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Tēnā koe Tristan


Thank you for your email of 30 May 2024 to the Ministry/Minister of Education requesting the following information:


I am requesting communications you have on record with Auckland Grammar and St Cuthbert's schools or their employed staff. In particular, all communications related to NCEA and curriculum reviews.


Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).


Your request, as currently worded, is very broad in nature and scope and lacks due particularity. As it stands, your request would include a large amount of information including any interaction the Ministry has had with the schools, which would require a substantial amount of time to collate. As such, it is likely that your request would be refused under section 18(f) of the Act, as the information requested cannot be made available without substantial collation or research.


In the hope that we may be able to avoid refusing your request, we would be grateful if you could provide further detail on the nature of the information you are looking for, including a refined time period, a key decision, or a key document.

We recommend an amendment to the timeframe of your request to information from the last six months.


We look forward to hearing from you. Please respond by 18 June 2024 so that we can commence work on your request.


Please note that in line with Section 15 (1AA) of the Act, if a request is amended or clarified after the date on which it is received, the Ministry may treat the amended or clarified request as a new request that replaces the original request.


Nāku noa, nā,

Official and Parliamentary Information | Ministry of Education | LJ


He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai ōna huanga
We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes