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Electoral Commission Cyber Security Warning: This email originated from outside of the Commission. Please take extra care when clicking links or opening attachments. When in doubt, contact the IT Service Desk.

Here is a request from D Watson ([FYI request #26033 email]).

From: D Watson
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 7:40 pm

Dear Electoral Commission,

I was quite dismayed to be told that the electoral commission "doesn't have a handle on its finances" during a recent conversation with some public service personnel. I was advised that this was common knowledge within the electoral commission and that there are significant concerns among staff, they felt the could not raise it to the relevant executive - simply afraid of speaking up

I request all internal communications relating to bugeting and expenditure (actuals) broken down by department for the current financial year with forecasts for the remaining months.

I request an actual copy of the submitted budget for the current financial year (since july 1 2023). I request month by month notes by department with explaining any discrepancies.
I request all minutes of meetings held to discuss the financial position between executives of the commission and if they do not exist I require a written overview of the meetings when they were held and who was present.

Please provide minutes of regular finance meetings - assumed to be monthly - where budgets, actual costs and forcasting were discussed.
Where in the organisation does budget responsibility sit - with what executive.

I request all emails and electronic messaging between the responsible executive and their direct and indirect reports, contract personnel and executive peers where matters, including concerns, relating to the financial position of the electoral commission were discussed.
Please provide emails relating to budget overruns.

Provide detail of reserves held and procedures for accessing reserve finances. Please provide a general overview of the current finance situation of the electoral commission and provide information on what has been advised to the responsible minister and when such was sent to the minister.

Please provide all minutes from board meetings where the current finacial years budget were discussed.

I appreciate that this could be a large undertaking
Yours faithfully,


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

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