20 September 2016
LGOIMA No. 8140000472
(Please quote this in any correspondence)
Mr. Matthew Hawkins
By email:
[FYI request #4530 email]
Dear Mr. Hawkins
Local Government Official Information And Meetings Act 1987
Use of RMA Schedule 1.8AA mediation
I refer to your email, which we received on 1 September 2016, concerning use of RMA
Schedule 1.8AA mediation.
We have spoken with both our planning policy and our resource consent teams, who have
advised that we do not hold a list which would give us the number of mediations we have
held for the last three years. This also means we are unable to answer your questions
related to the parties involved in the mediation and who mediators were appointed by.
Therefore your request has not been answered under s 17(e) where the document alleged to
contain the information requested does not exist or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it,
cannot be found.
If you have any further queries please contact me on 09 301 0101 quoting LGOIMA No.
Yours sincerely
Leigh Collecutt
Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner
Privacy & LGOIMA
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101