Information about documents in the agenda for meeting 21 May 2024

Karen Anderson made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Dunedin City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Karen Anderson

Dear Dunedin City Council,
These requests arise from the parts of the agenda for the Customer and Regulatory meeting 21 May 2024 that deal with the review of the dog policy and bylaw.

This information is required to consider the information in that agenda, allow informed discussions amongst interested parties, and provide informed submissions in the upcoming review. The absence of the information will prevent that occurring, and that will negatively impact the upcoming consultation. Therefore please provide the information with urgency to prevent repeating the same disadvantage caused by failing to comply with the LGOIMA requirements in relation to requests for the Annual Plan consultation. Noting the LGOIMA allows information to be released as it becomes available, and doing so would comply with the request for urgency.

1. Paragraph 22 of the Report refers to topics discussed on social media, but unlike the surveys referred to no information is provided. Please provide the information supporting that analysis.

2. The next paragraph is also numbered 22. It states the approach of other Councils was researched. Please name the other Councils researched, and provide all materials obtained from those Councils, and all materials produced during and as a result of the research and analysis of the information. Note that will include, but is not limited to, notes, materials recording the analysis, summaries, and records of conclusions drawn.

3. Paragraph 29 identifies the requirement for reasons to impose restrictions. That requires actual evidence of an actual risk. Please provide the evidence relied on to prove the actual risks claimed to exist, that the restrictions are a proportionate response to the actual risk, and imposing the restrictions will remove or reduce the risk to such low levels the restriction is justified. That will include, but not be limited to, the potential danger, distress and nuisance relating to locations listed in paragraph 25.

4. Paragraph 4 states the proposed changes seek to improve recreational opportunities for dogs and their owners. Please provide the evidence relied on to identify the recreational needs of Dunedin dogs and owners, then identify how the proposed changes will improve opportunities for those recreational needs, including by reference to obligations pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act. That will include, but will not be limited to, the proposed changes in paragraph 25.

5. The Summary of Considerations refers to engagement with multiple parties, such as in-House Legal Counsel, Parks and Recreation, Business Information Services, Communications and Marketing, etc. Please provide the records of that engagement, and their input, by whatever name that is called (for example views, opinions, positions, communications, suggestions, etc).

6. The Summary of Considerations refers to an external legal review. Please provide a copy of that review, and also explain why it was not provided in the agenda as occurs for non-dog decisions being made. Note that if the review is not provided I will operate on the basis that, like other reviews of dog issues, it was unfavourable to the position being promoted.

Karen Anderson

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Things to do with this request

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