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Raising Employer Alerts and
Warnings in ADEPT
All Border and Visa Opera ons staff
Stefan Koetsier, ADEPT Opera ons
Ac on required:
Discuss with your teams
In May of 2022, a one- me data extract was taken of all employer alerts and
warnings in AMS, and the NZBNs of those employers. These were imported into
ADEPT, so that when an employer with one of those NZBNs applies, it triggers the
alert/warning and flags the applica on for manual assessment.
However, going forward no further data extracts will be taken from AMS. Therefore,
all new alerts/warnings raised against employers in AMS must also be manually
raised against the employer or their NZBN in ADEPT.
AMS client iden es of people are resolved via IDMe so they do not need their
alerts/warnings to be separately raised in ADEPT because that data is able to be
shared between AMS and ADEPT. This is not the case with businesses and other
en es.
Sec on 2.7.10 of the ADEPT Employer Accredita on User Guide and sec on 2.10.2
of the ADEPT System User Guide have been updated to provide guidance on how
an alert/warning can be raised against an ADEPT client. The sec on gives guidance
on how to raise an alert when:
the employer has applied for accredita on
the employer has not yet applied for accredita on
Ac on
Please discuss with your teams.
Stefan Koetsier
Publish on Visa Pak Database
Publish on INZ website (publicly
Visa Pak issue date
11 July 2022
Visa Pak number: