sustainability plan 
There is no specific sustainability plan.  
This is a new construction on a greenfield site and therefore there is no existing material 
available for re-use in the walkway, for instance. Excavated material such as materials for 
the walkway, where there are few acceptable/complying substitutions.  
Please refer to the Bioresearches Memorandum for more information relating to 
environmental sustainability. 
Please note that some contact details of staff members and members of the public have 
been redacted from the Norana Esplanade Walkway Project Safety Plan to protect their 
privacy. This information is withheld under section 7(2)(a) of the Local Government Official 
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). 
Due to the size of the attachments, the information can be accessed by using the below 
OneDrive link!Ar3AEgw1mNLnykDWx2OvI8DnJryh?e=ZluOof 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101 

Please note the link expires after 30 days. We recommend you save the information to your 
personal computer. 
I hope you find this information useful. I also wish to apologise for the delay in getting this 
response to you and draw your attention to your right to seek a review from the Office of the 
Ombudsman about this extension. 
If you have any further queries please contact me on 09 301 0101, quoting LGOIMA No. 
Yours sincerely 
Jenny Hua 
Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner 
Democracy Services 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101