14 May 2019
LGOIMA No. 8140004449
(Please quote this in any correspondence)
Tom Austen
Sent by email
:[email address]
Dear Tom
Local Government Official Information And Meetings Act 1987
Decision making on reopening tracks, Waitākere Ranges Regional
I refer to your email received on 15 April 2019, requesting information on the
reopening of tracks in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park.
The specific details of your request and our response is below:
1. Who is making the decisions about which Waitākere Ranges Regional Park
tracks are to be reopened and when?
A detailed five-year track upgrade programme is currently being developed by the
council’s Regional Parks team. In developing the work programme, consideration is
being given to a range of factors, including:
• public feedback received during recent track reopening consultation
• feedback from Te Kawerau ā Maki and the Waitākere Ranges Local Board
• resource consent and planning requirements – some tracks wil have greater
requirements than others
• current contractor / staff capacity
• organising work in an operationally efficient manner.
2. What criteria are being used, why and on what authority?
In making decisions to reopen tracks the following principles are being applied:
• priority wil be on recreating coastal connectivity, providing for multi-day
walking opportunities and kauri-safe access to identified iconic destinations
• tracks wil be opened once they are of a standard to protect and support forest
• high-value, non-symptomatic kauri ecosystems wil be avoided
• tracks provide a range of recreational opportunities that, where possible, are
concentrated to the forest edge.
The response to question 1 outlines the considerations that wil be additionally taken
into account in the development of the five-year work programme.
The decision to close the forested area of the Waitākere Ranges, as previously
advised to you in response to an earlier LGOIMA request, was made by council’s
Environment and Community Committee. This committee is the governance entity
for decisions on regional parks matters.
The resolution to close the forest also anticipated that tracks would be re-opened
once they meet required standards,
If you feel that we have not responded adequately to your request, you have the right
to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any further questions, please contact me on (09) 301 0101 quoting
LGOIMA No. 8140004449
Yours sincerely
Joanne Kearney
Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner
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