MAY 28, 2019
Tane Harre
[FYI request #10374 email]
Dear Tane
Official information request
Thank you for your correspondence of 24 May 2019 where you asked us to estimate
how many public figures have made complaints about harmful digital communications
with Netsafe.
We capture statistical data relating to complainants such as their ethnicity and age. We
do so to inform policies and decisions regarding current and future services.
Currently we do not capture any statistical data specifically regarding public figures.
Also, complaint files are not categorised according to whether they are made by public
figures. This means finding information you have asked for would require a manual
search of over 7,000 complaint files. This would impose a measuredly heavier workload
on Netsafe’s operations team which already has a heavy workload in providing
complaint handling and associated services.
As such, due to the substantial amount of work that would be required to research and
collate the information you have requested, we are refusing your request under section
18(f) of the Official Information Act 1982. You have the right to seek an investigation
and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about this is available at or freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note, we publish quarterly reports which contain statistics about HDC
complaints made to Netsafe. You may like to visit the following webpage to access
these reports:
Yours sincerely,
Ben Thomas, Legal Advisor
PO Box 124, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140 | 0508 638 723 |
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