6 December 2024
DOIA24/203, 208
Nic Lane
[email address]
[FYI request #29193 email] Tēnā koe Mr Lane
Thank you for joining us at an in-person consultation session on the Government’s
draft Creative and Cultural Strategy:
Amplify. It was great to see so many people
from our broad arts, culture and heritage communities at the session, and hear
people’s views. We are hopeful that as many people as possible will submit on the
draft Strategy via
[email address]. I refer to your information requests received on 8 November and 18 November 2024,
which have been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
On 8 November you requested:
Are you able to supply all accessible accommodations that have so far been
planned to accompany the transmitting the draft strategy to all audiences that it
will affect. What requests to date, have been asked for, what has agreed to be
delivered and if not, why not.
Please include:
Which Alternative Formats have been produced,
the timelines around these documents and translations,
all communications with translation agencies,
any community engagement that has been undertaken so far, and what is
planned to ensure this draft reaches marginalised and underrepresented
Within it's glossary you refer to 'Creative Spaces' can you supply meeting
minutes, marketing plans, and community engagements of how you have
planned to enable mana motuhake of artists who use these spaces and the
approachability undertaken for them to engage with your draft strategy. Please
include stakeholder mapping/audience personas, content calendars, and social
media content/ads. budgets for how you've public dissementated this
information as well as any campaign briefs.
The draft acknowledges 'Māori arts, culture and heritage', as a guiding
principle, can you please supply documents and communication around the
procurement of translations of the draft into Te reo Māori, and if this hasn't
been procured how this decision was made.
Can you please include assessments of the venues you plan to deliver on 22,
29 November & 5 December, and how access has been assesed including
documents and communications related to the choice of secular venues, public
transport user journies towards the buildings, and physical site assessments as
well as who has been contracted to verify these.
On 18 November you wrote to Hon Paul Goldsmith requesting:
Are you able to provide your draft Creative Strategy in Easy Read, NZSL, BRF,
and te reo Māori, to ensure it can be shared with marginalised communities
prior to feedback ending on 15 December 2024.
I note online and in the information sessions, you didn't allow for NZSL to be
overlaid over your speech, is this available somewhere?
On 19 November 2024 the Minister’s office transferred this request to Manatū
Manatū Taonga is also in receipt of your request for a copy of
Te Ara Reo, The
Language Pathway - He Mahere Reo nā Te Manatū Taonga | A Language Plan by
Te Manatū Taonga, and will respond to that request separately.
Response to your questions
Accessible accommodations
Manatū Taonga released the draft document
Amplify: A Creative and Cultural
Strategy for New Zealand (Amplify) in
html and pdf formats. To date Manatū Taonga
has received no requests for the document in any other formats, other than yours.
Both versions of the draft strategy were published on the Manatū Taonga website on
31 October 2024, and are available at https://www.mch.govt.nz/publications/amplify-
The document is in English and has not been translated by Manatū Taonga into any
other languages.
Manatū Taonga contacted the Ministry for Social Development on 6 November 2024
to ask about translating the document into Easy Read format and New Zealand Sign
Language (NZSL). Their advice was that for a document of this size it would not be
appropriate and could make the document less accessible.
Manatū Taonga engaged NZSL interpreters for the online information session held
on 11 November 2024. This session, including the NZSL translation, was recorded
and is available on the Manatū Taonga website. Manatū Taonga used interpreters at
each of the in-person consultation workshops in Auckland on 22 November,
Christchurch on 29 November, and Wellington on 5 December. Copies of all
communications with translation agencies in relation to NZSL interpretation are
included in the attachment to this letter.
Whaikaha consultation
Prior to publication Manatū Taonga consulted other departments on the drafting of
Amplify. The attachment includes feedback received from the Ministry of Disabled
People – Whaikaha.
