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Hello Phil

Thank you for advising that you intend to apply to Heritage EQUIP for funding towards professional advice in respect to earthquake strengthening of the Dawson Block of the Devonport Apartments.

The Devonport Apartments were recently assessed by heritage experts as part of the review of the New Plymouth District Plan. As a result, the Council intends to upgrade the Devonport Apartments from a Category B to a Category A in the Proposed District Plan when it is released later this year. This means that they will be subject to heritage related rules. The work you are proposing to maintain your heritage building also ties in with Council’s wider objectives to enhance the vibrancy of the central city. The Council is therefore very supportive of your application to Heritage EQUIP.

Assuming the Category A status is confirmed following submissions received, the Devonport Apartments will meet the threshold required to be eligible for funding from the Council’s Heritage Protection Fund. I can indicate financial support for the work in principle subject to matters such as the amount of money available in the fund at the time, whether other applications are being considered at the same time, and whether approval is given from the Community Funding Investment Committee.



Lauren O'Byrne

Senior Policy Adviser

District Planning

New Plymouth District Council | Liardet St | Private Bag 2025 | New Plymouth 4340 | Ph 06-759 6060 | www.newplymouthnz.com | Facebook | Twitter
