This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Front Number Plate Fixture Requirements'.

Palmerston North  Office 
Private Bag 11777 
Palmerston North  4442 
New Zealand 
17 September 2019 
Mr Muller    
[FYI request #10964 email]    
Ref: NZT-4288 
Dear Mr Muller 
Thank you for your further email of 2 September 2019 regarding the use of adhesive registration 
As the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, the NZ Transport Agency is responsible for issuing registration 
plates in accordance with section 257(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998. The types of ordinary plates 
the Registrar may issue, are set out under regulation 33 the Land Transport (Motor Vehicle 
Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011.  
While regulation 33(6) allows an ordinary plate to be fixed to the front of a motor vehicle may be in the 
form of an adhesive label, only plates issued by the Transport Agency and our agents are legal. 
Vehicle owners who take it upon themselves to source an alternative product are at risk of being fined 
or prosecuted for having an illegal adhesive plate. 
Regulation 77(1)(b)(i) makes it an offence to operate a motor vehicle on a road if it does not have 
affixed to it “the registration plates issued for it”.  Further to this, regulation 77(2)(b)(i) makes it a 
stationary vehicle offence to cause or permit a motor vehicle to be on a road if it does not have affixed 
to it “the registration plates issued for it”. The maximum penalties and infringement fees for those 
offences are set out in Schedule 6. 
If you would like to discuss this matter further with the Transport Agency, you are welcome to contact 
Sam Russell, Customer Advisor – Ministerials, by email to [email address] or on 0800 108 
Yours sincerely 
Michelle Charlton 
Senior Manager Customer Services