20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Phone 09 355 3553
Website www.AT.govt.nz
26 July 2018
Ben Ross
[FYI request #8088 email]
Dear Mr Ross
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA)
We refer to your request for official information to KiwiRail dated 21 June 2018.Part of your
request was transferred to Auckland Transport (AT) for a response.
1) Which level crossings in Auckland would be funded from the RLTP will be grade
separated and through what time period will those level crossings be removed.
RLTP funding will be utilised to develop the programme for level crossing removal. Our aim
is to remove, via grade separation or closure, all AT grade crossings within the electrified area.
Whilst there is currently, insufficient funding available to achieve this, early funding will be
prioritised towards high-risk crossings and those where opportunities arise to coordinate with
other planned works.
We trust the above information has addressed the matters raised however, should you believe
that we have not responded appropriately to your request, you have the right in accordance
with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman to
seek an investigation and review in regard to this matter.
If you have any further queries, please contact Transport on (09) 355 3553 during business
hours, quoting Local Government Official Information request number CAS-801327-N1N2Q1.
Yours sincerely
Theunis van Schalkwyk
Group Manager Strategic Projects