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Dear Mr Carnachan,


RDC, sincerely acknowledge and apologize for the delays and lack of communication pertaining to the numerous LGOIMA requests that have been submitted, both by yourself and others.

Our Information Management team has been committed to a significant project, transitioning our council's records from on-premise storage to the Cloud. While we had planned for a multitude of scenarios that might affect this undertaking, we were unprepared for the unforeseen impact of the Teitei Drive announcement. This unexpected challenge took us by surprise, we had no available resource to divert to managing the volume of requests.

With the completion of our cloud migration project, our focus is firmly back on addressing and responding to all pending LGOIMA requests. To expedite this process and ensure thoroughness, we’ve engaged a third-party to assist with the collation of information. We are dedicatedly working through each request as quickly and comprehensively as possible.

We recognise that we should have managed our communication channels more effectively, and genuinely regret any inconvenience or frustration this may have caused.  We are committed to learning from this experience and ensuring more efficient handling of such matters in the future. 

Yours sincerely

Maggie Flonk


Information Management Mnager


From: Hamish C <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 3:33 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>; Clive Manley <[email address]>; [email address]; Weston Kirton <[email address]>; [email address]
Subject: Fwd: Teitei Drive land sale- LGOIMA request


Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Ruapehu District Council. 

The below LGOIMA request is now seven working days overdue. Like other requests sent through, you have again failed to meet the required deadline. 

This is the latest in a long list of delaying tactics and obfuscation by your council towards anyone trying to get information on the Kainga Ora-RDC development proposal at Teitei Drive, Ohakune. 

You are clearly using non-response and delaying as a tactic for blocking public information. This is abhorrent and runs totally counter to open government.    

Please provide the information immediately. If it exists, it should be easily sought and disclosed and as such there is no reason for further delay.  

Hamish Carnachan


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hamish Carnachan <[email address]>
Date: Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 4:20 PM
Subject: Teitei Drive land sale- LGOIMA request
To: <[email address]>, Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>


Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act I request the following. 


1. On what date was it decided by council to sell the RDC land at Teitei Drive to Kainga Ora?


2. Was the decision by council to sell the RDC land at Teitei Drive to Kainga Ora made in open council, or in committee/public excluded?


3. On whose advice was the decision to sell the aforementioned public the land made? 


4. Where and when were the public and ratepayers consulted on the plan by RDC to dispose of a large parcel of public land at Teitei Drive. 


5. When and where did RDC notify the public and ratepayers that it had made a decision to sell the public land at Teit tei Drive? 


6. What date did RDC sign the conditional contract with Kainga Ora to sell the land parcel at TeiteiDrive?


7. Is the land being sold to Kainga Ora (subject to conditional contract) being sold at a market or discounted rate? 


Hamish Carnachan