Item 1
Shane Crowe
Matthew Youl;
Ian Hunter;
Raewyn Picken
Comments - Encroachments - 82 South Karori Road_Bridge Query
Wednesday, 27 September 2017 2:58:17 p.m.
Hi Matthew
Private structures or exclusive use beyond a property boundary on public road reserve needs to have Council landowner
encroachment consent.
An annual fee applies for use such as parking, outdoor living or buildings.
Access structures (retaining walls, bridges, timber stairs, cable cars for example) also need to be licensed but have no annual fee.
They are private not Council structural assets.
The only practical way of access properties over streams is typically by a bridge. The owners should be licensed for the portion of
bridge and abutment supporting the land. The same applies for vehicle crossings supporting land.
Without talking out of turn, I would also expect owners to be responsible for utility service connections between their property
and lateral.
The bridge at this site does not, but should have a licence.
Shane Crowe
Senior Encroachments Advisor | Property | Wellington City Council
P 04 801 3428 | M | F 04 801 3002
[email address] | W
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From: Matthew Youl
Sent: Wednesday, 27 September 2017 11:16 a.m.
To: Shane Crowe
Subject: Re: 82 South Karori Road_Bridge Query
Hi Shane,
I just got off the phone with Jack Furnish from Wellington Water and gave him your contact details since he was querying the
ownership of a bridge at 82 South Karori Road. My (very limited) understanding would be that most of the bridge is our
responsibility since it falls outside of the property boundaries of no.82 but I thought it might be worth checking with you in case
there were other factors I might not be aware of. I hope this is no problem.
As a bit of background, a customer has been having issues with the maintenance of a water pipe which runs under the bridge and
believes he has been given conflicting advice in the past around whose responsibility it is to maintain the pipes. It sounds like Jack
has clarified the ownership of the pipe but the customer would also like clarification around the bridge structure generally. I have
inserted a quick screenshot of the bridge from the eplan below which shows that most of it is outside the property boundaries of
Matthew Youl
Planning Technician | | Wellington City Council
P +6448013079 | M | F
[email address] | W | |
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