This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Incident Report and Costings for Waiharara Scrub Fire'.

National Headquarters 
Level 12 
80 The Terrace 
PO Box 2133 
New Zealand 
Phone +64 4 496 3600 
17 August 2022 
Mike Hunua 
By email: [FYI request #20176 email] 
Tēnā koe Mike 
Information Request – Waiharara Scrub Fire 
I refer to your official information request dated 8 August 2022 asking for the following 
“Could you provide the incident report and costings for the Waiharara fire in the Far 
North District that started in December 2021 and burnt over 2000ha of wetland scrub.” 

In accordance with the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982 (“OIA”), please find below a 
response to your request. 
SMS Incident report  
Fire and Emergency New Zealand is conducting a thorough investigation into all the events that 
lead to the outbreak of the fire in the Kaimaumau Wetland in the Far North.  This investigation is 
still underway, and we are taking all contributing factors into account. Until this investigation is 
complete, we cannot release or comment on any of our findings to date. Accordingly, this 
information is being withheld under section 6(c) of the OIA, as to provide the information at this 
time would likely prejudice the maintenance of the law (i.e. the post-incident analysis 
investigation). Please be assured we are working hard to have the investigation complete as soon 
as possible. 
Please see the costs of the incident set out in the table below. This table shows the invoiced costs 
up to 8 August 2022 for the fire. It is possible that total costs may increase as additional invoices 
are received. Of note, the invoices represent the additional cost we incur beyond our fixed cost of 
maintaining a response capability. 
F3383177 - Norton Rd Waiharara 18/12/21 
Hire of Aerial Services 

External Firefighting Services 
Volunteer payments 
Employee payments 
Plant & Equipment Hire - Operational 
Incident catering 
Travel & Accommodation & Meals 
Other supplies 
Operational Equipment <$1000 
Fleet repairs and maintenance 
Laundry costs 
Printing and Stationery 
Freight charges 
Personal protective equipment (PPE) 
Paramedics (external) 
Computer and communications equipment costs 
Operational equipment repairs and maintenance 
Miscellaneous costs 
Grand Total 
The list below details the types of goods and services that make up some of the payments in the 
•  Employee payments may include payments for overtime and travel reimbursements. 
•  Volunteer payments may include reimbursements for mileage, parking, petrol, travel costs 
or meals. 
•  Consultants may include engineering services and weather information. 
•  Occupancy may include rental of property, security, cleaning and waste removal. 
•  External firefighting services are those resources that are not owned or, in the case of 
people, are not employed by Fire and Emergency. They may include forestry company or 
Department of Conservation personnel, and operators of heavy equipment such as 
diggers, bulldozers, and water tankers. 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.  
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602. 
Nāku noa, nā 
Julia McCook-Weir 
Manager, Information Requests