OIA 16-E-30
21 April 2016
Rod Burgoyne
E Mail: [FYI request #3598 email]
Dear Rod
I refer to your request made under the Official Information Act 1982, dated 3 February 2016.
You have asked for:
... ‘
all documents pertaining to the Department of Conservations 'Ten Year Plan' for the
Queen Charlotte Track, also all documents pertaining to any proposed up-grading or re
routing of the Queen Charlotte or any proposed up-grading or re routing of the Queen
Charlotte around private land, documents and correspondence pertaining to any funding
applications or funding that may be used for up-grading or re-routing the Queen Charlotte
track, and all correspondence between the Department of Conservation and Queen
Charlotte track Inc in relation to any funding applications, up grading or re-routing of the
Queen Charlotte Track’.
The broad nature of your request was not considered to be in keeping with the provisions of
the Act and when informed of this you provided the additional information:
Correspondence between you and QCT inc in regard to re routing of the QCT track around
private land owners and re routing in ships cove, any correspondence between your
department and QCT inc in relation to funding applications to the Marlborough District
Council and New Zealand Cycle Trails."
“I'm interested in everything since just before the proposal was put together for the QCT to
become a Great ride, which was around January 2012, so let’s say everything from 1st of
Jan 2012 please.”
Please find attached the information that you have requested.
Yours sincerely
Roy Grose
Director, Operations
Northern South Island Region
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
Whakātu Nelson Office
Private Bag 5, Nelson 7042,