Te Tari Taiwhenua
Department of Internal Affairs
Appendix A: Principles for managing Crown-owned Ministerial residences
Long-term stewardship of national assets
Premier House Te Whare Pirimia is listed as an Historic Place and contains significant Crown
owned furniture and artworks. The Bolton Street residence was gifted to the nation for
specific use as an official Ministerial residence.
In discharging its stewardship responsibilities for these assets, the Department of Internal
Affairs recognises the historic and heritage importance of these properties and the
importance of maintaining public confidence in the long term, cost effective management of
national assets.
The Department also recognises the role and interest of mana whenua under the Treaty of
Waitangi in the long-term management of historically significant properties.
Alongside this, the Department has a responsibility to ensure the properties are fit for
purpose to support successive governments of the day.
Legislative and regulatory compliance
The Department must ensure that it fulfils all relevant legal and regulatory requirements and
obligations relating to the management of Ministerial properties, including under the:
Residential Tenancies Act 1986;
Building Act 2004;
Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013, and relevant directions
and determinations under the Act; and
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Meeting the needs of the resident of the day
The Department seeks to act as a model landlord and aims to cater to the preferences of
residents of the properties during their occupancy. This includes undertaking consultation
with residents on how their entitlements to specified services are delivered and any
maintenance and renovation activity during their occupancy.
under the Official Information Act 1982
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