Total number of enrolled law students

EVP made this Official Information request to University of Waikato

The request was successful.

From: EVP

Dear University of Waikato,

I would like to request the following information for 2024:
1. The total number of law students who are enrolled at the university, and
2. The number of law students within each year level from:
a. 1st year;
b. 2nd year;
c. 3rd year;
d. 4th year; and
e. 5th year and above.

Ngā mihi,

The Education Vice President of the New Zealand Law Students' Association.

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From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato

Kia ora

The University acknowledges receipt of your request for Official Information and will respond in due course.

Ngā mihi

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From: EVP

Dear OIA Admin,

Regarding my previous request, could I please have the total number of students by headcount? (Rather than Equivalent Full Time Students).

Along with my previous requests, may I also please request the following information:
1. The number of law students who identify as:
a. Asian
b. European
c. Māori
d. MELAA (Middle Eastern, Latin American, and African)
e. Pasifika
d. Other

2. The number of law students who identify as
a. Male
b. Female
c. Gender diverse

Yours sincerely,

The Education Vice President of the New Zealand Law Students' Association.

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From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato

Kia ora

The University acknowledges receipt of your clarification request and will provide a response within the 20 day time frame.

Ngā mihi

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From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato

Attachment Outlook zbln0mnl.png
9K Download

Attachment OIA 24 18 Response Letter.pdf
597K Download View as HTML

Kia ora
Please find enclosed the University's response to your Official
Information Request.
Ngā mihi (Regards)
OIA Admin
Corporate Services - Legal
University of Waikato  |  Private Bag 3105
Hamilton 3240  |  New Zealand
The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient
specified in this message only, unless otherwise stated.


From: Keely SMITH <[email address]> on behalf of OIA Admin
<[email address]>
Sent: 07 May 2024 4:56 PM
To: EVP <[FOI #26584 email]>; OIA Admin
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Total number of enrolled law
Kia ora

The University acknowledges receipt of your clarification request and will
provide a response within the 20 day time frame.

Ngā mihi

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Things to do with this request

University of Waikato only: