This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Submission to OIA review'.
From: Raewyn Bennett [mailto:[email address]]  
Sent: Tuesday, 23 November 2010 8:09 p.m. 
To: Fiona Badenhorst 
Subject: Re: Submission to the Local Government Review of Official information Legislation 
Kia ora Fiona. Thank you for the congratulations. I don't know whether I am happy to be back in this 
role given the amount of submissions on the horizon!! Any way in response to your email: 
We wont put this out to other Councillors - there isn't the time and the issue is I think better handled by 
staff who receive and deal with these requests. However could you put out feelers to all the new 
Councillors on whether, time permitting, they want to be included on the submission advice list and 
outline to them the procedure we use. You may need to check with Mary-Anne and /or Cindy. But I 
would appreciate that information going out when you have time. 
I can see that a lot of work has gone into this particular submission. Congratulations in not losing sight 
of the communities needs and rights. Very balanced submission, congrats to all. Kapai. 
My comments: 
1. Ref:  
Question 3 & 4 
Do you agree that State Owned Enterprises (SOE) and 
other crown entity companies should remain within the 
scope of the .. 
I dont think the question has been answered
2.Question 6 
The Bay of Plenty regional Council 
Capitalise "Regional" 
3. Question 8 
Strongly agree. 
4. Question 96 and Question 97 
Agree but with the proviso another bureacracy is not established which puts another layer of 
bureacracy for applicants and respondents to jump through.Emphasis should be on simplicity. 
----- Original Message -----  
From: Fiona Badenhorst  
To: *Councillor Bennett  
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 4:03 PM 
Subject: Submission to the Local Government Review of Official information Legislation 
Kia Ora Councillor Bennett, congratulations, and I am very pleased to be working with you again 
Please  find  attached:  Bay  of  Plenty  regional  Council’s  Draft  Submission  document  for  your 
Also let us know if you would like me to forward this submission on to any other councillors on your 
behalf, in the case that they may wish to add comment.  
Submission to: Local Government Review of Official Information Legislation 
Released by: The Law Commission 

Councillor Bennett: May we please have your approval/comments By: 25 November 2010  
The following links, provides more 
Nāku, nā 
Fiona Badenhorst | Planning Administration Officer | Bay of Plenty Regional Council | Whakatane 
New Zealand | Ph: 0800 368 267 | DD: 0800 368 288 Extn: 9328 | Web: 
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