We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Shalom Muzondiwa please sign in and let everyone know.

FY admission into the MBChB programme (RRAS)

Shalom Muzondiwa made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Shalom Muzondiwa to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Shalom Muzondiwa

Dear University of Auckland,

Please provide the following information regarding First Year applicants to the MBChB program at UoA for 2015-2019 entry:

1. Combined (non-core + core) GPA interview cut-off for FY RRAS applicants
2. Lowest core GPA for successful FY RRAS applicants
3. Highest core GPA for unsuccessful FY RRAS applicants
4. Please confirm whether or not the core GPA calculation is based off performances in CHEM110, MEDSCI142, BIOSCI107 and POPLHLTH111 papers.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland

Dear Shalom,
I refer to your request of 12 June 2019. The University's response
"Please provide the following information regarding First Year applicants
to the MBChB program at UoA for 2015-2019 entry:
1. Combined (non-core + core) GPA interview cut-off for FY RRAS
There is no combined GPA interview cut-off for FY RRAS applicants, as
combined GPA is not used for FY interview selection. FY interview
selection is based on "Core Optimal GPA", which is calculated as follows:
Core Optimal GPA = (CHEM 110 grade + BIOSCI 107 grade + POPLHTLTH 111
grade + 9.0)/4. The MEDSCI 142 grade is not used for interview selection
because this grade is not available at that time. Core Optimal GPA
interview cut-offs for FY RRAS applicants follow:
2015: 7; 2016: 6; 2017: 7.25; 2018: 7; 2019: 7.25
"2. Lowest core GPA for successful FY RRAS applicants"
2015: 6.25; 2016: 6; 2017: 6.5; 2018: 6.75; 2019: 6.75
"3. Highest core GPA for unsuccessful FY RRAS applicants"
2015: 6.75; 2016: 6.25; 2017: NA; 2018: 7; 2019: 6.5
"4. Please confirm whether or not the core GPA calculation is based off
performances in CHEM110, MEDSCI142, BIOSCI107 and POPLHLTH111 papers."
Core GPA is the GPA for these four core courses.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Ewert
General Counsel
University of Auckland

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Shalom Muzondiwa please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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