30 May 2019
Antony Andrews
Via FYI.org.nz
E-mail: [FYI request #10334 email]
Dear Mr Andrews,
Official Information Act (1982) Request
I write in response to your Official Information Act request, received by us on 20 May 2019. You
requested the fol owing information:
Give the yearly dol ar amount of funds Counties Manukau District Health Board has given to
Maori health providers since 2012 to 2018.
Please provide data in excel format if possible.
In your request, you referred us to a copy of an OIA response provided to you by Bay of Plenty DHB, on
the same matters. That response provided a list of providers and services contracted for, as wel as the
information as per this request for yearly funding amounts. We have provided the same level of detail in
our response.
For context, Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB), via Counties Manukau Health and our
NGO and primary care partners provide health and support services to the entire Counties Manukau
community of over 569,000 people. We note that Counties Manukau is home to 11% of al NZ Māori,
who make up 16% of our ethnical y diverse population. As a consequence, al Counties Manukau health
services will provide a range of services to a significant number of Māori. Our collective goal is to work
to improve health outcomes and equity in key health indicators for Māori, Pacific and other
communities with health disparities.
Comparison between District Health Boards needs to be considered in the context of community needs,
demographics, and the ful range of other contracted providers and service configurations, which may
vary between districts.
In preparing this response, we have used the Ministry of Health (MoH) criteria for the Māori Provider
Development Scheme (MPDS) to define a Māori provider. Further information on the scheme and the
Māori Health providers that received funding in the Counties Manukau district under the scheme is
described on the MoH webpage:
The Māori Health provider definition for the Māori Provider Development Scheme is:
A Māori health provider is defined as health providers or health organisations, who deliver health
services, that are owned, governed and operated by iwi and/or Māori organisations providing health
and disability services primarily but not exclusively for Māori, which meet the fol owing criteria:
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Private Bag 93311, Otahuhu, Auckland
T: 09 276 0000 | cmdhb.org.nz
1. Legal entity status (charitable trust/company/incorporated society).
2. Current registration with the Charities Commission.
3. Beneficiaries/members who appoint the Board are majority Māori.
4. Majority of Board members are Māori and this is mandated in the organisations Trust Deed
or Constitution.
5. Owners/directors of the company are majority Māori.
Consequently, there wil be a number of other providers of services that are not reflected in the funding
al ocations noted below.
On this MPDS definition, Counties Manukau DHB funded the following Māori Health providers within
the time period specified:
• Health Through the Marae – Te Whakaorangatanga O Nga Tangata
• Huakina Development Trust
• Mahitahi Trust
• Manurewa Marae Trust Board 2008 Incorporated
• National Hauora Coalition ltd
• Papakura Marae Society
• Raukura Hauora o Tainui
• Te Hononga o Tamaki me Hoturoa Charitable Trust
• Te Kaha O’Te Rangatahi Whaanau O Tamaki Makaurau Trust
• Te Oranga Kaumatua Kuia Disability Support Services Trust
• Te Rau Matatini Ltd
• Turuki Healthcare Charitable Trust
• Whare Tiaki Hauora Ltd
Give the yearly dol ar amount of funds Counties Manukau District Health Board has given to Maori
Health Providers since 2012 to 2018.
Grand Total
Table 1
Note: these totals
do not include Capitation funding for Primary Health Organisations, or metro
Auckland regional funding for Rheumatic Fever in 2016/17 and 2017/18. The fol owing services are
directly funded by Counties Manukau DHB. Some providers will also have contracts with other
government agencies, including directly with the Ministry of Health for development under the MPDS
We note that National Maori PHO Coalition Incorporated was contracted by CMDHB between 2013 -
2016, to deliver an Integrated Services Agreement (ISA) with Māori Health and Whaanau Ora locality
agreements with Primary care. In 2016, the ISA agreement was brought back to CM Health, which now
funds ten Māori Health providers and the other agreement was devolved back to Primary Care. This is
the primary reason for the funding decrease between FY2016/17 and 2017/18.
The services provided by this contracts covers
• Māori Health Integrated Services
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• Personal Health
• Mental Health services
• Integrated Services - Oranga ki Tua
• Integrated Services - Whanau Oranga
• Integrated Services - Kaumatua Oranga - Education Programme
• Day Activity Programmes for Older People
• B4 Baby - Breastfeeding services
• GP Services in Mangere High Schools
• Wel Child/Tamariki Ora and Outreach Immunisation Services
• Well Child Services - B4 School Checks
• Rheumatic Fever prevention programmes
• Pregnancy & Parenting Education Services
• School-based Health Services (SBHS) at Te Wharekura O Manurewa
• Intensive Stop Smoking
• Te Ara Hou Alcohol & Drug Service
• Te Arawhiriwhiri Kaupapa Col aborative Fund
• Youth Community Living Service
These details are also provided (
attached in a excel format), including the provider names, total annual
funding, and listing of the range of contracted services delivered.
In July 2017, the Ministry of Health released a report “Funding to Māori health providers by the Ministry
of Health and District Health Boards (DHBs), 2011/12 - 2015/16”, which is available on their website.
I trust this information satisfactorily answers your query. If you are not satisfied with this response you
are entitled to seek a review of the response by the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the Official
Information Act.
Please note that this response or an edited version of this may be published on the Counties Manukau
DHB website.
Yours sincerely,
Fepulea’i Margie Apa
Chief Executive Officer
Counties Manukau Health
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