We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Gloria Ashton please sign in and let everyone know.

Preconsultation review act and code 2024

Gloria Ashton made this Official Information request to Health and Disability Commissioner

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Gloria Ashton to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Gloria Ashton

Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,

I am writing to request all preconsultation documents relating to topics 1 and 5 of the 2024 Review of the Act and Code.

The HDC states that they wrote to 49 organisations and individuals and received 30 responses. I am requesting all of the responses that are relevant to topics 1 and 5.

The HDC also states there was hui to shape topics 1 and 5. I am also requesting documents from this.

Yours faithfully,

Gloria Ashton

Link to this

From: Gloria Ashton

Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,

There is an error in the HDC's consultation document where it says "We are also grateful to the providers, consumers and other sector leaders who attended hui to shape Topic 1 Supporting better and equitable complaint resolution and Topic 5 Considering options for a right of appeal of HDC decisions."
It is actually Topic 4 that is about the right of appeal, not Topic 5.
Therefore I want to amend my request so I am asking for the documents in relation to Topic 4 regarding right of appeal, not topic 5.

Yours faithfully,

Gloria Ashton

Link to this

From: Craig Goodwillie
Health and Disability Commissioner

Attachment image001.png
3K Download

Dear Ms Ashton,


Thank you for your request of 11 May 2024 and your clarification of the
same date.


While there was only one hui specifically focused on topics 1 and 4, most
other hui and meetings held during pre-consultation (for example, with
Mâori and the disability sector) included feedback on topic 1, and two
included feedback on topic 4. Accordingly,  we think that your request for
“all preconsultation documents relating to” topics 1 and 4 is extremely
broad and we may refuse your request under section 18(f) on the basis of
substantial research and collation.


Are you able to clarify whether you want all preconsultation documents
relating to topics 1 and 4 or would you prefer just the information
related to the documents prepared for the meetings focused on topic 1 and


The Act and Code review team welcome your interest in the review, and
encourage you to make a submission through our [1]online survey or
alternative methods set out on the consultation website review.hdc.org.nz.
If you have any questions or issues relating to making a submission, or
you want to arrange a meeting with the review team, you can:

o Email [2][email address]. 
o Call or text 027 283 2219 or 6448975955 if you are using the New
Zealand Relay Service [3]www.nzrelay.co.nz. 

Freephone 0800 11 22 33, available Monday to Friday 8:30am-6pm, to arrange
for the review team to call you.


The review team are also available to talk to you on the matter of your
information request.




Dr Craig Goodwillie  

OIA Team Leader

Te Toihau Hauora, Hauatanga | Office of the Health and Disability
PO Box 245, Wellington 6140

DDI (04) 494 7914

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sender. It is not necessarily the view nor an official commutation of the
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Visible links
1. https://review.hdc.org.nz/strategy/act-a...
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.nzrelay.co.nz/

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Gloria Ashton please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Health and Disability Commissioner only: