This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Jobs requiring ecology degrees at DoC'.

20 September 2024 
  Dan Moskovitz  
Via email:  [FYI request #28259 email] 
Tēnā koe Dan 
  Thank you for your request to the Department of Conservation (DOC), received on 31 August 
2024, in which you asked: 
  How many of the roles DoC hire for usually need ecology degrees? 
  Do these usually require a postgraduate degree? Or is an undergrad fine? 
  How many jobs has DoC advertised recommending/requiring degrees in ecology 
this year? 
We have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982. 
Our answers to your questions concerning Ecology degrees are as follows:  
Roles Requiring Ecology Degrees 
Positions that typical y require Ecology degrees are found within the E, F and G Band levels. 
In the past year (31 August  2023  -  31 August  2024), 13 roles required a minimum of an 
undergraduate degree in ecology. 
Undergraduate vs Postgraduate Requirements 
For Science or Technical Advisor roles at the Band E level, an undergraduate degree in 
biological science, including ecology, is general y sufficient. For more senior roles, such as 
those at Band F or Band G levels, a postgraduate qualification is often required. Specifical y, 
six out of the 13 roles advertised in the past year (31 August 2023 - 31 August 2024), required 
a postgraduate degree, with one of those requiring a PhD or equivalent. 
Postgraduate and PhD Requirements 
A Master's degree is usually seen as sufficient for most roles, especially within the Band F 
level.  PhD’s are generally only required for highly specialised positions, which may sometimes 
be fil ed by international candidates if recruitment within New Zealand proves challenging.  
One international candidate was recruited from overseas after two unsuccessful attempts to 
recruit from the New Zealand market. 
The total number of roles advertised at DOC over the last year which recommended/required 
the successful candidate to have an ecology degree was: Six 
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In summary, while there is a demand for ecology qualifications at DOC, the specific level of degree 
required varies depending on the role’s seniority and specialisation. 
  Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) may be published on the 
Department’s website. 
  Nāku noa, nā 
  Karyn Thompson 
Chief People Officer 
Department of Conservation 
Te Papa Atawhai 

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