Hi Maggie,
Not sure if Vini’s forwarded this to you already? Attached is the Teitei report that GHD have completed.
From: Stephen fletcher <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 9:07 AM
To: Vini Dutra <[email address]>
Cc: Dick Scheyvens <[email address]>; Hannah Rix <[email address]>
Subject: Teitei Drive
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Hi Vini
There are effectively two options for entry into Stage 1 of the development: Option A - Extension from Current Teitei terminus, estimated cost $55,340; or Option B - create new road from Raetihi Ohakune Road, estimated cost $1,039,120.
Option B would encroach slightly on the rugby grounds, particularly the area currently used for parking. It would also require intersection design, intersection lighting improvements, redesign of the entrances to St John and the grounds, construction of road through bush swamp land and reduction of the current speed limit on Raetihi Ohakune Road.
Either or both options are achievable, but Option A is overall the safer option for Stage 1, with significant cost savings, safety and environmental benefits.
Stephen Fletcher | A GHD ASSOCIATE
MTransport, GradDipEng(Highways), BSc, REA, MEngNZ
Senior Engineer / Office Manager - Taumarunui
Proudly employee owned | ghd.com
L1, 18 Manuaute Street, Taumarunui, 3940, New Zealand
D +64 7 896 0121 M +64 27 896 0121 E [email address]
The Power of Commitment |
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Stephen fletcher