Creative Spaces
The attachment includes correspondence with Arts Access Aotearoa Whakahauhau
Katoa O Hanga Charitable Trust recommending consultation with named specialists
in the design of arts events and projects that benefit health, rehabilitation, and
inclusion of marginalised communities. Participants in in-person sessions have
included invitees from Creative Spaces.
The Ministry does not hold any “stakeholder mapping/audience personas, content
calendars, and social media content/ads. Budgets” or any “campaign briefs”
specifically in relation to Creative Spaces.
Te Reo Māori
As stated above,
Amplify has not been
translated into te reo Māori. There are
therefore no “documents and communication around the procurement of translations
of the draft into Te reo Māori”. The possibility of translation into te reo Māori was
discussed early in the draft Strategy’s development and the Ministry agreed it would
not procure translation due to cost and confidence that strong Māori engagement
would occur through a workshop with Toi Māori Aotearoa and correspondence with
post-settlement governance entities. At the session focused on ngā toi māori on 3
December, Manatū Taonga engaged in and received feedback in te reo māori.
The attachment includes internal emails proposing a discussion of accessibility
criteria to be discussed in relation to venues. These criteria were discussed in
regular team meetings and the selected venues were confirmed to be suitable for
accessibility on those parameters. Accessibility information about the three sites
chosen for Manatū Taonga’s in-person sessions is publicly available.
Information in requested formats
I am unable to provide
Amplify to you in the formats you have requested. That is
because those formats do not currently exist, the public cost to create them would
outweigh their value, and officials have been and are available to assist in other
ways to ensure individuals from marginalised communities are able to meaningfully
engage with consultation.
Minister’s speech
The introduction speech by Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister for Arts, Culture and
Heritage is not available with NZSL translation, but the video is available with
captions on the Manatū Taonga website.
Information being released
Please find
attached the following documents:
Item Date
Document Description
2 Aug 2024 –
Email correspondence between Manatū
Released with
10 Sep 2024
Taonga and Ministry of Disabled People – redactions
Whaikaha “Departmental consultation on
permission to consult Cabinet paper:
Amplify: A Creative and Cultural Strategy
for New Zealand 2024–2030”
20 Sep 2024
Briefing to Hon Paul Goldsmith BR24/437 Released with
“Proposed engagement plan for public
redactions and
consultation on
Amplify: A Creative and
Cultural Strategy for New Zealand”
6 Nov 2024
• email from Manatū Taonga to Ministry Released with
for Social Development requesting
advice on alternative formats “Quote
please for NZSL and Easy Read
• email from Ministry for Social
Development to Manatū Taonga
recommending which alternative
formats to use
6-8 Nov 2024
email correspondence between Manatū
Released with
Taonga and Deaf Aotearoa regarding
New Zealand Sign Language translation
“NZSL quote please”
6-8 Nov 2924
email correspondence between Manatū
Released with
Taonga and Deaf Aotearoa arranging
translator for 11 November information
session “Booking confirmed”
8-13 Nov 2024 email correspondence between Manatū
Released with
Taonga and Deaf Aotearoa “Ministry for
Culture and Heritage job for Monday –
video link”
14 Oct 2024
email from Arts Access Aotearoa “Names Released with
for consultation from Arts Access
14 Nov 2024
internal email correspondence
Released with
“Accessibility for in-person sessions”
I have decided to release the documents listed above, subject to information being
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the OIA to protect the privacy of natural persons
Some information has been deleted where it is not within the scope of your request.
Information being withheld
The email from Deaf Aotearoa dated refers to an estimate for provision of services. I
have decided to withhold this document in full under section 9(2)(b)(ii) of the OIA – to
protect the commercial position of the person who supplied the information.

In making my decisions, I have considered the public interest considerations in
section 9(1) of the OIA. I do not consider that these considerations outweigh the
need to withhold the information.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact
[email address].
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this
decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available via
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Nāku noa, nā
Emily Fabling
Pou Mataaho o Te Aka - Deputy Secretary, Policy, Performance & Insights