OIA 19-E-0246
20 May 2019
T. Austen
Email: [FYI request #10169 email]
Dear T. Austen
Thank you for your Official Information Act request to the Department of
Conservation, dated 19 April 2019. You requested the following:
“..the cost / metre of building low boardwalking, approximately 1.2 metres
wide, in a readily accessible location in the Auckland region.”
By way of context for my response it is not possible to provide a single cost figure for
the construction of boardwalks in the Auckland Region. That is because the cost for
each project involving boardwalk will vary depending on a number of factors
including the following:
• The size of the project – a smaller project will likely incur higher costs per
metre compared to a larger project, due to cost efficiencies that can be
realised in larger projects.
• Access to the work site – a project located close to road ends with easy access
will be less expensive than projects located further away that require delivery
of equipment and construction materials by air or by hand over longer
• The complexity of the project – the cost of constructing boardwalking as a
stand-alone project will be different compared to a project that involves
construction of boardwalking as part of a much bigger more complex project
with staircases, steps, bridges or other elements, as pricing will reflect the
overall project, not just the boardwalking element.
• The nature of the terrain – boardwalking that crosses terrain that is
undulating, crossed by waterways, is permanently or seasonally wet, or has
other factors will be more expensive per metre to construct than boardwalking
on flat even dry ground.
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Office
Private Bag 68908, Wellesley St., Auckland 1141
• The pricing of a project through tendering processes – all boardwalking
constructed for the Department in Auckland is undertaken by contractors,
and prices for the same project can vary as a consequence of the prices
tendered, and tendered prices will vary depending on the circumstances of
each contractor and how they price the job.
• Whether the works are occurring in a kauri forest – additional forest hygiene
practices are required when undertaking works in a kauri forest and these
requirements increase the cost of such works compared to works undertaken
in other forest types, and may reduce the pool of contractors who are
prepared to tender for such a contract.
• Whether additional construction elements are required – a boardwalk that
has barriers to prevent people moving off the structure would have higher
costs than a simple boardwalk without such additional elements.
The key point is that it is not possible to provide you with a firm cost per metre as
there are so many variables, but a range can be provided based on costs from recent
My response to your question follows.
The price per metre for the construction of low boardwalking in the Auckland region,
for a boardwalk of 1.2m width across even dry terrain, will have an approximate
range in cost of between $400 - $1,300/metre, subject to the provisos I listed above.
If you wish to discuss this with the Department, please contact Michael Steenhart,
Acting Manager Planning, Auckland, on 027 839 7257 or by email
[email address].
Yours sincerely,
Darryl Lew
Acting Director Operations, Auckland