9 May 2023
Our reference: OIA22-23 10280
Tēnā koe
Official Information Act 1982 Request
Thank you for your information request of 6 April 2023, asking for the following:
“i've seen them file 7's in the Kermedecs as "unnoticable" in NZ and put it on the back end
page and not really notify the public even. Why is this?? i also seen dutchsinse on youtube Potential very large earthquake possible next 7-10 day. Do you guys follow him and it seems like he is right most of the time.”
Due to the nature of your request, we are treating part of your request under the Official Information
Act 1982 (the OIA).
Clarification On 17 April 2023, we sought clarification of this part of your request:
"i've seen them file 7's in the Kermedecs as "unnoticable" in NZ "
We asked you to clarify who you meant by “them” in the above sentence. Without a response to our
request for clarification, we cannot identify the information you are requesting and as such we are
unable to process this part of your request.
If you are able to provide further clarification, you are welcome to submit a further OIA request.
Response In response to the remainder of your request, I can advise that Toka Tū Ake EQC does not follow
dutchsinse on YouTube.
Toka Tū Ake EQC
Level 11, Majestic Centre
100 Wil is Street
Wellington 6011, New Zealand
Corporate Mail: PO Box 790, Wellington 6140
Telephone: (04) 978-6400
Claims Mail: PO Box 311, Wellington 6140
Fax: (04) 978-6431
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You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review this response. The Office of the
Ombudsman can be contacted through their website at
Ngā mihi
Sam Blyth
Kaitohutohu Hononga Kāwanatanga Matua
Senior Advisor Government Relations