23 August 2019
[FYI request #10840 email]
Dear Josh
Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA),
received on 29 July 2019. You requested the following:
Can I please attain a breakdown of residential rental properties owned by non tax
Number of non tax residential rentals in each district of New Zealand as of today
Country breakdown of the owners location as of today
Inland Revenue does not hold comprehensive information on the number of properties
owned by a taxpayer. For taxpayers with multiple rentals, their rental information is
generally aggregated before it is returned to Inland Revenue.
Further, Inland Revenue holds information on the location of a taxpayer, not the location
of their assets. For example, an Auckland taxpayer with a rental property in Cambridge
would show up as Auckland, not Cambridge.
In addition, rental properties can be held through entities (companies and trusts, for
example). The location of the underlying entity owners could be anywhere or could even
be a mix of both domestic and offshore.
Due to the above points, I must refuse your request under section 18(g) of the OIA, as
the information is not held by Inland Revenue.
If you disagree with my decision on your OIA request, you can ask an Inland Revenue
review officer to review my decision. To ask for an internal review, please email the
Commissioner of Inland Revenue at: [email address].
Alternatively, under section 28(3) of the OIA, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman
to investigate and review my decision. You can contact the office of the Ombudsman by
email at: [email address].
Thank you for your request.
Yours sincerely
Kerryn McIntosh-Watt
Manager, Government & Executive Services
Ref: 20OIA1026