This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Percentage of RUC and Fuel tax spent on state highways'.

50 Victoria Street 
Private Bag 6995 
Wellington 6141 
New Zealand 
T 64 4 894 5400 
F 64 4 894 6100 
19 May 2022 
Alex Wills 
[FYI request #19187 email] 
REF: OIA-9940 
Dear Alex 
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982 
Thank you for your email of 20 April 2022 requesting the fol owing information under the Official 
Information Act 1982 (the Act): 
Please can you supply the total amount of fuel tax and ruc revenue col ected annually for the 

last 10 financial years along with the total amount of funds spent annually on the maintenance 
and construction of state highways for the same period. 
The fol owing documents fal  within the scope of your request and are enclosed: 
•  Attachment 1: OIA-9940 – Land Transport Revenue less refunds and bad debts 
The total amount of fuel tax and Road User Charges (RUC) revenue collected annual y for the last 10 
financial years is outlined in the attached spreadsheet.   
Regarding the total amount of funds spent annually on the maintenance and construction of state 
highways for the last 10 financial years, I am refusing this part of your request under section 18(d) of 
the Act because the information requested is or wil  soon be publicly available. This information can be 
found at
land-transport-programme-funding-data using the different filters.  
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision to 
partially refuse your request. The contact details for the Ombudsman can be located at 
If you would like to discuss this reply with Waka Kotahi, please contact Ministerial Services by email to 
[email address] 
Yours sincerely 
Fiona Buckner 
Senior Manager, Financial Operations