This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Glen Innes wastewater upgrade-traffic management'.
Venkat Jayaprakash (AT)
Lizaan Foord (AT); Steve Murphy (AT); Hennie (Hendrik) Strauss (AT)
Venkat Jayaprakash (AT)
RE: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?
Wednesday, 3 April 2019 13:02:56
HI Lizaan,
I have reviewed the site before in March and once in Feb when there was a contraflow and also
for the detour closure. This was on Elstree street. When I reviewed the Site was set up as per
approved TMP and there was no Congestion at the time of my review. The congestion is during
the peak only and at about 10.00am that was smooth flowing.
Due to one way detour the Queue are there during the peak and eases up later.
From: Lizaan Foord (AT) 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2019 11:58 a.m.
To: Steve Murphy (AT) <[email address]>; Venkat Jayaprakash (AT)
<[email address]>; Hennie (Hendrik) Strauss (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: FW: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?
Hi Gents
I am not sure who will be able to help me.
Can you please have a look at the below.
I have 2 Worksites that are currently active, but for some strange reason there are massive
queues during the day.
I have :
W48420 – Elstree Avenue
W65477 – Line Road.
Can one of you please go to site and have a look?
I will appreciate that.
Lizaan Foord | Corridor Access Coordinator -
Road Corridor Access
Level 5
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue
Auckland Central

 | P +64 9 355 3553 Ext | [email address]
From: Laurence Jones (AT) 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2019 8:11 a.m.
To: Lizaan Foord (AT) <[email address]>
Cc: Daniel Simons (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: FW: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?
Has all of this been coordinated? Is it all related to the watercare job?
From: Guna Amarasiri Gunawardana (AT) 
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2019 5:46 p.m.
To: Tasneem Ahmed (AT) <[email address]>
Cc: Laurence Jones (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: RE: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?
Hi Tasneem
There are four nearby worksites in the area, taniwha st x elstree ave, line rd, pt England rd and
epping st and three De-Tours are in operation. TSL work on Pt England rd is over. I observed the
traffic today 330PM and Merton Rd and Apirana Ave there is a queue and some delays.
Alternatively STOP/GO or Traffic Lights would be used, after getting TTM unit opinion too.
I will further observe traffic in peak hours tomorrow and report again
From: Tasneem Ahmed (AT) 
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2019 1:17 p.m.
To: Guna Amarasiri Gunawardana (AT) <[email address]>
Cc: Laurence Jones (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: FW: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?

Hi Guna,
Would you please inspect the site and respond. It is URGENT.
From: Laurence Jones (AT) 
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2019 12:46 p.m.
To: Tasneem Ahmed (AT) <[email address]>
Cc: Clive Dale (AT) <[email address]>; Lizaan Foord (AT) <[email address]>; Daniel
Simons (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: FW: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?
hi Tasneem
could someone please have a look at this site, it would appear to be the CAR number below but I
am unsure what the exact layout is currently. Also if they could report on any delays they see or
ways that these could be alleviated in line with the comments below.
Liz can you shed any light on what is on the ground at the moment. There is a TIA in the CAR,
was it sent for feedback and if so what was the feedback?
From: Clive Dale (AT) 
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2019 11:32 a.m.
To: Laurence Jones (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: CEO CRM - CAS-1020381-Z4X6V7 for you - does it need to go to Tracey too?
See details below – hopefully you will know what project is causing congestion in. (is this
Glendowie Sewer upgrade W48420?). Cannot see this project “Simultaneously closing
directionally,  two parallel conduit roads”, but cannot see which other project might have a big
Hi Shane & Bryan
I write representing the 13 Manaiakalani Schools in the Tamaki Area, but also with concern for
Business Owners and residents in G.I./Tamaki.
We are very pleased that our waste water network is being upgraded and that Omaru Creek is
going to be in a much better condition, to say nothing of the improvement we expect in the
Tamaki Estuary.
We realise that Traffic Management is difficult and contentious, but also feel that the current
system, scheduling and management in Glen Innes, is not right. The congestion is quite frankly,
terrible and is making it very difficult for residents, schools and businesses to conduct their
normal business in an acceptable, timely and safe fashion.

The back-up of traffic on Merton Rd, Apirana Ave, Pt England Rd, Elstree Ave and Line Rd is very
serious, and the chaos being caused on Maybury St. is dangerous at peak times.
Simultaneously closing directionally,  two parallel conduit roads that conduct a high volume of
north/south traffic at peak periods or even during the rest of the day, is causing real difficulty in
our community.
We ask that you look closely at the current design and whether things could be improved by
maintaining 2 way traffic or using lights.
We are very concerned about the length of time we have been told the current state of affairs
will last and ask that your traffic engineers come up with a solution to improve traffic flows into
and through Glen Innes.
Thank-you for your consideration
 Clive Dale
Works Coordination Engineer
Level 5
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue
Auckland 1010
[email address]