This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Names of insecticides used and schedule for spraying'.
Location and site
Dates of application 
Insecticide used
Application method
(between information 
request and end of 

Great Barrier island:
Xstinguish (active ingredient – Fipronil)
Hand laying of bait in dispenser pottles  Argentine ant control
Thomas Road - 9ha site
or cardboard tubes
Okupu - 2ha site
Sugarloaf - 2ha site
Kawau Island:
Depending on the location of the nest, either Biffant (active Spot application to ant nests with 
Argentine ant control
Vivian Bay catchment -16ha 
ingredient - Bifenthrin) or KAS sand granules (active 
Biffant or hand sow of KAS
Vivian Bay - 3ha cliff site
Xstinguish (active ingredient – Fipronil)
Hand laying of bait in dispensing 
Argentine ant control
cardboard tubes
Regional Parks, including 
Autumn but dependant  Depending on the location of the wasp population, either 
Spot application to located wasp nests Wasp control
Hunua Ranges and Waitakere  on need
Dust 2 Dust or Permex (active ingredient - permethrin)

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