Camping ground licences

Tim Carter made this Official Information request to Otorohanga District Council

Currently waiting for a response from Otorohanga District Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Tim Carter

Dear Otorohanga District Council,

Could you kindly provide a list of all camping grounds which Council has issued a camping ground licence in the past 3 years in accordance with the Camping Ground Regulations 1985.

Please include relevant addresses for each camping ground and identify if any camping grounds are operated by Council or subject to a lease with Council.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Carter

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From: Reception
Otorohanga District Council

Thank you for contacting Ōtorohanga District Council.  Your email has been
received and a team member will endeavour to respond within 5 working


If your query is urgent, please phone 0800 734 000 or 07 873 4000


Ngā Mihi



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Things to do with this request

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