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Jamie Crabb

EA to Mayor and Deputy Mayor | Democracy & Assurance Department

Whangarei District Council | Forum North | Private Bag 9023, Whangarei 0148 | www.wdc.govt.nz

P 09 430 4200 | DDI 09 470 3045 | M 021 285 3534 | E [email address]

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From: Cr. Paul Yovich <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 12:15 pm
To: Mayor <[email address]>
Subject: Fwd: Congratulations




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From: Voices For Freedom Whangarei Local Group <[email address]>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 3:29:24 PM
To: Cr. Paul Yovich <[email address]>
Subject: Congratulations



EXTERNAL: This email originated from outside Whangarei District Council. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Councillor Yovich


Congratulations on your election as Councillor 

  1. As you will no doubt be aware, prior to the Local Body elections, Democracy NZ interviewed all prospective candidates to ascertain their views/outlook on important matters/issues relating to Whangarei and surrounds.  Upon concluding their interviews, with the appropriate/fitting candidates having been identified and recommended (including yourself, of course), flyers were prepared and printed.  Subsequently, these flyers were distributed throughout homes in Whangarei (and outlying areas) by a dedicated team of VFF and Democracy NZ members prior to the actual election.  It has been revealed that through this monumental group effort, the flyers were delivered to 80% of households in Whangarei. The implication is that the initiative more than likely measurably contributed to your successful appointment as Councillor in your Ward.
  2. We would like to believe that you have put yourself forward for election because you are enthusiastic about serving us, your constituents.
  3. We have today written a more comprehensive and detailed letter to Mayor Vince Cocurullo, outlining the expectations we have of our representatives within their capacities as either Mayor or Councillor, going forward.  We will not elaborate on those in this letter as no doubt your Mayor will bring these matters to your attention so we are all able to work together, collaboratively, for the overall greater good of the Whangarei community. 
  4. In the past, ratepayers have generally been complacent and “left it to the Mayor/Councillors” to get on with operating the Council (and all things related to Whangarei) without providing any oversight or expectations regarding measured/tangible accountability and results from said Mayor/ Councillors.  This of course resulted in (amongst other concerns) mismanagement / misappropriation of ratepayer funds, non-consultation and non-notification of potentially serious matters (some of which transpired and were to ratepayers’ detriment), and many, many unpleasant “surprises”.  Ratepayers should never be disempowered, nor disconnected from the internal workings of Council.  This attitude and manner of operation is, quite simply, untenable.  The onus is upon us, as ratepayers, to keep ourselves apprised of all Council-related matters, given that we are (collectively and personally) funding the same.  This of course would require that Mayor/Councillors are, at all times, fully approachable and transparent in all Council-related dealings and matters.  There is no place in the Council/Ratepayer relationship for secrecy, deceit or lying (either directly or by omission). The key theme throughout is transparency.  This is both expected and required.  
  5. Again, our congratulations on your appointment.

With kind regards,


Sent on behalf of the Whangarei Council Watch Group


Voices For Freedom Whangarei Local Group

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