This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Annual Figure spent on Car Washes'.

2 Jnue 2022 
IR 01-22-13972 
Jonty Rush 
[FYI request #19364 email] 
Dear Jonty 
Information Request 
I refer to your correspondence on 16 May 2022, in which you requested information relating 
to the New Zealand Police (Police) vehicle fleet.  
You requested: 
•  How much does the New Zealand Police Annually spend of Car Washing? 
The information in response to your request has been sourced from our third-party fleet 
management provider Custom Fleet. The information covers all car wash transactions in the 
period from 2018 to April 2022. The average yearly cost to New Zealand Police of using 
automated car washes is $63,830.90. The yearly cost is provided below. 
•  2018   
•  2019   
•  2020   
•  2021   
•  2022   
$22571.64 (Jan-Apr) 
There are approximately 3726 vehicles in the New Zealand Police vehicle fleet, equating to 
approximately $17.13 spend per vehicle per year for the use of an automated car wash. 
I trust this information is of use to you.  
Your sincerely  
Inspector Brian Yanko  
Manager: Fleet Service Group  
New Zealand Police