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Hi Robert

Under the “For owners” section of your website there is this statement:

If a consent is required and a CCC is not obtained, the uncertified work may negate the Body Corporate insurance and have other consequences. The Council and the Body Corporate have an agreement on the rectification of unapproved work (in accordance with Gazette Notice 148092 and the Deed of Covenant 20 May 1982) and the cost of required work will be met by the owner. These matters will need to be resolved before a property is sold.

Attached is the Deed of Covenant plus all current interests attached to the current title for the site. This Deed of Covenant refers to the gazette notice. We can’t access them at the Civic Centre but the Taranaki Research Centre does have a regular subscription to access them. They hold the 1983 Gazette but they cannot locate the reference – if you have a volume number or a page number we (Civic Centre) might be able to get it for you, or you are welcome to browse the Gazettes at the Taranaki Research Centre (level 2 of Puke Ariki).

I hope this is of some help to you.



From: Robert Shaw [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Friday, 6 April 2018 9:41 AM
To: Lauren O'Byrne
Subject: Re: Devonport Apartments

thank you Lauren, nice to speak to you.


On 6.4.18 9:38 a.m., Lauren O'Byrne wrote:

Hi Robert

Thanks you for the conversation just now regarding the Devonport Apartments.

I will do some more research from my end and let you know how I go.



Lauren O'Byrne

Senior Policy Adviser

District Planning

New Plymouth District Council | Liardet St | Private Bag 2025 | New Plymouth 4342 | Ph 06-759 6060 | www.newplymouthnz.com | Facebook | Twitter


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